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There is little awareness of the limitations of flow detection with the commercially available color Doppler flow mapping system. The influence of flow velocity, ultrasound attenuation, and penetration depth on flow detection in color Doppler (Toshiba SSH 65A) were therefore studied in vitro and compared with conventional Doppler. The flow model had physiological flow volumes and laminar flow with parabolic velocity profile in a horizontal tube of Lucite with less than 3 degrees of coincidence. Conventional Doppler flow velocity measurements correlated highly with laser Doppler anemometry results (r = 0.99, SEE = 3 cm/sec). Signal strength of color Doppler and pulsed Doppler was semi-quantitatively graded using a scale from 0 to 5. Scale 1 (sparse signals) was useless for any assessment in color Doppler but just allowed velocity measurement in pulsed Doppler. Using 19-dB attenuation, flow velocities greater than 100 cm/sec had good scores with moderate gain, 60-100 cm/sec needed increasing gain, and velocities less than 40 cm/sec were not detectable with color Doppler but readily so with pulsed Doppler. With increasing attenuation (1-29 dB) and also with increasing penetration depth, flow detection was reduced significantly (P less than 0.001) more in color Doppler than in the pulsed technique (P less than 0.01). In conclusion, low flow velocities, high attenuation, and greater than 8 cm penetration depth may hamper flow detection in color Doppler and, thus, diagnostic accuracy. Conventional Doppler with its superior accuracy and sensitivity should therefore consolidate diagnostic ultrasound assessment.  相似文献   
Summary The normal flora of the intestinal tract, mainly consisting of anaerobic bacteria, protects the host against colonization by pathogenic microorganisms. Antimicrobial treatment with ceftriaxone may influence the colonic microflora and as a consequence, the protective effect. Ten healthy volunteers received 1 g of ceftriaxone intramuscularly for five days. This resulted in a significant decrease (p<0.05) of the mean cultural counts (± SEM) of total anaerobes from 10.67 (0.11) (prior to treatment) to 9.02 (0.45) and 8.97 (0.46) at days 3 and 5, respectively (during treatment). After treatment (days 10 and 15–19), the cultural counts of anaerobes returned to 10.17 (0.16) and 10.44 (0.18), respectively. Bacterial enzymes may serve as an indicator of protective microflora. - aspartylpeptidase and deoxycholate hydrolase activity was determined in faecal supernatants of the volunteers and compared with anaerobic culturing. Both enzymatic activities show a significant correlation with the total number of anaerobes present at day 3 of ceftriaxone treatment. At day 5 and 8 only -aspartylpeptidase showed significant correlations with cultural counts of total anaerobes,Bacteroides spp. or bifidobacteria. At day 15 to 19 (ten to 14 days after treatment) -aspartylpeptidase showed only a significant correlation with the number ofBacteroides spp. This indicates that changes in the indigenous bacterial flora during and shortly after treatment with ceftriaxone can be monitored by determination of -aspartylpeptidase. Recovery of the intestinal flora is difficult to assess in this manner.
Einfluß von Ceftriaxon auf die anaerobe Flora und die bakterielle Enzymaktivität im Intestinaltrakt
Zusammenfassung Die normale Flora des Intestinaltraktes besteht vorweigend aus anaeroben Bakterien und schützt den Wirt gegen eine Kolonisation durch pathogene Mikroorganismen. Eine antimikrobielle Therapie mit Ceftriaxon kann die Mikroflora des Dickdarms beeinträchtigen und damit auch deren protektiven Effekt. Zehn gesunde Probanden erhielten fünf Tage lang 1 g Ceftriaxon intramuskulär appliziert. Dies führte zu einer signifikanten Abnahme der mittleren Koloniebildnerzahlen von 10,67 (SEM ± 0,11) vor Applikation auf 9,02 (± 0,45) nach drei und auf 8,97 (± 0,46) nach fünf Tagen (p<0,05). Nach zehn und 15 bis 19 Tagen im Anschluß an die Antibiotikagabe kehrten die Anaerobier-Koloniebildnerzahlen auf 10,17 (± 0,16) bzw. 10,44 (± 0,18) zurück. Bakterienenzyme können als Indikator für die protektive Mikroflora dienen. In Überständen von Stuhlproben der Probanden wurden -Aspartylpeptidase und Desoxycholat-Hydrolase bestimmt und mit den Anaerobier-Kulturen verglichen. Zwischen den Aktivitäten beider Enzyme und der am Tag 3 gemessenen Anaerobier-Gesamtzahl fand sich eine signifikante Korrelation. Am Tag 5 und Tag 8 zeigte nur die -Aspartylpeptidase eine signifikante Korrelation mit den Gesamt-Kolonie-bildnerzahlen der Anaerobier sowie mit den Zahlen vonBacteroides spp. oder Bifidobakterien. An den Tagen 15 bis 19 (zehn bis 14 Tage nach Antibiotikagabe) bestand nur zwischen der Zahl vonBacteroides spp. und -Aspartylpeptidase eine signifikante Korrelation. Nach Behandlung mit Ceftriaxon lassen sich folglich Veränderungen der bakteriellen Flora kurzfristig durch Bestimmung der -Aspartylpeptidase erfassen, weniger gut aber die Erholung der Darmflora.
