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We describe two cases of dichorionic triplet pregnancy after a frozen-thawed poor-stage embryo transfer.

Main body of the abstract

A 39-year-old and a 41-year-old woman underwent ART treatment. The first patient underwent intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) at 34 years of age, and two frozen-thawed poor-stage embryos were transferred at 39 years of age with assisted hatching, resulting in a trichorionic triamniotic triplet pregnancy. The second patient underwent ICSI, and two poor-grade blastocysts were transferred followed by assisted hatching, resulting in a dichorionic triamniotic triplet pregnancy.In the first case, the heartbeat of one monozygotic twin fetus had stopped on day 48 post-transfer (9 weeks 2 days), resulting in a dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy. A healthy boy and girl were delivered by elective caesarean section at 36 weeks, 5-days gestation. In the second case, the patient underwent selective reduction of the monochorionic twins, resulting in a single pregnancy that was vaginally delivered without any problems at 38 weeks 0-days gestation.

Short conclusions

Numerous factors may be associated with the development of a monochorionic pregnancy; however, controversies still remain. The present morphological grading for embryos is insufficient for inhibiting the development of a monochorionic pregnancy.
The primary structure and conformation of the polypeptide antibiotic suzukacillin A are investigated. Suzukacillin A isolated from the Trichoderma viride strain 1037 and exhibits membrane modifying and lysing properties similar to those of alamethicin.A combined gas chromatographic mass spectrometric analysis of the trifluoroacetylated peptide methyl esters of partial hydrolysates revealed a tentative sequence of 23 residues including 10 2-methylalanines and one phenylalaninol, which shows many fragments known from alamethicin: Ac-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-Glu(Pheol)-Gln-OH. All chiral amino acids and phenylalaninol have l-configuration. Ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy, circular dichroism in various solvents and in particular 13C nuclear magnetic resonance have been used for a comparative study of suzukacillin with alamethicin. Suzukacillin has a partially α-helical structure and the helix content increases largely from polar to lipophilic solvents. Suzukacillin aggregates more strongly than alamethicin in aqueous media due to a longer α-helical part and higher number of aliphatic residues. A part of the α-helix is exceptionally stabilized due to 2-methylalanine residues shielding the peptide bonds from interactions with polar solvents. In lipophilic solvents and lecithin vesicles particularly large temperature induced reductions of the high α-helix content are found for alamethicin. Suzukacillin shows similar temperature coefficients in lipophilic media, however, in contrast to alamethicin a more linear change in intensity of the Cotton effects is observed.  相似文献   
To investigate the role of Phe101, a component of a base recognition site (B2 site) of a base-nonspecific RNase Rh from Rhizopus niveus, we prepared several enzymes mutated at this position, F101W, F101L, F101I, F101A, F101Q, F101R, and F101K, and their enzymatic activities towards RNA, 16 dinucleoside phosphates, and 2', 3'-cyclic pyrimidine nucleotides were measured. Enzymatic activity toward RNA of F101W, F101L, and F101I were about 7, 20, and 3.8% of the native enzyme, respectively, and those of the other mutants were less than 1% of the RNase Rh. Similar results were also obtained with GpG as substrate. Thus, it was concluded that Phe101 is a very important residue as a component of the B2 site of RNase Rh, and its role could be replaced by Leu, then Trp and Ile, though in less effectively. The results suggested that some kind of interaction between B2 base and the side chain of amino acid residue at the 101th position, such as pi/pi or CH/pi interaction is very important for the enzymatic activity of RNase Rh. The mutation of Phe101 markedly affected the enzymatic activity toward dinucleoside phosphates and polymer substrates, but only moderately the rate of hydrolysis of cyclic nucleotides, indicating the presence of secondary effect of the mutation on B1 site.  相似文献   
Although orthostatic hypotension is a common clinical syndrome after spaceflight and its ground-based simulation model, 6 degrees head-down bed rest (HDBR), the pathophysiology remains unclear. The authors' hypothesis that a decrease in sympathetic nerve activity is the major pathophysiology underlying orthostatic hypotension after HDBR was tested in a study involving 14-day HDBR in 22 healthy subjects who showed no orthostatic hypotension during 15-min 60 degrees head-up tilt test (HUT) at baseline. After HDBR, 10 of 22 subjects demonstrated orthostatic hypotension during 60 degrees HUT. In subjects with orthostatic hypotension, total activity of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) increased less during the first minute of 60 degrees HUT after HDBR (314% of resting supine activity) than before HDBR (523% of resting supine activity, P < 0.05) despite HDBR-induced reduction in plasma volume (13% of plasma volume before HDBR). The postural increase in total MSNA continued during several more minutes of 60 degrees HUT while arterial pressure was maintained. Thereafter, however, total MSNA was paradoxically suppressed by 104% of the resting supine level at the last minute of HUT (P < 0.05 vs. earlier 60 degrees HUT periods). The suppression of total MSNA was accompanied by a 22 +/- 4-mmHg decrease in mean blood pressure (systolic blood pressure <80 mmHg). In contrast, orthostatic activation of total MSNA was preserved throughout 60 degrees HUT in subjects who did not develop orthostatic hypotension. These data support the hypothesis that a decrease in sympathetic nerve activity is the major pathophysiological factor underlying orthostatic hypotension after HDBR. It appears that the diminished sympathetic activity, in combination with other factors associated with HDBR (e.g., hypovolemia), may predispose some individuals to postural hypotension.  相似文献   
