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A number of specific, distinct neoplastic entities occur in the pediatric kidney, including Wilms’ tumor, clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK), congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN), rhabdoid tumor of the kidney (RTK), and the Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT). By employing DNA methylation profiling using Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27, we analyzed the epigenetic characteristics of the sarcomas including CCSK, RTK, and ESFT in comparison with those of the non-neoplastic kidney (NK), and these tumors exhibited distinct DNA methylation profiles in a tumor-type-specific manner. CCSK is the most frequently hypermethylated, but least frequently hypomethylated, at CpG sites among these sarcomas, and exhibited 490 hypermethylated and 46 hypomethylated CpG sites in compared with NK. We further validated the results by MassARRAY, and revealed that a combination of four genes was sufficient for the DNA methylation profile-based differentiation of these tumors by clustering analysis. Furthermore, THBS1 CpG sites were found to be specifically hypermethylated in CCSK and, thus, the DNA methylation status of these THBS1 sites alone was sufficient for the distinction of CCSK from other pediatric renal tumors, including Wilms’ tumor and CMN. Moreover, combined bisulfite restriction analysis could be applied for the detection of hypermethylation of a THBS1 CpG site. Besides the biological significance in the pathogenesis, the DNA methylation profile should be useful for the differential diagnosis of pediatric renal tumors.  相似文献   

Carbonate production by large benthic foraminifers is sometimes comparable to that of corals and coralline algae, and contributes to sedimentation on reef islands and beaches in the tropical Pacific. Population dynamic data, such as population density and size structure (size-frequency distribution), are vital for an accurate estimation of shell production of foraminifers. However, previous production estimates in tropical environments were based on a limited sampling period with no consideration of seasonality. In addition, no comparisons were made of various estimation methods to determine more accurate estimates. Here we present the annual gross shell production rate of Baculogypsina sphaerulata, estimated based on population dynamics studied over a 2-yr period on an ocean reef flat of Funafuti Atoll (Tuvalu, tropical South Pacific). The population density of B. sphaerulata increased from January to March, when northwest winds predominated and the study site was on the leeward side of reef islands, compared to other seasons when southeast trade winds predominated and the study site was on the windward side. This result suggested that wind-driven flows controlled the population density at the study site. The B. sphaerulata population had a relatively stationary size-frequency distribution throughout the study period, indicating no definite intensive reproductive period in the tropical population. Four methods were applied to estimate the annual gross shell production rates of B. sphaerulata. The production rates estimated by three of the four methods (using monthly biomass, life tables and growth increment rates) were in the order of hundreds of g CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 or cm−3 m−2 yr−1, and the simple method using turnover rates overestimated the values. This study suggests that seasonal surveys should be undertaken of population density and size structure as these can produce more accurate estimates of shell productivity of large benthic foraminifers.

F1-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor in which the central γ-subunit rotates inside a cylinder made of α3β3-subunits. The rotation is driven by ATP hydrolysis in three catalytic sites on the β-subunits. How many of the three catalytic sites are filled with a nucleotide during the course of rotation is an important yet unsettled question. Here we inquire whether F1 rotates at extremely low ATP concentrations where the site occupancy is expected to be low. We observed under an optical microscope rotation of individual F1 molecules that carried a bead duplex on the γ-subunit. Time-averaged rotation rate was proportional to the ATP concentration down to 200 pM, giving an apparent rate constant for ATP binding of 2 × 107 M−1s−1. A similar rate constant characterized bulk ATP hydrolysis in solution, which obeyed a simple Michaelis-Menten scheme between 6 mM and 60 nM ATP. F1 produced the same torque of ~40 pN·nm at 2 mM, 60 nM, and 2 nM ATP. These results point to one rotary mechanism governing the entire range of nanomolar to millimolar ATP, although a switchover between two mechanisms cannot be dismissed. Below 1 nM ATP, we observed less regular rotations, indicative of the appearance of another reaction scheme.  相似文献   
Lignin in plant cell walls is a complex, irregular polymer built from phenylpropanoid C6-C3 units that are connected via various C-C and C-O linkages. A recent study using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) with Ga primary ion bombardment showed that lignin polymers can be characterized by specific positive ions possessing a substituted aromatic ring (so-called guaiacyl or syringyl rings), which are the basic building units of lignin. To study the relationship between the characteristic ions of lignin and the common interunit linkages, various lignin dimer model compounds were investigated using ToF-SIMS. The resulting dimer spectra showed that the characteristic ions with a guaiacyl ring at m/z 137 and 151 result from rupture of most common interunit linkages, not only 8-O-4' linkages, which are the most abundant in lignin, but also 8-1', 8-5', and 8-8'. There was no evidence of rupture of 5-5' linkages. These results show that ToF-SIMS offers a new tool for the direct analysis of the depolymerized fragments of lignin polymers. The mechanisms for the fragmentation of lignin dimer models in ToF-SIMS were proposed that allow ToF-SIMS fragmentation rules to be deduced. Adduct ions such as [M + 13]+ ([M + CH]+) were also produced in fragmentation of the dimers and are thought to arise from the combination of the molecules with their stable fragments.  相似文献   
