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We will report on the current configuration of the X-ray facility of the University of Ferrara recently used to perform reflectivity tests of mosaic crystals and to calibrate the experiment JEM–X aboard Integral. The facility is now located in the technological campus of the University of Ferrara in a new building (named LARIX laboratory= ̳LARge ̳Italian ̳X-ray facility) that includes a tunnel 100 m long with, on the sides, two large experimental rooms. The facility is being improved for determining the optical axis of mosaic crystals in Laue configuration, for calibrating Laue lenses and hard X-ray mirror prototypes.  相似文献   
Hydrological connectivity inside the soil is related to the spatial patterns inside the soil (i.e., the structural connectivity). This, in turn, is directly associated with the physical and the chemical processes at a molecular level (i.e., the functional connectivity). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry can be successfully applied to reveal both structural and functional components of soil hydrological connectivity. In the present study, the low field NMR relaxometry was applied on water suspended soils sampled at the upstream‐ and downstream‐end of three different length plots. Also the sediments collected from the storage tanks at the end of each plot were water suspended and monitored by NMR relaxometry. The results from the NMR investigations were elaborated by using a mathematical approach in order to quantify both the functional and structural connectivity components. In particular, following integration of the T1 distribution curve, an S‐shaped curve was obtained. It revealed two plateaus corresponding to the shortest (low component) and the longest (high component) intervals of relaxation times, respectively. According to relaxometry theory, the two T1 intervals, associated to the different plateaus, were attributed to micro and macro soil pores, respectively. The two T1 intervals were used to define a functional connectivity index, while the central part of the S‐shaped distribution was used to define a structural connectivity index. Here we provide the physical meaning of the our mathematical approach, thereby revealing that functional connectivity index increases with plot length, as a result of a selective eroded particle transport. Moreover, the relationship structural connectivity index versus plot length resulted quasi‐independent of grainsize distribution, whereas the values of the structural connectivity index for the sediment samples resulted lower than those obtained for the corresponding soils.  相似文献   
The Silesia–Cracow district in Poland has been one of the world’s principal sources of zinc from nonsulfide zinc ore (Polish: galman). The still remaining nonsulfide ore resources can be estimated at 57 Mt at 5.6% Zn and 1.4% Pb. Nonsulfide mineralization is mainly hosted by Lower Muschelkalk (Triassic) limestone and is associated with different generations of the hydrothermal ore-bearing dolomite (OBD I, II, III). A fundamental ore control is believed to have been exerted by the basement faults, which were repeatedly reactivated during the Alpine tectonic cycle, leading to the formation of horst-and-graben structures: these dislocations may have caused short periods of emersion and the circulation of meteoric waters during the Cenozoic. Nonsulfide ores show a wide range of morphological characteristics and textures. They occur as earthy masses, crystalline aggregates, and concretions in cavities. Breccia and replacement textures are also very common. The most important mineral phases are: smithsonite, Fe–smithsonite, Zn–dolomite, goethite, and Fe–Mn(hydr)oxides. Minor hemimorphite and hydrozincite have also been detected. Two distinct nonsulfide ore types occur: the predominant red galman and the rare white galman. In the white galman, Fe–smithsonite and Zn–dolomite are particularly abundant. This ore type is commonly considered as a peripheral hydrothermal alteration product related to the same fluids that precipitated both the OBD II–III and the sulfides. In contrast, a supergene origin is commonly assumed for the red galman. Evidence of the petrographic and mineralogical difference between white and red galman is also found in stable isotope data. Smithsonite from red galman shows a limited range of δ 13CVPDB values (−10.1 to −11.4‰), and δ 18OVSMOW values (25.3‰ to 28.5‰, mean 26.8 ± 0.3‰). The uniform and low carbon isotope values of red galman smithsonite are unusual for supergene carbonate-hosted deposits and indicate the predominance of a single organic carbon source. Smithsonite from white galman has a more variable, slightly more positive carbon isotope (−2.9‰ to −7.4‰), but broadly similar oxygen isotope composition (26.8‰ to 28.9‰). The relationship of the white galman ore with the hydrothermal system responsible for OBD II and sulfide generation is still uncertain. The most important paleoweathering events took place in both Lower and Upper Silesia during Late Cretaceous up to Paleogene and early Neogene time. During this period, several short-lasting emersions and intense weathering episodes facilitated the formation of sinkholes in the Triassic carbonate rocks and the oxidation of sulfide orebodies through percolating meteoric waters. These phenomena may have lasted until the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   
