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Studies on rain-runoff process in the peripheral mountainous area of the Sichuan Basin, which is regarded as a key ecological shelter, will contribute to flood control and environmental protection for the Upper Yangtze River Basin. In two typical catchments--the Fujiang River Catchment and the Wujiang River Catchment, rainfall simulations have been conducted to study the rain-runoff processes of yellow soil and limestone soil in three types of land use--forestland, farmland and grassland. Results showed that (1) within the same rainfall process, overland flow occurs first on farmland, then on grassland, and finally on forestland; (2) soil surface coverage has a great impact on the occurrence and amount of overland flow. The runoff amount can increase 2-4 times after the coverage is removed; (3) the infiltration before the occurrence of overland flow will decrease because of higher gravel contents of soil, but it takes no effect on infiltration once overland flow becomes stable; (4) the runoff coefficient of the limestone soil forestland is greater than that of the yellow soil forest land, but less than that of the farmland; (5) three empirical infiltration models, including Horton' model, Kostiakov' model, and modified Kostiakov' model, were compared by using the observed results under rainfall simulation. The results showed that the Kostiakov' model performed better than both the Horton' model and modified Kostiakov model. According to the results of this research, the Kostiakov's model can be used to simulate rainfall infiltration when water erosion is modeled in the peripheral mountainous area of the Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
刘元章  武强  邢立亭  林沛  韩征  雷坤超 《水文》2013,33(6):42-46
通过对北京市平原区600余眼监测井水位动态资料的分析,2012年北京"7·21"特大暴雨后水位有明显响应的监测井仅有34处,约占总数的6%左右,比例较低,同时范围较为集中,且基本全为较浅的潜水井。反映出本次大暴雨对本区地下水位的直接影响总体程度不深。通过对这些监测点的分布规律加以分析,它们主要集中分布在各大河的上游河道沿线区域,地层渗透性较好。并认为发生大面积的漫水,即来水量较大是使得地下水位响应明显的另一重要条件。并对单次降水对水位影响较小的原因进行了分析,认为主要是由于粘土类地层的阻隔、地表人为硬化及地层的沉积压实,尤其是差异性压实,都会影响流场的畅通性,阻碍地下水的垂向入渗及水平方向的补给,从而会导致降水对地下水位的影响程度被大大减弱。  相似文献   
论资源与环境的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
资源与环境是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础和条件,作为地球生态的两个方面,二者共同构成矛盾的统一体,相辅相成又相互制约。当与经济联系起来时,便具有确稀缺性和极限性。  相似文献   
地下水位的上升或下降会驱动包气带中的空气流动,并与水位升降运动发生相互作用.当潜水含水层被低渗透介质覆盖时,这种水位升降与空气流的耦合现象更加明显.利用细砂盖层作为低渗透介质与厚层粗砂组合成双层结构砂柱,进行了注水和排水实验研究.在排水实验中砂柱水位面下降,包气带会形成显著真空,吸取外界大气.在注水实验中砂柱水位面抬升,包气带气压增大,空气向外流动.包气带气压随时间的变化曲线呈单峰形式,且受到细砂盖层厚度的影响.考虑砂柱饱水带的Darcy流和包气带可压缩空气的线性渗流,提出了一个描述砂柱水-气运动的简化动力学模型,通过Runge-Kutta法进行实验过程的数值模拟,重现了观测到的包气带气压变化特征.模拟结果表明,包气带气压的极值随着低渗透盖层厚度的增加而呈非线性增大趋势.  相似文献   
何艺玮  房元龙  冯文杰  刘远航  范洋  郭华粘  张佩  贾风娟 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020002-2023020002
辫状河三角洲是一类常见的沉积体系,也是一类常见的油气储层,其沉积特征、沉积演化过程及内部结构一直受到沉积学研究的关注。为明确辫状河三角洲沉积特征、演化过程及生长演变规律,笔者等通过水槽实验模拟辫状河三角洲在平缓的水下底形上逐步发育的过程,并采用三维激光扫描仪、延时拍照等手段进行精准的沉积地貌监测和定量沉积学分析。研究表明:① 辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程中,三角洲的规模、水流分散样式、沉积体表面地貌特征及沉积物分布样式存在阶段性差异,可据此将实验辫状河三角洲的演化分为3个阶段。② 在最初阶段,辫状河携带沉积物直接入“湖”堆积并形成朵状河口坝,入“湖”水流无明显的水道化特征,随着朵状河口坝逐渐堆积露出水面,三角洲平原初步形成,平原上河道开始分流并导致后续河口坝转变为连续的弧形坝分布于先期沉积体周缘,这一阶段三角洲平均半径快速增加;进入第二阶段后,三角洲平均半径增速减缓,供给河道进入三角洲平原后形成1~2条主干分流河道与多条次级分流河道,并在主干河道河口区形成弧形的前缘朵体;到第三阶段,三角洲平原面积已经较大,其平均半径增速进一步降低,平原上分流河道的分叉性更强、宽度更小,不同分流河道规模接近并可同时将沉积物输送到三角洲前缘多个部位发生沉积,在同一时期形成多个孤立的小规模的前缘朵体。③ 在整个沉积演化过程中,伴随着三角洲规模的逐渐增大,分流河道的宽度逐步减小、流程变长、分流河道数量逐步增加,三角洲前缘沉积由少量弧形的连续分布朵体转变为多个孤立分布的小规模朵体。④ 在第二、三阶段,分流河道表现为多个侵蚀—回填的自旋回演化过程,形成了多套自旋回沉积复合体。⑤ 辫状河三角洲前积层存在自下而上、由近向远表现为沉积连续性逐步减小、叠切规律逐渐复杂的特性。通过水槽实验揭示辫状河三角洲沉积演化过程及内部结构,可为露头解剖与地下储层研究提供参考。  相似文献   
In this first study of lignin geochemistry in the world’s longest river on an island, surface sediments were collected along the Kapuas River, three lakes in the upper river, a tributary in the lower river and a separate river during June-July 2007 and December 2007-January 2008. The samples were analyzed for lignin-derived phenols and bulk elemental and stable carbon isotope compositions. Λ values (the sum of eight lignin phenols, expressed as mg/100 mg organic carbon (OC)) ranged from 0.13 to 3.70. Ratios of syringyl/vanillyl (S/V) and cinnamyl/vanillyl (C/V) ranged from 0.34 to 1.18 and 0.28 to 1.40, respectively, indicating the presence of non-woody angiosperm tissues. The high vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v (0.71-2.01) and