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Zusammenfassung Zur Bestimmung der Annatto-Farbstoffe Norbixin und Bixin in Käse wird eine derivativspektroskopische und eine HPLC-Methode vorgeschlagen. Beide Methoden kommen mit einer raschen und einfachen Probenaufbereitung aus, da eine Abtrennung von-Carotin und Fett nicht erforderlich ist. Die Probenaufbereitung besteht aus einer Extraktion der Farbstoffe mit Aceton, Filtration, Eindampfen des Extraktes, Entfernen von Restwasser durch Zusats von einigen Millimetern absolutem Alkohol und anschließendem Eindampfen, Aufnehmen in Chloroform/Eisessig (99,5 + 0,5) für die Derivativspektroskopie bzw. Aceton für die HPLC. Die derivativspektroskopische Methode erlaubt sowohl die qualitative Analyse (Nachweisgrenze unter 0,67 mg/kg abhängig vom natürlichen-Carotingealt), als auch eine Quantifizierung. Sie kann deshalb sowohl als Screeningmethode zur Kontrolle der rigorosen österreichischen Vorschriften, als auch zur Kontrolle der Einhaltung von Höchstwerten verwendet werden und zeichnet sich weiters durch eine kurze Analysenzeit (75 s) und geringem Materialaufwand aus. Die HPLC-Methode gestattet einerseits eine Auftrennung der Komponenten Norbixin und Bixin als auch eine separate quentitative Erfassung der in Schnittkäse anzutreffenden Carotinoide wie-Carotin,-Apo-8-Carotinal und-Apo-8-Carotinsäureethylester (Nachweisgrenze für Norbixin und Bixin 0,2 mg/kg). Die dafür erforderliche Analysenzeit beträgt 20 min. Die HPLC-Methode wird für Bestätigungszwecke bei Vorliegen geringer Bixin-Norbixinkonzentrationen bzw. als Alternative vorgeschlagen.
Detection of annatto dye-stuffs, norbixin and bixin, in cheese by means of derivative spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Summary A derivative spectroscopic method and a HPLC-method are described for the determination of the annatto dye-stuffs, norbixin and bixin, in cheese. Both methods enable a simple and quick sample preparation since the separation of-carotene and fat is not required. The sample preparation step consists of extraction with acetone, filtration, evaporation of the extract and separation of water residues by the addition of a few milliliters of absolute ethanol. This is followed by evaporation and extraction of the residual solution with chloroform/acetic acid (99.5 + 0.5) for the derivative spectroscopic method or with acetone for the HPLC method. The qualitative detection (detection limit greater than 0.67 mg/kg, depending on the genuine-carotene content) as well as the quantitative determination is possible by means of the derivative spectroscopic method. Therefore, this technique may be used within the rigorous Austrian regulation or for controlling the quantities and limits of annatto dye-stuffs in cheese, if its application is allowed. The method also has the advantage of quick detection (only 75 s) and saving of material used. The HPLC method allows for the separation and quantification of norbixin and bixin as well as the other carotenoids such as-carotene,-apo-8-carotenal and-apo-8-carotenoic acid — ethylester, which may also be found in varieties of cheese (detection limit of norbixin and bixin: 0.2 mg/kg). The time required for the separation of the above mentioned substances is 20 min and the HPLC method is proposed for the confirmation of low concentrations of these substances.
Directed exploitation of biological systems . During the past few decades, our knowledge of molecular process responsible for genetics has increased dramatically. Discovery of the giant molecule deoxyribonucleic acid – abbreviated as DNA – as the carrier of genetic information heralded in a development which nowadays permits us to effect directed changes in the genetic material of an organism. Thus we can provide easily cultured microorganisms with genes which were previously located in a completely different genetic environment. This helps us to obtain high yields of proteins or other substances which were formerly very difficult to obtain. Higher organisms such as animals and plants can also undergo modification of their genetic equipment. This adds a new dimension to the breeding of such species. Above all, genetic engineering provides new insights into the enormously complex interplay of molecules which go to make up a living cell. The resulting understanding of life processes on a molecular level permits recognition of malfunction and therapy of the ensuring disease by new drugs. In addition to these positive aspects, genetic engineering provides scope for conducting experiments whose ethical implications demand very earnest consideration.  相似文献   
An isothermal model for hydrodemetallation (HDM) of crude oils in catalytic fixed-bed reactors is proposed. This model involves a consecutive reaction mechanism, which is capable of accounting for particle deposit profiles with interior maxima. Consistent with the fact that HDM catalysts are conglomerates formed by precipitation, the porous catalyst itself is modeled as randomly overlapping spheres of equal size. The metal is deposited as growing metal sulfide crystallites on the inner surface of the catalyst. These crystallites originate from a certain number of randomly scattered nuclei and increase in size as the deposition proceeds. The random sphere model for the catalyst and the deposit provides the changes in the catalyst pore structure—local porosity and surface area.

