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铜黄公路全长93.9km,其中遇到的各种滑坡30余处。为了研究这些滑坡的治理效果,对其变形与稳定进行了检测。以川口滑坡检测为例,运用灰色理论建立铜黄滑坡安全监控的GM(2,1)模型,其中非等时距位移序列采用拉格朗日插值函数转变为等时距序列。采用非等时距GM(2,1)和GM(1,1)模型对铜黄公路川口滑坡观测点进行安全预测。非等时距GM(2,1)模型预测滑坡变形精度总体较GM(1,1)模型高。由预测结果可见,治理后该滑坡是稳定的,预测结果和实际吻合良好。  相似文献   
冻结法施工设计过程中地层的热物理参数是必须明确的指标, 为了探明高富水卵砾石地层热物理参数以及各参数与影响因素之间的相互作用关系, 本文以现场取回卵砾石样为研究对象, 通过自制试验装置测量试样起始冻结温度、比热容和导热系数, 探究含盐量对试样起始冻结温度的影响, 试样比热容、导热系数与冻结温度之间的相互作用关系, 试验结果表明:随着含盐量升高, 试样中水分的蒸气压不断下降, 造成试样需要更低的温度, 释放更多的能量才会发生冻结, 试样随着含盐量的升高起始冻结温度下降, 1、2、3号试样平均起始冻结温度从-0.46 ℃下降到-1.15 ℃; 随着冻结温度的降低试样中水分冻结, 卵砾石试样中含冰量增多, 未冻水含量减少, 由于冰的比热容是水的一半, 致使比热容不断下降, 卵砾石试样比热容从1.60 J·(g·℃)-1下降到1.06 J·(g·℃)-1; 随着冻结温度的降低试样含冰量增多, 含水量减少, 由于冰的导热系数远远大于水的导热系数, 致使卵砾石试样导热系数不断上升, 由1.71 W·(m·K)-1增加到2.13 W·(m·K)-1; 由于试样中含冰量、未冻水含量随温度不断变化, 固态和液态水的相变, 导致试样热物理性质随温度不断发生改变。  相似文献   
甘肃省舟曲县城2010年“8·8”特大泥石流灾害损失惨重,造成1675人死亡失踪,损毁房屋200余栋,世界震惊.通过现场对舟曲三眼峪泥石流调查和研究,认为“8·8”特大泥石流灾害既是天灾(自然条件),又是人祸(人为因素).换言之,自然条件和人为因素是导致“8·8”特大泥石流的主要致灾因素.自然因素调查结果表明:1.三眼峪流域在25 km2范围内高差达2500m,且大眼峪和小眼峪沟谷纵坡降分别达到33%和36%,地形较为陡峻;2.三眼峪流域内松散固体物质总量约为26.4×106 m3,被“8·8”特大泥石流冲出的固体物质仅为1.52×106m3,松散物源丰富;3.小时降雨量为77.3 mm,属极端强降雨.人为因素分析表明:1.城镇建设(建筑物和农田)挤占泥石流排泄通道,导致行洪能力每秒不足300 m3;2.按50 a一遇的防洪标准进行设计,以往防治工程设计标准显然不足.  相似文献   
阶梯状黄土路堑高边坡稳定性分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据阶梯状黄土路堑高边坡的特点,假定其滑移面下段为圆弧型,中上段为直线型,上段为垂直型的复合面,利用传统稳定系数的概念,导出阶梯状黄土高边坡稳定性分析表达式.经实际检验,比较符合实际.  相似文献   
正上海交通大学出版社内容简介本书是崩塌、滑坡地质灾害稳定性评价新方法研究,全书共分两篇十四章,系统阐述了边坡(滑坡)稳定性评价极限分析法和不稳定岩体(崩塌)稳定性评价计算方法。主要内容包括极限分析上限法原理、土质和岩质边坡稳定性评价极限分析上限解;崩塌地质力学分类、崩  相似文献   
冻融环境下黄土微结构损伤识别与宏观力学响应规律研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
冻融环境下黄土物理力学性质劣化是寒区工程建设必须要考虑的问题之一,取延安市黄陵县黄土为研究对象,以初始含水率、冻融循环次数为变量,借助扫描电子显微镜、Leica Qwin、Canny算子边缘检测、分型理论定量评价冻融环境下黄土微观结构损伤状态;通过GDS探究不同初始含水率、不同冻融循环次数对试样强度指标的影响,并用显著性理论进行评价。结果表明:随着冻融次数的增加试样内部裂隙不断发育演化,土体内部的大颗粒不断分解为若干小颗粒,骨架连接方式发生转变,由面-面接触转变为点-面、点-点接触;随着冻融循环次数的增加面孔隙度、分形维数不断增大,冻融循环10次后趋于稳定,试样在冻融环境下内部微、小孔隙不断向中、大孔隙转化;随着冻融循环次数的增加试样的黏聚力不断减小,内摩擦角不断增大,冻融10次后强度指标趋于稳定,试验结果与图像探伤结论相一致;对试样黏聚力、内摩擦角进行显著性分析可知冻融循环次数、初始含水率及其交互作用(耦合作用)对试样强度指标有特别显著的影响。  相似文献   
正内容简介本书是崩塌、滑坡地质灾害稳定性评价新方法研究,全书共分两篇十四章,系统阐述了边坡(滑坡)稳定性评价极限分析法和不稳定岩体(崩塌)稳定性评价计算方法。主要内容包括极限分析上限法原理、土质和岩质边坡稳定性评价极限分析上限解;崩塌地质力学分类、崩塌灾害机理及稳定  相似文献   
黄土崩塌是黄土地区常见的一种地质灾害,威胁着人类生产生活的安全。通过现场调查,认为黄土崩塌形成的内因主要为黄土土性特征、节理裂隙切割程度,外因主要为降雨作用、人类工程活动及生物活动。根据黄土崩塌常见的运动形式,提出崩塌体自由飞落及滚动情况下影响范围的理论公式。实例计算表明:若坡底地面水平,无论什么运动方式,崩塌影响范围为斜坡高度的0.4~0.6倍。随着坡度的变陡,崩滑距与斜坡坡高的比值也变大。当崩塌体自由飞落时,崩塌体的影响范围和碰撞点前的坡度有关。当崩塌体在坡面滑动时,崩塌体的影响范围和斜坡的坡度有关。研究结果可作为黄土地区黄土崩塌致灾范围预测方法,为黄土崩塌的防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   
董西好  叶万军  刘帅 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1853-1862
At present,artificial freezing method has become one of the effective methods for coal mine shaft to pass through water-rich soft rock strata,which can stop the movement of groundwater and limit the deformation of surrounding rock. In order to study the frost heaving characteristics of sandstone under different freezing conditions,frost heaving tests of saturated and dry Cretaceous red sandstone samples under different freezing rates (10 ℃·h-1,5 ℃·h-1,2 ℃·h-1,1 ℃·h-1)and different confining pressures(5 MPa,10 MPa,15 MPa,20 MPa,25 MPa)were carried out by using GCTS(Geotechnical Consulting & Testing Systems)servo-controlled low temperature and high pressure triaxial rock testing system. In this paper,based on the existing theory of physical and mechanical properties of frozen