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44 samples of the Jilin meteorite were analyzed by various laboratories for spallogenic, radiogenic, and trapped rare gases. A non-uniform distribution has been found for the rare gases of different origins. There have been found correlations among the spallogenic rare gases, with apparent depth effects. 43 samples were analyzed for their cosmogenic radionuclides60Co,26Al,36Cl,40K,53Mn,54Mn, and22Na. Correlations have been found between60Co and53Mn and between60Co and21Ne. The Jilin meteorite has a complex history of cosmic-ray irradiation. According to the two-stage model and the other fragments have a burying depth two stages,T 1=11 m.y. andT 2=0.3 m.y. The burying depth of all samples in the parent body can be obtained by the content of21Ne. Jilin meteorite No. 1 is located 20–142 cm from the surface, No. 4 ranges from 106–134 cm, and the other fragments have a burying depth between 15 and 150 cm. The equation of the reference plane for the surface of the 1-stage Jilin meteoroid is 0.24x+0.81y+0.53z+0.5=0. Use can also be made of60Co to determine the burying depth of all samples in the 2-stage Jilin meteoroid (under a geometry of 4π), and further to restore the preatmospheric form and size of the parent body. During its atmospheric passage, the Jilin had an ablation rate of ca. 30%. On the basis of the two-stage model and the concentration of21Ne and60Co in the samples, we propose a scheme to restore the relative position of all samples in the parent body. 12 sample-distribution regions can be sketched out. Also can be restored the relative position of all the samples in the parent body during the two stages.  相似文献   
北秦岭新元古代前属于扬子板块的地球化学证据   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
秦岭是扬子板块和华北陆块间的复合造山带,其中存在两个古缝合带,北面的新元古代到早古生代商-丹缝合带介于北秦岭和南秦岭之间,南面的晚古生代勉-略缝合带形成于南秦岭与扬子陆块北缘之间,属于确知的扬子陆块内部打开形成的类型。北秦岭在地壳增生历史,元古宙上地慢性质,以及元古宙以来地幔相对富Nb、Ta、Cu,高Rb/Sr、Ba/Sr、Ba/La、Th/La、Nb/Ta比值和相对贫Fe、Mo方面均与南秦岭和扬子陆块北段一致。而与华北板块南段明显不同。变玄武岩类的Pb同位素三维空间拓扑图和铀εNd(t)-206Pb/204Pb图显示,区域一级地球化学界面位于北秦岭与华北陆块的分界处,二级界面才是商丹-缝合带。构造侵位于该带中的松树沟蛇绿岩<1000 Ma士)中已发现并存着N—MORB和E—MORB型变拉斑玄武岩。表明它们的岩浆分别来自亏损地幔和深部地幔热柱源区。松树沟蛇绿岩与勉,略蛇绿岩中的N—MORB型岩石具有与此相似的同位素组成和特征元素对比值,暗示松树沟蛇绿岩所代表的古洋壳也应属于扬子板块内部型。加之,新元古代之前秦岭只存在裂谷系而无板块结合带,故可确定北秦岭原来应属于扬子板块的组成部分。对秦岭群和宽坪群变拉斑玄武岩及松树沟E—MORB和N—MIORB进行地球化学对比的结果,既能够支持北秦岭是在扬子板块的洋壳洋岛基础上发展形成的微陆块的推断,又可解释北秦岭幔源岩石具有特高Th/La、Yb/Hf、Sc/Th比值和壳幔更富于放射成因钳的原因。此外。对本研究结果在秦岭造山带发展动力学方面的意义也进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   
REE ratios and patterns for massive pyrite ore and massive cuprous pyrite ore ofthe Baiyinchang orefield are quite similar to those for quartz keratophyritic tuff and quartzalbitophyre of the same orefield. However, massive cuprous pyrite ore of the Ashele Cu-Zn de-posit is similar to basalt-diabase of the same district in REE geochemistry. Comparison of theChinese VMS ores with those from Rio Tinto, Spain and Que River, Australia, in REEgeochemistry has been made. REE ratios and patterns of bedded-massive and massive ores ofthe Changba-Lijiagou Zn-Pb deposit, the second largest SEDEX deposit in China are similarto those of their host rocks, the Qinling shales of Devonian age and the Changba adamellite.The three types of ore and their host rocks of the Dongshengmiao pyrite (pyrrhotite)-Zn-Pbdeposit have parallel REE ratios and patterns.  相似文献   
