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Elevation is one of key factors to affect changes in the environment, particularly changes in conditions of light, water and heat. Studying the soil physicochemical properties and vegetation structure along an elevation gradient is important for understanding the responses of alpine plants andtheir growing environment to climate change. In this study, we studied plant coverage, plant height, species richness, soil water-holding capacity, soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(N) on the northern slopes of the Qilian Mountains at elevations from2124 to 3665 m. The following conclusions were drawn:(1) With the increase of elevation, plant coverage and species richness first increased and then decreased, with the maximum values being at 3177 m.Plant height was significantly and negatively correlated with elevation(r=–0.97, P0.01), and the ratio of decrease with elevation was 0.82 cm·100 m-1.(2) Both soil water-holding capacity and soil porosity increased on the northern slopes of the Qilian Mountains with the increase of elevation. The soil saturated water content at the 0-40 cm depth first increased and then stabilized with a further increase of elevation, and the average ratio of increase was2.44 mm·100 m-1. With the increase of elevation, the average bulk density at the 0-40 cm depth first decreased and then stabilized at 0.89 g/cm3.(3) With the increase of elevation, the average SOC content at the 0-40 cm depths first increased and then decreased,and the average total N content at the 0-40 cm depth first increased and then stabilized. The correlation between average SOC content and average total N content reached significant level. According to the results of this study, the distribution of plants showed a mono-peak curve with increasing elevation on the northern slopes of the Qilian Mountains. The limiting factor for plant growth at the high elevation areas was not soil physicochemical properties, and therefore,global warming will likely facilitate the development of plant at high elevation areas in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   
为寻找墨西哥湾扇贝中对其闭壳肌重量影响最显著的形态学特征,在整个扇贝的生长过程中,每一个月测一次壳高(mm)、壳宽(mm)、铰合线长(mm)、体质量(g)和闭壳肌质量(g),每一轮的样本采集量为60,通过通径分析研究这些形态学特征对闭壳肌质量的影响。结果显示,根据各形态学特征对闭壳肌质量的直接的、间接的、总路径的贡献,发现体质量的影响是最显著的(p<0.01),其他的形态学特征如壳高、壳宽和铰合线长对于闭壳肌生长既不限制也不促进。  相似文献   
生态环境数据合理有效地组织与管理,对于开展区域生态环境研究意义重大。本文首先探讨了生态环境数据组织管理的基本流程。在此基础上,指出生态环境数据分类编码与元数据的规范化,以及生态环境模型的设计是实现生态环境数据组织管理的难点所在。随后,笔者以云南边境地带生态环境数据为例,提出了生态环境数据分类编码与元数据方案。并且在深入剖析生态环境数据特征的基础上,重点研究了生态环境数据的建模方案,提出了生态环境辅助数据模型(EcoADM)。最后,简要介绍了云南边境生态环境数据库管理原型系统的建设。  相似文献   
