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The reovirus attachment protein, sigma1, determines numerous aspects of reovirus-induced disease, including viral virulence, pathways of spread, and tropism for certain types of cells in the central nervous system. The sigma1 protein projects from the virion surface and consists of two distinct morphologic domains, a virion-distal globular domain known as the head and an elongated fibrous domain, termed the tail, which is anchored into the virion capsid. To better understand structure-function relationships of sigma1 protein, we conducted experiments to identify sequences in sigma1 important for viral binding to sialic acid, a component of the receptor for type 3 reovirus. Three serotype 3 reovirus strains incapable of binding sialylated receptors were adapted to growth in murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells, in which sialic acid is essential for reovirus infectivity. MEL-adapted (MA) mutant viruses isolated by serial passage in MEL cells acquired the capacity to bind sialic acid-containing receptors and demonstrated a dependence on sialic acid for infection of MEL cells. Analysis of reassortant viruses isolated from crosses of an MA mutant virus and a reovirus strain that does not bind sialic acid indicated that the sigma1 protein is solely responsible for efficient growth of MA mutant viruses in MEL cells. The deduced sigma1 amino acid sequences of the MA mutant viruses revealed that each strain contains a substitution within a short region of sequence in the sigma1 tail predicted to form beta-sheet. These studies identify specific sequences that determine the capacity of reovirus to bind sialylated receptors and suggest a location for a sialic acid-binding domain. Furthermore, the results support a model in which type 3 sigma1 protein contains discrete receptor binding domains, one in the head and another in the tail that binds sialic acid.  相似文献   
Absolute configurational analyses of flagellar apparatus components were performed on the motile cells produced by three species of Cladophora, Cl. dalmatica Kütz., Cl. flexuosa (Dillw.) Harv., and Cl. glomerata (L.) Kütz., and by Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillw.) Kütz. There was little variation among the species. All of the flagellar apparatuses demonstrated the ulvophyceous features of 180° rotational symmetry, counterclockwise absolute orientation, and basal body overlap, as well as the alignment of the basal bodies perpendicular to the long axis of the cell. Diagnostic features included the nearly complete absence of C tubules from the basal bodies and the presence of a coarsely striated component dorsal to the two-membered rootlets in all cells, as well as, in quadriflagellate cells, a tetralobate distal fiber, the coaxial arrangement of the lowermost pair of basal bodies, and the presence of a characteristic array of basal-body-associated striated bands. The distal fiber architecture, the presence of a “wing” in the X-membered rootlets, and the “flattening” of the flagellar apparatus components suggests a close relationship of the Cladophoraceae to the Dasycladales, and indicates that these two groups may have shared a common ancestor, possibly ancient in terms of the geological time scale but relatively recent in the context of ulvophyceous evolution. A sizeable phylogenetic gap exists between the Cladophoraceae and uninucleate-celled, presumably primitive members of the Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   
The two methods available for analyzing the global structural identifiability of the parameters of a nonlinear system with a specified input function, the Taylor series approach and the similarity transformation approach, are compared and contrasted through application to three examples. It is shown that, as for linear systems, it is very difficult to predict which of the available methods will result in the least effort for a particular example. The role of modern symbolic manipulation packages in the analysis is assessed. The third example proves intractable using the similarity transformation approach as originally formulated, but the analysis is completed using a reformulation that exploits the polynominal form of the system equations in the example.  相似文献   
