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The budding capacity ofBegonia rex leaf fragments is well known; that of undetached leaves has been shown by us only recently after treating the leaves with 6γγ DMAAP. Benzyladenine is as effective as 6γγ DMAAP in stimulating budding. Lower temperatures (17°, 22–12°, 12°) are also capable of inducing bud formation but only after a small cut has been made in a main vein of the undetached leaf. Root formation can also be provoked on undetached leaves which have a cut in the main leaf vein by higher temperatures (24–22°) or by an IAA treatment. Differences in the first stages of bud formation on leaf fragments and on undetached leaves are observed using histochemical and histoautoradiographic techniques.  相似文献   
Résumé L'ultrastructure des éléments cytoplasmiques de deux Dinoflagellés a révélé des différences fondamentales directement liées à leur mode de vie.Chez Noctiluca (Dinoflagellé libre, incolore), les corps de Golgi jouent un rôle important dans la formation des sphères archoplasmiques au moment des divisions et lors de l'élaboration de l'endoglée. Les mitochondries de grande taille, parfois géantes, ont des crêtes nombreuses et une matrice réduite. Elles offrent souvent des relations de contiguïté avec les granulations lipidiques et l'enveloppe nucléaire; elles sont très abondantes dans le tentacule du trophozoïte. Il n'existe pas de plastes. Les inclusions lipidiques abondent ainsi que les trichocystes fibreux et les poches mucifères dont le contenu est polysaccharidique.Chez Blastodinium (Dinoflagellé parasite, coloré sauf une espèce), les corps de Golgi sont très réduits dans le trophocyte, assez rares mais de structure classique dans les sporocytes. Les mitochondries sont de petite taille, pauvres en crêtes et ont une matrice importante chez le trophocyte; elles sont plus grandes dans les sporocytes. Les plastes bien développés, périphériques, possèdent des lamelles stromatiques formées de trois thylakoïdes chez les sporocytes; par contre, chez l'individu végétatif, le plus souvent incolore et relativement protégé de la lumière par plusieurs rangées de sporocytes, les plastes, de grande taille ont un aspect dégénéré: lamelles stromatiques rares, thylakoïdes tassés et stroma important; ce sont des étioplastes. Le cas de Blastodinium contortum hyalinum toujours incolore, est particulier: les plastes existent encore mais sont totalement dégénérés. Il y a très peu de lipides dans le trophocyte, mais ils sont par contre abondants dans les sporocytes. Il existe des trichocystes fibreux et chez l'individu végétatif, des figures myéliniques.Ces importantes variations structurales illustrent parfaitement, dans l'échelle évolutive des Dinoflagellés, l'exemple de deux modes de vie très différents.
Fine structure of endoplasm and vacuoles in two types of dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca and Blastodinium
Summary The fine structure of cytoplasmic elements of two Dinoflagellates reveals fundamental differences directly linked to their way of life.In Noctiluca, free-living, colourless dinoflagellate, the Golgi bodies play an important role in the formation of archoplasmic spheres at the moment of division and when the endoglea is elaborated. The mitochondria of great size, sometimes giant, have very abundant cristae and a reduced matrix. They often show relations of contiguity with the lipid granules and the nuclear envelope; they are very abundant in the tentacle of the trophozoïd. There are no plastids. The lipid inclusions are very abundant and so are fibrous trichocysts and muciferous bags whose content is polysaccharidic.In Blastodinium, parasitic dinoflagellate, coloured except for one species, the Golgi bodies are much reduced in the trophocyte, rather rare but of classical structure in the sporocytes. The mitochondria are of small size, with rare cristae and have an enlarged matrix in the trophocyte; they are bigger in the sporocytes. The plastids are well developed, peripheral, and have stromatic lamellae formed of three thylakoïds in the sporocytes. On the other hand, in the vegetative individual, usually colourless since it is protected from the light by many rows of sporocytes, the large plastids have a degenerated aspect, rare stromatic lamellae, packed thylakoïds and enlarged stroma; they are etioplastids. The case of Blastodinium contortum hyalinum, always colourless, is special: the plastids still exist but are completely degenerated. There are very few lipids in the trophocyte but abundant ones in the sporocytes. Some fibrous trichocysts occur, and in the vegetative individual, some myelinic vacuoles.These important structural variations illustrate very well the example of two very different ways of life, in the evolutionary tree of dinoflagellates.