syringic acid to syringaldehyde (Ad/Al)s (0.72-2.12) ratios indicate highly degraded lignin materials. In the upper Kapuas River, highly degraded soil materials discharged from lands that were barren as a result of deforestation activities were detected in the locations directly in those vicinities. The middle Kapuas River showed rapid organic matter degradation, probably due to the presence of fresh terrestrial and phytoplankton organic matter fueling the biogeochemical cycling. The Kapuas Kecil River, one of the two branches in the lower reach of the Kapuas River, showed higher levels and diagenesis of sedimentary organic matter due to input from anthropogenic sources and increased marine organic matter near the mouth. This study shows that different stretches along the river exhibit different levels and composition of sedimentary organic matter, as well as different carbon dynamics, which is directly attributable to the varying landscapes and quality of organic matter.  相似文献   
陕北地区延长组发育低(特)渗储层,除发育通常的高阻油层外,还极易形成低阻油层;因此,低阻油层的发现,极大拓宽了该区石油勘探和开发的领域。根据志丹油田樊川油区长61的石油地质特征,结合大量实验和生产数据资料的分析对比,对该区低阻油层的成因机理及宏观控制因素进行了分析。结果表明:长61储层的孔隙结构复杂导致束缚水饱和度增高,高地层水矿化度、高泥质含量及放射性砂岩的存在,是低阻油层得以形成的主要原因。通过大量实际试油和测井资料的对比可见,应用计算自然电位与自然电位曲线重叠法可以快速直观显示其含油性,声波时差-深电阻率的交会图与自然伽马-深电阻率交会图相结合可有效识别低阻油层。对区内85口探井进行了测井资料的二次解释,在长6发现了初次解释所遗漏的45个低阻油层,油层数由原来的117个增加到162个,净增27.8%。  相似文献   
The chemical characteristics, formation and natural attenuation of pollutants in the coal acid mine drainage (AMD) at Xingren coalfield, Southwest China, are discussed in this paper based on the results of a geochemical investigation as well as geological and hydrogeological background information. The chemical composition of the AMD is controlled by the dissolution of sulfide minerals in the coal seam, the initial composition of the groundwater and the water–rock interaction. The AMD is characterized by high sulfate concentrations, high levels of dissolved metals (Fe, Al, Mn, etc.) and low pH values. Ca2+ and SO4 2− are the dominant cation and anion in the AMD, respectively, while Ca2+ and HCO3 are present at significant levels in background water and surface water after the drainage leaves the mine site. The pH and alkalinity increase asymptotically with the distance along the flow path, while concentrations of sulfate, ferrous iron, aluminum and manganese are typically controlled by the deposition of secondary minerals. Low concentrations of As and other pollutants in the surface waters of the Xingren coalfield could be due to relatively low quantities being released from coal seams, to adsorption and coprecipitation on secondary minerals in stream sediments, and to dilution by unpolluted surface recharge. Although As is not the most serious water quality problem in the Xingren region at present, it is still a potential environmental problem. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Geometry analysis of the Hongsanhan (红三旱) Section in the northwestern Qaidam basin illustrates the typical growth strata in the Xiaganchaigou (下干柴沟) Formation. The age and sedimentation rates of the Xiaganchaigou and the Shangganchaigou (上干柴沟) formations were determined by the high-resolution magnetostratigraphy. This result shows that the growth strata began to form at ca. 38.0 Ma and increased sedimentation rates occurred at ca. 37.0 Ma. The uplift of the Tibetan plateau before the Eocene-Oligocene boundary is confirmed, which enables us to better understand the relationship between climatic changes and the tectonic uplift. This uplift event could have resuited in the regional drying by blocking the moisture and contributed to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary global cooling event due to the declining atmospheric CO2 concentrations by increased weathering of the mountains.  相似文献   
汶川地震(Ms8.0)地表建筑体变形特征及其构造意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过汶川地震震区大量的实地考察已证实沿着早先活动断裂主要发育了两条地表破裂带:一条是沿着映秀-北川断裂产生的逆冲伴随右旋走滑破裂带,长275km,最大垂直位移达11m,水平位移达12m; 另一条纯逆冲性质的破裂带,沿着灌县-安县断裂发育,最大垂直位移达4m。活动断裂之上的地表破裂带是野外工作中确定地震断裂性质的重要现象。另外,在活动断裂相邻区域和远离区域的路面以及建筑体还大量存在变形现象。通常沿活动断裂产生的地表破裂是典型的同震破裂,相邻区域的地表路面及建筑体发育的变形属于次生变形,远离区域发育的变形则属于震后变形。对次生变形和震后变形测量数据的应用容易影响活动断裂特征的确定和性质的判断,因为路面等建筑体上的挤压拱起、叠置以及水平错断等现象多是受到地震过程中通过断裂活动突然释放的巨大能量作用在局部地表建筑体产生的变形。但是,分布广泛的挤压现象暗示了区域上挤压应力场环境,有利于地表同震破裂位置的推测及地震断裂性质的判断。  相似文献   
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