Immature and adult ixodid ticks were collected during 1983 and 1984 in Newtown, Connecticut, an area endemic for Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), to determine prevalence of infection by spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. Direct fluorescent-antibody (FA) staining revealed SFG organisms in 6 (1.8%) of 332 Dermacentor variabilis larvae, 5 (7.8%) of 64 D. variabilis nymphs, and in 2 (40%) of 5 Ixodes cookei nymphs removed from small- and medium-sized mammals. Hemolymph tests detected rickettsia-like organisms in 15 (8.8%) of 170 D. variabilis adults; 8 specimens retested by direct FA were negative. In contrast, hemocytes from 5 (8.6%) of 58 Ixodes texanus females contained organisms that stained positively in both hemolymph and direct FA tests. An indirect microimmunofluorescence test identified specific antibodies to Rickettsia rickettsii, the etiologic agent of RMSF, in serum samples from a chipmunk, raccoons, and white-footed mice. Results indicate that immature or adult ticks of at least three species may be involved in the maintenance and transmission of SFG rickettsiae at Newtown.  相似文献   
Dynamics of skate horizontal cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The all-rod retina of the skate (Raja erinacea or R. oscellata) is known to have the remarkable capability of responding to incremental flashes superimposed on background intensities that initially block all light-evoked responses and are well above the level at which rods saturate in mixed rod/cone retinas. To examine further the unusual properties of the skate visual system, we have analyzed responses of their horizontal cells to intensity-modulated step, sinusoidal, and white-noise stimuli. We found that during exposures to mean intensities bright enough to block responses to incremental stimuli, decremental stimuli were also initially blocked. Thereafter, the horizontal cells underwent a slow recovery phase during which there was marked nonlinearity in their response properties. The cell first (within 2-3 min) responded to decrements in intensity and later (after greater than 10 min) became responsive to incremental stimuli. After adaptation to a steady state, however, the responses to intensity modulation were nearly linear over a broad range of modulation depths even at the brightest mean levels of illumination. Indeed, examination of the steady-state responses over a 5-log-unit range of mean intensities revealed that the amplitude of the white noise-evoked responses depended solely on contrast, and was independent of the retinal irradiance as the latter was increased from 0.02 to 20 muW/cm2; i.e., contrast sensitivity remained unchanged over this 1,000-fold increase in mean irradiance. A decrement from the mean as brief as 2 s, however, disturbed the steady state. Another unexpected finding in this all-rod retina concerns surround-enhancement, a phenomenon observed previously for cone-mediated responses of horizontal cells in the retinas of turtle and catfish. While exposure to annular illumination induced response compression and a pronounced sensitivity loss in response to incremental light flashes delivered to the dark central region, the cell's sensitivity showed a significant increase when tested with a white noise or sinusoidally modulated central spot. Unlike horizontal cells in other retinas studied thus far, however, response dynamics remained unchanged. Responses evoked either by a small spot (0.25-mm diam) or by a large field light covering the entire retina were almost identical in time course. This is in contrast with past findings from cone-driven horizontal cells whose response waveform (dynamics) was dependent upon the size of the retinal area stimulated.  相似文献   
Summary 1. A variety of neuroendocrine approaches has been used to characterize cellular mechanisms governing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) pulse generation. We review recentin vivo microdialysis,in vitro superfusion, andin situ hybridization experiments in which we tested the hypothesis that the amplitude and frequency of LHRH pulses are subject to independent regulation via distinct and identifiable cellular pathways.2. Augmentation of LHRH pulse amplitude is proposed as a central feature of preovulatory LHRH surges. Three mechanisms are described which may contribute to this increase in LHRH pulse amplitude: (a) increased LHRH gene expression, (b) augmentation of facilitatory neurotransmission, and (c) increased responsiveness of LHRH neurons to afferent synaptic signals. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is examined as a prototypical afferent transmitter regulating the generation of LHRH surges through the latter two mechanisms.3. Retardation of LHRH pulse generator frequency is postulated to mediate negative feedback actions of gonadal hormones. Evidence supporting this hypothesis is reviewed, including results ofin vivo monitoring experiments in which LHRH pulse frequency, but not amplitude, is shown to be increased following castration. A role for noradrenergic neurons as intervening targets of gonadal hormone negative feedback actions is discussed.4. Future directions for study of the LHRH pulse generator are suggested.  相似文献   
