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Dam-break floods have been of increasing concern to safety engineers and decision makers. The presence of complex terrain in inundation areas multiplies the simulation difficulty of flood routing. In previous studies, representing the flood routing parameters empirically does not reflect the characteristics of flood routing, which strongly influences the accurate assessment of the dam-break consequences. The basis for carrying out dangerous reservoir reinforcement is just engineering safety, without considering the actual situation of downstream areas. In this study, a comprehensive risk analysis of the dam-break flood was implemented based on the numerical simulation of flood routing. First, coupled with the volume of fluid method, a three-dimensional k? turbulence mathematical model was developed for flood routing in complex inundation areas. Then, based on the flow parameters obtained through computational fluid dynamics modeling, the attribute measure methodology was used for the evaluation of consequences combined with the calculation of the dam-break consequences (loss of life, economic loss, social and environmental influence). Furthermore, a methodology containing the combined weight method and the technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution method was proposed for risk ranking of dangerous reservoirs due to its logical consideration of scalar values that simultaneously account for both the best and worst alternatives. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed to provide information about the stability of risk ranking. The aforementioned model and methodology are applied to a case involving five reservoirs in the Haihe River Basin in China for Part II of this study.  相似文献   
王松  赵元艺  汪傲  李玉彬  李小赛  郭硕 《地质学报》2017,91(7):1565-1588
拿顿矿床位于多龙矿集区西南部,地处西藏成矿潜力巨大的班公湖-怒江成矿带上,目前该矿床的勘查研究程度非常低,仅在地表圈定出一个铜金矿体,具有很大的找矿前景。本文对拿顿矿床的岩矿相学、流体包裹体及地球化学特征进行了研究。矿床中主要蚀变矿物有高岭土、绢云母、绿帘石、方解石、白云石等,并存在银金矿、辰砂、方铅矿、闪锌矿等特征金属矿物组合。斑晶与胶结物中的流体包裹体均一温度集中在222~360℃之间,主要成分以H2O为主,含有少量CO_2,斑晶中包裹体的盐度为一组高盐度值(18.35%~26.7%NaCleqv.)和一组低盐度值(0.18%~12.85%NaCleqv.),胶结物中包裹体盐度值较低,主要分布在1.6%~12.5%NaCleqv.区间内,是在中低温、低盐度、氧化环境中形成,成矿流体受大气降水的影响较为明显。花岗闪长斑岩中SiO2含量为55.9%~65.67%,平均值为60.52%,Na_2O+K_2O含量为3.54%~5.563%,平均值为4.83%,属于高钾钙碱性系列至钾玄岩系列。