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我国图书馆学期刊1990年的发文及引文统计分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Twenty periodicals of China including the "Bulletin of the Library Science in China" had published in 1990 totally 100 issues of 2006 outgoing pieces and 3489 citations. From the system of outgoing pieces point of view, the college libraries were of the most (54.63%); from the point of view of administrative divisions, the East China was of the most (25.02%); from the point of view of selected topics of outgoing articles, library and information undertaking construction was of the most (10.16%) and from the point of view authors of outgoing pieces,there were 15 people who had published more than 5 pieces,among them Huang Zongzhong and Cheng Huanwen had written the most (Each had written 10 pieces).Statistics and analysis are also made by the author for the amount of citations,languages,types of documents,subjects,years,periodicals cited as well as the authors.14 tables.  相似文献   
For a certain brancn of learning,the appearanace of classics is a major sign of it heading formature period,while the quatility and quality of the documents are an importment measure tojudge the position of the subject.According to the statistical analysis of 10 periodicals of libraryscience,including the"Bulletin of the Library Science in China",in the last 10 years,there were59 titles of library science classics.The"Bulletin of the Library Science in China"was the one thatoutwent the other nine in dispatching the documents(18 pieces),the next was the "Book and Information Work"(5 pieces);monographs were published mostly by the Wuhan University Publishing House(6 volumes)and the Bibliographic Documentation.Publishing House(5 volumes).There were altogether 50 authors and 43 titles of works written by personal authors,make up 72.88 percent of the total.Most of the said classics and their authors were from colleges and universities and from Beijing,Hubei Provience and Shanghai.The Subjects were basic theories of library science,librarianship development,documentary metrology,etc.5 tabs.5 ref.  相似文献   
本文利用中文科技期刊引文数据库(VIP)中的数据,对中文核心期刊《中国图书馆学报》1999-2008年4月近9年载文,被国内期刊引用情况(包括被引论文的频次、年代、主题、经典文献、引用期刊和作者分布)的调查研究与分析解读,客观揭示该刊的整体水平及主要影响。  相似文献   
青岛理工大学图书馆始终坚持"以人为本,服务至上"的办馆宗旨和"资源优化,管理科学,服务便捷"的指导思想,以服务教学科研为中心,以文献资源建设为龙头,以强化科学管理为动力,以优质服务为目标,依托信息技术,采用先进的管理手段,构建了适应学校教学科研和学科发展的信息  相似文献   
文章阐述了文献利用学是研究文献利用现象及其规律的科学,它主要包括文献利用学基本理论、文献提供利用工作及文献用户等三方面的内容。  相似文献   
年鉴是汇集、查阅有关学科一年内的重要会议、文献、统计资料、大事记以及有关学术团体情况、学科研究成果及动态信息、并按年度连续出版的一种资料性工具书。党的十一届三中全会以来,我国各种专业性和综合性大型年鉴的编纂与出版,形成了前所未有的热潮。据统计,截止1984年底,我国已编纂出版年鉴54种。然而在这众多的专业年鉴中还没有图书馆学研究年鉴。这说明我国图书馆界对这项工作还没有给予应有的重视.  相似文献   
本刊今年第3期刊出了《“七五”期间我国图书馆界“十项大事”资料征集启事》,到8月20日截止,共收到推荐稿25篇。经本刊编辑部筛选整理后的推荐项目有40项,现大致按时间顺序排列如下。请读者从中选出10项(只写编号),于12月15日前寄选编辑部。本刊根据评选者所提项目与群众评选结果的相符程度,给以适当的奖励。评选结果将在明年第1期公布。  相似文献   
针对目前我国图书馆学情报学研究成果转化应用率偏低的问题,作者着重分析了导致图书馆学情报学研究成果转化应用程度不高的原因,并对今后如何加强成果转化应用工作提出了几点具体设想。  相似文献   
目前我国图书馆学科研成果转化应用率偏低,原因有三条:首先是人们对科研成果转化应用缺乏足够的认识;其次是图书馆学科研成果自身质量不高;再次是成果转化应用的途经不宽。本文就上述三个问题进行了较详细的论述。  相似文献   
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