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Negative consequences are an important component of the substance use change process, yet no standardized measure exists to assess consequences of use. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Drug Use Consequences, a self-report measure assessing drinking and drug use consequences. Participants (N=252) were assessed at entry into outpatient substance abuse treatment. Items loaded strongly on 1 factor, and internal consistency of the total scale was high. Fifteen items with the highest correlations with the total scale were chosen to represent the construct. The shortened measure exhibited good internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity, and detected change over time and may be the measure of substance use consequences that is lacking in the field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The hot filament supported high current discharge can be used with various process steps. During the heating cycle, intense electron bombardment provides a soft and efficient energy source. In triode etching the high plasma density improves the throwing power and reduces the arcing problem on oxide inclusions from preceding grinding steps. For the coating cycle the high current density can be fitted into different deposition processes. Activated reactive ion plating is done with a high voltage electron beam gun. But one can also combine the high current density plasma with a magnetron to produce a high plasma density on the substrate and solve the problems of reactivity of this vapor source. Alternatively the high current density plasma can also be used to drive a CVD-reaction. Several of these processes can be combined to hybrid deposition technologies. A few examples of coating realisations and performance in the different processes will be given.  相似文献   
The residential therapeutic caring community (RTCC) for adolescents combines psychotherapeutic principles of the professional model and self-help concept of the therapeutic community by using the collective resources of members to mobilize peer pressure. The RTCC is a safe, structured, supportive treatment environment that employs a confrontation, teaching, interpretative, and reasoning approach and uses the psychotherapeutic principles of reality therapy and existential thought. In the RTCC, the staff serve as mentors and role models, and they demonstrate their concern by maintaining high expectations for immediate improved behavior. The personal qualities necessary for a psychotherapist working in an RTCC are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
During the years 1986–1989 The Finnish Work Environment Fund initiated a multicenter, intervention study (programme) to prevent musculoskeletal disorders at work. The programme consisted of four different projects comprising methodological, epidemiological, and interventive themes. The main results were as follows: (1) More than half of the occupational physiotherapists and physicians involved in the project felt that they did not have adequate training for testing the performance capacity of the musculoskeletal system. Several of the most commonly used musculoskeletal tests had either poor validity in predicting future musculoskeletal troubles or had poor reliability. (2) A controlled intervention study showed that active training of neck-shoulder muscles can prevent musculoskeletal troubles, even more than ergonomic actions. (3) It is possible to reduce sick-leave due to low-back disorders by intervention measures directed toward both the work (environment, tools) and the workers (working methods, positive attitude to work, preparedness to keep fit). (4) The identification of ergonomic hazards with the help of teamwork proved to be feasible. The practical improvements, however, were difficult to implement in the prevailing conditions. Some of the improvements increased the work load and the stress of the workers. This aspect needs further consideration.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: To characterize the effects of endothelin-1 and of Bosentan, a mixed endothelin antagonist, on hepatic hemodynamics in cirrhotic animals in vivo and on hepatic microvascular exchange in the perfused rat liver. METHODS: Biliary cirrhosis was induced by bile duct ligation, and micronodular cirrhosis by chronic exposure to phenobarbital/CCl4 in male rats. Hepatic hemodynamics were studied under basal conditions and after administration of Bosentan (3-30 mg/kg) by the microsphere technique. Microvascular exchange was assessed in the in situ perfused rat liver by the multiple indicator dilution technique. RESULTS: Bosentan lowered portal pressure in a dose-dependent fashion; at the highest dose tested, this decrease averaged -29+/-11 and -26+/-8% in biliary and micronodular cirrhosis, respectively (p<0.01). This was achieved mainly via a marked decrease in hepatic arterial flow. In the perfused liver, endothelin-1 induced a dose-dependent vasoconstriction; up to 10(-9) mol/l; this was not associated with any effect on viability. At this dose, endothelin-1 markedly decreased extravascular albumin space in both controls and micronodular cirrhosis; this could be antagonized by Bosentan 10(-5) mol/l. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelin-1 affects hepatic microvascular exchange, presumably by a direct effect on hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells. A mixed endothelin antagonist lowers portal pressure in vivo, presumably by acting on hepatic stellate cells, and counteracts the microvascular effects of endothelin-1 in vitro. These properties could prove useful in treatment of portal hypertension.  相似文献   
A hyperdynamic circulatory state with elevated cardiac output, decreased peripheral vascular resistance, and sodium retention occurs in patients with portal cirrhosis. Surgical portal-systemic shunts and transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunts (TIPS) have been shown to worsen the high-output state in these patients. However, clinical evidence of high-output congestive heart failure has been reported only rarely to complicate cirrhosis. We describe a patient who developed high-output congestive heart failure with markedly elevated filling pressures after TIPS and had complete resolution of heart failure after liver transplantation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mittels verschiedener Untersuchungen wurden Aussagen über das Migrationsverhalten von Acetaldehyd aus Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) getroffen. Die Analyse des Acetaldehyds erfolgte durch Kopfraum-Gaschromatographie mit Flammenionisationsdetektion. Die Bestimmung des Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd in neuen PET-Flaschen ergab Werte um 6,3 mg/kg, woraus sich eine maximal mögliche Migratmenge von etwa 200 (g/L errechnen läßt. Migrationsstudien bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zeigten die für das Verpakkungssystem typischen Zeitverläufe. Die Diffusion des Acetaldehyds aus dem Kunststoff erreichte bei einer Inkubationstemperatur von 40 °C nach ca. 4 Tagen ein konstantes Niveau, welches ca. 10% des ermittelten Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd beträgt. Bei einer Temperaturerhöhung um 20 °C kam es zu einer Erhöhung dieses Niveaus auf das 5fache. Die Versuchsergebnisse der Bestimmung des Acetaldehyds in Getränken zeigte, daß in der Praxis nur mit einer geringen Migration zu rechnen ist, die bei den kohlensäurehaltigen Erfrischungsgetränken wegen des intensiven Eigengeschmacks ohne Belang ist. Eine Geschmacksbeeinträchtigung könnte sich höchstens bei Mineral- und Sodawässern ergeben, wenn diese längerfristig, wie sich aus den Migrationsstudien ableiten läßt, Temperaturen um 40 °C ausgesetzt werden.
