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The development of the leaf-sheath pulvinus of oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Victory) was studied in terms of its competency to respond to gravistimulation. Stages of onset of competency, maximum competency and loss of competency were identified, using the length of the supertending internode as a developmental marker. During the early phases in the onset of competency, the latency period between stimulus and graviresponse decreased and the steady state response rate increased significantly. When fully competent, the latency period remained constant as the plant continued to develop, suggesting that the latency period is relatively insensitive to quantitative changes (e.g., in carbohydrate or nutrient availability) at the cell level within the plant. In contrast, the response rate was found to increase with plant development, indicating that graviresponse rate is more strongly influenced by quantitative cellular changes. The total possible graviresponse of a single oat pulvinus was confirmed to be significantly less than the original presentation angle. This was shown to not result from a loss of competency, since the graviresponse could be reinitiated by increasing the presentation angle. As a result of the low overall graviresponse of individual pulvini, two or more pulvini are required to bring the plant apex to the vertical. This was determined to occur though the sequential, rather than simultaneous, action of successive pulvini, since a given pulvinus lost competency to gravirespond shortly after the next pulvinus became fully competent.  相似文献   
The kinetics of expression of radiation-induced micronuclei (MN) in synchronized Chinese hamster cells (CHO) was examined. the purpose of the study was to determine if the cell cycle distribution of a population significantly influences the levels of radiation induced MN, thereby obscuring the exact quantification of the radiation effect. Cells were synchronized by centrifugal elutriation, irradiated, and then different phases of the cell cycle were examined for: cell cycle progression, division probability, and temporal expression of MN. the results demonstrate that the time interval for maximal MN expression is long enough that the position of cells in the cell cycle and radiation induced division delays do not prevent the majority of cells from completing their first post-irradiation mitosis, therefore, expressing MN. By following the progression of synchronized cell populations by flow cytometry and also examining the time of division of individual cells for 24 hr after irradiation, we observed that the maximum number of cells from all phases of the cell cycle are in their first post-irradiation interphase at that time, thus explaining the MN results.  相似文献   
Turnover times for water passing through several Sulfolobus acidocaldarius-containing springs were determined by measuring the dilution rates of small amounts of sodium chloride that were added to the springs. Chloride was diluted out exponentially, while concentrations of the bacteria remained constant. Additionally, temperature, pH, and chemical composition of the springs also remained constant during the time that the chloride was being diluted. The springs are thus steady-state systems, and since the rates of bacterial growth must be at least equal to the chloride dilution rates, minimal doubling times for the bacterial populations can be calculated. Half-times for chloride dilution, equivalent to bacterial doubling times, were on the order of 10 to 20 h for springs ranging in volume from about 20 to 2,000 liters, but approximately 30 days for two larger springs of about 1 million liters. Formaldehyde-fixed cells of a serologically distinguishable strain of S. acidocaldarius were also added as markers to four of the smaller springs, and the dilution rates of these bacteria were compared with the chloride dilution rates. The rates agreed reasonably well, thus verifying the growth rates obtained from the chloride dilution rates. In three springs, exponential growth was studied by draining the springs and allowing them to refill with bacteria-free water. Exponential doubling times were on the order of a few hours, much more rapid than steady-state doubling times. The methods used in this work may have wider utility in aquatic environments.  相似文献   
A technique was developed for measuring (14)CO(2) uptake by chemolithotrophic bacteria directly in pyritic materials associated with coal and coal refuse. There was good correlation between (14)CO(2) uptake, as determined by this technique, and the most probable number of iron-oxidizing bacteria. Maximal (14)CO(2) uptake occurred in coal refuse material 2 to 3 years old, and only slight incorporation was demonstrated in fresh material or material 40 years old. Samples taken from the surface of the coal refuse pile always demonstrated maximal (14)CO(2) uptake, and in most samples, only slight activity was demonstrated at depths below 8 to 10 cm. Optimal uptake of (14)CO(2) by natural samples occurred at 20 to 30 C and at a moisture content of between 23 and 35%. In addition to chemolithotrophic bacteria, heterotrophic fungi and yeasts were also routinely isolated in high numbers from acidic coal refuse. In contrast, acidophilic, heterotrophic bacteria were either absent or present in low numbers in such acidic samples.  相似文献   
