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Luciobliviidae, a new family in the superfamily Gammaroidea (Amphipoda: Crustacea), is described on the basis of species in the genus Lucioblivio gen. nov. from subterranean waters of Japan. Mesogammaridae Bousfield, 1977 is rediagnosed; Octopupilla gen. nov. from subterranean waters of Japan is described and Eoniphargus (Uéno, 1955) from subterranean waters of Japan and Korea is included. The members of Lucioblivio , Octopupilla and Eoniphargus share several characters, including reduced eyes, a setose body, reduced coxae, feeble appendages and pedunculate coxal gills. To elucidate the phylogeny of the three genera among others, a sequence analysis of the 28S rRNA gene was conducted for 14 species in six families, including the three genera, from the superfamilies, Gammaroidea, Crangonyctoidea and Hadzioidea. The tree from a neighbour-joining analysis and the strict consensus tree from a maximum-parsimony analysis indicate monophyly of Mesogammaridae. Luciobliviidae is embedded within a clade of taxa belonging to the superfamily Gammaroidea. These results and the occurrence of gammarid-type calceoli in species of the new family indicate that Luciobliviidae should be placed within the superfamily Gammaroidea. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 149 , 643–670.  相似文献   
Photochemical reactions of chloroplast fragments isolated fromspinach leaves were measured in the presence of ethylene glycolor were measured after washing with an ethylene glycol-containingmedium. 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol (DPIP) photoreduction,oxygen evolution and oxygen uptake (a photosystem I reaction)were investigated in ethylene glycol-treated chloroplast fragments.By washing with ethylene glycol, oxygen evolution was stronglyinhibited, but oxygen uptake was not much affected by ethyleneglycol washing. Chloroplast fragments in 50% ethylene glycolmaintained a high rate of DPIP photoreduction (85% of the controlactivity in an ethylene glycol-less medium). In 67% ethyleneglycol, DPIP photoreduction mediated by photosystem II was eliminatedand only a small rapid reduction mediated by photosystem I wasobserved. Chloroplast fragments inhibited by ethylene glycolphotoreduced DPIP in the presence of p-aminophenol added asan artificial electron donor to photosystem II. The restoredactivity of DPIP photoreduction was inhibited by 3-(3',4'- dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. (Received September 8, 1970; )  相似文献   
A new culture apparatus was constructed to obtain large quantitiesof synchronized cells of Chlorella ellipsoidea. Two flat culturechambers made of lucid acrylate resin (each 20 liters in capacity)were placed in a water thermostat together with a bank of 17daylight fluorescent lamps, and the culture was run by the methodstarting from a homogeneous population of Ds-cells accordingto TAMIYA et al. It was demonstrated that with this apparatusone can obtain as much as 200–400 mg (dry weight) eachof algal material at 8 or 9 different stages in one cell cycle.Completely synchronized cell cycles could be repeated as manyas 10 times in one series of experiment, indicating that theapparatus can produce 2–4g (dry weight) each of algalcells of different developmental stages. (Received April 2, 1964; )  相似文献   
  1. Using the Chlorella cells which had been uniformly labeled with32P, the distribution of phosphorus in various fractions ofcell material was investigated. Uniformly 32P-labeled Chlorellawas further grown in a P-free medium or in a standard "cold"medium, and the change of distribution of 32P (as well as theuptake of exogenous P) in various cell fractions was followed.
  2. Analysis of the 32P-labeled algal cells showed that the highestin P-content was the fraction of RNA followed by those of polyphosphates,lipid, nucleotidic labile phosphate compounds, DNA and protein(in decreasing order). ATP and ADP were found to be only minorfractions of the total labile phosphates.
  3. On incubating the3P-labeled alga in a P-free medium, the P.contentsin the fractionsof DNA, protein, lipid and ATP increased, thosein polyphosphatesand ADP decreased, and that in RNA remainedalmost unchanged.When the 32P-labeled alga was further grownin the normal "cold"medium, DNA and protein increased withthe expenditure of endogenous32P, but with practically no incorporationof external P. Inthe meantime the P in polyphosphates decreasedconsiderably,and the RNA fraction incorporated a large amountof externalP but only a little of endogenous32P.
