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1986年11月,在武汉植物所的3个池塘及东湖附近的池塘内采集的标本中,含有大量的具硅质磷片的金藻,共11种,分别隶属于Spiniferomonas, Paraphysomonas, Chrysosphaevella, Mallomonas和Synura 5个属。本文提供了这些藻的硅质磷片、刺及毛的电镜照片。这些藻在中国研究得很少,许多种都是第一次报道,它们中的大多数在世界上其它一些地区也是普遍出现的,有些则毫无疑问地属于世界性分布。  相似文献   
马宁远    张伟  依萨克.司马义  罗亮  马德英   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2654-2654~2662
应用地统计学(GS)的原理与方法研究了外来入侵有害生物烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius))为害新疆棉田的时空动态,并与经典统计学进行对比分析.两种方法一致表明,烟粉虱成虫在空间上呈聚集分布的格局,而各时期成虫的聚集程度依据空间变异随机程度所占的比例不同而不同.经频次分布检验,以零频率法参数拟合的负二项分布来表达其空间分布型最为合适.运用GS的分析方法,进一步得到种群分布面积变化与扩散的趋势,并依此对昆虫种群的扩散模型进行模拟.棉田烟粉虱成虫在田间7~8月份均存在一定的空间相关性,随机程度为19.22%~49.99%;空间相关距离(相关程)在一个月内从32m急速增至6372m,随后在2000~3000m的范围波动.从整个发生过程看出,烟粉虱从越冬场所顺风侵入大田后,迁飞扩散在很大程度上受风向的影响,属于典型的借助风力扩散的昆虫,其在棉田的垂直分布则与吐鲁番地区独特的暖温带大陆性干旱荒漠气候特征有关.顺风扩散时多从棉株上部叶片开始危害, 而逆风扩散时从棉株中、下部叶片危害.烟粉虱在棉株上建立稳定种群后,中、下部虫口密度要略高于上部, 这是烟粉虱对吐鲁番地区特殊气候的适应.  相似文献   
序言 基因组的结构和功能的研究,很大程度上依赖于特定的DNA片段的分离和分析。凝胶电泳是一种以DNA片段大小为依据的,简单而且分辨力很强的一种分离特殊DNA片段的方法浓度为2.5%-0.1%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳可分辨出从150到880000硷基对的DNA片段,而在20%-3%的丙烯酰胺凝胶上,对20-2000硷基对的DNA片段分辨效果更好。  相似文献   
球针叶属Bulbothrix和球针黄叶属Relicina地衣区别于其它梅衣的主要特征是裂片边缘具有膨大似葱头状的缘毛。球针叶属地衣的上表面灰色,含有黑茶渍素(atranorin),而球针黄叶属地衣的上表面为黄绿色含有松萝酸(usnic acid)。经过形态学与化学研究,承认中国大陆有球针叶属地衣5种和球针黄叶属地衣2种。其中戈氏球叶B. goebelii,烟草球针叶B. tabacina,玄球针黄叶R. abstrusa和悉尼球针黄叶R. sydneyensis等4种为中国大陆首次记载。云南球针叶B. yunnana为中国特有种。本文报道的7个种均出现在中国长江以南地区,这与球针叶属和球针黄叶属地衣呈热带,亚热带的世界分布格局相吻合。  相似文献   
包含两个不同重叠式样的花序在被子植物几个较进化的类群中,花序由两种式样组成,这两种在各自的构造和发育上,都有根木的区别,菊科和禾本科就是最好的例子。在菊科中,基本单位是头状花序,花无柄,长在花序托上,周围由特化的苞片形成花序总苞,向顶式发育。这些构造是由总状花序经过伞房花序的中间状态,由于简化而演化出的(图1.M)。许多菊科植物中,包括最一般的向日葵族 Heliantheae 的种,头状花序是单生的,或由  相似文献   
An invasive new biotype of the tomato/potato psyllid (Bactericera [Paratrioza] cockerelli [Sulc.]) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) recently has caused losses exceeding 50% on fresh market tomatoes in western North America. Despite these extensive losses, little is known regarding the threshold levels at which populations must be suppressed in order to prevent economic losses. A series of experiments were therefore designed using combinations of two common tomato cultivars (QualiT 21 and Yellow Pear), five pest-densities (0, 20, 30, 40 and 50 nymphs/plant), and three feeding-duration (5 days, 10 days, and lifetime) treatments to test the relative importance of pest density, feeding period, and cumulative psyllid-days to establish economic threshold levels for psyllids. The cultivars differed considerably in their response to the toxin injected by the psyllid nymphs. ‘Yellow Pear' plants could recover from feeding by up to 40 nymphs for as long as 10 d, whereas ‘QualiT 21' plants were irreparably damaged by densities of 20 nymphs feeding for only 5 days. On ‘Yellow Pear', all plant measurements such as the number of yellow leaves and plant height were significantly better correlated with cumulative psyUid-days than with either pest density or feeding duration. On ‘QualiT 21 ', all plant measurements other than the number of yellow leaflets and leaves were significantly better correlated with pest density than with feeding duration or cumulative psyUid-days, and pest density was a better predictor of psyUid damage. Potential reasons for the variable responses between cultivars and the implications for psyllid sampling and integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   