A species of Zygogonium forms extensive dark purple mats in Yellowstone National Park in acidic habitats adjacent to thermal areas. These mats range up to 6 cm in thickness and up to 3000 m2 in areal extent. Temperatures in the mats varied from 20–31 C and pH varied from 2.4–3.1. These mats form on soil in areas where a moist surface is created by the presence of small acidic springs or seeps. The effect of light, temperature, and pH on photosynthesis was studied in the field by use of 14CO2. Photosynthesis increased in rate up to full sunlight; light inhibition was not observed. Temperature optimum for photo-synthesis was 25 C. A broad pH optimum was found between 1.0 and 5.0. The Zygogonium mats have a high water holding capacity and create a moist habitat in which Euglena and Chlamydomonas develop. The mats also serve as repositories for the eggs of the brine fly Ephydra bruesi and both larvae and adults of this fly probably consume Zygogonium filaments as their main food source.  相似文献   
Summary Presymptomatic testing for Huntington's disease (HD) is possible through the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the closely linked D4S10 locus. Recombination between the HD and D4S10 loci will occur in 4%–5% of meioses, and is a well-recognised complication of predictive testing. Recombination between RFLPs within the D4S10 locus is a rare event and can usually be ignored. We report a case where such an intra-locus recombination frustrated attempts to predict the chance of a high-risk individual inheriting the HD gene.  相似文献   
Incubation of human erythroleukaemia K562 cells with Al-transferrin inhibited iron uptake from 59Fe-transferrin by about 80%. The inhibition was greater than that produced by a similar quantity of Fe-transferrin. Preincubation of cells for 6 h with either Al-transferrin or Fe-transferrin diminished the number of surface transferrin receptors by about 40% compared with cells preincubated with apo-transferrin. Al-transferrin did not compete significantly with Fe-transferrin for transferrin receptors and, when cells were preincubated for 15 min instead of 6 h, the inhibitory effect of Al-transferrin on receptor expression was lost. Both forms of transferrin also decreased the level of transferrin receptor mRNA by about 50%, suggesting a common regulatory mechanism. Aluminium citrate had no effect on iron uptake or transferrin-receptor expression. AlCl3 also had no effect on transferrin-receptor expression, but at high concentration it caused an increase in iron uptake by an unknown, possibly non-specific, mechanism. Neither Al-transferrin nor AlCl3 caused a significant change in cell proliferation. It is proposed that aluminium, when bound to transferrin, inhibits iron uptake partly by down-regulating transferrin-receptor expression and partly by interfering with intracellular release of iron from transferrin.  相似文献   
X-linked hydrocephalus is a well-defined disorder which accounts for > or = 7% of hydrocephalus in males. Pathologically, the condition is characterized by stenosis or obliteration of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Previous genetic linkage studies have suggested the likelihood of genetic homogeneity for this condition, with close linkage to the DXS52 and F8C markers in Xq28. We have investigated a family with typical X-linked aqueductal stenosis, in which no linkage to these markers was present. In this family, close linkage was established to the DXS548 and FRAXA loci in Xq27.3. Our findings demonstrate that X-linked aqueductal stenosis may result from mutations at two different loci on the X chromosome. Caution is indicated in using linkage for the prenatal diagnosis of X-linked hydrocephalus.  相似文献   
Mutations in severalPolycomb (Pc) group genes cause maternal-effect or zygotic segmentation defects, suggesting thatPc group genes may regulate the segmentation genes ofDrosophila. We show that individuals doubly heterozygous for mutations inpolyhomeotic and six otherPc group genes show gap, pair rule, and segment polarity segmentation defects. We examined double heterozygous combinations ofPc group and segmentation mutations for enhancement of adult and embryonic segmentation defects.Posterior sex combs andpolyhomeotic interact withKrüppel 2 and enhance embryonic phenotypes ofhunchback andknirps, andpolyhomeotic enhanceseven-skipped. Surprisingly, flies carrying duplications ofextra sex combs (esc), that were heterozygous for mutations ofeven-skipped (eve), were extremely subvital. Embryos and surviving adults of this genotype showed strong segmentation defects in even-numbered segments. Antibody studies confirm that expression ofeve is suppressed by duplications ofesc. However,esc duplications have no effect on other gap or pair rule genes tested. To our knowledge, this is only the second triplo-abnormal phenotype associated withPc group genes. Duplications of nine otherPc group genes have no detectable effect oneve. Expression ofengrailed (en) was abnormal in the central nervous systems of mostPc group mutants. These results support a role forPc genes in regulation of some segmentation genes, and suggest thatesc may act differently from otherPc group genes.  相似文献   
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