This case report describes a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta; male; age, 5 y; weight, 6.7 kg) with anorexia, dehydration, lethargy, ataxia, and generalized skin rashes that occurred 30 d after total-body irradiation at 6.5 Gy (60Co γ-rays). Physical examination revealed pale mucus membranes, a capillary refill time of 4 s, heart rate of 180 bpm. and respirations at 50 breaths per minute. Diffuse multifocal maculopapulovesicular rashes were present on the body, including mucocutaneous junctions. The CBC analysis revealed a Hct of 48%, RBC count of 6.2 × 106/µL, platelet count of 44 × 103/µL, and WBC count of 25 × 103/µL of WBC. The macaque was euthanized in light of a grave prognosis. Gross examination revealed white foci on the liver, multifocal generalized petechiation on serosal and mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic lymph nodes, and hemorrhagic fluid in the thoracic cavity. Microscopic examination revealed cutaneous vesicular lesions with intranuclear eosinophilic viral inclusions within the epithelial cells, consistent with herpesvirus. Immunohistochemistry was positive for herpesvirus. The serum sample was negative for antibodies against Macacine herpesvirus 1 and Cercopithecine herpesvirus 9 (simian varicella virus, SVV). Samples submitted for PCR-based identification of the etiologic agent confirmed the presence of SVV DNA. PCR analysis, immunohistochemistry, and histology confirmed that lesions were attributed to an active SVV infection in this macaque. This case illustrates the importance of screening for SVV in rhesus macaques, especially those used in studies that involve immunosuppressive procedures.Abbreviations: SVV, simian varicella virus; TBI, total-body irradiation  相似文献   
Fitting bent lines to data, with applications to allometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Change-point models, in which a linear or non-linear relation is generalized by allowing it to change at a point not fixed in advance, are of growing importance in allometric and other types of modeling. Frequently, the change-point is picked "by eye" and separate regressions are run for each resultant subdomain. This procedure is deficient, however, for the following reasons: first, a repeatable and objective procedure for estimating the change-point has not been used; second, the subsequent analysis usually does not take into account the fact that the change-point is estimated from the data; and last, the usually desirable requirement of continuity at the change-point is ignored. This paper describes various methods for jointly estimating linear relations and the intervening change-point from the data. In the simplest case, with normal errors and a linear relation of one variable upon another, this amounts to fitting a "bent line" via least squares techniques. In addition, tests and graphical diagnostics for the presence of change-points are presented. An example is given where a change-point and slopes are estimated for the relation of running speed with size among land mammals. In the past, these data have been fit with a straight line or a parabola. It is shown here that superior fit and interpretability are achieved using a change-point model.  相似文献   
The metabolism of angiotensin (Ang) peptides was studied in NG108-15 neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells which express Ang II receptors, renin, dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase A (converting enzyme), as well as Ang I and Ang II. In these experiments, 0.2 nM of either 125I-Ang I or 125I-Ang II was incubated with intact cell monolayers and the medium was analyzed for 125I-products by high performance liquid chromatography. The major product generated from the metabolism of labeled Ang I or Ang II was identified as the amino-terminal heptapeptide Ang-(1-7). N-benzyloxycarbonyl-prolyl-prolinal (ZPP), a specific inhibitor of prolyl endopeptidase, inhibited the formation of Ang-(1-7) from Ang I by 35%. Complete inhibition of Ang-(1-7) generation was attained with p-chloromercuriphenyl-sulfonate, which suggests that a sulfhydryl-containing peptidase other than prolyl endopeptidase is also involved in Ang-(1-7) formation. Ang II was observed to be a minor product resulting from Ang I metabolism. Although the converting enzyme inhibitor enalaprilat (MK-422) significantly reduced Ang II formation, it had no effect on the levels of Ang-(1-7). These findings demonstrate a preferential processing of Ang I into Ang-(1-7) which is not dependent on the prior formation of Ang II.  相似文献   
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