Ribonuclease LE (RNase LE) from cultured tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells is a member of the RNase T(2) family showing broad base specificity. The crystal structure of RNase LE has been determined at 1.65 A resolution. The structure consists of seven alpha-helices and seven beta-strands, belonging to an alpha+beta type structure. Comparison of the structure of RNase LE with that of RNase Rh, a microbial RNase belonging to the RNase T(2) family, reveals that while the overall folding topologies are similar to each other, major insertions and deletions are found at the N-terminal regions. The structural comparison, an amino acid sequence alignment of the RNase T(2) enzymes, and comparison of the disulfide-bonding pattern of these enzymes show that the structure of RNase LE shown here is the basic framework of the animal/plant subfamily of RNase T(2) enzymes (including a self-incompatibility protein called S-RNase), and the structure of RNase Rh is that of the fungal subfamily of RNase T(2) enzymes (including RNase T(2)). Subsequently, we superposed the active-site of the RNase LE with that of RNase Rh and found that (1) His39, Trp42, His92, Glu93, Lys96, and His97 of RNase LE coincided exactly with His46, Trp49, His104, Glu105, Lys108, and His109, respectively, of RNase Rh, and (2) two conserved water molecules were found at the putative P(1) sites of both enzymes. These facts suggest that plant RNase LE has a very similar hydrolysis mechanism to that of fungal RNase Rh, and almost all the RNase T(2) enzymes widely distributed in various species share a common catalytic mechanism. A cluster of hydrophobic residues was found on the active-site face of the RNase LE molecule and two large hydrophobic pockets exist. These hydrophobic pockets appear to be base binding sites mainly by hydrophobic interactions and are responsible for the base non-specificity of RNase LE.  相似文献   
Electrophoretic mobilities of hetero-fused plant protoplasts,which were obtained by electrofusion of barley mesophyll cellprotoplasts and Rauwolfia serpentina cultured cell protoplasts,and those of the unfused parent protoplasts were measured invarious media of different pH values. At pH 5.2, the zeta potentialof the fused protoplasts was intermediate between those of thebarley and R. serpentina protoplasts and the average surfacecharge density of the fused protoplasts was closer to that ofR. serpentina than to that of barley. The distribution of thesurface charge density of fused protoplast obtained at pH 5.2is discussed in terms of the surface charge densities and thesizes of parent protoplasts. These results revealed that thesurface charge density of fused protoplasts was determined bythe surface charge densities and the ratio of the surface areasof the respective parent protoplasts. (Received December 28, 1989; Accepted August 10, 1990)  相似文献   
Many natural mutants of the drug metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 have been reported. Because the enzymatic activities of many mutants are different from that of the wild type, the genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6 plays an important role in drug metabolism. In this study, the molecular dynamics simulations of the wild type and mutants of CYP2D6, CYP2D6.1, 2, 10, 14A, 51, and 62 were performed, and the predictions of static and dynamic structures within them were conducted. In the mutant CYP2D6.10, 14A, and 61, dynamic properties of the F-G loop, which is one of the components of the active site access channel of CYP2D6, were different from that of the wild type. The F-G loop acted as the “hatch” of the channel, which was closed in those mutants. The structure of CYP2D6.51 was not converged by the simulation, which indicated that the three-dimensional structure of CYP2D6.51 was largely different from that of the wild type. In addition, the intramolecular interaction network of CYP2D6.10, 14A, and 61 was different from that of the wild type, and it is considered that these structural changes are the reason for the decrease or loss of enzymatic activities. On the other hand, the static and dynamic properties of CYP2D6.2, whose activity was normal, were not considerably different from those of the wild type.  相似文献   
The reaction of rotenone, which has the 5′β-isopropenyl grouping, with boron tribromide in dichloromethane gives the 1′,5′-seco-5′-bromo compound having the opened E-ring. When treated with sodium bicarbonate in aqueous acetone, the compound closes the E-ring to form two products having the 5′-isopropenyl grouping in the α- and β-configurations. By this cycle, rotenone (5′β-rotenone) gives 5′α-epirotenone as well as rotenone, while d-epirotenone (5′β-epirotenone) gives 5′α-rotenone (the antipode of natural rotenone) as well as d-epirotenone.  相似文献   
At the onset of budding in mulberry saplings (Morus alba L.,cv. Shin-ichinose), the ATP, ADP and carbohydrate contents beganto decline rapidly. This decline continued until RuBPCase activitybegan during the development of the leaves. The concentrationsof these constituents and the value for the adenylate energycharge, though partially restored, were lower than the initialvalues even eight weeks after planting. (Received March 7, 1983; Accepted May 25, 1983)  相似文献   
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