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黄土高原中心地区水资源现状与可持续利用对策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
处于黄土高原中心地区的庆阳市水资源十分缺乏,水资源总量严重不足,现有的水资源在开采方面又存在很大的难度,可利用水资源极其缺乏,严重阻碍了社会经济的可持续发展。本文主要通过对该水资源总量、利用现状的调查、分析研究,结合当地的地理和经济特点,分析水资源在利用方面存在的问题,提出水资源可持续利用的根本对策。  相似文献   
正The IGCP-649 project"Diamonds and Recycled Mantle"is an International Geosciences Program sponsored by UNESCO and IUGS,supporting the scientific research on ultrahigh pressure and highly reduced minerals in ophiolitic peridotite and chromitite.Ophiolites are 5-to 10-km-thick fragments of ancient ocean lithosphere emplaced on continental margins,and provide3-dimensional exposures to examine the internal structure,  相似文献   
The west Junggar,located in the eastern part of Balkash-Junggar tectonic province,is a major component of the core of the Central Asian metallogenic region.This area is characterized by occurrences of ophiolitic mélanges,such as the Sartohay ophiolitic mélange in the NE and the Tangbale ophiolitic mélange in the west.As a hydrothermal alteration product of serpentinite in the Sartohay ophiolitic mélange,listwaenite lenses are gold-mineralized and crop out on surface in the ophiolitic mélange via weathering of exhumated hanging wall of fault zone.Listwaenite is mainly composed of magnesite,quartz,dolomite,and trace amounts of mariposite,chromian spinel,talc and sulfide.A vertical thermal gradient model for the hydrothermal alteration shows that serpentinite would first be transformed to talc schist,then into listwaenite as the ophiolite slices continued to rise along shear zone,with XCO2,oxygen and sulfur fugacity increase and temperature decrease.Both serpentine and magnetite were progressively destroyed during the transformation from serpentinite to talc schist,andcompletely vanished in listwaenite,while mariposite generated in weakly deformed to mylonitized listwaenite.Concentrations of most trace elements including high field strength elements and metallogenic elements,increasing from undeformed,through weakly deformed,to mylonitized listwaenite,show a positive correlation with deformation degree and content of apatite,rutile,monazite,zircon and sulfide in listwaenite.The shear zone served as pathways for percolation and accumulation of fluid and trace elements during the metasomatism from serpentinite to listwaenite.Compared to undeformed listwaenite,mylonitized listwaenite will be more favorable to be fractured and brecciated due to more intense shearing,which caused strong metasomatic reaction and then induced trace element-bearing mylonitized listwaenite.  相似文献   
<正>We thank Tan Mingxuan et al.(2017)for their comments stimulated by our short paper in the recent Acta Geologica Sinica(English edition).We are grateful for the opportunity to expand on the model of the supercritical hyperpycnal flow deposits in the Beilaishi section on the Lingshan Island,and to explain why the model proposed by Tan Mingxuan et al.(2017)cannot explain the bulk of  相似文献   
Geometric parameters are useful for characterizing earthquake-triggered landslides. This paper presents a detailed statistical analysis on this issue using the landslide inventory of the 2013, Minxian, China Mw 5.9 earthquake. Based on GIS software and a 5-m resolution DEM, geometric parameters of 635 coseismic landslides (with areas larger than 500 m2) were obtained, including height, length, width, reach angle (arc tangent of the height-length ratio), and aspect ratio (length-width ratio). The fitting relationship of height and length from these data is H = 0.6164L + 0.4589, with an average reach angle of 31.65°. The landslide aspect ratios concentrate in the range of 1.4~2.6, with an average of 2.11. According to the plane geometric shapes and aspect ratios, the landslides are classified into four categories: transverse landslide (LA1, L/W ≤ 0.8), isometric landslide (LA2, 0.8 < L/W ≤ 1.2), longitudinal landslide (LA3, 1.2 < L/W ≤ 3), and elongated landslide (LA4, L/W > 3). Statistics of these four types of landslides versus ten classified control factors (elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, curvature, slope position, distance to drainages, lithology, seismic intensity, peak ground acceleration, and distance to seismogenic fault) are used to examine their possible correlations and the landslide-prone areas, which would be helpful to the landslide disaster mitigation in the affected area.  相似文献   