Mass and energy transfer between soil, vegetation and atmosphere is the process that allows to maintain an adequate energy and water balance in the earth–atmosphere system. However, the evaluation of the energy balance components, such as the net radiation and the sensible and latent heat fluxes, is characterized by significant uncertainties related to both the dynamic nature of heat transfer processes and surfaces heterogeneity. Therefore, a detailed land use classification and an accurate evaluation of vegetation spatial distribution are required for an accurate estimation of these variables. For this purpose, in the present article, a pixel‐oriented supervised classification was applied to obtain land use maps of the Basilicata region in Southern Italy by processing three Landsat TM and ETM+ satellite images. An accuracy analysis based on the overall accuracy index and the agreement Khat of Cohen coefficient showed a good performance of the applied classification methodology and a good quality of the obtained maps. Subsequently, these maps were used in the application of a simplified two‐source energy balance model for estimating the actual evapotranspiration at a regional scale. The comparison between the simulations made by applying the simplified two‐source energy balance model and the measurements of evapotranspiration at a lysimetric station located in the study area showed the applicability and the validity of the proposed methodology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Velocity measurements carried out by an acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) in a rectangular laboratory ?ume having a gravel bed are presented. The velocity pro?les are measured in six verticals of the channel cross‐section having an increasing distance (from 4 to 38·5 cm) from the ?ume wall. The experimental runs are carried out for ?ve different bed arrangements, characterized by different concentrations of coarser elements, and for the two conditions of small‐ and large‐scale roughness. For both hydraulic conditions, the velocity measurements are ?rst used to test the applicability of the Dean pro?le and of the logarithmic pro?le corrected by a divergence function proposed in this paper. Then, for each value of the depth sediment ratio h/d84, the non‐dimensional friction factor parameter is calculated by integration of the measured velocity distributions in the different verticals of the cross‐section. Finally a semi‐logarithmic ?ow resistance equation is empirically deduced. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Landslides of the flow type involving granular geo-materials frequently result in casualties and damage to property because of the long travel distance and the high velocities that these may attain. This was true for the events that took place in Campania Region (Southern Italy) in May 1998, involving pyroclastic soils originating from explosive activities of the Somma-Vesuvius volcano. Although these phenomena have frequently affected various areas of the Campania region over the last few centuries, there were no useful geological and geotechnical references available in the aftermath of the May 1998 events. For this reason Salerno University, which was involved in the scientific management of the emergency, addressed the issue of acquiring data on the geological, geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the slopes where the landslides had taken place. The information acquired made it possible to set up a slope evolution model that is able to interpret, from a geological point of view, past and more recent landslides that had occurred in the same area. As preliminary geotechnical analyses had already validated the above model, more detailed investigations were performed both on the pore pressure regimen of the covers still in place as well as on the physical and mechanical properties of pyroclastic soils, in saturated and unsaturated conditions. The present paper begins by discussing the data acquired during the .rst phase of the studies and then goes on to illustrate the laboratory results so far obtained with the aid of approximate procedures. These help advance our knowledge of pyroclastic soils within a reasonable time frame, thus improving landslide triggering analysis.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to investigate mechanical and hydraulic properties of sands treated with mineral-based grouts through the results of a laboratory test programme consisting of unconfined compression tests (UCS), triaxial bender element tests (BeT) and constant flow permeability tests in triaxial apparatus. An improved apparatus was set up for obtaining high quality, multiple grouted specimens from a single column. Two selected natural sands having different grain sizes were grouted with two mineral-based silica grouts, resulting in different levels of improvement. The behaviour of the sands treated by mineral grouts, in terms of strength, initial stiffness and permeability, was compared with that exhibited by more traditional silicate grouts. The results of this study indicate that sands treated with mineral grouts result in higher strengths, higher initial shear modulus and lower permeability values than the sands treated with the silicate solution. The effect of grout type, effective confining pressure, and sand particle-size on small-strain shear modulus of grouted sand specimens was evaluated. Based on test results, the small strain shear modulus increment from treated to untreated specimens has been correlated with the unconfined compressive strength, obtaining a unique relationship regardless of grout type and grain-size of tested sands.  相似文献   
In this article, an open channel flow resistance equation, deduced applying dimensional analysis and incomplete self-similarity condition for the flow velocity distribution, was tested using measurements carried out in a full-scale channel equipped with three types of riparian plants (Salix alba L., Salix caprea L. and Alnus glutinosa L.). In the experimental channel, having banks lined with boulders, the vegetation branches were anchored in a concrete bottom. For each species, the measurements were carried out with plants having different amounts of leaves, different plant density and plant area index. The relationship between the scale factor Γ of the velocity profile and the Froude number was separately calibrated by measurements carried out without and with vegetation. The component of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor corresponding to the riparian vegetation fv was calculated as the difference between the measured friction factor value (channel grain roughness + vegetation) and that calculated for the channel without vegetation in the same hydraulic conditions. Using these fv values, the relationship between