Neonicotinoid insecticides, which act selectively on insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), are used worldwide for insect pest management. Studies that span chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and electrophysiology have contributed to our current understanding of the important physicochemical and structural properties essential for neonicotinoid actions as well as key receptor residues contributing to the high affinity of neonicotinoids for insect nAChRs. Research to date suggests that electrostatic interactions and possibly hydrogen bond formation between neonicotinoids and nAChRs contribute to the selectivity of these chemicals. A rich diversity of neonicotinoid-nAChR interactions has been demonstrated using voltage-clamp electrophysiology. Computational modeling of nAChR-imidacloprid interaction has assisted in the interpretation of these results.  相似文献   
O-Phosphoserine sulfhydrylase is a new enzyme found in a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Aeropyrum pernix K1. This enzyme catalyzes a novel cysteine synthetic reaction from O-phospho-l-serine and sulfide. The crystal structure of the enzyme was determined at 2.0A resolution using the method of multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion. A monomer consists of three domains, including an N-terminal domain with a new alpha/beta fold. The topology folds of the middle and C-terminal domains were similar to those of the O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase-A from Salmonella typhimurium and the cystathionine beta-synthase from human. The cofactor, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, is bound in a cleft between the middle and C-terminal domains through a covalent linkage to Lys127. Based on the structure determined, O-phospho-l-serine could be rationally modeled into the active site of the enzyme. An enzyme-substrate complex model and a mutation experiment revealed that Arg297, unique to hyperthermophilic archaea, is one of the most crucial residues for O-phosphoserine sulfhydrylation activity. There are more hydrophobic areas and less electric charges at the dimer interface, compared to the S.typhimurium O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase.  相似文献   
The enzyme sn-glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gro1PDH, EC is key to the formation of the enantiomeric configuration of the glycerophosphate backbone (sn-glycerol-1-phosphate) of archaeal ether lipids. This enzyme catalyzes the reversible conversion between dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glycerol-1-phosphate. To date, no information about the active site and catalytic mechanism of this enzyme has been reported. Using the sequence and structural information for glycerol dehydrogenase, we constructed six mutants (D144N, D144A, D191N, H271A, H287A and D191N/H271A) of Gro1PDH from Aeropyrum pernix K1 and examined their characteristics to clarify the active site of this enzyme. The enzyme was found to be a zinc-dependent metalloenzyme, containing one zinc ion for every monomer protein that was essential for activity. Site-directed mutagenesis of D144 increased the activity of the enzyme. Mutants D144N and D144A exhibited low affinity for the substrates and higher activity than the wild type, but their affinity for the zinc ion was the same as that of the wild type. Mutants D191N, H271A and H287A had a low affinity for the zinc ion and a low activity compared with the wild type. The double mutation, D191N/H271A, had no enzyme activity and bound no zinc. From these results, it was clarified that residues D191, H271 and H287 participate in the catalytic activity of the enzyme by binding the zinc ion, and that D144 has an effect on substrate binding. The structure of the active site of Gro1PDH from A. pernix K1 seems to be similar to that of glycerol dehydrogenase, despite the differences in substrate specificity and biological role.  相似文献   
2002年11月至2003年4月、2003年11月至2004年3月,在东北小兴安岭林区对黑熊冬眠仓的特征和仓址选择进行了研究.采用网状排查的方法,调查熊仓111个和未被利用的树洞(26)、岩洞(12),其中树仓72个,地仓36个,明仓3个.结果表明:72个利用树仓和26个未利用树洞的坡度和灌丛盖度差异显著;坡度、灌丛盖度、仓口到地面高度、海拔、树高等因子与利用状况关联紧密;黑熊对树仓周围植被偏好利用针叶林和杂木林,回避阔叶林,对针阔叶混交林生境随机利用;对树仓的洞口有选择性,选择利用只有一个上洞口或侧口的树洞,回避有多个洞口的树洞;而对坡向、坡位、树种、枯树/活树和洞口朝向的利用无选择性.36个利用地仓和12个未利用岩洞的树高和坡度差异极显著,人为干扰距离因子差异显著,其余各项数量型因子差异不显著;树高、坡度、人为干扰距离、灌丛盖度、仓口长和海拔等因子与利用状况关联紧密.黑熊对地仓偏好利用上坡位和中坡位,回避下坡位;对地仓的洞口朝向选择利用仓口朝向阳面的地仓,回避阴面,对洞口朝向半阴半阳面的地仓随机利用.对植被类型、坡向、树种、枯树/活树和树洞/岩洞的利用无选择性.在小兴安岭南坡的带岭林区研究中还发现,当树仓、地仓被火烧过以后,将不再被黑熊利用;但是黑熊并不离开冬眠巢域,而是就地自建巢穴,利用明仓过冬.  相似文献   
Progenitor cells exist in the adult pancreas and transform to endocrine cells in pathological conditions. To address the mechanism of beta cell regeneration, mice were treated with streptozotocin (STZ group) or streptozotocin and exendin-4 (STZ + Ex-4 group), and the expression of PDX-1, Ngn3, insulin, IRS-2, and Foxo1 was investigated. PDX-1 mRNA was upregulated biphasically and induction of Ngn3 mRNA occurred shortly after the first increase of PDX-1 expression, a pattern similar to that observed during embryogenesis. PDX-1-positive cells appeared only in islet-like cell clusters (ICCs) in STZ group, but they appeared both in ducts and ICCs in STZ + Ex-4 group. Ngn3-positive cells emerged in ICCs but not in ducts. Therefore, regeneration seemed to occur mainly from intra-islet stem/progenitor cells. Exendin-4 upregulated PDX-1 expression which paralleled increased IRS-2 expression and translocation of Foxo1 from nucleus to cytoplasm. Further analysis of beta cell regeneration should help in the design of novel therapy for diabetes.  相似文献   
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