Study of the migration of acetaldehyde from PET bottles into soft drinks containing carbonic acid
Summary The migration of acetaldehyde from polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) under various conditions was analysed by headspace gas chromatography and flame ionisation detection. The residual amounts of new PET bottles were about 6.3 mg/kg with a migration value of 200 g/1. On studying the migration at different temperatures and times, behaviour curves characteristic of packing materials made from plastics are obtaind. The amount of acetaldehyde diffusing from PET at a temperature of 40° C reached a constant level after 4 days which was about 10% of the residual value of acetaldehyde. On increasing the temperature by 20° C, this level was raised up to 50%. The results of the analysis of acetaldehyde in soft drinks containing carbonic acid show that the migration in fact is not sufficiently high to influence the taste of these soft drinks. A negative effect on the taste may be recognized with mineral waters and soda when they are exposed to higher temperatures (e.g. 40° C or more) over a longer period of time.
Summary Current texture-measuring instruments and a recently developed measuring method (two-dimensional measuring of the force necessary to spread a sample) were compared in measuring the spreadability of processed cheese. How far subjective assessment by a qualified panel correlates with the instrumental results in determining spreadability and firmness was also investigated. Samples of processed cheese with various consistencies were measured by an Universal testing machine, a buttermeasuring instrument (DIN 10331), a rotational-type rheometer (oscillation mode) and a two-dimensional force measuring instrument. The evaluation of the results shows that an oscillating rheometer is most suitable to measure the spreadability of processed cheese; the correlation coefficient (r) between the dynamic Weissenberg number, calculated from parameters of the rheometer, and the subjective judgement by the panel wasr=0.91. For the determination of firmness the two-dimensional force measuring instrument is most suitable. The correlation coefficient between the parameter tangential energy (S t) and the sensorially evaluated firmness wasr=0.95.
Vergleich verschiedener Bestimmungsmethoden für die Streichfähigkeit und Festigkeit von Schmelzkäse
Zusammenfassung Verschiedene gebräuchliche Meßinstrumente und ein neu entwickeltes Gerät zur zweidimensionalen Messung der Kräfte, die zum Ausstreichen einer Probe erforderlich sind, wurden vergleichend zur Charakterisierung der Streichfähigkeit von Schmelzkäse erprobt. Dabei wurde auch geprüft, inwieweit die subjektiven Beurteilungen eines qualifizierten Prüferpanels mit den Meßwerten für Streichfähigkeit und Festigkeit korrelierten. Gemessen wurde mit einer Universalprüfmaschine, dem Butterprüfgerät (DIN 10331), einem Rotationsrheometer und mit dem zweidimensional registrierenden Kraftmeßgerät. Dabei zeigte sich, daß das Rheometer im oscillierenden Modus die Streichfähigkeit am besten zu charakterisieren vermag. Die Korrelation zwischen den Rheometerwerten, berechnet als dynamische Weissenbergzahl, und den sensorisch ermittelten Werten für die Streichfähigkeit betrugr=0,91. Zur Bestimmung der Festigkeit ist das zweidimensional registrierende Kraftmeßgerät am besten geeignet, was sich in einem Korrelationskoeffizienten vonr=0,95 zwischen dem ParameterS t und den im Sensoriktest ermittelten Werten für dieFestigkeit ausdrückt.
We analyze the performance as a terahertz-frequency modulator of a small-area Schottky diode mounted in a corner-cube antenna. The analysis includes the effects of carrier inertia and dielectric relaxation as modeled by Champlin and Eisenstein (1978). It also includes the effect of the vanishing of the depletion region above the flat-band potential, as modeled by Crowe and Mattauch (1986). Our baseline calculation refers to a 1.4 μm diameter diode (Univ. of Virginia batch no. 1E12) operated at a carrier frequency of 2.52 THz and a modulation frequency of 8 GHz, as was used in the experiments of Watson, Grossman, and Phillips (1988). The effects on reflectivity modulation, and therefore on sideband-generation efficiency, of varying the diode parameters are investigated. Our conclusions are: A) For all realistic diode parameters, the phase modulation completely dominates the amplitude modulation. B) Performance is degraded well below the plasma frequency in the undepleted epilayer due to the presence of a second resonance, caused by the interaction of the barrier capacitance and the effective inductance due to carrier inertia, C) The effects of varying the antenna impedance, temperature, diode substrate size, and Schottky barrier height over realistic ranges are small. D) An improvement in single-sideband conversion efficiency of approximately 20 db may be obtained by increasing the epilayer doping and simultaneously reducing the diode radius.  相似文献   
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