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器件兼容功能层的自组装工艺是一种简单、可行和节能的策略。在介孔钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cells, PSCs)中,致密的TiO2膜起到空穴阻挡层的作用,而介孔的TiO2膜起到电子传输层的作用。然而,这两层通常都要通过高温退火法获得。在此,我们通过室温自组装工艺沉积了致密的TiO2薄膜,以作为PSCs有效的空穴阻挡层。通过沉积时间控制致密TiO2薄膜的厚度。优化致密TiO2薄膜的厚度(80 nm),有无空穴传输层的介孔PSCs的能量转化效率分别为17.95%和10.66%。值得注意的是,基于自组装TiO2的全低温PSCs显示出16.41%的能量转化效率。  相似文献   
The medium and warm deformation behaviors of an indirect-extruded Mg-8Sn-1Al-1Zn alloy were investigated by compression tests at temperatures between 298 and 523 K and strain rates of 0.001–10 s?1. It was found that the twinning-slip transition temperature was strain rate dependent, and all the true stress-true strain curves could be divided into two groups: concave and convex curves. Associated microstructural investigations indicated that the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behavior of the alloy varied with deformation conditions. At high strain rate and low temperature, dynamically recrystallized grains preferentially nucleated and developed in the twinned regions, indicating that twinning-induced DRX was dominant. While, at low strain rate, DRX developed extensively at grain boundaries and twins, and the process of twinning contributed to both oriented nucleation and selective growth. For the studied alloy, cracks mainly initiated from the shear band and twinning lamellar over the ranges of temperature and strain rate currently applied.  相似文献   
This paper describes a magnetic flux leak (MFL) model of pipeline defect inspection, and presents a recognition algorithm based on dynmnic wavelet basis function (WBF) neural network. The dynamic network utilizes multiscale and multireselution orthogonal wavelet, through signals backwards propagation:,has more significant advantages than BP or other neural networks used in MFL inspection. It also can control the accuracy of the predicted defect profiles, high-speed convergence possessing and well approaching feature. The perfonnance applying the algorithm based on the network to predict defect profile from experimental MFL signals is presented.  相似文献   
The Liujiang cranium is the most complete and well-preserved late Pleistocene human fossils ever unearthed in south China. Because the endocranial cavity is filled with hard stone matrix, earlier studies focused only on the exterior morphology of the specimen using the traditional methods. In order to derive more information for the phyletic evaluation of the Liujiang cranium, high-resolution industrial computed tomography (CT) was used to scan the fossil, and the three-dimensional (3D) brain image was reconstructed. Compared with the endocasts of the hominin fossils (Hexian, Zhoukoudian, KNM-WT 15000, Sm 3, Kabwe, Brunn 3, Predmost) and modern Chinese, most morphological features of the Liujiang brain are in common with modern humans, including a round brain shape, bulged and wide frontal lobes, an enlarged brain height, a full orbital margin and long parietal lobes. A few differences exist between Liujiang and the modern Chinese in our sample, including a strong posterior projection of the occipital lobes, and a reduced cerebellar lobe. The measurement of the virtual endocast shows that the endocranial capacity of Liujiang is 1567 cc, which is in the range of Late Homo sapiens and much beyond the mean of modern humans. The brain morphology of Liujiang is assigned to Late Homo sapiens.  相似文献   
Effects of the weld microstructure and inclusions on brittle fracture initiation are investigated in a thermally aged ferritic high-nickel weld of a reactor pressure vessel head from a decommissioned nuclear power plant.As-welded and reheated regions mainly consist of acicular and polygonal ferrite,respectively.Fractographic examination of Charpy V-notch impact toughness specimens reveals large inclusions(0.5-2.5μm)at the brittle fracture primary initiation sites.High impact energies were measured for the specimens in which brittle fracture was initiated from a small inclusion or an inclusion away from the V-notch.The density,geometry,and chemical composition of the primary initiation inclusions were investigated.A brittle fracture crack initiates as a microcrack either within the multiphase oxide inclusions or from the debonded interfaces between the uncracked inclusions and weld metal matrix.Primary fracture sites can be determined in all the specimens tested in the lower part of the transition curve at and below the 41-J reference impact toughness energy but not above the mentioned value because of the changes in the fracture mechanism and resulting changes in the fracture appearance.  相似文献   
花粉壁由外壁和内壁组成,外壁又分为外壁外层和外壁内层.外壁由绒毡层控制,而内壁由小孢子自身控制.自从有了电子显微镜,就了解到花粉壁有三层结构.花粉外壁内层是高度保守的结构,只有在电镜下才能观察到,但是对其如何形成并不清楚.最近报道了模式植物拟南芥中TEK基因特异调控外壁内层的形成,在该突变体中外壁内层特异缺失而外壁外层能正常形成(Nature communications 5:3855).本文在该项工作的基础上,对模式植物拟南芥花粉壁形成过程进行全面深入分析.发现在四分体的细胞周质中存在的深灰色物质可能是外壁内层成分的前体,其组成成分可能与孢粉素有所不同,当小孢子从四分体中释放时,这些前体物质能够迅速组装成外壁内层.在此基础上,提出了一个拟南芥花粉外壁的发育模型:在减数分裂形成的四分体中,胼胝质壁和小孢子质膜间形成初生外壁.随后小孢子质膜显示出波浪型结构,绒毡层分泌的孢粉素沉积在波浪型质膜顶端发育成外壁外层结构,而绒毡层分泌的外壁内层物质积累在小孢子质膜表面发育成外壁内层结构.四分体胼胝质壁完全降解释放小孢子后,在外壁内层和小孢子质膜间形成内壁.这一包含花粉壁三层结构的模型不仅有助于其他植物物种花粉壁结构和形成过程的了解,也有助于花粉壁分子机理的深入研究.  相似文献   
本文用玻色子表面δ力作为玻色子之间的有效相互作用,并用玻色子组态混合波函数研究了三玻色予核的能谱.理论计算结果和实验能谱的符合程度令人满意.  相似文献   
本文通过对日本大数据技术服务市场应用现状和问题的探讨,为我国大数据技术服务产业敲响警钟。我国相关部门可以针对日本在大数据技术服务提供产业中所遇到的问题及早布局,减少某些尚未暴露或者已经暴露出的行业发展问题对行业发展潜在的威胁。本文的结论对于保障我国大数据技术服务产业健康发展,加快培育我国大数据技术服务提供企业的核心竞争力有较高的现实意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
压实质量的检查和控制一直是进一步发展压实技术的一个重要研究课题.采用试验分析了振荡压实计测量原理,在作为测量特征值的轮心水平运动与轮缘切线运动之间的相位差与土壤压实度之间建立起某种稳定的具有足够敏感度的关系. 将加速度传感器测得的两运动间的相位差信号,经滤波放大并通过数字电路统计处理,显示在仪表上,性能测试与传统测试方法比较,结果近似,显示了该方法的可适用性.  相似文献   
1904年,北京大学前身京师大学堂的第3个章程<奏定学堂章程大学堂意识>参照西方大学制度将京师大学堂分设为8个"分科大学科目"(院),其中"文学科大学"中的"中外地理学门",即现代意义上的"地理学系",尽管该系最后没有成立,但它的地理学教学大纲和地理学课程设置在京师大学堂的其它院系得到部分实现,是中国现代地理学的一个初步方案,在中国近代地理学发展史上,应有它的一席地位.  相似文献   
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