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The introduction of functional moieties in the donor polymer (side chains) offers a potential pathway toward selective modification of the nanomorphology of conjugated polymer:fullerene active layer blends applied in bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaics, pursuing morphology control and solar cell stability. For this purpose, two types of poly(3-alkylthiophene) random copolymers, incorporating different amounts (10/30/50%) of ester-functionalized side chains, were efficiently synthesized using the Rieke method. The solar cell performance of the functionalized copolymers was evaluated and compared to the pristine P3HT:PCBM system. It was observed that the physicochemical and opto-electronic characteristics of the polythiophene donor material can be modified to a certain extent via copolymerization without (too much) jeopardizing the OPV efficiency, as far as the functionalized side chains are introduced in a moderate ratio (<30%) and that preference is given to side chains with a small molar volume. A range of complementary techniques – UV–Vis spectroscopy, (modulated temperature) differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis – indicated that variations in polymer crystallinity, while maintaining a high level of regioregularity, are probably the main factor responsible for the observed differences.  相似文献   
The Nightingallery project encouraged participants to converse, sing, and perform with a musically responsive animatronic bird, playfully interacting with the character while members of the public could look on and observe. We used Nightingallery to frame an HCI investigation into how people would engage with one another when confronted with unfamiliar technologies in conspicuously public, social spaces. Structuring performances as improvisational street theatre, we styled our method of exhibiting the bird character. We cast ourselves in supporting roles as carnival barkers and minders of the bird, presenting him as if he were a fantastical creature in a fairground sideshow display, allowing him the agency to shape and maintain dialogues with participants, and positioning him as the focal character upon which the encounter was centred. We explored how the anthropomorphic nature of the bird itself, along with the cultural connotations associated with the carnival/sideshow tradition helped signpost and entice participants through the trajectory of their encounters with the exhibit. Situating ourselves as secondary characters within the narrative defining the performance/use context, our methods of mediation, observation, and evaluation were integrated into the performance frame. In this paper, we explore recent HCI theories in mixed reality performance to reflect upon how genre-based cultural connotations can be used to frame trajectories of experience, and how manipulation of roles and agency in participatory performance can facilitate HCI investigation of social encounters with playful technologies.  相似文献   
The nanometre-scale structure of collagen and bioapatite within bone establishes bone''s physical properties, including strength and toughness. However, the nanostructural organization within bone is not well known and is debated. Widely accepted models hypothesize that apatite mineral (‘bioapatite’) is present predominantly inside collagen fibrils: in ‘gap channels’ between abutting collagen molecules, and in ‘intermolecular spaces’ between adjacent collagen molecules. However, recent studies report evidence of substantial extrafibrillar bioapatite, challenging this hypothesis. We studied the nanostructure of bioapatite and collagen in mouse bones by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) using electron energy loss spectroscopy and high-angle annular dark-field imaging. Additionally, we developed a steric model to estimate the packing density of bioapatite within gap channels. Our steric model and STEM results constrain the fraction of total bioapatite in bone that is distributed within fibrils at less than or equal to 0.42 inside gap channels and less than or equal to 0.28 inside intermolecular overlap regions. Therefore, a significant fraction of bone''s bioapatite (greater than or equal to 0.3) must be external to the fibrils. Furthermore, we observe extrafibrillar bioapatite between non-mineralized collagen fibrils, suggesting that initial bioapatite nucleation and growth are not confined to the gap channels as hypothesized in some models. These results have important implications for the mechanics of partially mineralized and developing tissues.  相似文献   
The paradoxical behaviour of a new command and control concept called Network Enabled Capability (NEC) provides the motivation for this paper. In it, a traditional hierarchical command and control organisation was pitted against a network centric alternative on a common task, played thirty times, by two teams. Multiple regression was used to undertake a simple form of time series analysis. It revealed that whilst the NEC condition ended up being slightly slower than its hierarchical counterpart, it was able to balance and optimise all three of the performance variables measured (task time, enemies neutralised and attrition). From this it is argued that a useful conceptual response is not to consider NEC as an end product comprised of networked computers and standard operating procedures, nor to regard the human system interaction as inherently stable, but rather to view it as a set of initial conditions from which the most adaptable component of all can be harnessed: the human.  相似文献   
Mineralization of phenazopyridine, 1, in water, under solar-simulator radiation was efficiently achieved using nanoparticle CdS-sensitized rutile TiO2, TiO2/CdS, 2, as photo-catalysts. Despite that, 2 showed two main drawbacks. Firstly, the system was difficult to recover by simple filtration, and demanded centrifugation. Secondly, the sensitizer CdS showed relatively high tendency to leach out hazardous Cd2+ ions under photo-degradation reaction conditions. In an attempt to solve out such difficulties, 2 was supported onto sand surface. The sand/TiO2/CdS system, 3, was easier to recover but showed slightly lower catalytic activity compared to 2. On the other hand, the support failed to prevent leaching of Cd2+. This indicates limited future applicability of CdS-sensitized TiO2 photo-catalyst systems, in solar-based water purification strategies, unless leaching out tendency is completely prevented.  相似文献   
A post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of 12 green and 12 conventional office buildings across Canada and the northern United States was conducted. Occupants (N = 2545) completed an online questionnaire related to environmental satisfaction, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, health and well-being, environmental attitudes, and commuting. In each building on-site physical measurements at a sample of workstations (N= 974) were taken, including: thermal conditions, air quality, acoustics, lighting, workstation size, ceiling height, window access and shading, and surface finishes. Green buildings exhibited superior performance compared with similar conventional buildings. Better outcomes included: environmental satisfaction, satisfaction with thermal conditions, satisfaction with the view to the outside, aesthetic appearance, less disturbance from heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) noise, workplace image, night-time sleep quality, mood, physical symptoms, and reduced number of airborne particulates. A variety of physical features led to improved occupant outcomes across all buildings, including: conditions associated with speech privacy, lower background noise levels, higher light levels, greater access to windows, conditions associated with thermal comfort, and fewer airborne particulates. Green building rating systems might benefit from further attention in several areas, including: credits related to acoustic performance, a greater focus on reducing airborne particulates, enhanced support for the interdisciplinary design process and development of POE protocols.