A/CNK值为1.63~2.93,平均值为2.6,反映原岩为过铝质岩石。花岗闪长斑岩中稀土总量ΣREE变化范围为29.09×10~(-6)~98.73×10~(-6),整体上具轻微铕负异常(δEu=0.7~1.12),不具铈异常(δCe=0.84~0.99);岩石富集大离子亲石元素(LILE:Rb、K),亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等高场强元素(HFSE),具岛弧火山岩的典型特征。矿床脉状黄铁矿中Co/Ni比值为0.05~8.523,平均值为4.219,为热液成因,脉状黄铁矿多与石英脉共生,为后期热液作用阶段的产物。矿床中黄铁矿δ34S值的分布范围为-4.5‰~0.7‰,平均值为-1.95‰,黄铜矿的δ34S值为-7‰~-3.3‰,平均值为-5.43‰,硫同位素δ34S值偏小,且为负值,指示矿床中的硫受到了还原硫的影响。矿床中赋矿岩体为花岗闪长斑岩,发育银金矿、辰砂等特征矿物组合,流体包裹体具有斑岩型铜(金)矿床的中高温流体特征,据此判断矿床成因类型为低硫型浅成低温热液矿床叠加斑岩型铜(金)矿床。根据因子分析,矿床最早期的成岩作用形成早期的中酸性岩体;矿床的成矿作用主要为热液铜金矿化作用,随后发生铅锌矿化、磁铁矿化和钾化等作用,在成矿后期有含碳酸盐热液的侵入。  相似文献   
采用选择性萃取分离技术对沉积物(生物膜)中非残渣态组分(铁、锰氧化物和有机质)进行分离,研究阿特拉津(atrazine,AT)-Cd-Cu系中共存重金属对选择性萃取前后沉积物(生物膜)吸附AT的影响.研究结果表明:共存体系中,沉积物(生物膜)中铁氧化物对AT的吸附贡献最大,其次是有机质,而锰氧化物则抑制AT的吸附;共存镉促进了AT在沉积物(生物膜)原样及各非残渣态组分上的吸附,镉质量浓度为0.2 mg/L时,促进作用最显著,各组分对阿特拉津的吸附贡献增加了3.20%~32.31%(沉积物)和1.61%~17.10%(生物膜),但随镉质量浓度的增加,其促进作用减弱;共存铜抑制沉积物(生物膜)原样及铁氧化物、有机质对AT的吸附,铜质量浓度为75.0 mg/L时,其抑制作用最强,铁氧化物和有机质对阿特拉津的吸附贡献分别降低了29.21%、22.36%(沉积物)和9.46%、77.27%(生物膜),但同时减弱了锰氧化物对AT吸附的抑制作用,其吸附贡献分别提高了28.98%(沉积物)和17.46%(生物膜).  相似文献   
使用CTMAB改良剂改良天然膨胀土的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CTMAB是一种新型的有机阳离子表面活性剂,采用CTMAB对天然膨胀土进行了化学改良试验研究,探讨了其改良机制和改良效果。试验结果表明:经过改良剂改良后的膨胀土与原状土相比,其塑性和膨胀性得到了明显降低,水稳定性有了显著提高,在经过不同次数的反复溶漓后,土样仍具有一定的强度。说明了CTMAB对膨胀土的工程性质有一定的改善作用。该成果已申请获得了国家发明专利。  相似文献   
新疆哈密土屋铜矿床地质和地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土屋铜矿床是我国近年来发现的特大型斑岩铜矿床,其独特矿床地质背景和矿床规模已经引起国内外地质学界和矿业界的广泛关注;本文详细叙述该矿床的地质背景,对矿床的地质、地球化学特征进行系统研究和总结,对矿床的成矿作用动力学过程进行探讨。研究表明,该矿床成矿物质具有深部来源特征,而岩浆在侵位过程中受到上地壳物质一定程度的混染;成矿流体以岩浆水为主,天水和岩浆水的混合仅为少量;石英流体包裹体均一温度较低,但盐度较高;含矿斑岩体是多次脉动式侵位的,成岩时代主要集中于早石炭世(367~358 Ma);成矿时代为晚于成岩时代(347.3±2.1 Ma~322.7±3 Ma)。  相似文献   

2016年4月15日16时25分(UTC),日本熊本县发生MW7.1强烈地震,给当地人员、建筑及经济造成严重灾难和巨大损失.日本地震观测网F-net给出的震源机制解显示此次地震的震源位置为130.7630°E,32.7545°N,深度12.45 km,节面Ⅰ:走向N131°E、倾角53°、滑动角-7°;节面Ⅱ:走向N226°E、倾角84°、滑动角-142°.与此同时,余震的震中分布及其震源机制结果显示主震的震源机制在破裂过程中有可能发生了变化,单一的震源机制不足以充分解释观测数据.本文依据GNSS和InSAR地表形变反演结果为约束,并结合活动构造资料为参考,构建了震源机制变化的有限断层模型,采用水平层状介质模型,利用日本强震观测台网K-NET和KiK-net的近场加速度观测记录,通过多时间窗线性波形反演方法反演了此次地震的震源破裂过程.研究结果显示,这是一次沿Futagawa-Hinagu断层带发生的右旋走滑破裂事件,发震断层分为南北两段,其中北段走向N235°E、倾角60°,南段走向N205°E、倾角72°,断层深度范围和余震深度分布基本一致,断层面上滑动主要集中于断层北段,最大滑动量约7.9 m,整个断层的破裂过程持续约18 s,释放地震矩5.47×1019 N·m(MW7.1).