菜蚜种群抽样理论的蒙特卡洛试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京地区秋白菜上蚜虫种群在其一定发展阶段的空间格局是可以用Pearson Ⅲ型分布拟合的。用蒙特卡洛试验研究这种分布的三个参数——平均数Ex,变异系数Cv和偏态系数Cs的估计误差同样本容量的关系是有效的途径。本文介绍了该试验的设计思想和实施步骤,并得出初步结论:以一株菜为一个样本单位计数白菜上的蚜虫头数,则在允许误差不大于5%的情况下,样本容量为50时,用矩法便可足够准确地估计Ev和Cv值了;但对于估计Cv值,则样本容量应为500左右。  相似文献   
The balance between the supply and demand of the major food crops is fragile,fueling concerns for long-term global food security.The rising population,increasing wealth and a proliferation of nonfood uses(e.g.bioenergy) has led to growing demands on agriculture,while increased production is limited by greater urbanization,and the degradation of land.Furthermore,global climate change with increasing temperatures and lower,more erratic rainfall is projected to decrease agricultural yields.There is a predicted need to increase food production by at least 70% by 2050 and therefore an urgent need to develop novel and integrated approaches,incorporating high-throughput phenotyping that will both increaseproduction per unit area and simultaneously improve the resource use efficiency of crops.Yield potential,yield stability,nutrient and water use are all complex multigenic traits and while there is genetic variability,their complexity makes such traits difficult to breed for directly.Nevertheless molecular plant breeding has the potential to deliver substantial improvements,once the component traits and the genes underlying these traits have been identified.In addition,interactions between the individual traits must also be taken into account,a demand that is difficult to fulfill with traditional screening approaches.Identified traits will be incorporated into new cultivars using conventional or biotechnological tools.In order to better understand the relationship between genotype,component traits,and environment over time,a multidisciplinary approach must be adopted to both understand the underlying processes and identify candidate genes,QTLs and traits that can be used to develop improved crops.  相似文献   
动物日常的一切动态,甚至就连那些最复杂的行为也包括在内都可以看作是一种运动性的链销条件反射,这一确切的论断是И.М.谢切诺夫和И.П.巴甫洛夫学说的基本原则之一。所以说,一个一个接连出现在动物身上的反射性反应也就构成了下面这种长串的链锁过程。例如,一只猛禽(或猛兽)超初我们看到的是它寻找猎物的行为,继而在猎物一旦被发现之后便立刻转变为追逐的行为,末了捉获并加以杀害直到自己吃光这可怜的祭品。在类人猿的身上我们也观察了它的一些较更为复杂的行为和动作,正如И.П.巴甫洛夫,В.凯列尔以及其他研究者的实验所表明的一样,猿猴为了要拿  相似文献   
跟随一队研究哺乳动物群在古新世-始新世变化的生物地层学和古地理学的学者,已故周明镇教授开始了他的古脊椎动物学事业。这是化石记录中偶蹄类、奇蹄类和灵长类(APP类群)首次出现的时期。随着北美西部Polecat Bench新的最晚古新世Clarkforkian哺乳动物群的发现,古新世作为一个独立于始新世的分期从1911年开始被接受。后来,研究证明古新世-始新世界线包括了一段时间,这期间发育了矮小型哺乳动物支系。古新世-始新世碳同位素漂移(CIE)与哺乳动物矮小化以及APP类群的首次出现是同时的。据此可以对CIE进行全球性总结,结果表明它与古新世-始新世极热事件(PETM)相关。PETM这一全球温室变暖事件不仅对地球气候和生物群有短暂的影响,而且对生物群同样具有深远持续的影响。我们所知的哺乳动物与CIE和PETM之间关系的大部分内容是通过对Polecat Bench周边剖面独特地层记录的高分辨率研究得到的。周教授早年曾在那里工作过,如今他的骨灰也撒在那里。  相似文献   
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