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In the previous issue, we have, according to the book entitled International Standardization of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Study of Theory, Summarization of Practice and Exploration of Methods , briefly introduced and analyzed, the first part of the terminologies concerning pathogenesis included in WHO Inter- national Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region(abbreviated as WPRO Standard instead of WHO Standard according to the present development of international standardization of traditional medi- cine maintained by WHO) and the International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as WFCMS Standard).  相似文献   
In the previous issue, we have introduced the second part of traditional Chinese medical (TCM) terms about pathogenesis of diseases included in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region (abbreviated as WPRO Standard) and International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as WFCMS Standard). We have also made brief comments on international standardization of the English translation of these terms according to the studies made in the book entitled International Standardization of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Study of Theory, Summarization of Practice and Exploration of Methods.  相似文献   
The spleen,located in the middle region of the sanjiao(also known as the triple energizer)below the diaphragm,is actually quite different from the organ with the same name in modern medicine.According to traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),the main physiological functions of the spleen include transportation and transformation,elevating lucid substance and commanding the blood to flow.Its meridian,known as the spleen meridian of foot-taiyin,  相似文献   
1关于中医翻译批评的一点见解 去年在讨论有关方面推出的几个中医名词术语英译标准时,有杂志约我写篇有关中医翻译批评的文章,评判一番有关问题的是非曲直。我欣然应命。然而,准备动笔时,却踌躇非常,不知从何说起。翻译之务.向非易事。旁观者自以为“局外者清”,所以尽可恣意“指点江山”。而从业者却也并非总是“当局者迷”,其间的纷纷绕绕.更是感同切肤。只是身在其中。难得分辨而已矣。  相似文献   
扁平疣是一种较常见的皮肤病,患处可见米粒或黄豆大小的扁平丘疹,表面光滑、质硬,常呈灰白色、褐色或正常肤色。形状多为圆形,亦可见椭圆形或棱形。一般呈单个分布,亦可见成群聚集而不融合者。本病好发于手背、关节、颜面及前臂等处,患者多无自觉症状。本病是由病毒引起的细胞增生反应所致的良性赘生物,一般采用冷冻法、激光法、刀割法和注射法来治疗。虽有一定的疗效,但常给患者造成一定的疼痛,且疗效不稳定。中医学认为本病为热毒外侵、气滞血瘀所致,或由气虚及湿热瘀血凝结而成,采用气血双调、内外兼治之法,疗效显著可靠。下面介绍几种中医常用内外治法供读者参考。  相似文献   
阳春三月,暖意与寒气交替,秋瑟与炎暑并举。风袭枝头,雨打芭蕉,若嬉戏小儿,哭笑随心,可谓自然之至。借着这南国的春色,乘着这阳春的气象,译完了陈绍华先生的巨著《医学心悟——中西医结合治疗精神性疾病》,了却友人重托。此番译事,历时岁半,费时耗神,自是辛劳。言及此项译务,我  相似文献   
HPLC法测定沙棘果油中α-生育酚的含量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用 HPLC法测定沙棘果油中α-生育酚的含量。C18色谱柱 ,以乙腈 -甲醇 (38∶ 62 )为流动相 ,柱温30℃ ,检测波长为 2 80 nm。结果三批沙棘果油中α-生育酚的平均含量为 0 .0 2 78% ,方法平均回收率为97.4 4 2 % (RSD =0 .95 % )。  相似文献   
近年来,为了适应中医对外交流的需要,许多中医院校的学报及其他中医刊物都相继增加了英文目录。这些刊物在发表文章时一般都要求作者附上英文题目。由于中医对外翻译起步较晚,目前仍处于探索阶段,除了针灸经穴名称已国际标准化外,其他方面的翻译基本上还处于“各家学说”状态。就中医文章标题的翻译来看,更是百花齐放。其间的问题并不仅仅在于选词是否准确,意思是否表达清楚,更重要的是译文是否符合英语医学文章标题的格式和要求。  相似文献   
The causes of diseases are various,generally including the so-called six excesses,seven emotional factors,improper diet,imbalance between work and rest and traumatic injury.In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),there are many terms related to these five aspects.However in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region[1] (abbreviated as WPRO Standard),only 60 terms related to six excesses and traumatic injury are included and almost no terms associated with emotional changes,improper diet and imbalance work and rest can be found in it.  相似文献   
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