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中高能区的破碎和敲出反应,由于机制相对简单、对核的表面敏感、理论处理比较成熟等原因,在非稳定核的晕结构、壳移动等奇特性质研究中发挥了独到作用。针对次级束流强度较弱、能散较大等特点,实验上发展和应用了逆运动学有效立体角完全测量、轻重靶结合、高精度消色差磁谱仪、前向中子谱仪、在束γ测量等技术手段,大大提升了实验的探测能力和选择性。从物理问题探索和实验路线演变的角度,回顾了非稳定核破碎和敲出反应的发展过程与启示,并探讨未来的走向。  相似文献   
随着核物理实验技术的不断发展,传统模拟电子学获取系统已经逐渐被数字化采集系统所取代.北大核物理与核技术教学实验室引进了多套桌面式、四通道的Pixie-Net数字化仪,并尝试用于教学实验.以NaI(Tl)探测器为例,本文详细介绍了Pixie-Net数字化仪相比于传统电子学的优势以及能量测量原理,并详细测试了各参数对NaI(Tl)探测器能量分辨率的影响. Pixie-Net数字化仪采用最佳参数时,得到的能量分辨率优于传统电子学在最佳参数时的结果.  相似文献   
To perform a kinematically complete measurement of the dissociation reaction for neutron-rich nuclei, a multi-neutron correlation spectrometer is proposed at Peking University. A Monte Carlo simulation code based on GEANT4 is developed for a single scintillation bar which processes not only the energy deposition but also the light propagation in the scintillator and the light collection and conversion to signal at the end of the bar in a realistic way. The simulating method is described in detail in this paper, and the timing and position resolutions and detector efficiency are studied based on the simulation and compared with the experimental results. A new method of crosstalk rejection has been demonstrated to be important for the design of the whole spectrometer.  相似文献   
直接核反应(包括弹性散射、非弹性散射、转移反应等)是研究丰中子核奇特结构的常用实验手段之一。以6,8He、11Li、11,12Be、14,15B、15,16C等N=8附近核的结构研究为例,综述了如何利用这几种反应从实验上研究丰中子核的奇特结构。利用6,8He,11Be等晕核在质子和氘靶上的弹性散射数据,拟合得到了这些反应体系的有效相互作用(光学势)。利用16C在质子和氘靶上的非弹性散射数据,抽取了16C 的形变参数,结果表明16C的形变不可忽略。利用单核子转移反应,定量研究了8He, 11,12Be等丰中子核基态及低占据态中的p-,s-,以及d-波成分的强度。结果表明:8He基态中的4个价中子,除了可以构成正常的 (0p3/2)4 组态外,还有一定的几率构成($ 0 p_{3/2} $)2(0p1/2)2组态;12Be的基态以d波闯入为主,而其临近的11Be的基态以s波闯入为主。  相似文献   
报告了25MeV/u 6He在9Be靶上的弹性散射和弹性转移的实验结果. 用光学模型和一阶DWBA的方法计算了弹性散射和3He集团转移的截面, 计算结果和实验测量基本一致. 计算表明3He在9Be中的谱幅度应该明显大于壳模型的理论计算值0.70.  相似文献   
The research of the in-beam efficiency calibration of Neutron Detector Array of Peking University using 17N and 16C beams was introduced in this paper. The efficiency of neutron wall and ball are comparable to the foreign similar devices and neutrons can be detected from low to high energies in high efficiency.  相似文献   
随着我国核电事业发展,人们对环境中的放射性问题越来越关注.基于高纯锗γ谱仪的环境放射性测量实验,提供了有效的途径让学生将核物理知识与日常生活中大家关心的环境辐射问题联系起来.该实验充分利用高纯锗γ谱仪对环境中γ放射性具有很好的能量分辨的特性,通过对伽马能谱的测量结果分析得到地球环境中放射性来源.这套探测系统需要学生通过调试各项参数找到谱仪的最佳工作状态,该过程让学生掌握高纯锗γ谱仪的工作原理和特性,为以后核物理领域科研工作打下基础;另外,通过对~(152)Eu和环境γ谱的分析学生会初步了解复杂γ谱的谱学分析方法.  相似文献   
近年来,越来越多的实验表明,很多轻奇特核结构中都有核心激发成分。本研究以丰中子晕核11Be为例,介绍核心激发成分的实验和理论研究进展,重点阐述核心激发成分对直接核反应微分截面的影响。实验上,1n移除反应及11Be(p,d)和10Be(d,p)转移反应是测量11Be核心激发成分比例的典型实验类型。理论上,发展了能够包括11Be核心激发成分的Faddeev AGS方法,XDWBA方法以及XCDCC方法。加入核心激发成分后,这些模型的计算结果可以更加合理地描述11Be在各种靶上的弹性散射和碎裂微分截面。通过对比是否包含核心激发成分的计算结果,发现其影响主要体现在弹散微分截面的大质心系角度,以及(p,d)转移反应角分布的小质心系角度。另外,对Ex=0:5s3 MeV的激发能区的碎裂反应,核心激发的影响不可忽略;对Ex=3s5:5 MeV的碎裂反应,核心激发的贡献非常重要。It was found that many light exotic nuclei have the core-excitation components. In this paper, taking one-neutron halo nucleus 11Be for example, the experimental and theoretical research progress, as well as the influences on the direct nuclear reaction differential cross sections of this exotic component were reviewed. The 1n removal, 11Be(p, d) and 10Be(d, p) transfer reactions are typical experimental methods to investigate this component. The Faddeev AGS, the XDWBA, and the XCDCC methods are developed to include this constituent in various theoretical models. With the core-excitation component, the calculated results can more reasonably describe the elastic scattering and breakup differential cross sections of 11Be impinging on various targets. Comparing the full XCDCC calculation with that omitting core-excitation effect, we found that this component mainly affects the elastic scattering differential cross sections at large center-of-mass angles, and the (p, d) transfer reaction angular distributions at small center-of-mass angles. In addition, its effect is non-negligible for the breakup reaction within the excitation energy interval of Ex = 0:5~3 MeV, and is remarkable for Ex =3 5:5 MeV.  相似文献   
阻性板探测器具有时间分辨好、稳定性高以及造价低等优点.将阻性板探测器平台引入实验教学中,设计了基于多层阻性板探测器的实验平台,调试气路,选择合适的参量,设置电路时序逻辑,用示波器直观显示宇宙射线μ子在气体介质中的径迹为直线,体现了μ子具有强穿透性.通过对实验数据进行处理,重建了 μ子运动径迹,计算出一维位置分辨.  相似文献   
Four high-purity germanium 4-fold segmented Clover detectors have been applied in the experiment of neutron-rich nucleus 21N. The performance of those four Clovers have been tested with radioactive sources and in-beam experiments, and the main results including energy resolution, peak-to-total ratios, the variation of the hit pattern distribution in different crystals of one Clover detector with the energy of γ ray, and absolute full energy peak detection effciency curve, were presented.  相似文献   
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