The mass transport within the domain of the particle is due to restricted liquid diffusion, since the diameter of the metal bearing compound (porphyrin) and the intermediate are comparable to the pore size. The diffusion restrictions taken into account are the enhanced drag imposed on a molecule by adjacent pore walls and steric partitioning.

Since the deposition process is much slower than diffusion and reaction, the pseudo-steady-state assumption can be justified. The equations of conservation for mass are solved by orthogonal collocation on finite elements. Based on this solution technique a computer simulation program of HDM is designed that allows two modes of operation: constant temperature and constant conversion. The simulation program “SIMULA” is highly flexible with regard to reaction kinetics, catalyst structure, reactor design, and operating conditions. In comparison to a base case with uniform activity, the effect of intraparticle (radial) and bed (axial) activity profiles on the conversion rate is discussed. For the case investigated, a radial distribution of activity higher at the center of the particle than at the edge can increase catalyst life by 25%, but axial distribution was less successful.  相似文献   
Based on the example of PE-LD grades and on model substances obtained by preparative fractionation (fractions in the molecular weight range M?w = 1.2 ? 390·104 g/mol), comprehensive investigations regarding the problems of structure/properties have been carried out. The correlations of M?w with 15 physical and application technological perameters have been investigated taking into account the reaction mechanism during the manufacturing of PE-LD in the tubular and agitated autoclave reactor, resulting in the formation of so-called primary structure perameters M?n, M?w, molar mass distribution, short chain branching and long chain branching. For the interpretation of the results, among other factors, also the morphological conditions have been taken into consideration, which in connection with the molecular parameters reveal — for specific M?w-ranges — strong changes and saturation ranges, resp., for the physical and application technological properties.  相似文献   
Recycling of rubber-based materials is of increasing industrial environmental importance. In order to characterize the effect of ultrasound on polymer networks, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation and pulsed-gradient diffusion measurements were made at 70.5 °C in polyurethane rubber (PUR) and foam after subsequent treatment by intense ultrasound. The proton transverse relaxation decay was analyzed in terms of molecular and segmental mobilities of all motional species, a chemical and physical network as well as diffusing sol. The diffusivity spectrum, measurable in foams, reflected the changing molecular weight distribution of low-molecular weight sol and oligomers. It was observed that the effect of ultrasound was less pronounced in PUR than rubbers like SBR, PDMS and BR owing to its low degree of unsaturation. The investigation on the foams is the first of its kind to be reported.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new approach for shape‐grammar‐based generation and rendering of huge cities in real‐time on the graphics processing unit (GPU). Traditional approaches rely on evaluating a shape grammar and storing the geometry produced as a preprocessing step. During rendering, the pregenerated data is then streamed to the GPU. By interweaving generation and rendering, we overcome the problems and limitations of streaming pregenerated data. Using our methods of visibility pruning and adaptive level of detail, we are able to dynamically generate only the geometry needed to render the current view in real‐time directly on the GPU. We also present a robust and efficient way to dynamically update a scene's derivation tree and geometry, enabling us to exploit frame‐to‐frame coherence. Our combined generation and rendering is significantly faster than all previous work. For detailed scenes, we are capable of generating geometry more rapidly than even just copying pregenerated data from main memory, enabling us to render cities with thousands of buildings at up to 100 frames per second, even with the camera moving at supersonic speed.  相似文献   
A simple method for the characterisation of fabric softness using a conventional tensile tester and a special measurement device has been developed. The method is demonstrated to be especially useful in detecting changes in softness of a given substrate due to different treatments. The results obtained, particularly hysteresis at 75% of the maximum extension, provide a good correlation with subjective ranking for samples that are subjectively distinguishable; they also differentiate well between samples which seem subjectively indistinguishable. Screening tests were carried out, mainly on wool fabrics, to find the effect of different treatments such as oxidative (alkaline and acidic) and reductive (Blankit IN) bleaching, dyeing with acid and a 1:2 metal complex, chrome and (mono and bi)reactive dyes, the effect of the antisetting agent Basolan AS (BASF) and of crosslinking with Irgasol HTW (CGY) on fabric softness.  相似文献   
The dependence of the critical concentration of the ternary system polymer-polymer-solvent on the molecular weight can be expressed by the relation where cc is the critical concentration, M? the appropriate average of the molecular weight of both polymers; A and cc∞ are constants for the given system. The possibility of determining the molecular weight of one of the polymers from the value cc and the molecular weight of the known polymer with the aid of equation (1) is discussed.  相似文献   
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