Sensitivity of the IAP two-level AGCM to surface albedo variations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Two numerical experiments were performed for sensitivity study of surface albedo, one was a control run in which the albedo values for snow-free surfaces were prescribed as constant; the other was a sensitivity run in which an albedo with seasonal variation was incorporated into the model show that the simulation of precipitation is sensitive to the surface albedo variations, especially those over Eastern Asia and the Sahara. Changes in surface albedo also have an impact on the monthly mean sea level pressure, especially on the July-mean Western Pacific subtropical high. Surface air temperature decreased over most of the Eastern Asia but increases over most of the Antarctica in July.With 6 Figures  相似文献   
The load/unload response ratio YQ with the geophysical parameter coda Q-1 of the crust as response is denned in this study.The variation in YQ-1 before and after the Northridge earthquake of January 17,1994(California)has been investigated by using the data of coda Q-1 with frequencies of 1.5,3.0,6.0,12.0,and 24.0 Hz in the Southern California from 1987 to 1994.It can be found that YQ-1 for coda waves with all frequencies,the frequency of 12.0 Hz excluded,ascended to a certain extent prior to the occurrence of the rnainshock and returned to normality after the main shock.  相似文献   
欧阳兵 《大气科学》1989,13(1):29-37
本文用转盘实验的方法,研究了均质正压流体运动中扰动与基本带状环流的非线性相互作用。着重考察了两类典型初始扰动场——即迭加在基流上的槽状扰动和多闭合涡旋中心扰动结构的演变过程。发现:非线性相互作用过程是以波动形式表现的。两类初始扰动场各自经历不同的演变过程,并趋向于不同的平衡态。槽状扰动结构有利于基流对扰动动能的吸收,流场最终趋向于轴对称带状环流状态,而且纬向波数越大,吸收过程越明显。多闭合涡心结构不利于基流对扰动动能的吸收。基流与扰动在动能随时间的变化上表现出准周期性振荡。实验结果与旋转适应过程理论有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
The present paper reports the research development in the timing and tectonic setting of the Xixiang Group, northwestern margin of the Yangtze block. U-Pb concordant ages of (946 ± 18) Ma and (904±18) Ma of zircons were obtained from the upper and lower units of the Xixiang volcanic succession, respectively. Elemental and Nd isotope characteristics show that the volcanic suite has the affinities of arc island magmatism as well as an evolution trend of tectonic setting from front-arc to back-arc. The volcanic rocks suffered from some extensive post-stage tectono-thermal events, resulting in the resetting of their Rb-Sr isotopic system.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONErgodichypothesisisoneofthebasicconceptsofmoderngeomorphology.Itsuggeststhatundercertaincircumstancessamplinginspacecanbeequivalenttosamplingthroughtime;andthatspace-timetransformationsarepermissibleasaworkingtool.Thisisbasedontheassumptionthat,whenindividualmembersofapopulationoflandformsarechangingregularlythroughtime,thespatialfrequencyofoccurrenceofgiventypesoflandformsisinverselyproportionaltotheirrateofchange(Chorley,etal.,1985).TheconceptofthecycleofDavis'erosioninwhi…  相似文献   
地理1和选择性必修1课程内容要求之间的关系为联系基础上的进阶。整体联系体现在太阳辐射和地球自身特点共同作用下的自然带地域分异规律形成过程,是必修地理1和选择性必修1隐含的学科逻辑线索。这条内容线索也是理解“必修”二字的关键。在“必修”的基础上看“选择性”,地理1和选择性必修1内容要求之间的进阶,体现在内容构成上,从现象到规律、从单一要素到要素综合;在学习水平上,从“识记”、“领会”,提升到“领会”、“分析”水平。地理1和选择性必修1内容要求之间的联系与进阶,要求教师树立教学设计的整体意识,包括课程内容的结构化分析和教学目标的分层设计,从而在整体把握学科知识体系的基础上,有一条清晰的逐级递进、螺旋上升体现学习进阶过程的教学“路线图”。  相似文献   
受人事部委托,中国地震局人事教育司于2000年7月10~14日在北京举办了"百千万人才工程"数字地球"高级研讨班.高研班聘请了陈运泰院士、陈述彭院士、马宗晋院士等8位国内著名"数字地球"专家做讲座;28位学员分别来自全国各地18个单位,他们主要是省部级"百千万人才工程"人选,以及对"数字地球"有一定研究基础的优秀青年科技骨干.  相似文献   
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