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Tahouda, former Roman Thabudeos, is situated 400 km south of Algiers (Algeria). It is one of the fortresses belonging to Roman south defense line in North Africa. This region is archaeologically very poorly known except for surface remains. The geophysical survey formed part of a wider research project designed to record and assess the landscape context of the longest Roman defense line in North Africa. We present the geophysical mapping and imaging using electric resistivity tomography and electromagnetics to help in investigating the subsurface properties of the region. Data were obtained using: (1) Saris resistance meter with up to 25 electrodes spaced at 2 m intervals and lines up to 50 m long. A total of 11 lines was obtained. (2) Geonics EM31, in two dipole configuration modes with 16 lines up to 100 m sampled every meter. These methods prove to be very powerful tools to give insight and locate the anthropologic remains from the surface to a depth of 6 m and outline their geometry. The results obtained by the two methods are consistent above the main remains like walls and rooms.  相似文献   
The treatment of landfill leachate by reverse osmosis (RO) generates huge volumes of heavily polluted concentrate that has to be properly treated before its discharge into the environment. The aim of this work was to assess the solidification/stabilization (S/S) treatment of the leachate concentrate (LC) for chemical/physical immobilization of contaminants and for obtaining durable monolithic matrix suitable for storage, landfilling, or use. In addition, the possible use of brick waste as a partial replacement of natural aggregates used for S/S process was investigated. Concrete mixtures were prepared using local PC, sand, gravel, and tap water/LC. The substitution of coarse aggregate material by brick waste was examined for the replacement ratios 25, 50, and 75%. Hardened concrete specimens were subject to compressive test as well as flexural strength test at 7 and 28 days. Besides, a leaching test was performed, and the collected eluates were analyzed for pH, total dissolved solids, chemical oxygen demand, chlorides, sulfates, phosphorus, and heavy metals. The aggregate replacement with brick waste showed various trends according to the substituted fraction size and ratio. A 28-day compressive strength of more than 25 MPa was obtained even at 50% simultaneous substitution of PC, gravel, and sand. Leaching test analysis confirmed that S/S could be a successful treatment for RO LC decreasing most of the pollutants to comply with landfilling criteria, except for chromium known to be mobile at high pH. Furthermore, the substitution of natural aggregates with brick waste revealed the possibility to cast valuable masonry units. However, a long-term assessment is still needed to ensure the mechanical and chemical stability/durability of concrete.  相似文献   
This study was carried out in the Alwadeen area of Khamis Mushayt district of southwestern Saudi Arabia to evaluate the hydrochemical characteristics of the shallow hard rock aquifers. These hard rock aquifers mostly comprise granites and contain significant quantities of groundwater that complement the available groundwater from the unconsolidated alluvial sediments in the nearby wadis. The field investigation indicates two main fracture sets which intersect each other and are oriented in the west-northwest and east-west directions. The granitic rocks in the area are intruded by coarse-grained and quartz-rich monzogranite and pegmatite veins. Hydrogeologically, the fracture systems are important since they facilitate the groundwater storage and assume the transmissive function during times of groundwater abstraction. Given the fact that groundwater in the fractured rock aquifers generally occurs at shallow depths, it may be exposed to contamination from surface and/or near-surface sources, and it is therefore important to evaluate its quality. To this end, a hydrochemical analysis was carried out on six groundwater samples collected from the area. The hydrochemistry revealed that the groundwater is fairly fresh, and facies analysis reveals mixed Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 types. Overall, the results reveal that the groundwater is saturated with calcite and dolomite, but unsaturated with gypsum and halite. The degree of salinity increases in the direction of the groundwater flow due to increased rock-water interaction.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the installation effects of stone columns in soft soils. Focus is made on the lateral expansion of stone material using the vibro displacement and substitution techniques by means of numerical simulations. The behaviour of reinforced soil after stone column installation is investigated to show how the properties of soft soils can be improved prior to final loading. The effect of such an improvement on the prediction of reinforced soil settlement is evaluated. The axisymmetric unit cell model (UCM) served for the comparison between numerical predictions made by the Mohr-Coulomb and hardening soil constitutive laws adopted for the soft soil. An equivalent group of end bearing columns model was investigated in the axisymmetric condition to predict the settlement of reinforced soil by adopting the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model for soft clay. The reduction of settlements predicted by the unit cell and group of columns models, due the improvement of the Young’s modulus of soft clay, were compared. It is concluded that a significant reduction of settlement is expected when the group of columns model is considered.  相似文献   
A suite of elements(Ag,Au,Ba,Bi,Cd,Co,Cr,Cu,Ga,Hf,Hg,Mn,Mo,Ni,Pb,Rb,Sb,Se, Sr,Te and Zn),total organic carbon(TOC)and pH were analyzed in stream sediment and tailing samples from Um Shashoba area,in order to evaluate Au placer and the sediments being impacted by old mining activities.Analytical results were examined using statistical,graphical and mapping methods.In spite of the results revealing that Au and most of the elements in sediments were in general significantly lower than those in tailing,Au wa...  相似文献   