Il a été mené une évaluation après occupation (POE) de 12 immeubles de bureaux verts et 12 immeubles de bureaux classiques répartis à travers le Canada et le nord des Etats-Unis. Les occupants (N?=?2545) ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne portant sur la satisfaction environnementale, la satisfaction au travail et l'implication organisationnelle, la santé et le bien-être, les attitudes environnementales, et les trajets réguliers. Dans chaque immeuble, des mesures physiques in situ sur un échantillon de postes de travail (N?=?974) ont été effectuées, comprenant : les conditions thermiques, la qualité de l'air, l'acoustique, l'éclairage, la taille des postes de travail, la hauteur de plafond, l'accès aux fenêtres et leur occultation, et les finitions de surface. Les bâtiments verts ont affiché des performances supérieures par rapport aux bâtiments classiques similaires. De meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus concernant la satisfaction environnementale, la satisfaction à l'égard des conditions thermiques, la satisfaction à l'égard de la vue sur l'extérieur, l'aspect esthétique, la diminution des perturbations liées aux bruits provenant du chauffage, de la ventilation et de la climatisation (CVC), l'image du lieu de travail, la qualité du sommeil nocturne, l'humeur, les symptômes physiques, et la réduction du nombre de particules en suspension dans l'air. Différentes caractéristiques physiques ont conduit à une amélioration des résultats pour les occupants dans tous les immeubles, concernant notamment les conditions liées à la confidentialité des conversations, les niveaux inférieurs de bruit de fond, les niveaux de luminosité plus élevés, l'accès accru aux fenêtres, les conditions associées au confort thermique, et le nombre moindre de particules en suspension dans l'air. Les systèmes de notation des bâtiments verts pourraient bénéficier d'une plus grande attention apportée à plusieurs domaines, s'agissant en particulier des crédits relatifs aux performances acoustiques, d'un accent accru sur la réduction des particules en suspension dans l'air, d'un soutien renforcé en faveur du processus de conception interdisciplinaire et du développement de protocoles POE.

Mots clés: performances des bâtiments, bilan environnemental, bâtiments verts, environnement intérieur, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), satisfaction des occupants, évaluation après occupation  相似文献   
法国有大量的中小城市,这些城市在1945—1973年间经历了急剧的人口和经济增长。从那以后,中小城市的活力与大聚落的活力就不相上下。半个多世纪以来,小城市发展的重要因素是欧洲的农业政策,中型城市则受益于法国的国土规划政策。然而无论中型城市还是小城市又各自有其内生的发展,主要因为它们提供的良好生活环境可以促进住宅经济发展。法国北方分布较多工业,只要它们懂得创新之道就能抵抗风险;南方以旅游业为主,是全球旅游的胜地。总之,中小城市以它们特有的吸引力为国土的发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   
This article examines how major retailers, in their attempts to secure sites for very large stores (over 7000 m2 sales area), have had to adopt new strategies in order to overcome resistance from local authority and central government retail planning policy. These strategies include recycling of old retail developments with ‘open A1 consent’, participation in urban regeneration projects and development or redevelopment of ‘district shopping centres’ in urban areas. Discussion of these strategies reveals weaknesses and inconsistencies in retail planning policy in the UK.  相似文献   
A novel process concept for the oxidative coupling of methane followed by the oligomerization to liquids has been developed within the frame of the EU integrated project OCMOL. This technology is based on process intensification principles via cutting‐edge structured microreactor technology. It is also a fully integrated industrial process through the re‐use and the recycling of by‐products, in particular CO2, at every process stage. The focus of this contribution is on the reaction engineering aspects of the core steps, i.e., catalysts, kinetics and reactor design for the methane coupling and reforming.  相似文献   
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