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Our goal is to assess the viability of an in vitro preparation of bovine ciliary body/epithelium (CBE) in a small volume Ussing-type chamber. A new small volume Ussing-type chamber with continuous perfusion was developed for bovine CBE. The trans-CBE electrical parameters were monitored and the electrical responses of the CBE to ouabain (1 and 0.01 mM) were recorded. The trans-CBE fluxes of [14C]-L-ascorbate and [3H]-L-glucose were also studied. The bovine CBE preparation was stable inside the chamber in terms of its potential difference (PD), short circuit current (SCC) and trans-CBE resistance. They were -0.51+/-0.05 mV (aqueous side negative), -5.43+/-0.04 microAcm-2 and 94+/-2 Q.cm2 (mean s.e.m., n=35), respectively. The preparation hyperpolarised when 0.01 mM ouabain was administered to the aqueous side, depolarised when ouabain was applied to the stromal side. [3H]-L-glucose diffusion was about 74 nEq h(-1)cm(-2) in either direction (n=12). Taking the area magnification factor of the CBE into consideration, the diffusional L-glucose flux across the bovine CBE was comparable to other tight epithelia. A significant net ascorbate flux (0.26+/-0.05 nEq h(-1)cm(-2), n=4, p<0.01) was found in the stroma to aqueous direction. We have developed a viable in vitro bovine CBE preparation which was (1) electrically stable, (2) responsive to ouabain, (3) tight to L-glucose diffusion, and (4) capable of actively secreting ascorbate. A net trans-CBE chloride transport (0.81+/-0.30 microEq h(-1)cm(-2), n=12, p=0.01) from stromal to aqueous side was found in the present in vitro model under short-circuited conditions.  相似文献   
In Xenopus, localization of a rare class of mRNAs during oogenesis is believed to initiate pattern formation in the early embryo. We have determined the pattern of RNA localization for one of these RNAs, Xcat-2, which encodes a putative RNA-binding protein related to Drosophila nanos (Mosquera, L., Forristall, C., Zhou, Y. and King, M. L. (1993) Development 117, 377-386). Xcat-2 is exclusively localized to the mitochondrial cloud in stage I oocytes, moves with this body into the vegetal cortex during stage II and, later, partitions into islands consistent with it being a component of the germ plasm. As previously shown, Vg1 is not localized to the vegetal cortex until stage IV and distributes to all vegetal blastomeres during development. We found a direct correlation between the localized condition of these RNAs and their recovery in a detergent-insoluble fraction. We present evidence suggesting that differential RNA binding to a cytoskeletal component(s) in the vegetal cortex determines the pattern of inheritance for that RNA in the embryo.  相似文献   
A new application is proposed for the on-line coupling of reversed-phase liquid chromatography to gas chromatography (RPLC-GC) that allows the GC chirospecific analysis of gamma-lactones in fruits and commercially available fruit-containing products. The use of a programmed temperature vaporizer as an interface with the system makes the transfer of large volume fractions (i.e., 2520 microL) of aqueous eluents from LC to GC possible (speed of sample transfer, 1800 microL/min). Relative standard deviations obtained for the investigated lactones under the experimental conditions vary from 7 to 14%. The described system enlarges the LC-GC application field and overcomes the limitations reported thus far concerning the use of typical normal-phase eluents (i.e., the transfer of rather small volume fractions at low speeds of sample introduction).  相似文献   
We analyze a code-division multiple access technique where information is optically encoded by manipulating the coherence between a pair of transmitted signals. Key features are intrinsic security, operation of the receiver at only the bit rate of a single channel, and reconfiguration without switching optical delays, which are considerable advantages compared to previously proposed CDMA schemes. Experimental results demonstrating the basic operation of the scheme are presented. The performance limitations are calculated and novel implementations are proposed  相似文献   
