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地理学研究的发展方向——地理学期刊主编笔谈   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为指导全国地理学者了解地理学发展动态和地理学期刊的办刊方向,中国地理学期刊的主编通过笔谈,阐述自己对于地理学研究与期刊发展方向的认识。主要内容包括:(1) 地理学在国家建设、学科发展方面的发展战略和研究重点;(2) 地理学各专业领域的研究方向和目前存在的问题;(3) 地理学主要期刊的办刊方针和选题侧重。  相似文献   
郑度 《地理学报》2013,68(1):10-14
黄秉维先生是中国现代地理学的开拓者, 他以其渊博的学识和辛勤的劳动, 为推动中国现代地理学的发展, 做出了卓越的贡献。他勤奋刻苦、博览群书;治学严谨、一丝不苟;启发引导、提携后学;他倡导学术争鸣和宽松的氛围, 坚持真理, 探索求是。他重视理论与实践相结合, 主张地理学要面向建设实践, 服务国家和地球家园。我们要认真学习黄先生的学术思想和高尚风范, 沿着他指引的地理学前进方向, 为提升我国现代地理学的发展水平和建设地球家园的美好未来做出积极的贡献。  相似文献   
采用张北、丰宁、怀来建站以来气象资料 (气温、地表温度、降水、风速 ) ,分析了研究区 40余年的气候变化特征。结果表明 :2 0世纪 70年代以来研究区温度上升的速度持续增加 ;其中 1 985年是研究区气候变化的一个转折点 ,1 985年以前气候变化幅度较大 ,1 985年以后变化趋于稳定。  相似文献   
The tradeoffs and optimizations of ecosystem services are the key research fields of ecology and geography.It is necessary to maximize the overall benefit of timber production and carbon storage for forest ecological development in China.We selected the Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem as our study area,and used In VEST model to evaluate timber production and carbon storage quantitatively.The results showed that:(1)While timber production increased with harvesting intensity over the planning horizon,carbon storage decreased.There were tradeoffs between timber production and carbon storage according to the significant negative relationship.(2)While the overall benefit of timber production and carbon storage increased with harvesting intensity,the value of tradeoffs decreased.T1 and T2 scenarios,with harvesting intensity of 10%–20% every 10 years,are the optimum management regimes for the two ecosystem services to gain more benefit and less tradeoffs.(3)The current harvesting intensity in Huitong County was slightly higher than the optimum harvesting intensity.On practical dimension,these findings suggested that obvious objectives are needed to formulate the corresponding countermeasures of tradeoffs,in order to realize the improvement of ecosystem services and the optimization of ecosystem structures.  相似文献   
生态地理区域系统的比较研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
吴绍洪  杨勤业  郑度 《地理学报》2003,58(5):686-694
生态地理区域系统通过对代表自然界宏观生态系统的生物和非生物要素地理相关性的比较研究和综合分析,按照自然界的地理地带分异规律,划分或合并而形成不同等级的区域系统。用中国的研究与国外同类研究的比较,可以拓宽这一领域的思路,便于在这一领域与国外的学者使用相似的科学语言进行学术交流,使中国这一领域的研究走向世界。本文从生态地理区域系统的发展过程、等级单位、指标体系与表达方法,区域划分等方面将中国有代表性的生态地理区域系统与国外同类研究进行比较,认为中外的研究有许多共同之处,如目标、研究内容和服务对象与环境、生态、全球变化等联系在一起,其中与美国R. Bailey所划分的美国、北美和全球生态地理区域更为接近,在等级系统、指标体系、表达方式到划分结果有近似之处。地域的差异,指标使用的不同,制图过程和表达方式的差异造成了区域划分的差别,似可以通过野外实地生态类型的辨识来加以修订。  相似文献   
大渡河上游林区森林资源退化及其恢复与重建   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
虽然森林采伐后的恢复重建一直是青藏高原东部地区森林经营管理的主要实践活动之一,但有关该区大规模森林恢复重建实践及其存在的问题还不清楚。本文选择大渡河上游林区,分析了该区目前森林资源现状、森林退化及其恢复重建及特点,阐明了该区目前资源管理与恢复重建存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的技术对策。结果表明,该区林地资源丰富,但森林资源量小,覆盖率不足23%,长期采伐导致森林生态系统结构和功能严重恶化;现有恢复重建技术体系不健全,人工成林成功率在高山同峡谷区不足30%,高丘区不足15%;造林树种单一,造林密度过大,抚育管理不力,人工林质量低下;强化对迹地退化过程的深入研究和监测,充分认识迹地环境的制约作用,强化抚育管理,改进和完善现有的森林重建技术体系,增加造林树种,特别是乡土阔叶树种的多样性应该是该区生态恢复重建的关键对策。  相似文献   
环境伦理与区域可持续发展(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human-environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter-generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   
1981-2010年气候变化对青藏高原实际蒸散的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From 1981 to 2010,the effects of climate change on evapotranspiration of the alpine ecosystem and the regional difference of effects in the Tibetan Plateau(TP) were studied based on the Lund-Potsdam-Jena dynamic vegetation model and data from 80 meteorological stations.Changes in actual evapotranspiration(AET) and water balance in TP were analyzed.Over the last 30 years,climate change in TP was characterized by significantly increased temperature,slightly increased precipitation,and decreased potential evapotranspiration(PET),which was significant before 2000.AET exhibited increasing trends in most parts of TP.The difference between precipitation and AET decreased in the southeastern plateau and increased in the northwestern plateau.A decrease in atmospheric water demand will lead to a decreased trend in AET.However,AET in most regions increased because of increased precipitation.Increased precipitation was observed in 86% of the areas with increased AET,whereas decreased precipitation was observed in 73% of the areas with decreased AET.  相似文献   
黄秉维是中国现代地理学的一代宗师。2013年是黄秉维先生诞辰百年。岁月易逝,先生驾鹤西去已经整整12年了。我们有幸常随先生左右,前后几十年之久。师生之情,雨露之恩,同事(上下级)之谊,耳提面命,不敢有忘。百年纪念,可思之情,可书之事,万千袭来,难以言表。  相似文献   
姚华荣  郑度  吴绍洪 《地理研究》2002,21(5):531-542
以怀来县为例 ,在分析该县水土资源及土地利用现状的基础上 ,发现水土资源利用存在的问题是 :水资源难以满足土地利用的需求 ,土地利用结构与布局不合理 ;利用灰色线性规划模型 ,进行水土资源的优化配置 ,得出了不同节水条件、不同生态经济目标下 ,9种典型的土地资源优化配置方案 ,为首都圈防沙治沙和水土资源的充分合理利用提供决策依据  相似文献   
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