A 3D-scanner for direct three-dimensional imaging using a --coincidence technique is presented. The characteristics of the system were demonstrated by isoresponse curves and modulation transfer functions. A phantom study showed the possibility of detecting cold nodes when they are invisible in normal scans in large subjects because of masking by overlying activity.  相似文献   
Summary Pyruvate kinase isozyme distribution was studied in 101 intracranial tumours of various nature and origin, and in normal human brain (both foetal and adult). In foetal brain, five different forms could be detected by electrophoresis (K4, K3M, K2M2, KM3, and M4). In adult brain, the M4 type, K3M hybrid, and K4 are present; the M type is largely predominant. Alanine inhibition of pyruvate kinase can be used to discriminate between M and K-type pyruvate kinase. The results obtained in an alanine inhibition test are in agreement with the electrophoretic pattern. Pyruvate kinase from foetal brain and brain of a newborn is more inhibited compared with pyruvate kinase from adult brain. In adult brain a high residual activity of pyruvate kinase is found in the presence of alanine. Well differentiated neuroepithelial tumours,i.e., astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and ependymomas showed also relatively high residual activities, though less than in normal adult brain. On the contrary, in poorly differentiated gliomas low residual activity was found. Alanine inhibition of pyruvate kinase correlates well with degree of differentiation of these tumours. There is also a strong correlationship between alanine inhibition of pyruvate kinase and one year survival after total or subtotal resection of gliomas in adults.When in gliomas the residual activity is determined not in the centre of the tumour but more towards the periphery, much higher residual activity is found. It is suggested that brain biopsies in which a residual activity higher than 70% is found probably contain no tumour in the paraffin slides.Poorly differentiated gliomas were characterized by the presence of type K, and the hybrids K3M. In well differentiated gliomas, besides K4 and K3M, M4 was also present. Alanine inhibition was in agreement with the electrophoretic pattern in all tumours. In children (age 1–11 years) gliomas showed no correlation between the distribution of pyruvate kinase isozymes and the histological classification and grading. Of the non-neuro-epithelial tumours studied relatively high residual activities were found for pyruvate kinase in haemangioblastomas, chromophobe adenomas, and craniopharyngiomas. This was also found in an arteriovenous malformation. Other non-neuroepithelial tumours showed much less residual activity. These included benign tumours, meningiomas, neurilemmomas, malignant metastatic tumours, and fibrosarcomas. It was also found in cavernomas. The determination of pyruvate kinase activity in the presence of alanine may be useful for the diagnosis and treatment of intracerebral tumours, in particular gliomas of adults.The alanine inhibition test is a reliable quantitative procedure. It can be performed in 10 minutes, and may well fit in the scope of a surgical procedure.  相似文献   
Studies were performed on the growth and the alkaloid content of stem callus cultures of Cinchona pubescens Vahl concerning the influence of plant growth regulators in the medium. After two months the increase of fresh weight of cultures grown in the dark was less than those incubated with illumination. A number of quinoline and indole alkaloids could be detected by means of TLC. Media F (zeatin: 1 microM, indole-3-butyric acid: 1 microM) and H (zeatin: 1 microM, 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid: 1 microM) showed the best alkaloid production and tissue growth.  相似文献   
Two new acyl secoiridoid glucosides, named decentapicrins A and B, accumulating in the fruits of CENTAURIUM LITTORALE G ILMOUR spp. LITTORALE, have been isolated by means of preparative column chromatography. Another new compound, named decentapicrin C, could also be detected but in minute amounts and was prepared from decentapicrin B. The close interrelation between these three compounds and the strongly bitter centapicrin (Ia) and desacetylcentapicrin (Ib), accumulating in the fruits of CENTAURIUM ERYTHRAEA R AFN. [1, 2], have been demonstrated by means of TLC analysis of the products obtained under alkaline treatment. Under these conditions not only hydrolysis, but also acyl migrations, took place. Decentapicrin A is partly converted into desacetylcentapicrin (Ib) and decentapicrin C; decentapicrin B is converted into decentapicrin C. On the basis of this chemical information and spectroscopical data ( (1)H-NMR, (13)C-NMR, UV and IR) the structures of decentapicrins A, B and C are postulated to be Ic, Id and Ie respectively. The single acylation at C (3)-OH and C (4)-OH of the glucose moiety as shown in the structures of decentapicrins A and B is new in iridoid chemistry. Unlike centapicrin (Ia) and desacetylcentapicrin (Ib) the new compounds decentapicrins A, B and C are only weak bitter principles like sweroside (I).  相似文献   
