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为研究近期21年(1989—2009年)北极地区海冰变化原因,本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA-Interim数据集资料和美国麻省理工学院MITgcm全球海冰-海洋耦合模式开展了不同大气强迫条件下海冰变化的数值模拟研究.研究工作中共设计了6个数值试验,除1个试验全部采用1989—2009年每日4个时次的大气强迫场外,其余5个试验各有一种大气强迫(地表气温、地表大气比湿、向下短波辐射通量、向下长波辐射通量和地表风)采用1989年月平均结果.分析了各模拟试验结果中3月和9月北极地区海冰面积的年际变化特征及最小二乘拟合意义下的线性变化趋势,并以ERA-Interim结果为参照标准对各模拟试验结果进行了对比和检验,以说明不同大气强迫量变率对海冰变化的作用.结果表明:地表气温变率和向下长波辐射通量变率是造成海冰面积减少的主要原因;向下短波辐射通量变率对海冰面积变化影响几乎可以忽略;地表大气比湿变率对海冰面积线性变化趋势影响较小,但对海冰面积年际变化特征有调制作用;地表风变率对海冰季节变化、海冰面积线性变化趋势及年际变化特征均有明显影响,说明提高大气风应力精度是改善海冰数值模拟结果的重要手段.  相似文献   
利用地理信息系统、洪水演进、遥感方法,通过对塔里木河干流灿木里克漫溢型生态用水调控的分析,建立了生态放水漫溢模型,动态模拟了生态放水的漫溢过程,分析了生态用水量与生态保护范围、放水淹没时间之间的定量关系,结果表明生态放水流量的大小和时间的长短对生态用水的效率影响很大,相同生态用水量按不同流量和时间供给其效果呈几何指数关系,地形起伏度在生态用水中也起到关键性作用,生态用水的调控不能等同于简单的农业灌溉系统,简单的放水会造成很大的浪费,且达不到预期的生态效应.优化放水可使生态用水的效率提高30%,这对于干旱缺水地区至关重要.  相似文献   
Solar radiation penetration in the upper ocean is strongly modulated by phytoplankton, which impacts the upper ocean temperature structure, especially in the regions abundant with phytoplankton. In the paper, a new solar radiation penetration scheme, based on the concentration of chlorophyll-a, was introduced into the LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM). By comparing the simulations using this new scheme with those using the old scheme that included the constant e-folding attenuation depths in LICOM, it was found that the sea surface temperature (SST) and circulation in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific were both sensitive to the amount of phytoplankton present. Distinct from other regions, the increase of chlorophyll-a concentration would lead to SST decrease in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. The higher chlorophyll-a concentration at the equator in comparison to the off-equator regions can enlarge the subsurface temperature gradient, which in turn strengthens the upper current near the equator and induces an enhancing upwelling. The enhancing upwelling can then lead to a decrease in the SST in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. The results of these two sensitive experiments testify to the fact that the meridional gradient in the chlorophyll-a concentration can result in an enhancement in the upper current and a decrease in the SST, along with the observation that a high chlorophyll-a concentration at the equator is one of the predominant reasons leading to a decrease in the SST. This study points out that these results can be qualitatively different simply because of the choice of the solar radiation penetration schemes for comparison. This can help explain previously reported contradictory conclusions.  相似文献   
高家店金矿床位于华北克拉通北缘冀东矿集区中部,为典型的蚀变岩型金矿床,少部分为石英脉型,赋存于高家店岩体的花岗岩和闪长岩内,受断裂构造控制。为了探讨高家店金矿床的成因,文章对其开展了详细的矿床地质特征、金及载金黄铁矿化学成分、流体包裹体和氢氧硫同位素研究。结果表明,高家店金矿床热液成矿期包括4个阶段,其中Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段为金的主要成矿阶段。黄铁矿是金的主要载体矿物,金矿物为自然金和银金矿,以独立的金矿物的形式赋存于黄铁矿中。主成矿阶段黄铁矿Fe和S含量及Fe/S元素比值揭示金矿床具有岩浆热液型的特征。主成矿阶段流体包裹体类型以富液相的两相H2O溶液包裹体为主,其次为含CO2三相包裹体,属中温、中低盐度流体。不同成矿阶段的流体δ18OH2O值为1.82‰~5.60‰,δD值为-83.3‰~-55.3‰,指示流体主要来自岩浆水,并有少量大气降水混入。主成矿阶段黄铁矿δ34S值为2.40‰~5.61‰,显示地幔硫或岩浆硫特征,揭示成矿物质硫主要来自于深部岩浆。综合研究认为,高家店岩体的多期次岩浆侵入活动为金成矿提供了充足的热源及成矿流体,因而高家店金矿床成因类型为岩浆热液型。  相似文献   
刘海龙  谢亚林  王虎  李曼 《地理科学》2021,41(2):243-251
选取1992-2017年版中文核心期刊(简称核心期刊),运用Moore结构值测算其内部结构变化,利用重心模型计算重心位置,通过GIS可视化分析其时空分异特征,采用普通最小二乘法评估影响模型的合理性,通过地理探测器模型定量分析其时空分异的影响因素.结果 表明:1992-2017年版核心期刊数量经历“下降-上升-逐步稳定”...  相似文献   
鞍部点是反映地表形态起伏变化的重要地形特征点之一,准确地提取鞍部点有利于地形的空间关系和结构特征分析。现有的鞍部点提取方法通常是直接基于规则格网DEM数据,无法顾及鞍部点与周围地形的空间拓扑关系和复杂地形对其的影响,不仅产生大量的伪鞍部点,而且忽略一些关键地区的鞍部点。本文根据鞍部点的地形形态特征,设计了一种基于等高线数据的鞍部点提取算法。该算法利用等高线闭合的特征,将等高线按照一定规则转成等高面数据,再利用等高面之间的相邻拓扑关系实现递归查找并自动提取鞍部点。实验结果显示:①鞍部点的数量和位置与等高距的大小显著相关,在一定尺度范围内,等高距越小,提取出鞍部点越多,位置精度也逐渐提高;②与基于规则格网DEM数据提取方法相比,该方法能更有效的过滤大量伪鞍部点,提高了鞍部点的提取精度,同时也降低了鞍部点提取算法的复杂度;与基于等高线的增量缓冲方法(Incremental Buffering Algorithm)相比,本文的方法能有效提高鞍部点提取的完整性,更适用于本文DEM的尺度即5 m DEM数据。  相似文献   