Major and trace element data, U–Pb zircon ages, and initial isotopic compositions of Sr, Nd, and Pb are reported for ten granitic and one rhyolitic rock sample from the neo-Proterozoic Nakasib suture in NE Sudan. Chemical data indicate that the samples are medium- to high-K, "I-type" granitic rocks that mostly plot as "volcanic arc granites" on discriminant diagrams. Geochronologic data indicate that rifting occurred 790±2?Ma and constrain the time of deformation associated with suturing of the Gebeit and Haya terranes to have ended by approximately 740?Ma. Isotopic data show a limited range, with initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.7021 to 0.7032 (mean=0.7025), εNd(t) =+5.5 to +7.0 (mean=+6.4), and 206Pb/204Pb = 17.50–17.62. Neodymium model ages (TDM; 0.69–0.85?Ga; mean = 0.76?Ga) are indistinguishable from crystallization ages (0.79–0.71?Ga; mean=0.76?Ga), and the isotopic data considered together indicate derivation from homogeneously depleted mantle. The geochronologic data indicate that the terrane accretion to form the Arabian–Nubian shield began just prior to 750?Ma. The isotopic data reinforces models for the generation of large volumes of juvenile continental crust during neo-Proterozoic time, probably at intra-oceanic convergent margins. The data also indicate that crust formation was associated with two cycles of incompatible element enrichment in granitic rocks, with an earlier cycle beginning approximately 870?Ma and culminating approximately 740?Ma, and the second cycle beginning after pervasive high-degree melts – possibly hot-spot related – were emplaced approximately 690–720?Ma.  相似文献   
The Saharan Metacraton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article introduces the name “Saharan Metacraton” to refer to the pre-Neoproterozoic––but sometimes highly remobilized during Neoproterozoic time––continental crust which occupies the north-central part of Africa and extends in the Saharan Desert in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Chad and Niger and the Savannah belt in Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic and Cameroon. This poorly known tract of continental crust occupies 5,000,000 km2 and extends from the Arabian-Nubian Shield in the east to the Tuareg Shield to the west and from the Congo craton in the south to the Phanerozoic cover of the northern margin of the African continent in southern Egypt and Libya. The term “metacraton” refers to a craton that has been remobilized during an orogenic event but is still recognizable dominantly through its rheological, geochronological and isotopic characteristics. Neoproterozoic remobilization of the Saharan Metacraton was in the forms of deformation, metamorphism, emplacement of igneous bodies, and probably local episodes of crust formation related to rifting and oceanic basin development. Relics of unaffected or only weakly remobilized old lithosphere are present as exemplified by the Archean to Paleoproterozoic charnockites and anorthosites of the Uweinat massif at the Sudanese/Egyptian/Libyan boarder. The article explains why the name “Saharan Metacraton” should be used, defines the boundaries of the metacraton, reviews geochronological and isotopic data as evidence for the presence of pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust, and discusses what happened to the Saharan Metacraton during the Neoproterozoic. A model combining collisional processes, lithospheric delamination, regional extension, and post-collisional dismembering by horizontal shearing is proposed.  相似文献   
Numerous ultramafic xenoliths occur within the A??n–Temouchent volcanic complex (Northwestern Oranie, Algeria). Most of them are type I mantle tectonites (lherzolites and harzburgites) and composite xenoliths (harzburgite/clinopyroxenite) are rare. Only a few samples of spinel lherzolites display relatively fertile compositions when the major part of type I xenoliths have refractory major element compositions but enriched LREE contents showing that they have been affected by mantle metasomatism. The composite xenoliths are witnesses of reactions of alkaline magmas with the upper mantle. An asthenospheric rising, in relation with the large strike slip fault affecting the North African plate margin at Trias time is proposed as a possible geodynamical setting. To cite this article: M. Zerka et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 387–394.  相似文献   
Structural interpretation of surface and subsurface data in the Eastern foreland basins of Tunisia, allows us to recognize positive inversion structures, i.e. related to compressional events, expressed and recorded in the Paleogene sedimentary pile of the Atlas domain. These episodes are followed by a period of relative tectonic quiescence during Oligocene-Early Miocene with development of extensional structures with slightly tilted panels, grabens and locally the development of listric normal faults branched at depth on “décollement” levels.Comparison of the seismic interpretations and field data collected along the South Atlas Front as well as in the Atlas belt, allows us to propose a tectonic scenario at the scale of Eastern Tunisia Atlas. In particular, we emphasise the role of the so-called “Atlas event” (Middle-Late Eocene), which was initially defined in Algeria but poorly outlined in Tunisia. We will show that the tectonic agenda defined in Eastern Tunisia is consistent with the one proposed elsewhere in the Maghreb allowing us to propose a unified view of the geodynamic evolution of the whole Atlas system during this period.The negative inversion recorded during Oligocene-Early Miocene along with the occurrence of synsedimentary normal faults are related to an increase of the subsidence rate in the frame of continuous shortening coeval to basin formation in the front of the Atlas. The whole Oligo-Miocene evolution results from two different mechanisms: flexuration in the front of the Atlas and the onset of the extension of the Pantelleria-Linosa-Malta rift system of central Mediterranean, which attained a climax stage later during Pliocene-Quaternary.  相似文献   
The Eastern Desert of Egypt represents a remote arid area which is scarce in water resources. The area is characterized by many mining sites to exploit the phosphate deposits; thus, these activities can generate groundwater contaminants. The main objective of the present study is discussing the effect of the mining activities and phosphate bearing rocks on groundwater. The obtained results pointed out that the water bearing formations can be distinguished as Quaternary alluvial, Oligocene sandstone, Campanian phosphate limestone (Duwi Formation), and Precambrian basement rocks. Some of the investigated groundwater shows relatively high concentrations of trace elements compared to other samples, such as Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Sr. This is consistent with the analyses of phosphate rocks which are also enriched in the same trace elements. The high groundwater salinity is due to evaporation, limited re-charge, and leaching of salts in rocks. The results of speciation modeling reveal that majority of groundwater samples are supersaturated with calcite, aragonite, and dolomite, and some samples are also at equilibrium or supersaturated with hydroxyapatite. The groundwater quality in the study area evaluated for human drinking, livestock and poultry domestic, and industrial purposes is not suitable in most wells. It is obvious that the groundwater contamination occurs when drilling wells penetrate the phosphate bearing beds and not only at mining activity sites. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid any groundwater exploration from the Duwi Formation and also select the drilling sites outside the mining areas.  相似文献   
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