Using highly degenerate, serine-protease-specific PCR primers on a midgut-specific cDNA library it was estimated that a minimum of 24 independent serine proteases were expressed in the midgut of Stomoxys calcitrans. The relative abundance of these 24 independent serine proteases has been estimated by restriction analysis of PCR products, showing that 69% fall into six almost equally abundant groups. Two highly abundant serine protease cDNAs (Ssp1 and Ssp2) were isolated and sequenced. They encode preproenzymes of 272 amino acids (Mr 28521) and 255 amino acids (Mr 27097) with putative signal peptides of 17 amino acids and 16 amino acids, putative activation peptides of 15 amino acids and 10 amino acids and mature enzymes of 239 amino acids (Mr 25322; pI 4.89) and 228 amino acids (Mr 24182; pI 7.59), respectively. Both deduced amino acid sequences contain the Asp/His/Ser catalytic triad and the highly conserved sequences surrounding it. Ssp2 also has the aspartate and two glycine residues in the specificity pocket, marking this as a typical trypsin. The positioning of the residues in the specificity pocket of Sspl is unusual; aspartate and glycine residues are present, which is typical of trypsin, but both are separated from surrounding conserved residues by additional amino acids; the second glycine found in the specificity pocket of trypsin is replaced by a serine, which is typical of chymotrypsin. Although a serine protease, the precise substrate specificity of Sspl remains to be determined. Northern analysis shows that both serine proteases are expressed constitutively with only a 20% change in the levels of expression of Ssp1 and Ssp2 through the digestive cycle, and that expression occurs predominantly in the opaque region of the midgut, the region responsible for secretion of digestive enzymes.  相似文献   
The beige mutation is a murine autosomal recessive disorder, resulting in hypopigmentation, bleeding and immune cell dysfunction. The gene defective in beige is thought to be a homologue of the gene for the human disorder Chediak-Higashi syndrome. We have identified the murine beige gene by in vitro complementation and positional cloning, and confirmed its identification by defining mutations in two independent mutant alleles. The sequence of the beige gene message shows strong nucleotide homology to multiple human ESTs, one or more of which may be associated with the Chediak-Higashi syndrome gene. The amino acid sequence of the Beige protein revealed a novel protein with significant amino acid homology to orphan proteins identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans and humans.  相似文献   
Many strains of mycobacteria produce two ferric chelating substances that are termed exochelin (an excreted product) and mycobactin (a cell-associated product). These agents may function as iron acquisition siderophores. To examine the genetics of the iron acquisition system in mycobacteria, ultraviolet (UV) and transposon (Tn611) mutagenesis techniques were used to generate exochelin-deficient mutants of Mycobacterium smegmatis strains ATCC 607 and LR222 respectively. Mutants were identified on CAS siderophore detection agar plates. Comparisons of the amounts of CAS-reactive material excreted by the possible mutant strains with that of the wild-type strains verified that seven UV mutant strains and two confirmed transposition mutant strains were deficient in exochelin production. Cell-associated mycobactin production in the mutants appeared to be normal. From the two transposon mutants, the mutated gene regions were cloned and identified by colony hybridization with an IS6100 probe, and the DNA regions flanking the transposon insertion sites were then used as probes to clone the wild-type loci from M. smegmatis LR222 genomic DNA. Complementation assays showed that an 8 kb PstI fragment and a 4.8 kb PstI/SacI subclone of this fragment complemented one transposon mutant (LUN2) and one UV mutant (R92). A 10.1 kb SacI fragment restored exochelin production to the other transposon mutant (LUN1). The nucleotide sequence of the 15.3 kb DNA region that spanned the two transposon insertion sites overlapped the 5' region of the previously reported exochelin biosynthetic gene fxbA and contained three open reading frames that were transcribed in the opposite orientation to fxbA. The corresponding genes were designated exiT, fxbB and fxbC. The deduced amino acid sequence of ExiT suggested that it was a member of the ABC transporter superfamily, while FxbB and FxbC displayed significant homology with many enzymes (including pristinamycin I synthetase) that catalyse non-ribosomal peptide synthesis. We propose that the peptide backbone of the siderophore exochelin is synthesized in part by enzymes resembling non-ribosomal peptide synthetases and that the ABC transporter ExiT is responsible for exochelin excretion.