Cet article fait partie d'un travail d'ensemble constituant une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat intitulée: La cytologie et la division de deux types de Dinoflagellés: Noctiluca Suriray (genre libre) et Blastodinium Chatton (genre parasite).  相似文献   
The strainCandida utilis T 20 adapted to a high concentration of ethionine, excretes considerable amounts of methionine in a synthetic medium, about 40 times as much as the original non-adapted strain. At the same time, the amount of methionine in yeast cells incrncreased, predominantly in the pool (9 times as much as in the control). This ability to produce greater amounts of methionine in the pool or to excrete it into the medium is not permanent, since after 5 passages on agar with ut ethionine the amount of methionine was practically not increased as compared with the original non-adapted strain. An increase in free methionine and of methionine excreted into the medium was found on cultivating the strain in a molasses-containing medium, too.  相似文献   
Fifth (last) instar nymphs of th e tick Ornithodoros moubata convert ingested 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) to apolar conjugates AP2, which are then converted to th e more polar conjugates API. Only small quantities of free hormone were transferred to th e hemolymph and the carcass within t h e first 2 days after the blood meal. The proportion of radiolabel in these two compartments was highest at the time of the endogenous ecdysteroid peak; however, no traces of free [3H]20E were detected. The conversion probably occurs principally in the intestinal cells. Eleven days after ingestion, 84% of the radiolabel is located in the digestive tract, mainly in the form of API conjugates. API obtained in second instar nymphs fed with [3H]ecdysone ([3H]E) remain stable throughout the following nymphal instars. The ecdysteroid moiety of APT remained unchanged. The hydrolysis, although not complete, always yielded a peak comigrating with the reference E but never 20E or any other clearly distinct peaks that may have corresponded to metabolites of 20E. Less label per individual was present in adults, but its nature remained the same, viz., API mainly located in the digestive tract. In females, 2.5% of the label was transferred to the progeny during the first ovipositional cycle. Apolar products (mainly AP2) that accumulated in eggs of females injected with [3H]E or [3H]20E during vitellogenesis remained unchanged during the whole embryonic development. During the molting cycle of larvae, there was only a slight conversion of AP2 to API, but esterase hydrolysis of these products released the same percentages of E and 20E as in the freshly laid eggs. We conclude that in this tick species apolar conjugates of ecdysteroids are inactivation metabolites that are not reutilized during the development of the animal. These metabolites are mainly retained in the tick, probably because of its peculiar blocked midgut. Several studies have shown that in other arthropod species (ticks, spiders, and insects), these apolar metabolites are excreted in the feces.  相似文献   
We have tested the ability of zinc acexamate (ZAC) to prevent platelet-activating-factor (Paf) induced gastric damage in rats. Lesions were characterized by a vascular congestion affecting the entire mucosa, oedema, haemorrhage and frequent necrosis of the more superficial areas. The gastric damage appearing after Paf was accompanied by degranulation of gastric mast cells. Leukocytes were often seen at the submucosal level. Oral pretreatment with ZAC reduced in a dose-dependent manner both gastric damage and mast cell degranulation observed after Paf. ZAC administered orally at a dose of 100 mg kg-1 statistically inhibited (p less than 0.01) gastric damage and mast cell degranulation. ZAC did not affect the hypotension induced by Paf confirming that gastric damage and hypotension appearing in rats after Paf administration are two independent phenomena. The present findings indicate that the inhibitory effect of ZAC upon gastric lesions induced by Paf may be related to the different protective actions exhibited by this zinc compound in a wide variety of experimental models of gastric ulcer.  相似文献   
Gestational exposure to nicotine has been shown to affect development of noradrenergic activity in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. In the current study, pregnant rats received nicotine infusions of 6 mg/kg/day throughout gestation, administered by osmotic minipump implants. After birth, offspring of the nicotine-infused dams exhibited marked increases in basal adenylate cyclase activity in membranes prepared from kidney and heart, as well as supersensitivity to stimulation by either a beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, or by forskolin. The altered responses were not accompanied by up-regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors: in fact, [125I]pindolol binding was significantly decreased in the nicotine group. These results indicate that fetal nicotine exposure affects enzymes involved in membrane receptor signal transduction, leading to altered responsiveness independently of changes at the receptor level.  相似文献   
Fetal lung beta-receptors become effectively coupled to lung fluid reabsorption and enzymes involved in surfactant synthesis on the day before birth, a period when circulating catecholamine levels are high. Accordingly, we examined the effects of repeated maternal terbutaline exposure on beta-receptor binding capabilities and beta-receptor-mediated processes in the fetal rat lung. Administration of terbutaline to pregnant rats on gestational day 17-20 produced significant reductions in beta-receptor binding to membrane preparations. Similarly, beta-receptor-mediated stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity and ornithine decarboxylase activity showed marked desensitization in the terbutaline-exposed fetuses. However, the linkage of beta-receptors to lung fluid reabsorption and phosphatidic acid phosphatase, an enzyme involved in surfactant synthesis, did not desensitize with chronic terbutaline pretreatment; both of these processes displayed the normal onset of responsiveness on gestational day 21 in the treated animals, as well as a normal magnitude of response. Hence, beta-receptor-mediated events in the developing lung may be differentially regulated during exposure to agonists, allowing the selective expression or depression of function when circulating catecholamine levels are high.  相似文献   
Fluorescent probes are widely used to study cell structure and function. However, few reports were devoted to a quantitative analysis of the intracellular distribution of fluorescent markers. In the present work, we describe the topographical changes of surface and cytoskeletal markers on individual cells subjected to adhesive or mechanical interaction. Conjugates were prepared with a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clone and target cells. Specific antigens, membrane phospholipids, surface glycoconjugates, and polymerized actin were labeled with fluorescent antibodies or biochemical probes. The analysis of fluorescence distributions in conjugates demonstrated a selective reorganization of the plasma membrane with a gathering of some molecular species in the intercellular adhesion area. Furthermore, individual phagocytic cells were sucked into glass micropipets, then stained with fluorescent phallacidin to analyze the effect of mechanical efforts on the cytoskeleton organization. The concentration of polymerized actin was found to be similar in mechanicallyinduced protrusions and whole cells. It is concluded that adhesive interactions may result in marked cell polarization and formation of membrane zones with a particular biochemical composition. The submembranar cytoskeleton might play a role in this process.  相似文献   
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