Biological soil crusts (BSCs), which are widespread in arid and semiarid regions, such as sandy deserts, strongly influence terrestrial ecosystems. Once sand‐binding vegetation has been established on sand dunes, BSCs are colonized and gradually develop from cyanobacteria dominated crusts to lichen and moss dominated crusts on dune surfaces. We conducted this study to determine if the occurrence and development of BSCs in the Tengger Desert could be used to determine sand‐binding vegetation changes via altering soil moisture and water cycling using long‐term monitoring data and field experimental observation. BSCs changed the spatiotemporal pattern of soil moisture and re‐allocation by decreasing rainfall infiltration, increasing topsoil water‐holding capacity and altering evaporation. Changes in the soil moisture pattern induced shifting of sand‐binding vegetation from xerophytic shrub communities with higher coverage (35%) to complex communities dominated by shallow‐rooted herbaceous species with low shrub coverage (9%). These results imply that BSCs can be a major factor controlling floristic and structural changes in sand‐binding vegetation and suggest that the hydrological effects of BSCs must be considered when implementing large‐scale revegetation projects in sandy deserts. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
潘华  陈国兴  孙田 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):346-0350
利用空心圆柱扭剪(HCA)仪,针对原状海洋粉质黏土,通过循环三轴及循环扭剪试验,得出相应的杨氏模量、剪切模量和动泊松比,探讨了有效固结围压、固结应力比对动泊松比的影响。试验结果表明:土体的动泊松比随着广义剪应变的增大而增大;有效固结围压、固结应力比均对动泊松比有显著的影响,动泊松比随着有效固结围压、固结应力的增大而逐渐减少;且随着广义剪应变的增大,两者对动泊松比的影响减小,当广义剪应变增大到1.8×10-2左右,试验终止,此时土体动泊松比约为0.48。试验中未出现动泊松比大于0.5的现象,说明土体未出现剪胀现象,试验所采用的粉质黏土在循环荷载作用下具有较好的稳定性  相似文献   
中国数字地震台网(CDSN)经过第3期升级改造后,硬件系统性能有了质的飞跃,设备的可维护性及数据稳定性全面提升,系统的复杂程度也逐渐攀升。本文详细介绍CDSN技术系统的构成及升级过程,阐述技术规范和实施细节及对CDSN技术改造发挥的作用。  相似文献   
国内外城市型政区设置研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政区设置的科学性与合理性,关系到行政管理效率和政权的稳定性,因此受到世界各国的普遍重视。城市型政区的设置与调整是城镇化发展进程的客观要求,城市型政区不仅包括直辖市、地级市、县级市等各级城市,还包含市辖区、建制镇和街道等。建制市是城市型政区的主要类型,中国的建制市仅有百年历史,却有着极其复杂的演变过程,尤其是改革开放以来,随着城市数量的快速增加,城市型政区设置变化较大。本文在辨析城市型政区相关概念与内涵的基础上,重点分析了城市型政区的演变过程、设置模式、层级与管辖幅度,并对国内外城市型政区的研究方法进行了梳理与总结。在此基础上,评述了国内外城市型政区研究的主要特征与存在的不足,得出以下启示:合理设置城市型政区、创新大都市区管理体制以及减少城市行政层级。最后,通过对国内外城市型政区的行政区划研究进展的总结,对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   
Wavefields in porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids are simulated in this paper. Based on the sealed system theory, the medium model considers both the relative motion between the fluids and the solid skeleton and the relaxation mechanisms of porosity and saturation (capillary pressure). So it accurately simulates the numerical attenuation property of the wavefields and is much closer to actual earth media in exploration than the equivalent liquid model and the unsaturated porous medium model on the basis of open system theory. The velocity and attenuation for different wave modes in this medium have been discussed in previous literature but studies of the complete wave-field have not been reported. In our work, wave equations with the relaxation mechanisms of capillary pressure and the porosity are derived. Furthermore, the wavefield and its characteristics are studied using the numerical finite element method. The results show that the slow P3-wave in the non-wetting phase can be observed clearly in the seismic band. The relaxation of capillary pressure and the porosity greatly affect the displacement of the non-wetting phase. More specifically, the displacement decreases with increasing relaxation coefficient.  相似文献   
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