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BACKGROUND: Studies addressing the correlation between prion protein gene codon 129 polymorphism, Alzheimer's disease, and cognitive disorders have mainly focused on Caucasians. However, prion protein gene codon 129 polymorphism is thought to also affect the Chinese Han and Wei populations. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the differences of prion protein gene codon 129 distribution among the elderly Chinese Han, East Asian, and Caucasian populations, and to study the correlation between prion protein gene codon 129 distribution and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A gene polymorphism analysis was performed in the Institute of Geriatrics, General Hospital of Chinese PLA between January 2006 and January 2007. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 152 elderly Chinese Han people were selected from the Beijing Troop Cadre's Sanitarium. Among them, 60 patients with late-onset Alzheimer's disease, with a mean age of (82 ± 7) years (range 67-94 years) and disease course of (5.9 ± 4.4) years, comprising 44 males with a mean age of (83 ± 7) years and 16 females with a mean age of (78 ±7) years, were selected for the case group. An additional 92 healthy elderly subjects, with a mean of (76 ± 9) years (range 60-94 years), comprising 76 males with a mean age of (77 ± 9) years and 16 females with a mean age of (70 ± 8) years, were selected for the control group. There were no significant differences in age and gender between the two groups (P〉 0.05). METHODS: DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes using routine phenol/chloroform methodology. Prion protein gene codon 129 potymorphism and ApoE polymorphism were measured using PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The ApoEε allele was considered the standard for analyzing correlations between prion protein gene codon 129 polymorphism and late-onset Alzheimer's disease. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prion protein gene codon 129 distribution; correlation between genotypic frequency and allele frequency of prion protein gene codon 129 with Alzheimer's disease; relationship between methionine/methionine genotype of priori protein gene, ApoEε4 allele, gender, and age of Alzheimer's disease patients. RESULTS: Methionine/methionine genotypic frequency of prion protein gene codon 129 was 94.08% in the Chinese elderly population, and the methionine/valine genotypic frequency was 5.92%. However, valine/valine homozygotes were not determined. There was no significant difference in prion protein gene codon 129 polymorphism between the Chinese elderly and East Asian populations (P〉 0.05). However, there was a significant difference between the Chinese elderly and the Caucasian population (P 〈 0.05). The methionine/methionine genotype for the positive and negative ApoEε4 alleles was a risk factor for increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease, but there was no significant difference between the positives and the negatives (odds ratio = 1.33, 95% confidence interval = 0.32-6.49, P〉 0.05). CONCLUSION: Prion protein gene codon 129 distribution in the Chinese elderly was different from the Caucasian population, which suggested that the methionine/methionine genotype of prion protein gene codon 129 negatively correlated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