soil,we studied the frost heaving law of sandstone under different freezing conditions and explored the frost heaving mechanism. The result shows that in the process of cooling,the dry rock sample always produce cold shrinkage deformation,while the saturated rock sample first produce cold shrinkage deformation,then produce frost deformation,and finally the deformation tends to be stable. The deformation of saturated rock samples is much larger than that of dry rock samples. The larger the stress level of rock samples at the same temperature is,the smaller the frost deformation is,which shows a linear negative correlation,mainly because the high confining pressure limits the volume expansion of the water phase in the pore inside the rock samples when it becomes ice. The frost deformation of rock samples is mainly affected by confining pressure and water content,while the frost heaving rate is mainly affected by cooling rate. Under this test condition,the higher the cooling rate of sandstone is,the higher the frost heaving rate is,and the relationship between them is approximately linear. For saturated rock samples,the confining pressure reduces the rock frost heaving by limiting the expansion during the phase transformation of ice water,and the temperature affects the rock frost heaving by affecting the freezing rate of pore water and the thermal expansion and cold contraction of rock skeleton. For dry rock samples,the deformation is mainly due to the volume contraction of rock mineral particles caused by thermal expansion and cold contraction effect,and the greater the temperature change,the greater the deformation. Based on the experimental results and theoretical analysis method,a calculation formula of rock frost heaving considering the influence of confining pressure was established. By calculating the frost heave of sandstone samples under different confining pressures,it is found that the calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover,according to the calculation formula of frost heaving,the influence factors of rock frost heaving during freezing can be divided into two categories:internal cause and external cause. The internal cause includes porosity,saturation,volume modulus of ice and rock skeleton,and the external cause includes temperature and confining pressure. For saturated rock,the frost heaving is mainly affected by factors such as confining pressure,temperature and porosity. When the saturation,porosity and freezing rate are low,the rock may only produce shrinkage deformation,because these indicators determine whether the rock produces frost heave or freeze shrinkage. The mechanism of rock frost heaving is very complicated due to the interaction and restriction between the internal and external factors and the dynamic changes of rock micro-structure and mechanical properties during the process of frost heaving. The research results can provide theoretical reference for freezing construction scheme design of deep coal seam mine construction,and also provide a theoretical basis for the study of physical and mechanical properties and engineering application of soft rock in frozen soil area. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   
大同市地质构造复杂,构造活动强烈,由于受口泉断裂活动影响,市区第四系中发育有槽型断陷和多条活断层,给城市的规划和建设带来严重影响。利用位错理论对形成断陷和断层的机制进行了模拟,证明口泉断裂活动是导致以上活动构造产生的原因。  相似文献   
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