FGOALS_g1.1极地气候模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候 系统模式FGOALS-g1.1的极地气候模拟现状进行了较为全面的评估。结果表明,FGOALS- g1.1对南北极海冰的主要分布特征、季节变化和年代际变化趋势具有一定的模拟能力。但也 注意到,与观测相比,模式存在以下几方面的问题:(1) 模拟的海冰总面积北极偏多,而南 极偏少。北极,北大西洋海冰全年明显偏多;夏季,西伯利亚沿海海冰偏多,而波弗特海 海冰偏少。南极,威德尔海和罗斯海冬季海冰偏少。南北极海冰边缘都存在异常的较大范 围密集度很小的碎冰区,夏季尤为显著。(2) 海冰流速在南北极海冰边缘和南极大陆沿岸附 近较大。北极,模式没能模拟出波弗特涡流,并且由于模式网格中北极点的处理问题,造成 其附近错误的海冰流场及厚度分布。这些海冰偏差与模式模拟的大气和海洋状况有着密切的 联系。进一步分析表明,FGOALS-g1.1模拟的冰岛低压和南极绕极西风带明显偏弱, 其通过大气环流和海表面风应力影响向极地的热量输送,在很大程度上导致上述的海冰偏差 。此外,耦合模式中大气-海冰-海洋的相互作用可以放大子模式中的偏差。  相似文献   
海洋沉积物地层主要由淤泥、软土、半固结泥岩、砂岩等组成,沉积物地层钻探取样是海洋工程和地质调查的重要组成部分。常规回转取样器取样,极易破坏样品的原状而且取样率较低;静压取样器取样,在砂岩、半固结泥岩等较硬地层取样率较低。针对上述问题,研制了一种冲击伸缩绳索取样器,该取样器结合了静压取样器和锤击取样器的特点,实现对海底以沉积物为主地层的高保真取样。  相似文献   
This study uses the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis(CFSR) to investigate the responses of the Southern Hemisphere(SH) extratropical climate to two types of El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO)—the eastern Pacific(EP) type and the central Pacific(CP) type in different seasons. The responses are denoted by the anomalies of climate variables associated with one-standard-deviation increase in the Ni?o3 or Ni?o4 index. The results show that in austral spring the differences in the ENSO-related anomaly(ERA) patterns of atmospheric circulation between the EP ENSO period(1979–1998) and CP ENSO period(1999–2010) are mainly associated with the change in the ENSO-PSA2 relationship. Such differences affect the ERA fields of surface air temperature and mixed layer temperature, and finally result in significant differences in sea-ice concentration anomalies in the Atlantic sector. In austral summer, significant correlation exists between the variations of SAM and both of the variations of Ni?o3 and Ni?o4 in 1979–1998, while the correlation between SAM and Ni?o4 disappears in 1999–2010. For all seasons, the strength of the climate ERAs depend on if there are close relationship between ENSO and the major climate variation modes of the SH extratropics. For the climate variables, the ERA patterns of surface air temperature are generally controlled by surface wind anomalies and mirrored by the mixed layer temperature anomalies. The mixed layer depth anomalies are primarily modulated by surface heat flux anomalies and occasionally by anomalous wind. There are strikingly strong anomalies of surface heat flux in the autumn of 1979–1998 related to the Ni?o3 variation, the period when there is only significant correlation between ENSO and PSA2. There are no evidence that the SH extratropical climate variability induced by Ni?o3 variations are stronger in the EP-ENSO period, and that variability induced by Ni?o4 variations are stronger in the CP-ENSO period.  相似文献   
Mesoscale eddies(MEs) in the South China Sea(SCS) simulated by a quasi-global eddy-resolving ocean general circulation model are evaluated against satellite data during 1993–2007. The modeled ocean data show more activity than shown by the satellite data and reproduces more eddies in the SCS. A total of 345(428) cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 330(371) anti-cyclonic eddies(AEs) generated for satellite(model) data are identified during the study period, showing increase of ~24% and ~12% for the model data, respectively. Compared with eddies in satellite, the simulated eddies tend to have smaller radii, larger amplitudes, a slightly longer lifetime, faster movement and rotation speed, a slightly larger nonlinear properties(U/c) in the model. However, the spatial distribution of generated eddies appears to be inhomogeneous, with more CEs in the northern part of SCS and fewer AEs in the southern part. This is attributed to the exaggerated Kuroshio intrusion in the model because the small islands in the Luzon Strait are still not well resolved although the horizontal resolution reaches(1/10)°. The seasonal variability in the number and the amplitude of eddies generated is also investigated.  相似文献   
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