  4. It was inferred that,under the experimental conditions of thepresent study, thephosphorus used in the syntheses of DNA andprotein was primarilytaken from polyphosphates, while thatused in the synthesesof RNA, phospholipid and polyphosphateswas, for the most part,taken from the extracellular P-source.
1A part of this paper was read at the Vth International Congressof Biochemistry, Moscow, August 10–16, 1961. (Received June 4, 1961; )  相似文献   
The mucous glands of Bombyx pupae secrete glue proteins which attach deposited eggs to the mounting sheet. A mutant of a dominant gene, named no glue (Ng) , produces nonadhesive eggs which have a low capacity for glue-protein synthesis. In the present study it was shown that the mucous glands of Ng silkworms showed rapid degradation of mRNA as well as rRNA during development; this may cause the low capacity for glue-protein synthesis in the mutant organ. In contrast, the mucous glands of normal silkworms showed a significant increase in content of RNA's until the maximum rate of glue-protein synthesis was achieved. The degradation of RNA in the Ng mucous gland was inhibited by actinomycin D injected into the body fluid. Thus it is supposed that the Ng gene codes for a presumptive controller RNA, which would be the mediator of RNA instability in the mucous glands of Ng pupae.  相似文献   
Floret elongation and levels of precarthamin were investigatedin freshly collected flowers of Carthamus tinctorius. Accumulationof precarthamin was found to be induced at the early stagesof floret elongation. [U-14C]Acetate and [U-14C]phenylalaninewere incorporated into precarthamin in the detached floretsfrom the flower bud. The results suggest that precarthamin issynthesized via the acetate-shikimate pathway. Carthamus tinctorius L, floret elongation, pigment synthesis, precarthamin  相似文献   
A method for large-scale culture of isolated blastomeres of sea urchin embryos in spinner flasks was developed. Micromeres and meso-, macromeres isolated from sea urchin embryos at the 16-cell stage were cultured by this method and the patterns of protein synthesis by their descendants were examined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of [35S] methionine-labeled proteins. Six distinct proteins with molecular weights of 140–kDa, 105–kDa, 43–kDa, 32–kDa, and 28–kDa (two components) were specifically synthesized by differentiating micromeres. Quantitative analysis of the two-dimensional gel patterns demonstrated that all these proteins, except the 32–kDa protein, appeared at the time of ingression of primary mesenchyme cells (PMC's) in vivo , several hours earlier than the onset of spicule formation. The synthesis of 32–kDa protein was paralleled to active spicule formation and the uptake of Ca2+. Cell-free translation products directed by poly (A)+ RNAs isolated from descendant cells of micromeres and meso-, macromeres were compared by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Several spots specific to the micromere lineage were detected. However, none of them comigrated with the proteins synthesized specifically by the cultured micromeres. The results suggest that the expression of these proteins specific to differentiating micromeres may involve post-translational modification.  相似文献   
A comparison between two hydroponically-grown soybean genotypes(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) cv. Bragg and the supernodulating mutantnts 1007 was made in terms of dry matter accumulation, carbon,nitrogen, and mineral element distribution, 15N natural abundanceand the effect of short-term treatment with 4·0 mol m–3KNO3 on nitrogenase activity and respiration. Differences weremost pronounced in nodule dry weight and plant nitrogen content,both of which were recorded to be substantially elevated inthe mutant. Mineral element concentrations in different plantparts proved to be rather similar with the exception of Ca,found to be lower in leaves of the mutant, and Mn concentrationswhich were twice as high in roots of nts 1007. The values of15N natural abundance showed that both genotypes were equallydependent on nitrogen fixation when nitrate was absent. Theresults of the acetylene reduction assays indicated similarspecific nodule activity, while on a per plant basis nitrogenaseactivity of the mutant proved to be more than twice the amountof Bragg. This effect was also reflected in higher nodule respirationwhile root respiration remained below that of Bragg. Nitrate induced a substantial reduction in nitrogenase activitynot only in Bragg, but also in nts 1007. Nodule respiratoryactivity of Bragg was reduced by nitrate from 1·27 to0·34 mg C h–1 plant–1. In nts 1007 correspondingvalues were 2·70 to 1·52 mg C h–1 plant–1.Starch concentration in nodules was decreased in both genotypes,but nevertheless remained higher in nts 1007. Values for solublesugars in nodules even increased in the mutant in response tonitrate while the same treatment caused a reduction in Bragg.The data indicate that nitrogenase activities of Bragg and nts1007 are equally sensitive to short-term application of nitrate. Key words: Glycine max, C and N distribution, nitrate, root respiration, 15N natural abundance  相似文献   
