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目前国内外的质子标定终端较少,且普遍为单能质子束流.基于中国散裂中子源的反角白光中子源的e V—200 M e V中子能量区间的白光中子束流,以及中子与氢的1H(n,el)反应,可以获得宽能谱的能量连续次级质子.利用1 GSps采样率、12 bit的波形数字化获取系统采集探测器输出波形信号,通过对波形信号的分析,得到中...  相似文献   
为满足强流加速器对准直器高散热性能、高抗辐射性能、超高真空、高定位精度、高稳定性和在线实时调整等特殊要求,在CSNS/RCS主准直器设计时针对结构方案和控制方案进行了详细设计和研究,针对关键部件:刮束器、真空盒、驱动装置和远程快速拆卸装置等设计难点进行了阐述,在设计中使用ANSYS完成了刮束器的热分析及支架强度和变形校核,用FLUKA程序对辐射屏蔽进行了分析和设计,确保主准直器设计的可靠性。  相似文献   
当前加速器准直主要采用激光跟踪仪进行三维空间位置测量,三维测量数据用三维平差方法计算从理论上讲更为严密,但在实践中却发现存在误差累积现象,其中在高程方向的误差累积十分明显。为了控制三维平差高程方向的误差累积,研究将大地水准面做为基准引入测量和数据处理过程之中,获得基于大地水准面的高程测量数据,用高程数据构建约束条件方程,进行附有高程约束的三维平差。以激光跟踪仪为例给出了三维平差函数模型,研究了约束方程的构建方法,推导了附有高程约束的三维平差计算公式。研究了附有高程约束的三维平差函数模型的两种应用方法,通过模拟计算展示了这两种方法对高程方向误差累积的控制效果。最后对一组实测数据采用多种平差方法进行计算对比,结果显示附有高程约束的三维平差相比无高程约束的三维平差能够更有效的控制平差中高程方向的误差累积。  相似文献   
废束站束窗是废束站的重要部件。利用束流的束斑尺寸及功率确定束窗能量的高斯分布方式;通过蒙特卡罗方法计算束窗的沉积能量。利用ANSYS稳态分析确定束窗的材料、截面形状和厚度。通过计算比较束窗在不同材料、截面形状和厚度条件下的温度、应力和变形,得出合适的束窗材料、截面形状和厚度,从而确定束窗的最终结构。最后利用瞬态方法模拟束窗调束时的温度分布情况。  相似文献   
The rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a high intensity proton ring with beam power of 100 kW. In order to control the residual activation to meet the requirements of hands-on maintenance, a two-stage collimation system has been designed for the RCS. The collimation system consists of one primary collimator made of thin metal to scatter the beam and four secondary collimators as absorbers. Thermal analysis is an important aspect in evaluating the reliability of the collimation system. The calculation of the temperature distribution and thermal stress of the primary collimator with different materials is carried out by using ANSYS code. In order to control the temperature rise and thermal stress of the primary collimator to a reasonable level, an air cooling structure is intended to be used. The mechanical design of the cooling structure is presented, and the cooling efficiency with different chin numbers and wind velocity is also analyzed. Finally, the fatigue lifetime of the collimator under thermal shocks is estimated.  相似文献   
罗淏天  张奇玮  栾广源  王晓宇  邹翀  任杰  阮锡超  贺国珠  鲍杰  孙琪  黄翰雄  王朝辉  吴鸿毅  顾旻皓  余滔  解立坤  陈永浩  安琪  白怀勇  鲍煜  曹平  陈昊磊  陈琪萍  陈裕凯  陈朕  崔增琪  樊瑞睿  封常青  高可庆  韩长材  韩子杰  何泳成  洪杨  黄蔚玲  黄锡汝  季筱璐  吉旭阳  蒋伟  江浩雨  姜智杰  敬罕涛  康玲  康明涛  李波  李超  李嘉雯  李论  李强  李晓  李样  刘荣  刘树彬  刘星言  穆奇丽  宁常军  齐斌斌  任智洲  宋英鹏  宋朝晖  孙虹  孙康  孙晓阳  孙志嘉  谭志新  唐洪庆  唐靖宇  唐新懿  田斌斌  王丽娇  王鹏程  王琦  王涛峰  文杰  温中伟  吴青彪  吴晓光  吴煊  羊奕伟  易晗  于莉  于永积  张国辉  张林浩  张显鹏  张玉亮  张志永  赵豫斌  周路平  周祖英  朱丹阳  朱科军  朱鹏  朱兴华 《物理学报》2024,(7):69-78
中子辐射俘获反应在反应堆运行、核装置设计及核天体物理研究中起重要的作用. 4πBaF2探测装置有着高时间分辨能力、低中子灵敏度、高探测效率等优点,适合开展中子辐射俘获反应截面数据的测量.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室建立了伽马全吸收装置(Gamma total absorption facility, GTAF),该装置用28块六棱BaF2晶体和12块五棱BaF2晶体构成了外径25 cm,内径10 cm的球壳,覆盖了95.2%的立体角.利用GTAF在中国散裂中子源Back-n束线上,测量了197Au(n, γ)的反应截面数据.测量数据通过能量筛选、PSD方法、晶体多重性筛选进行了初步本底扣除,随后结合对natC及空样品的测量数据对本底进行了分析及扣除,获得了197Au俘获反应的产额,利用SAMMY程序拟合得到了197Au在1—100 e V的共振能量、中子共振宽度和伽马共振宽度参数.实验测量结果与ENDF/B-VIII.0数据库符合良好,其共振参数存在一定差异,分析原因可...  相似文献   
