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袁江  王玉清  毛会玲  德桂荣 《临床荟萃》2005,20(22):1283-1284
热性惊厥(Febrile Seizure,FS)是小儿时期常见急症,有反复发作及转为癫痫的可能,为探讨热性惊厥复发及转为癫痫的危险因素,我们对首次发作FS的92例患儿进行了5~8年的随访,结果报告如下。  相似文献   
不同方法处理的同种异体骨移植免疫学比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为比较不同处理的同种异体骨移植的免疫反应,作者用新鲜骨、自消化抗原去除骨、骨基质明胶和脱钙骨基质分别植入小鼠肌肉,行免疫学和组织碱性磷酸酶检测。结果:同种异体新鲜骨引发宿主抗体水平最高,在体外明显刺激淋巴细胞增殖;而后三种移植物引发的宿主抗体水平较低,在体外抑制淋巴细胞增殖。结论:免疫排异抑制移植物成骨,骨诱导活性物质抑制免疫反应。  相似文献   
本文用大剂量天然α-干扰素治疗31例重症病毒性肝炎患者,并以既往和同期未用α-干扰素的49例患者作为对照,所有患者均未接受人工肝治疗。治疗结果表明:应用天然α-干扰素的31例患者存活今为64.5%(20/31)较对照组存活率28.6%(14/49)明显提高(P<0.005)。治疗组中虽有部分患者出现发烧、白细胞及血小板减少,经适当处理多数患者仍可接受治疗。  相似文献   
肾移植患者感染血吸虫的报道较少,我院2000年收治1例,现将其临床资料报告如下。 临床资料 患者,女,45岁。因慢性肾小球肾炎肾功能衰竭,行血液透析治疗13个月,无血吸虫感染史。于2000年1月在我院行同种异体肾移植术,手术顺利,术后以环孢素A(CsA)、硫唑嘌呤(Aza)及泼尼松(Pred)联合用药预防排斥反应。术后7d,肾功能恢复正常。术后22d,发生急性排斥反应,经甲泼尼龙冲击治疗3d后逆转。  相似文献   
网状纤维染色在病理诊断上具有一定重要意义,尤其对肿瘤诊断有较大的帮助。网状纤维染色早已成为病理诊断不可缺少的一种染色。作者根据十几年的工作实践,发现了显示网状纤维的另一种快速方法,介绍如下。  相似文献   
近年来我科行包皮环切400余例,现将几种并发症的处理介绍如下: 一、早期发并症: 1、出血:一般在术后6~24小时出血较常见。原因:术中止血不够彻底,结扎线不牢或脱落。处理:拆除缝合线清除血肿,重新结扎出血的血管,卧床休息,应用抗生素。 2、系带部缝合线裂开和血肿形成:一般在术后1~2天出现。原因:  相似文献   
王玉清  王小燕 《实用医技杂志》2005,12(15):2107-2107
近年来米索前列醇被广泛用于妇产科临床促宫颈成熟,效果良好,本研究将米索前列醇用于初孕人工流产术,观察其镇痛和软化宫颈的效果。1资料妊娠13周以内初孕未产妇60例为观察组,平均年龄24.7岁(19岁~32岁),孕6周~9周36例,10周~13周24例,平均9.8周;同样条件下,选60例作为对照组。2方法观察组于术前3h分别口服米索前列醇200μg,同时阴道深部放入200μg,记录阴道流血及较明显下腹痛的时间,除非出血近月经量,一般至服药后3h行吸宫术,孕10周~13周者行钳刮术,对照组:孕10周以内者,消毒后在宫颈3及9点处表2钳组别扩宫有阻力之扩张器号8910人工流…  相似文献   
患儿,男,70天,主因发热、皮肤出血点3天,抽搐两次住院。体检:T36.5℃,P156,R52。发育营养好,易激惹,皮肤可见出血点及瘀斑。前囱平,张力高。瞳孔等大正圆,有光反应。颈抵抗,心肺阴性。腹平软,肝肋下2.5cm。巴氏征阳性。血常规:WBC23.9×10~9/L,中性粒细胞82%,淋巴细胞18%,血小板430×10~9/L;脑脊液:外观混浊WBC4.3×10~9/L,中性粒细胞90%,淋巴细胞10%;蛋白2.5g/L,糖0.83mmol/L,氯化物116mmol/L。入院诊断:化脓性脑膜炎。即给予氯霉素、氨苄青霉素、激素等治疗达21天时,临床症状消失,脑脊液除糖定量为1.99mmol/L外,余均正常。此时,停静滴上药,  相似文献   
大学生心理健康状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解大学生的心理卫生状况,为有针对性地开展心理健康教育提供依据。方法 采取整群抽样的方法抽取一医学院校一至四年级的学生共计576人,应用SCL-90量表进行测试。结果 学生的强迫、焦虑、敌对、恐惧因子分明显高于全国青年组,差异有显著性;强迫因子随年级的增加而降低;学生的精神病性因子低于全国青年组,低年级学生心理问题高于高年级学生。结论 学生的部分因子分高于常模,学校要根据学生心理卫生状况有针对性的开展心理健康教育。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the combined effect of topical rapamycin (RAPA) eye drop in nanometer vector and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) wafers of cyclospoirne A(CsA) in the prevention of acute allograft rejection after rabbit corneal transplantation. Methods It was an experimental study. RAPA was incorporated into the nanometer particles and CsA was incorporated into PLA wafers. A was syngeneic control whose both donor and recipient are New Zealand rabbit. Gray donor corneas were implanted into the 102 recipients of New Zealand albino rabbits with corneal neovascularization who were randomly divided into B, C, D, E, F, G 6 groups to receive the different types of therapy: B was no therapy control; C was eye drop of nanometer vector but no RAPA twice a day,28 days; D was PLA wafers in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes but no drugs; E was 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector twice a day,28 days; F was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes; G was PLA wafers of CsA in the anterior chamber of rabbit eyes and 0.5% RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector eye drop twice a day for 28 days together. Postoperative evaluation included slit-lamp biomicroscopy, histopathology and immunohistoiogy, Cytokines related with neovascularization and immunosuppression in the corneal tissue by RT-PCR. The graft survival was assessed by One-Way ANOVA and q test. Results Corneal allograft survival time: A (100.00±0.00), B ( 8.44±1.24), C (8.89±2.57), D (8.56±2.30), E (43.11±5.58), F (43.67±9.54), G (72.00±15.34)d. Group G led to a statistically significant prolongation of transplant survival and was superior than group E and F which was a statistical prolongation compared with group B, C and D (qGE=11.42, qGF=11.24,qEB=13.64, qEC=13.38, q<=13.46, qFB=13. 82, qFC=13.56, qFD=13.64; P<0.01). Immunohistopathologically, the grafts were subjected to an immune response contained a dense infiltrate of neutorphils,CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in the group B ,C and D. This cellular infiltrate was a significant reduction in group E,F,G. RT-PCR showed that the gene expression of IL-2 was inhibited earlier (3 days) in group F, G and VEGF gene expression being suppressed later (14 days) in group E, G. Conclusions Combined therapy with topical application of RAPA eye drop of nanometer vector and CsA PLA wafers can significantly prolong the survival of allograft at high-risk. Moreover, topical combined treatment of them is more effective, lower dosage, less side-effects and cheaper than the treatment with topical individual immunosuppressive drug.  相似文献   
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