the scale factor Γ and the Froude number was calibrated. In this last relationship, a scaling coefficient a varying with the investigated vegetation type was introduced. This coefficient, as expected, gives the highest friction factor values for vegetation having branches with leaves. The theoretical flow resistance law, coupled with the relationship for estimating the Γ function having a scaling coefficient different for each investigated vegetation type, allowed an accurate estimate of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (errors less than or equal to 20% for 82.6% of the investigated cases). Finally, for the investigated vegetation species that are characterized by a condition with few leaves or leafless, the scaling coefficient a resulted strongly related to the bending stiffness. This analysis demonstrated that the highest Darcy-Weisbach friction factors correspond to vegetation species characterized by the highest values of bending stiffness. The friction factor values calculated for this last condition are characterized by errors that were less than or equal to ±20% for 90.6% of cases.  相似文献   
Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) generated during the Plinian eruption of the Pomici di Avellino (PdA) of Somma–Vesuvius were investigated through field and laboratory studies, which allowed the detailed reconstruction of their eruptive and transportation dynamics and the calculation of key physical parameters of the currents. PDCs were generated during all the three phases that characterised the eruption, with eruptive dynamics driven by both magmatic and phreatomagmatic fragmentation. Flows generated during phases 1 and 2 (EU1 and EU3pf, magmatic fragmentation) have small dispersal areas and affected only part of the volcano slopes. Lithofacies analysis demonstrates that the flow-boundary zones were dominated by granular-flow regimes, which sometimes show transitions to traction regimes. PDCs generated during eruptive phase 3 (EU5, phreatomagmatic fragmentation) were the most voluminous and widespread in the whole of Somma–Vesuvius’ eruptive history, and affected a wide area around the volcano with deposit thicknesses of a few centimetres up to more than 25 km from source. Lithofacies analysis shows that the flow-boundary zones of EU5 PDCs were dominated by granular flows and traction regimes. Deposits of EU5 PDC show strong lithofacies variation northwards, from proximally thick, massive to stratified beds towards dominantly alternating beds of coarse and fine ash in distal reaches. The EU5 lithofacies also show strong lateral variability in proximal areas, passing from the western and northern to the eastern and southern volcano slopes, where the deposits are stacked beds of massive, accretionary lapilli-bearing fine ash. The sedimentological model developed for the PDCs of the PdA eruption explains these strong lithofacies variations in the light of the volcano’s morphology at the time of the eruption. In particular, the EU5 PDCs survived to pass over the break in slope between the volcano sides and the surrounding volcaniclastic apron–alluvial plain, with development of new flows from the previously suspended load. Pulses were developed within individual currents, leading to stepwise deposition on both the volcano slopes and the surrounding volcaniclastic apron and alluvial plain. Physical parameters including velocity, density and concentration profile with height were calculated for a flow of the phreatomagmatic phase of the eruption by applying a sedimentological method, and the values of the dynamic pressure were derived. Some hazard considerations are summarised on the assumption that, although not very probable, similar PDCs could develop during future eruptions of Somma–Vesuvius.  相似文献   
Volcanic hazard assessment at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eruption forecasting and hazard assessments at the restless Campi Flegrei caldera, within the Neapolitan volcanic area, have been performed using stratigraphical, volcanological, structural and petrological data.On the basis of the reconstructed variation of eruption magnitude through time, we hypothesize that the most probable maximum expected event is a medium-magnitude explosive eruption, fed by trachytic magma. Such an eruption could likely occur in the north-eastern sector of the caldera floor that is under a tensile stress regime, when the ongoing deformation will generate mechanical failure of the rocks. A vent could open also in the western sector, at the intersection of two fault systems contemporaneously activated, as happened in the last eruption at Monte Nuovo. The eruption could likely be preceded by precursors apparent to the population, such as ground deformation, seismicity and increase in gas emissions. It will probably alternate between magmatic and phreatomagmatic phases with the generation of tephra fallout, and dilute and turbulent pyroclastic currents. During and/or after the eruption, the re-mobilization of ash by likely heavy rains, could probably generate mud flows.In order to perform a zoning of the territory in relation to the expected volcanic hazards, we have constructed a comprehensive hazard map. On this map are delimited (I) areas of variable probability of opening of a new vent, (II) areas which could be affected by variable load of fallout deposits, and (III) areas over which pyroclastic currents could flow. The areas in which a vent could likely open have been defined on the basis of the dynamics of the ongoing deformation of the caldera floor. To construct the fallout hazard map we have used the frequency of deposition of fallout beds thicker than 10 cm, the frequency of load on the ground by tephra fallout and the direction of dispersal axes of the deposits of the last 5 ka, and the limit load of collapse for the variable types of roof construction. The pyroclastic-current hazard map is based on the areal distribution and frequency of pyroclastic-current deposits of the last 5 ka.Editorial Responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   
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