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Hepatic autophagy and intracellular ATP. A morphometric study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to estimate the sensitivity of macroautophagy in liver toward changes in ATP we have analyzed the volume density of the autophagic/lysosomal system in isolated rat hepatocytes, incubated under conditions where intracellular ATP was partially depleted. (a) It appeared that reduction of the intracellular ATP concentration by 30-50% decreased the volume density of autophagic vacuoles by 70%. (b) Partial ATP depletion did not involve significant changes in the volume density of dense bodies. Together with studies showing that the rate of overall proteolysis via macroautophagy decreases with decreasing ATP concentration (P.J.A.M. Plomp, E.J. Wolvetang, A.K. Groen, A.J. Meijer, P.B. Gordon, and P.O. Seglen (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 164, 197-203) our data indicate that changes in intracellular ATP primarily affect early steps in the autophagic/proteolytic pathway.  相似文献   
The effect of prolonged lithium administration on the phospholipid metabolism of flight muscles of the cockroach Periplaneta americana has been studied. Following daily injections of LiCl in a dose of 19.25 mumol LiCl per gram of wet weight [32P]- orthophosphate were injected and its incorporation into the phospholipids was measured 2, 12 and 24 h later. Lithium administration did not change the content of phospholipids but increased the 32P incorporation into phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyeline 1.87, 2.13, 2.02 and 1.87 times, respectively, as compared with the control values. These increases were neither due to an increased permeability of the tissue for inorganic phosphate nor to an increased turnover of gamma-P-ATP. It is concluded that prolonged lithium treatment increases the turnover of all phospholipids in insect flight muscle tissue.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird über histopathologische Untersuchungen des chronologischen Verlaufs an der durchSelyes Ventrikel-Ligatur hervorgerufenen Herzspitzennekrose bei Ratten berichtet. In dem der Nekrose verfallenen Myokard setzt alsbald Organisation ein; dann wandelt sich allmählich das Granulationsgewebe in eine zellarme und faserreiche Narbe um. In den subendokardialen Schichten des Narbengewebes entstehen erst Knorpel-, später Knochenherde. Der Prozeß der Knorpelbildung wird nicht von Verkalkung eingeleitet; vielmehr werden zuerst die Fibroblasten zu Knorpelzellen, um die sich dann sekundär Kalziumsalze ablagern; danach spielt sich eine typische endochondrale Ossifikation ab. Schließlich erscheint Knochenmarkgewebe zwischen den Knochenbalken.Triamcinolon hemmt geringgradig die Bindegewebsproliferation, Thyroxin steigert die Knorpel- und Knochenbildung, während Östradiol diese Vorgänge nicht beeinflußt.
The effect of hormones on the heteroplastic cartilage and bone formation in the cardiac muscle of the rat
Summary A chronologic study was made of the histopathologic changes which occur in the cardiac apex of the rat following the application of Selye's ventricular ligature. Organisation in the necrotic cardiac muscle begins soon after ligature. Later, the granulationtissue is gradually replaced by scar tissue which is poor in cells but rich in fibers. In the subendocardial fibrous tissue, cartilage and bone develop. It is emphasized that cartilage formation is not initiated by calcification. Instead, the fibroblasts are converted to cartilage cells and, later, calcium salts are deposited in the matrix. This is followed by endochondral bone formation. Finally, bone marrow appears in the intertrabecular spaces.Triamcinolone mildly hindered connective-tissue proliferation, thyroxine increased cartilage and bone formation, while estradiol did not influence these processes.

Die Versuche, die diesem Bericht zugrunde liegen, wurden durch das Ministère de la Santé, Québec, die Quebec Heart Foundation, Montreal, das Medical Research Couneil of Canada (Block Term Grant MT-1829) und das USPHS, Child Welfare (Grant HDO 2612-02) unterstützt. Die Autoren danken an dieser Stelle der Firma Lederle Laboratories Div., Pearl River, N.Y., USA für das bei diesen Versuchen verwendete Triamcinolon (Aristocort®) und der Firma Schering Corporation Ltd., Pointe Ciaire, Quebec, für die Bereitstellung von Estradiol.  相似文献   
Summary In monogenic, recessive chloroplast mutants of maize which contain chlorophylls, and lycopene or -carotene but no normal carotenoids, great variability in the size of plastids was associated with a number of ultrastructural abnormalities. In the mutant accumulating lycopene some plastids contain dense bundles of lamellae, whereas the chloroplasts of the -carotene mutant show poor thylakoid development. Neither of the mutants was able to form normal grana.A comparison of chlorophyll/carotenoid ratios in different chloroplast fractions of normal and mutant leaves showed that plastids of small size and delicate structure contain relatively less chlorophyll than fully differentiated chloroplasts.  相似文献   
NADPH-dependent thymidylate synthetase from Streptomyces aureofaciens has been purified to homogenity by a two-step chromatographic procedure including anion-exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography on methotrexate-Sepharose 4B. The enzyme was purified 1025-fold with a 34% yield. Basic characteristics of the enzyme were determined: molecular weight of the enzyme subunit (28,000), pH and temperature optimum, effect of cations, dependency on reducing agents, Km values for dUMP, mTHF, and NADPH (3.78, 21.1, and 38.9 microM, respectively), and inhibition effect of 5-FdUMP. Binding studies revealed the enzyme mechanism to be ordered sequential: dUMP bound before mTHF. S. aureofaciens thymidylate synthetase exhibits an absolute requirement for NADPH for the enzyme activity--a unique feature not displayed by any of the thymidylate synthetases isolated so far. NADPH is not consumed during enzyme reaction, indicating its regulatory role. The properties of S. aureofaciens thymidylate synthetase show that it is a monofunctional bacterial enzyme.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to apply EMG biofeedback as an auxiliary to piano teaching techniques. We studied the changes in integrated electromyographic activity, using the abductor pollicis brevis functioning as an agonist during the teaching of identical selective movements of piano playing in two groups, one with EMG biofeedback and the other following traditional method of instruction. The analysis of variance revealed an increase in the peak amplitude and the relaxation rate values for the biofeedback group. These results have implications for the application of piano playing techniques and reveal EMG biofeedback as an aid in the teaching of thumb attack with the abductor pollicis brevis as agonist.We are grateful for the valuable assistance of Dr. Jaime Vila (Professor of Therapy and Behavioral Modification, Faculty of Psychology, Granada), the cooperation of students at the Juventudes Musicales Music School, Santa Fe and at the Victoria Eugenia Conservatoire, (Granada), the Statistical Analysis Centre of University of Filosofia y Letras de Granada; Professor Enrique Garcia Fernandez-Abasal (Complutense University) for the design of the interface and software.  相似文献   
Conservation of highly repetitive DNA in cetaceans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is controversial whether odontocetes (toothed whales) and mysticetes (whalebone whales) have a common ancestry. Cetacean karyological uniformity, which is unique among mammalian orders, suggests a monophyletic origin; however, several anatomical authorities have maintained that odontocetes and mysticetes are diphyletic. We investigated the issue using Southern blot hybridization. Two labelled restriction fragment probes from the DNA of the sei whale (a mysticete) were hybridized to restricted DNA of cetacean species representing all extant families except the Eschrichtiidae, the gray whales. The probes hybridized to specific restriction fragments in all odontocete and mysticete materials. Hybridizations showed preservation of hybridization homologies and a striking conservation of the length of highly repeated DNA sequences. The results are compatible with a common ancestry of odontocetes and mysticetes.  相似文献   
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