Lauraceae are relatively well-known embryologically and embryological data are available for 23 of about 50 genera. In this paper we present the embryology of Eusideroxylon , an unstudied and key genus within Cryptocaryeae, which are positioned basally in the evolution of Lauraceae, and discuss the evolution of embryological characters in the family. Based on comparisons of over 50 characters, it was found that Eusideroxylon is consistent with Aspidostemon , the core Cryptocaryeae ( Beilschmiedia , Cryptocarya , Endiandra and Potameia ), Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha in having a glandular anther tapetum. The core Cryptocaryeae further agrees with both Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha in having an embryo sac protruding from the nucellus. In light of the phylogenetic trees available, both the glandular tapetum and the embryo sac protruding from the nucellus have evolved as homoplasies in Lauraceae, once each in a clade of Cryptocaryeae, and the Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha clade, respectively. Such character-state distributions suggest that it is better to place both Caryodapnopsis and Cassytha in the same clade as the core Cryptocaryeae. Embryologically, Eusideroxylon appears to have an intermediate state between Hypodaphnis , a genus positioned basal-most in the family, and the core Cryptocaryeae. Supplementary data on the anther and seed of Hypodaphnis are also provided.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 187–201.  相似文献   
The oestroid family Tachinidae represents one of the most diverse lineages of insect parasitoids. Despite their broad distribution, diversity and important role as biological control agents, the phylogeny of this family remains poorly known. Here, we review the history of tachinid systematics and present the first quantitative phylogenetic analysis of the family based on morphological data. Cladistic analyses were conducted using 135 morphological characters from 492 species belonging to 180 tachinid genera, including the four currently recognized subfamilies (Dexiinae, Exoristinae, Phasiinae, Tachininae) and all major tribes. We used characters of eggs, first‐instar larvae and adults of both sexes. We examined the effects of implied weighting by reanalysing the data with varying concavity factors. Our analysis generally supports the subfamily groupings Dexiinae + Phasiinae and Tachininae + Exoristinae, with only the Exoristinae and the Phasiinae reconstructed as monophyletic assemblages under a wide range of weighting schemes. Under these conditions, the Dexiinae, which were previously considered a well‐established monophyletic assemblage, are reconstructed as being paraphyletic with respect to the Phasiinae. The Tachininae are reconstructed as a paraphyletic grade from which the monophyletic Exoristinae arose. The Exoristinae are reconstructed as a monophyletic lineage, but phylogenetic relationships within the subfamily are largely unresolved. We further explored the evolution of oviposition strategy and found that the oviparous groups are nested within ovolarviparous assemblages, suggesting that ovipary may have evolved several times independently from ovolarviparous ancestors. This counterintuitive pattern is a novel hypothesis suggested by the results of this analysis. Finally, two major patterns emerge when considering host associations across our phylogeny under equal weights: (i) although more than 60% of tachinids are parasitoids of Lepidoptera larvae, none of the basal clades is unambiguously associated with Lepidoptera as a primitive condition, suggesting that tachinids were slow to colonize these hosts, but then radiated extensively on them; and (ii) there is general agreement between host use and monophyly of the major lineages.  相似文献   
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