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Inhaled nitric oxide has been shown to be a potent and selective pulmonary vasodilator. Reports of increases in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and episodes of pulmonary edema during the clinical use of inhaled nitric oxide in patients with preexisting left ventricular dysfunction have raised concerns that this agent may have myocardial depressant effects. We therefore undertook a study of the effects of inhaled nitric oxide on myocardial contractility in a porcine model of ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension. METHODS: After inducing heart failure in 10 pigs by rapid ventricular pacing, hemodynamic measurements and pressure-volume diagrams (by the conductance method) were obtained in six animals at baseline and during administration of inhaled nitric oxide at concentrations of 20 and 40 ppm. Myocardial contractile state was assessed by the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship and preload-recruitable stroke work, whereas diastolic function was measured in terms of the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship and the pressure decay time constant T. RESULTS: Baseline hemodynamics reflected heart failure and pulmonary hypertension, and inhaled nitric oxide induced significant reductions in mean pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance. Although left ventricular end-diastolic pressure increased during administration of inhaled nitric oxide, no changes were observed in measures of systolic or diastolic function. CONCLUSIONS: Inhaled nitric oxide reduced pulmonary vascular resistance but did not alter myocardial contractility or diastolic function. Increases in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure during inhaled nitric oxide therapy are therefore not due to myocardial depression and may be related to increases in volume delivery to the left side of the heart resulting from reduced pulmonary vascular resistance.  相似文献   
Plasma samples from two experiments were processed to determine whether ergot alkaloids associated with endophyte-infected tall fescue altered peripheral thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or cortisol concentrations in cattle. In Exp. 1, seven Angus steers (294 kg) received i.v. bolus injections of saline (SAL), ergonovine maleate (7 mg; EM), or ergotamine tartrate (7 mg; ET) at weekly intervals, and they received all treatments during the study. Blood was sampled every 15 min for 5 h, and treatments were given after h 1. Mean ambient temperature was 34 degrees C. Treatment x time affected plasma concentrations of T3 (P < .05) and of cortisol (P < .001) but not that of T4 (P > .2). Plasma T3 concentrations were not affected by SAL, whereas concentrations increased (P < .01) after either EM or ET treatment. Plasma cortisol concentrations were not altered by SAL or EM, but they were increased (P < .001) by ET treatment. In Exp. 2, six Holstein cows (499 kg) nursing calves received a bolus i.v. injection of SAL, EM (9.5 mg), or ET (9.5 mg) per estrous cycle, and all treatments were given over three cycles. Blood was sampled every 20 min for 5 h; treatments were given after h 1. Mean ambient temperature was 26 degrees C. Treatment x time affected T3 (P = .08) and cortisol (P < .001) and tended to influence (P = .16) T4 concentrations. Plasma T3, T4, and cortisol concentrations were not influenced by SAL treatment. Plasma T3 was higher (P < or = .01) after EM or ET treatment compared with pretreatment concentrations. Concentrations of T4 during the 4 h after EM and ET were increased (P < .001) compared with pretreatment. Plasma cortisol concentrations were not altered by EM but were increased (P < .001) by ET. Ergot alkaloids implicated as contributing agents to fescue toxicosis alter plasma concentrations of hormones important to metabolic and thermoregulatory functions in cattle.  相似文献   
We investigated the behavior of the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APx), in potato tubers during storage at low temperature. SOD activity increased temporarily within 3 weeks and was higher at 1 degree C than at 20 degrees C. APx activity also increased more at low (1 degree C) than at higher temperatures (5 and 20 degrees C). The contents of ascorbic acid (AsA), which is the substrate of APx, decreased immediately within 3 weeks and then gradually decreased until 15 weeks. The activity of CAT, the other enzyme which can scavenge hydrogen peroxide, decreased once in the first six weeks and thereafter increased to 15 weeks. Thus, the enhancement of the active oxygen-scavenging system that was induced by low temperature in potato tubers could result not only in a decrease of AsA but also in combined increases in APx and CAT activity whose manners were different.  相似文献   
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