Precise comprehensive evaluation of flood disaster loss is significant for the prevention and mitigation of flood disasters. Here, one of the difficulties involved is how to establish a model capable of describing the complex relation between the input and output data of the system of flood disaster loss. Genetic programming (GP) solves problems by using ideas from genetic algorithm and generates computer programs automatically. In this study a new method named the evaluation of the grade of flood disaster loss (EGFD) on the basis of improved genetic programming (IGP) is presented (IGP-EGFD). The flood disaster area and the direct economic loss are taken as the evaluation indexes of flood disaster loss. Obviously that the larger the evaluation index value, the larger the corresponding value of the grade of flood disaster loss is. Consequently the IGP code is designed to make the value of the grade of flood disaster be an increasing function of the index value. The result of the application of the IGP-EGFD model to Henan Province shows that a good function expression can be obtained within a bigger searched function space; and the model is of high precision and considerable practical significance. Thus, IGP-EGFD can be widely used in automatic modeling and other evaluation systems.  相似文献   
大面积潮滩表层含水量的测定是潮滩研究中的难题,传统的测量方法难以同时满足高效和精度的要求。地面三维激光扫描技术凭借其高精度、高分辨率以及主动性强等优点,已经高效运用在潮滩地形研究中。但是,对潮滩含水量进行有效分析,仅利用点云的空间几何信息是不够的,还需要对点云的强度数据进行挖掘。地面激光扫描仪提供了包含目标表面光谱反射特性的点云强度数据,利用强度数据可以有效地进行目标表面特性提取。本文提出了一种新的长距离地面激光扫描仪强度数据改正方法,对入射角和距离效应进行有效改正。利用Riegl VZ-4000长距离地面激光扫描仪建立室内含水量模型并对上海市崇明岛一处潮滩进行测试分析,同时收集26个潮滩沉积物样品并利用传统干湿称重法进行含水量验证计算。结果表明:相比于传统技术,利用改正后的激光强度值估算大面积潮滩沉积物表层含水量是一种精确和高效的方法。改正后的激光强度值与潮滩表层含水量存在幂函数关系,相关系数为0.961,估算精度为91.94%。  相似文献   
晋慧娟 《地质科学》1998,33(3):282-289
在概述了浙江西部上奥陶统于潜组的沉积学特征,并进而描述了发现的14个遗迹化石属基础上,从4个方面对Spirodesmos为代表的遗迹组合进行了环境分析:(1)14个遗迹属中仅3个属为穿相型分子,其余占遗迹总属2/3以上的遗迹化石均为典型的深水型分子,它们都是Nereites遗迹相的主要成员,因此该遗迹组合可归属于深海Nereites遗迹相中;(2)大部分遗迹化石呈复杂规则弯曲的形态,这种形态的遗迹化石是深海环境的遗迹化石标志;(3)14个遗迹属均为觅食迹和牧食迹,它们的行为习性,尤其是牧食迹主要分布于深海环境;(4)多数遗迹属的水深分布均在200m以下。由此可认为Spirodesmos遗迹组合是半深海-深海环境的产物。  相似文献   
辽东湾北部海域营养状况与趋势评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据 1999-2006 年 6-8 月的调查数据,分析辽东湾北部海域的营养水平及变化趋势,以了解辽东湾北部海域营养水平的分布特点及污染状况.由 E 值和 CN/CP 值的总体评价结果来看,辽河口、双台子河口和大凌河口海域的富营养化程度较高,属于磷中等限制潜在性富营养区,而锦州湾海域污染相对较轻,属于中度营养区;在时空分布上,辽东湾北部海域 1999 年与 2006 年污染较为严重,中间年份污染相对较轻.针对辽东湾的具体环境用 CN/CP 值的评价模式更能揭示出营养盐限制对富营养化的影响.  相似文献   
利用太原地区发生的798个地质灾害个例和汛期降水资料,从地质环境背景着手,在地理信息系统(MAPGIS)支持下,对太原地质灾害危险性区划和诱发因素进行了系统研究。提出了精细的地质环境概率量化评价方法,得出了地质灾害影响因素的重要结论。建立了地质灾害预报模型,制定了预报等级标准和预报规则。经业务试验,预报结果与实况基本吻合。  相似文献   
地质灾害与地质环境条件、人类工程活动关系密切,严重威胁着人类生命财产安全,制约社会经济的可持续发展。运用遥感技术对辽宁省建昌县进行地质灾害调查,利用ENVI5.3软件对高分二号数据进行预处理,建立遥感解译标志并开展了野外验证,最终解译滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、地面塌陷等地质灾害点75个;同时,利用Arcgis10.4空间分析功能,对遥感解译地质灾害点与地貌、坡度、坡向、构造、水系及人类工程活动等因子进行叠加分析,基本查清了研究区地质灾害规模、空间分布特征和发育规律,为研究总结区域上地质灾规律及有效预防提供了详实可靠的基础资料。  相似文献   
本文在系统收集内蒙古林西-东乌旗地区晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩的年代学、岩石地球化学以及锆石Hf同位素资料基础上,通过分析岩浆岩岩石组合随时空的变化规律,并结合区域地质资料,探讨了中亚造山带东南部洋盆演化和地壳增生等重要地质问题。研究结果表明,二连浩特-贺根山蛇绿岩带南、北两侧晚古生代-早中生代岩浆岩在年代学上显示不同的活动期次,具有不同岩石组合和地球化学特征,指示它们分属于不同的构造岩浆岩带。蛇绿岩带以北晚泥盆世-中二叠世岩浆活动在时间上呈连续分布的特征,并在晚石炭-早二叠世时期达到活动峰值。火成岩构造组合分析表明,晚泥盆世-石炭纪和早-中二叠世岩浆活动分别与二连浩特-贺根山洋盆向乌里雅斯太大陆边缘之下的俯冲和洋盆闭合后俯冲板片断离引起的软流圈上涌造成的区域伸展背景有关。蛇绿岩带以南岩浆活动时间上呈现石炭纪、早-中二叠世、晚二叠世-三叠纪幕式分布特征,各期岩浆活动前锋有随时间向南迁移的趋势。这三期岩浆活动分别与古亚洲洋板片向宝力道岛弧之下的俯冲、板片后撤以及洋盆消失之后古板块的碰撞造山作用有关。锆石Hf同位素分析表明,中亚造山带东南部晚古生代至早中生代时期存在显著的地壳增生;其中二连浩特-贺根山蛇绿岩带以北表现为地壳的垂向增生,以南表现为地壳的侧向增生。  相似文献   
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