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化学分析工作要求测试快速、准确,低含量钒的测定因流程长,操作复杂,不易掌握,影响了推广使用。该试验采用分光光度法针对锰矿石中钒的测定进行了改进,取得了良好的效果。该法采用过氧化钠-碳酸钠熔融、水浸取,吸取清液依次加入硝酸、磷酸、钨酸钠溶液生成可溶性的黄色磷钨钒酸络合物,测量其吸光度,大大提高了分析效率。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔地区岩石圈热结构   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
岩石圈热结构是指地球内部热量在壳幔的配分比例、温度以及热导率和生热率等热学参数在岩石圈中的分布特征。岩石圈的热结构直接影响着岩石的物理性质和流变学性质,同时还控制了化学反应的类型和速度,从而制约着岩石圈的发展和演化。本文在前人CCSD主孔岩石主、微量元素研究基础上,利用Rybach生热率公式计算了钻孔岩石的放射性生热率,并结合岩石热导率的测定研究了CCSD主孔100-2000m岩石的热结构和主孔榴辉岩在不同退变质程度下生热率、热导率的变化:钻孔中岩石的平均生热率为0.95μWm-3,平均热导率为2.96mWm-1K-1。,其中片麻岩生热率高迭1.01-1.7μWm-3,热导率为2.76-2.96mWm-1K-1;基性超基性岩石生热率最低(<0.21μWm-3),热导率则高达3.20mWm-1K-1以上;新鲜榴辉岩生热率、热导率居中,分剐为0.16-0.44μWm-3和3.31-3.85mWm-1K-1。钻孔中榴辉岩生热率、热导率变化主要受岩性控制:从新鲜榴辉岩到完全退变榴辉岩,热导率总体上降低,但从强退变榴辉岩到完全退变榴辉岩,岩石热导率升高;而在此过程中岩石生热率总体上升高,仅当从中等退变质榴辉岩退变为强退变质榴辉岩时,岩石生热率出现降低趋势。在综合研究的基础上预测CCSD主孔5000m深度处温度为139℃,温度范围为131-151℃。根据区域深部地球物理探测成果对CCSD主孔地区岩石圈热结构进行了研究:上地壳底部温度为256℃,中地壳底部温度为492℃,Moho面温度为683℃,岩石圈底部温度为1185℃,来自地幔的热流为44.1mWm-2,对地表热流的贡献率为58%。研究结果表明,由岩石物理方法获得的CCSD主孔地区岩石圈地温曲线与石榴石-二辉橄榄岩包体推断的中国东部地温曲线十分吻合,本文从实验岩石物理学角度为CCSD主孔地区岩石圈热结构研究提供了重要约束  相似文献   
南京直立人研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许汉奎 《江苏地质》2001,25(2):82-86
简单地介绍了“南京直立人(猿人)综合研究专家组”近二年来的部份研究成果,如南京汤山葫芦洞内的地层可以分为4段;洞内的哺乳动物群可以分为时代不同的大洞动物群和小洞动物群;南京直立人的一号头骨与二号头骨层位不同,特征也不一;铀系测年也证明小洞的地层其年代在距今60万年-50万年间,大洞的地层年代在距今24万年-10万年间,大洞被堆石堆砾石层封闭的时间应在13万年-10万年间。从而补充和纠正了前人研究中的不足和错误。  相似文献   
三维变分同化雷达资料暴雨个例试验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用中国新一代数值预报模式及其同化系统开展雷达资料的三维变分同化和数值模拟研究.通过一次暴雨个例的对比试验,结果表明:不考虑垂直运动影响的情况下,仅同化多普勒雷达径向风资料可以增加初始场中的中小尺度系统信息,并在一定程度上改善预报开始阶段的降水;同化由反射率因子导出的垂直速度、雨水混合比并令上升区饱和,可以较大改善降水预报结果;联合同化径向速度和反射率因子资料将得到它们的共同影响.模拟的β中尺度对流系统6 h的演变过程与观测十分一致,基本消除了旋转加强现象.发展旺盛阶段的对流单体南北方向范围约50 km,最大上升速度位于500 hPa附近,超过3.0 m/s;雨水最大含量在400 hPa附近,超过5.0 g/kg;云水最大值位于600 hPa,约0.5 g/kg;造成的降水强度可达30 mm/h,具有明显的β中尺度系统的特征.初始场中水汽是否达到β中尺度降水维持所需条件是至关重要的,如果初始场中水汽条件较差,即使含有云水、雨水、垂直速度的信息,这些信息也会很快消亡,难以维持下去;此外,雷达资料的质量控制也是十分重要的.  相似文献   
The detailed surface rainfall processes associated with landfalling typhoon Kaemi(2006) are investigated based on hourly data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is integrated for 6 days with imposed large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature and vapor advection from National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) / Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The simulation data are validated with observations in terms of surface rain rate. The Root-Mean-Squared (RMS) difference in surface rain rate between the simulation and the gauge observations is 0.660 mm h-1, which is smaller than the standard deviations of both the simulated rain rate (0.753 mm h-1) and the observed rain rate (0.833 mm h-1). The simulation data are then used to study the physical causes associated with the detailed surface rainfall processes during the landfall. The results show that time averaged and model domain-mean Ps mainly comes from large-scale convergence (QWVF) and local vapor loss (positive QWVT). Large underestimation (about 15%) of Ps will occur if QWVT and QCM (cloud source/sink) are not considered as contributors to Ps. QWVF accounts for the variation of Ps during most of the integration time, while it is not always a contributor to Ps. Sometimes surface rainfall could occur when divergence is dominant with local vapor loss to be a contributor to Ps. Surface rainfall is a result of multi-timescale interactions. QWVE possesses the longest time scale and the lowest frequency of variation with time and may exert impact on Ps in longer time scales. QWVF possesses the second longest time scale and lowest frequency and can explain most of the variation of Ps. QWVT and QCM possess shorter time scales and higher frequencies, which can explain more detailed variations in Ps. Partitioning analysis shows that stratiform rainfall is dominant from the morning of 26 July till the late night of 27 July. After that, convective rainfall dominates till about 1000 LST 28 July. Before 28 July, the variations of in rainfall-free regions contribute less to that of the domain-mean QWVT while after that they contribute much, which is consistent to the corresponding variations in their fractional coverage. The variations of QWVF in rainfall regions are the main contributors to that of the domain-mean QWVF, then the main contributors to the surface rain rate before the afternoon of 28 July.  相似文献   
涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪观测通量的空间代表性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在对涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪足迹模型进行敏感性分析的基础上,利用北京密云站2006年8月至2007年12月期间的观测资料,应用足迹模型对观测通量的空间代表性做了初步的分析.结果表明:涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪的源区对风向、Monin-Obukhov长度,空气动力学粗糙度和观测高度/有效高度等因子比较敏感.密云站涡动相关仪的源区白天主要分布在仪器的西南与南面,而夜间则在东北与北面.大孔径闪烁仪的源区为西南一东北向分布.涡动相关仪各月源区形状不同,但大致分布在南北长1000 m、东两宽850 m的范嗣内,而LAS各月源区为西南一东北向分布,长约2060 m,最宽处约为620 m.对涡动相关仪通量有贡献的下垫面主要为园地(67%)和耕地(19%).其中园地的通量贡献比例在夏、秋季比较大,冬、春季稍小,而耕地则相反.大孔径闪烁仪的主要通量贡献源区为园地、耕地和居民地,通量贡献比例分别为49%,28%和11%.其中园地和耕地通量贡献率的变化趋势与涡动相关仪的观测结果一致,但没有涡动相关仪的变化明显.  相似文献   
Fengyun-3 E(FY-3E),the world’s first early-morning-orbit meteorological satellite for civil use,was launched successfully at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 5 July 2021.The FY-3E satellite will fill the vacancy of the global early-morning-orbit satellite observation,working together with the FY-3C and FY-3D satellites to achieve the data coverage of early morning,morning,and afternoon orbits.The combination of these three satellites will provide global data coverage for numerical weather prediction(NWP)at 6-hour intervals,effectively improving the accuracy and time efficiency of global NWP,which is of great significance to perfect the global earth observing system.In this article,the background and meteorological requirements for the early-morning-orbit satellite are reviewed,and the specifications of the FY-3E satellite,as well as the characteristics of the onboard instrumentation for earth observations,are also introduced.In addition,the ground segment and the retrieved geophysical products are also presented.It is believed that the NWP communities will significantly benefit from an optimal temporal distribution of observations provided by the early morning,mid-morning,and afternoon satellite missions.Further benefits are expected in numerous applications such as the monitoring of severe weather/climate events,the development of improved sampling designs of the diurnal cycle for accurate climate data records,more efficient monitoring of air quality by thermal infrared remote sensing,and the quasicontinuous monitoring of the sun for space weather and climate.  相似文献   
The study presented herein investigated the main characteristics of carbon monoxideintraseasonal variability and evaluated its possible impact factors using the upper troposphere and lowerstratosphere (UT/LS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations over Tibetan Plateau and itsadjacent areas in summer (June to August) of 2005 and 2006. Observations show a persistent constituentextreme extending up into the UT/LS throughout summer, as well as a temporally reversed phase variationbetween the carbon monoxide and ozone in UT/LS. The intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of carbonmonoxide during summer are investigated by using methods of wavelet and band pass filter analysis. It isfound that ISOs over the Tibetan Plateau have periods of 10 to 20 days and 30 to 60 days. The formermainly appeared in upper troposphere while the latter in lower stratosphere. Further analysis shows thatthese two periods of ISOs in UT/LS are mainly in phase to the activities of convection over the south of theplateau and the variation of South Asia High, respectively. The above two factors and their dynamicalcoupling may be responsible for the tracer ISOs at different levels.  相似文献   
利用中国105站的探空资料以及NCEP/NCAR、ERA和JRA三种再分析资料,采用均方根误差、趋势分析等多种统计分析方法,对再分析资料的高空温度在中国东北和西北区域的可信度进行了分析。结果表明:在气候平均方面,JRA资料相比于探空资料的均方根误差较小,冬季的均方根误差较小,西北区的均方根误差普遍大于东北区;在年际变化方面,东北区三种再分析资料在低层的反映程度明显好于高层,西北区各层三种再分析资料与探空资料的差值普遍比东北区大;在长期变化方面,三种再分析资料在对流层低层都较好,东北区NCEP资料能更好地反映探空资料高层的降温趋势,而在西北区,则是JRA资料能更好地反映探空资料高层的降温趋势。  相似文献   
内陆干旱区生态环境系统与气候系统关系的分析评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内陆干旱区生态环境系统的结构与功能、近期变化及其成因,生态环境系统与气候系统的关系,生态环境保护、治理、建设与经济社会协调发展的基本关系等进行综合分析和评估,论述了气象与生态环境工作之间的内在联系,为气象部门在拓展生态环境领域工作中进行顶层设计提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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