青年起病的多巴反应性肌张力障碍一例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多巴反应性肌张力障碍 (dopa-responsive dystonia,DRD)是一种很少见的儿童起病的锥体外系疾病。由于对多巴治疗有独特良好反应 ,近年国内外有关报道不断增多 ,但国内关于青年起病的 DRD文献少见。此文报道 1例青年起病的 DRD,表现为肌张力障碍 ,伴帕金森病症状和体征 ,多年服用安坦或多巴胺有良好疗效。1 临床资料 患者女 ,62岁。因服安坦过量 (1 d内用 1 2mg) ,出现精神症状、失眠、尿潴留、便秘等药物不良反应入院。患者 1 7岁时曾写字差 ,不整齐。两年后逐渐出现跳舞易后仰 ,大拇指“搓丸样”动作 ,行走时双脚趾分开 ,左足内翻 ,…  相似文献   
病历摘要 患者男,29岁.因四肢活动后乏力、视物模糊20年,发作头痛1周,于1999年7月19日入院.患者9岁起在走长路或跑步后易出现四肢乏力,且常有视物模糊,不能参加体育课,行走时跌跤,学习成绩中下.1992年后自觉近记忆力有下降,遗忘,说话自觉变慢,反应稍迟钝.1999年7月11日无诱因出现头双颞部跳痛,并感头昏,伴头向右转,双眼球右侧凝视,视物模糊,后感恶心、呕吐4次,呕吐物为胃内容物,无意识障碍、四肢抽搐、口吐白沫,亦无大小便失禁.头颅CT示"基底节区钙化".经针灸及静滴甘露醇等症状逐渐好转,为进一步诊治入我院.过去史:1992年因工伤致右脚趾残缺;有"慢性肠炎史"数年,家族中无遗传性疾病及类似患者.  相似文献   
戚晓昆  王湘庆等 《中华内科杂志》2001,40(11):791-792,T002
病历摘要  患者男 ,2 9岁。因四肢活动后乏力、视物模糊 2 0年 ,发作头痛 1周 ,于 1999年 7月 19日入院。患者 9岁起在走长路或跑步后易出现四肢乏力 ,且常有视物模糊 ,不能参加体育课 ,行走时跌跤 ,学习成绩中下。 1992年后自觉近记忆力有下降 ,遗忘 ,说话自觉变慢 ,反应稍迟钝。 1999年 7月 11日无诱因出现头双颞部跳痛 ,并感头昏 ,伴头向右转 ,双眼球右侧凝视 ,视物模糊 ,后感恶心、呕吐 4次 ,呕吐物为胃内容物 ,无意识障碍、四肢抽搐、口吐白沫 ,亦无大小便失禁。头颅CT示“基底节区钙化”。经针灸及静滴甘露醇等症状逐渐好转 ,为进…  相似文献   
目的分析大脑皮质静脉血栓(CoVT)的临床表现、影像及病理学特点。方法回顾性收集海军总医院2006年1月—2013年6月收治的10例CoVT患者(4例单纯皮质静脉血栓,6例伴有静脉窦血栓),分析其病因、影像及3例脑组织病理检查的特点。结果 10例CoVT患者,女3例,男7例,平均年龄(31±15)岁。(1)头部CT及MRI多提示为出血性梗死,增强MRI显示病灶多散在不均匀强化。DSA可发现不同部位皮质静脉血栓。(2)3例因首诊考虑占位性病变,行脑组织活检术。病理学检查见胶质细胞增生,血管内皮增生,伴吞噬细胞反应,并可见散在灶状出血,小静脉扩张显著,少数有血液淤滞或血栓形成。结论 CoVT是颅内静脉系统血栓的一种,多见于中青年,多为颅内静脉窦血栓形成,血栓逆行累及皮质静脉所致,易误诊为肿瘤占位,诊断需注意临床与影像学结合。  相似文献   
赵敏  段枫  刘建国  戚晓昆  李丽萍 《河北医药》2011,33(11):1634-1635
目的本研究旨在通过经颅多普勒超声(TCD)对成人烟雾病的临床应用研究。方法收集我院经MRA和(或)DSA确诊为烟雾病患者20例,按照影像结果分为3期。所有患者均行经颅多普勒超声检查,对TCD所检测的颅内动脉收缩峰值血流速度(Vp)及脉动指数(PI)进行统计分析。结果Ⅱ期患者Vp明显升高,而PI值下降,各组间Vp和PI差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 TCD的血流动力学指标能一定程度反映成人烟雾病血流特征,对成人烟雾病有明确的诊断价值。  相似文献   
进行性脂肪营养不良(lipodystrophy)是以脂肪代谢障碍为特征的一组神经系统疾病,可分为遗传性和获得性两类,前者表现为先天性全身性脂肪营养不良(congenintal generalized lipodystrophy,又称Berardinelli-Seip syndrome);而后者又可分为获得性全身脂肪营养不良( Barraquer-Simons syndrome)和获得性部分脂肪营养不良(Lawrence syndrome).临床特点表现为进行性且边界清楚的双侧基本对称的皮下脂肪减少或消失,有时合并局限性脂肪组织增生和肥大.现将1例上半身消瘦而F半身肥大的部分脂肪营养不良患者报道如下.  相似文献   
伏格特-小柳-原田病(Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease,VKHD)是一种特异性侵犯含有色素细胞组织,并可累及全身的免疫炎症性疾病[1].其主要累及神经系统以及眼、耳和皮肤等组织,临床主要表现为全葡萄膜炎、脑膜脑炎、听力障碍、皮肤及毛发改变.由于其临床表现呈多样性,特别是早期不以眼部症状为主时,临床医生容易误诊或漏诊.我们报道1例最初诊断为结核性脑膜炎2个月余,后确诊为VKHD的患者.  相似文献   
目的分析大脑皮层层状坏死(cortical laminar necrosis, CLN)的磁共振磁敏感加权成像(susceptibility-weighted imaging, SWI)影像学表现,并评估CLN是否含有出血成分。方法收集作者医院2016年9月至2021年9月符合CLN诊断标准的患者18例,其中男10例,女8例,年龄1~86岁。分析患者临床病因以及影像学资料。结果 18例CLN患者中,病因为脑梗死8例,脑外伤4例,脑肿瘤术后损伤4例,缺血缺氧脑病1例,病毒性脑炎1例。CLN区SWI像未见出血10例(55.6%),表现为斑点出血4例(22.2%),层状出血4例(22.2%)。结论大部分CLN患者层状坏死区域SWI像未见出血,SWI是鉴别CLN是否合并出血的重要序列。  相似文献   
目的 探讨母系遗传性糖尿病伴耳聋(MIDD)患者的临床及mtDNA A3243G点突变特点.方法 收集5个MIDD家系成员的临床资料,以及部分外周血白细胞DNA标本,检测mtDNA A3243G点突变情况.结果 5个家系患者共24例,平均发病年龄约33岁;临床表型包括MIDD、线粒体糖尿病、感音神经性耳聋、线粒体脑肌病伴乳酸血症和卒中发作以及线粒体心肌病等.主要临床表现为消瘦、乏力、耳聋、卒中样发作、心悸等症状.有16例患者进行了基因检查,12例发现mtDNA A3243G点突变.结论 MIDD家系成员的临床表型异质性明显,耳蜗神经及胰腺最易受累,mtDNAA3243G突变率较高.  相似文献   
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