The proton beam window (PBW) is one of the key devices of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). It is the boundary between transport line and target. This paper will present a new PBW structure and detailed thermal-stress analysis. The energy deposition and scattering effect need to be low when the beam passes through the PBW, so proper selection of material and structure is important. According to the study of energy deposition, A5083-O is selected as the PBW material. A single-double layer structure is first proposed based on the study of cooling structures. Thermal analysis and structural optimization are discussed, and transient analysis is done to show the effect of the beam pulse. Besides, safety is confirmed for cases of cooling tunnel blockage, beam profile shrinkage, or centroid orbit offset. All these analyses show the newly designed PBW structure can meet the requirements of the CSNS well.  相似文献   
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a high intensity proton accelerator based facility. Its accelerator complex includes two main parts: an H- linac and a rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS). The RCS accumulates the 80 MeV proton beam and accelerates it to 1.6 GeV, with a repetition rate of 25 Hz. The AC dipole of the CSNS/RCS is operated at a 25 Hz sinusoidal alternating current which causes severe vibration. The vibration will influence the long-term safety and reliable operation of the magnet. The dipole magnet of CSNS/RCS is an active vibration equipment, which is different from the ground vibration accelerator. It is very important to design and study the dynamic characteristics of the dipole-girder system. This paper takes the AC dipole and girder as a specific model system. A method for studying the dynamic characteristics of the system is put forward by combining theoretical calculation with experimental testing. The ANSYS simulation method plays a very important role in the girder structure design stage. With this method, the mechanical resonance phenomenon was avoided in the girder design time. At the same time the dipole vibratory force will influence the other equipment through the girder. Since it is necessary to isolate and decrease the dipole vibration, a new isolator was designed to isolate the vibratory force and decrease the vibration amplitude of the magnet.  相似文献   
束流准直器作为加速器的关键部件,用于吸收不在预定轨道的束晕粒子。因良好的电导率和良好的准直效率,铜被广泛应用于准直器中作为挡块材料。通常,挡块位于超高真空环境中,承受高功率束流载荷冲击,其不同表面处理工艺直接影响传热性能及放气率。为评估无氧铜表面处理工艺对相关性能的影响,分别对其进行表面化学腐蚀发黑处理、高温氧化处理以及仅机械加工处理,结果表明:无氧铜表面发黑处理后,其热辐射系数明显增加,同时也伴随着放气率的明显增加;而通过高温氧化处理后的铜块,其表面热辐射系数与仅机械加工后的铜块差异不大,放气率有一定程度的增加。以散裂中子源二期项目中的动量准直器为研究对象,在一定的束流载荷作用下,挡块选用发黑无氧铜,可将其最高温度控制在125℃以下,同时增加两台离子泵可使该准直器所在区域真空度满足运行要求。  相似文献   
物质结构决定了物质性质,中子和X射线都是人类探索物质微观结构的有力手段,相互补充。相比于X射线,中子不带电、具有磁矩、穿透性强,能分辨轻元素、同位素和近邻元素,且有对样品的非破坏性等独特优势,使得中子散射成为研究物质静态微观结构和动力学机制的理想探针之一。中子散射技术在材料科学技术、物理、生命科学、化学化工、资源环境、新能源等领域的研究和应用发挥着X射线无法取代的作用。  相似文献   
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