The impacts of environmental flow controls on the water table and chemistry of groundwater in the Ejina Delta, an arid inland river basin in northwest China, were investigated with field observations in 2001 and 2009. The results indicate that the shallow groundwater level rose by 0–2 m in the upper reaches of the east tributary of the Heihe River and in the areas of Saihantaolai—Dalaikubu during the period of environmental flow controls. The chemical constituents of the groundwater show a distinct spatial heterogeneity with the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the groundwater increasing from the periphery towards the depocenter of the Ejina Basin. In addition, the rate of groundwater cycling in the south of the Ejina Delta increased, and the mineralization of groundwater declined, while the overall mineralization and salinity increased in the northern regions, especially in the depocenter of the Ejina Basin. Since shallow groundwater is important to the ecology of arid regions, and because understanding the changes in the shallow groundwater environment (groundwater level and hydrochemistry) in response to environmental flow controls is essential for the sustainable improvement of the ecological environment, the results of this paper can be used as a reference for watershed water resources planning and management to help maintain the health and proper function of rivers in arid regions.  相似文献   
Natural hillslopes are mostly composed of complex slope shapes, which significantly affect soil erosion. However, existing studies have mainly focused on uniform slopes to simplify complex hillslopes, and the mechanisms responsible for the influence of slope shape on soil and nutrient losses are still not well understood, especially in the application of soil improvers to reduce soil loss. To investigate the effects of slope shape and polyacrylamide (PAM) application on runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss, this study conducted artificial field rainfall experiments involving two PAM application rates and nine slope shapes. The results indicate that the average amount of soil loss from convex slopes was 1.5 and 1.3 times greater than that from concave and uniform slopes, respectively, and the average amount of ammonia nitrogen loss and phosphate loss increased by 24.0%–58.6%. Soil and nutrient losses increased as the convexity of the convex slopes increased. For runoff, there was little difference between concave and convex slopes, but the runoff amount for both slopes was greater than that for uniform slopes. After PAM application, the soil loss decreased by more than 90%, and the nutrient loss decreased by 28.2%–68.1%. The application of PAM was most effective in reducing soil erosion and nutrient loss from convex slopes, and it is recommended to appropriately increase the PAM application rate for convex slopes. A strong linear relationship between ammonia nitrogen and phosphate concentrations and sediment concentrations was found in the runoff on slopes with no PAM application. However, this linear relationship weakened for slopes with PAM application. The findings of this study may be valuable for optimizing nonpoint source pollution management in basins.  相似文献   
针对传统的边缘检测方法将灰度变化较为平缓的区域误判为边缘的问题,提出了基于二阶局部纹理熵的边缘检测方法。利用了二阶局部纹理熵能表示局部区域灰度变化大小的性质,并采用灰度错位压缩法消除灰度值压缩造成的条纹现象。实验表明,本文提出的方法能有效地检测出各类边缘,解决了上述的误判问题;通过不同大小窗口的边缘检测效果比较,建议在采用基于二阶局部纹理熵的边缘检测方法时将窗口设置为3×3。  相似文献   
根据5 739条创新主体兴趣点(POI)数据,利用文献查阅、核密度、空间自相关等方法,厘清广州市创新空间的发展脉络、格局特征和集聚差异,并利用"城市人"理论和"四因说"探讨了创新空间发展的影响因素.结果表明:1)广州市创新空间经历了点—面—带的进程.2)广州创新空间形成"一主多节点"的空间格局,极化与扩散趋势并存.3)...  相似文献   
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