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Industrial Oxo Synthesis with Immobilised Catalyst. The use of water-soluble catalysts represents a significant advance in homogeneous catalysis; “immobilisation” of the catalyst in a second immiscible liquid phase has the effect of “heterogenisation” and allows the advantages of heterogeneous processing (long lifetimes, straightforward technology) to the combined with those of the homogeneous mode (gentle reaction conditions, high activity and selectivity). In particular, the decisive advantage of homogeneous catalysts, viz. the wide range of variation of their steric and electronic properties which can be adapted to the specific reaction at hand, can be exploited for tailoring highly effective catalysts. Moreover, the mode of action of these homogeneous catalysts remains understandable as a model and under the reaction conditions chosen – in complete contrast to the case of many heterogeneous catalytic systems. The first successful industrial application of water-soluble catalysts was in the oxo process of Ruhrchemie/Rhǒne Poulenc. The following article reports on ten years' experience with this process and the HRh(CO)[P(msulphophenyl-Na)3]3 catalyst.  相似文献   
In this paper, the feasibility of user-deployed femtocells in the same frequency band as an existing macrocell network is investigated. Key requirements for co-channel operation of femtocells such as auto-configuration and public access are discussed. Methods for femtocell power auto-configuration that ensure a constant cell radius in the downlink, and a low pre-definable interference impact on co-channel macrocells in the uplink are proposed. The theoretical performance of randomly deployed femtocells in such a hierarchical cell structure and the resulting impact on existing co-channel macrocells is analysed for a cellular UMTS network using system level simulations.  相似文献   
In this paper we investigate the impact of the floating-point precision and interpolation scheme on the results of direct numerical simulations (DNS) of turbulence by pseudo-spectral codes. Three different types of floating-point precision configurations show no differences in the statistical results. This implies that single precision computations allow for increased Reynolds numbers due to the reduced amount of memory needed. The interpolation scheme for obtaining velocity values at particle positions has a noticeable impact on the Lagrangian acceleration statistics. A tri-cubic scheme results in a slightly broader acceleration probability density function than a tri-linear scheme. Furthermore the scaling behavior obtained by the cubic interpolation scheme exhibits a tendency towards a slightly increased degree of intermittency compared to the linear one.  相似文献   
Depression is one of the most common reasons for using complementary and alternative therapies. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the evidence available on the treatment of depression with complementary therapies. Systematic literature searches were performed using several databases, reference list searching, and inquiry to colleagues. Data extraction followed a predefined protocol. The amount of rigorous scientific data to support the efficacy of complementary therapies in the treatment of depression is extremely limited. The areas with the most evidence for beneficial effects are exercise, herbal therapy (Hypericum perforatum), and, to a lesser extent, acupuncture and relaxation therapies. There is a need for further research involving randomized controlled trials into the efficacy of complementary and alternative therapies in the treatment of depression.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zur Bestimmung der Annatto-Farbstoffe Norbixin und Bixin in Käse wird eine derivativspektroskopische und eine HPLC-Methode vorgeschlagen. Beide Methoden kommen mit einer raschen und einfachen Probenaufbereitung aus, da eine Abtrennung von-Carotin und Fett nicht erforderlich ist. Die Probenaufbereitung besteht aus einer Extraktion der Farbstoffe mit Aceton, Filtration, Eindampfen des Extraktes, Entfernen von Restwasser durch Zusats von einigen Millimetern absolutem Alkohol und anschließendem Eindampfen, Aufnehmen in Chloroform/Eisessig (99,5 + 0,5) für die Derivativspektroskopie bzw. Aceton für die HPLC. Die derivativspektroskopische Methode erlaubt sowohl die qualitative Analyse (Nachweisgrenze unter 0,67 mg/kg abhängig vom natürlichen-Carotingealt), als auch eine Quantifizierung. Sie kann deshalb sowohl als Screeningmethode zur Kontrolle der rigorosen österreichischen Vorschriften, als auch zur Kontrolle der Einhaltung von Höchstwerten verwendet werden und zeichnet sich weiters durch eine kurze Analysenzeit (75 s) und geringem Materialaufwand aus. Die HPLC-Methode gestattet einerseits eine Auftrennung der Komponenten Norbixin und Bixin als auch eine separate quentitative Erfassung der in Schnittkäse anzutreffenden Carotinoide wie-Carotin,-Apo-8-Carotinal und-Apo-8-Carotinsäureethylester (Nachweisgrenze für Norbixin und Bixin 0,2 mg/kg). Die dafür erforderliche Analysenzeit beträgt 20 min. Die HPLC-Methode wird für Bestätigungszwecke bei Vorliegen geringer Bixin-Norbixinkonzentrationen bzw. als Alternative vorgeschlagen.