The effect of dimethylnitrosamine on the nucleosomal structure of mouse liver chromatin was studied. After a single oral dose of dimethylnitrosamine (2–75 mg/kg body weight 45 min before sacrifice) liver nuclei were isolated and incubated with micrococcus nuclease. Nucleosomes were separated on sucrose density gradients. There were no differences in nucleosomal sedimentation velocities between preparations from control and dimethylnitrosamine treated animals. The supernatant obtained after centrifugation of the lysed nuclei (2 min at 4,000 g av) and nucleosomal peak fractions were used for isolation of DNA. DNA was heat denatured in 7 M urea or formamide. After electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels areas under mononucleosomal DNA and smaller fragments were measured and compared with the total DNA area. The increase in DNA fragmentation was dimethylnitrosamine dose response dependent. When expressed as per cent of controls it amounted to 106% for 2 mg; 115% for 10 mg; 127% for 25 mg; 164% for 75 mg dimethylnitrosamine/kg body weight. A good correlation between mobility and log of chain length of 174 RF DNA-Hae III digest was obtained in nondenaturing 5% polyacrylamide gels and denaturing non-aqueous formamide polyacrylamide gels but not in 12% polyacrylamide gels containing 7 M urea. DNA of mononucleosomal peak fractions contained 200 and that of dinucleosomal peak fractions 400 nucleotides. Fragmentation of DNA was closely related to in vivo dimethylnitrosamine treatment but was not detected in measurements of protein-DNA complexes in the chromatin. It was disclosed on denaturation of DNA followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Abbreviations DMN dimethylnitrosamine - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate The work was supported by Grant Number 1 R0 1 CA26642-01, awarded to A.v.d.D. by the National Cancer Institute, DHEW  相似文献   
Evidence is presented that microscopic tumours (of a transplantable murine mammary carcinoma, M8013X) grow faster than larger, palpable, tumours. Microscopic tumours are also more radiosensitive than larger tumours. The decrease in radiosensitivity in larger tumours is prevented to a large extent by misonidazole, which has no significant effect on the radiosensitivity of microscopic tumours. The retardation in growth rate which occurs after the fast microscopic growth is probably related to the appearance of hypoxic cells. Both the decrease in growth rate and the progressive development of hypoxia may be caused by the relatively poorer blood flow in larger tumours. Part of the radioresistance in "large" tumours ( approximately 250 mm3) seems to be due to factors other than hypoxia; maybe cell-kinetic factors also play a role. The intrinsic radiosensitivity of tumour cells in microscopic tumours was assessed by means of a modified latency test: the Dq and Do were 2.2 and 2.5 Gy respectively. A number of factors which may influence the reliability of these estimates are discussed.  相似文献   
Two spectrophotometric assays for prothrombin have been developed and compared with a one stage coagulant and an immunological assay. One of these assays (called the XAPC assay) uses a combination of factor Xa, phospholipid, Ca2+ and factor V as activator of prothrombin, and measures only normal prothrombin. The second (the ECAR assay) uses Echis carinatus venom as activator. This assay measures both normal prothrombin and PIVKA II (protein induced by vitamin K antagonists/absence). Combination of the results obtained by the XAPC and ECAR assays provides rapid and reliable information on the degree of "subcarboxylation" of prothrombin (oral anticoagulation, vitamin K deficiency). For patients on long term anticoagulant treatment the prothrombin time (Thrombotest) shows better correlation with the ratio prothrombin/prothrombin plus PIVKA II (XAPC/ECAR) than with the factor II concentration. For patients starting the anticoagulant treatment there is no correlation between the Thrombotest time and the XAPC/ECAR ratio. It seems doubtful that (a) spectrophotometric factor II assay(s) will be as useful as the prothrombin time in the control of oral anticoagulation.  相似文献   
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