Detection of annatto dye-stuffs, norbixin and bixin, in cheese by means of derivative spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Summary A derivative spectroscopic method and a HPLC-method are described for the determination of the annatto dye-stuffs, norbixin and bixin, in cheese. Both methods enable a simple and quick sample preparation since the separation of-carotene and fat is not required. The sample preparation step consists of extraction with acetone, filtration, evaporation of the extract and separation of water residues by the addition of a few milliliters of absolute ethanol. This is followed by evaporation and extraction of the residual solution with chloroform/acetic acid (99.5 + 0.5) for the derivative spectroscopic method or with acetone for the HPLC method. The qualitative detection (detection limit greater than 0.67 mg/kg, depending on the genuine-carotene content) as well as the quantitative determination is possible by means of the derivative spectroscopic method. Therefore, this technique may be used within the rigorous Austrian regulation or for controlling the quantities and limits of annatto dye-stuffs in cheese, if its application is allowed. The method also has the advantage of quick detection (only 75 s) and saving of material used. The HPLC method allows for the separation and quantification of norbixin and bixin as well as the other carotenoids such as-carotene,-apo-8-carotenal and-apo-8-carotenoic acid — ethylester, which may also be found in varieties of cheese (detection limit of norbixin and bixin: 0.2 mg/kg). The time required for the separation of the above mentioned substances is 20 min and the HPLC method is proposed for the confirmation of low concentrations of these substances.

Current Research Activities

The Swedish approach to research and development in fire protection  相似文献   
The temperature distribution in spiral plate heat exchangers has been calculated numerically to obtain the efficiency and the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) correction factors F as a function of the number of transfer units N, the number of turns n, and the heat capacity rate ratio C. It has been found that the LMTD correction factors, when plotted against the number of transfer units per turn N/n, fall approximately on a single curve. That curve for balanced countercurrent operation (C = −1) can be very closely represented by the simple formula F = (n/N)tanh(N/n). From that simple analytic representation of our numerical results it was concluded that a simpler physical model might exist to represent the overall behaviour of a spiral plate heat exchanger equally well. In fact, a countercurrent cascade of n cocurrent heat exchangers does result exactly in the above-mentioned formula for the LMTD correction factor. From that model the F-factors for other heat capacity rate ratios C (−1 < C 0) can also be calculated and they are in sufficient agreement with the numerical results.  相似文献   
Directed exploitation of biological systems . During the past few decades, our knowledge of molecular process responsible for genetics has increased dramatically. Discovery of the giant molecule deoxyribonucleic acid – abbreviated as DNA – as the carrier of genetic information heralded in a development which nowadays permits us to effect directed changes in the genetic material of an organism. Thus we can provide easily cultured microorganisms with genes which were previously located in a completely different genetic environment. This helps us to obtain high yields of proteins or other substances which were formerly very difficult to obtain. Higher organisms such as animals and plants can also undergo modification of their genetic equipment. This adds a new dimension to the breeding of such species. Above all, genetic engineering provides new insights into the enormously complex interplay of molecules which go to make up a living cell. The resulting understanding of life processes on a molecular level permits recognition of malfunction and therapy of the ensuring disease by new drugs. In addition to these positive aspects, genetic engineering provides scope for conducting experiments whose ethical implications demand very earnest consideration.  相似文献   
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