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Base isolation is a well known technology that has been proven to reduce structural response to horizontal ground accelerations. However, vertical response still remains a topic of concern for base‐isolated buildings, perhaps more so than in fixed‐base buildings as isolation is often used when high performance is required. To investigate the effects of vertical response on building contents and nonstructural components, a series of full‐scale shaking table tests were conducted at the E‐Defense facility in Japan. A four‐story base‐isolated reinforced concrete building was outfitted as a medical facility with a wide variety of contents, and the behavior of the contents was observed. The rubber base isolation system was found to significantly amplify vertical accelerations in some cases. However, the damage caused by the vertical ground motions was not detrimental when peak vertical floor accelerations remained below 2 g with three exceptions: (1) small items placed on shelves slid or toppled; (2) objects jumped when placed on nonrigid furniture, which tended to increase the response; and (3) equipment with vertical eccentricities rocked and jumped. In these tests, all equipment and nonstructural components remained functional after shaking. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We have carried out seismological observations within the Sea of Marmara (NW Turkey) in order to investigate the seismicity induced after Gölcük–İzmit (Kocaeli) earthquake (Mw 7.4) of August 17, 1999, using ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). High-resolution hypocenters and focal mechanisms of microearthquakes have been investigated during this Marmara Sea OBS project involving deployment of 10 OBSs within the Çınarcık (eastern Marmara Sea) and Central-Tekirdağ (western Marmara Sea) basins during April–July 2000. Little was known about microearthquake activity and their source mechanisms in the Marmara Sea. We have detected numerous microearthquakes within the main basins of the Sea of Marmara along the imaged strands of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). We obtained more than 350 well-constrained hypocenters and nine composite focal mechanisms during 70 days of observation. Microseismicity mainly occurred along the Main Marmara Fault (MMF) in the Marmara Sea. There are a few events along the Southern Shelf. Seismic activity along the Main Marmara Fault is quite high, and focal depth distribution was shallower than 20 km along the western part of this fault, and shallower than 15 km along its eastern part. From high-resolution relative relocation studies of some of the microearthquake clusters, we suggest that the western Main Marmara Fault is subvertical and the eastern Main Marmara Fault dips to south at 45°. Composite focal mechanisms show a strike-slip regime on the western Main Marmara Fault and complex faulting (strike-slip and normal faulting) on the eastern Main Marmara Fault.  相似文献   
We report the petrological characteristics and preliminary zircon geochronology based on laser ablation ICP mass spectrometry of the various units in an accretionary belt within the Palghat-Cauvery Shear/Suture Zone in southern India, a trace of the Cambrian Gondwana suture. Zircons extracted from a plagiogranite in association with an ophiolite suite within this suture possess internal structure that suggests magmatic crystallization, and yield mid Neoproterozoic 206Pb/238U age of 817 ± 16 Ma (error: 1σ) constraining the approximate timing of birth of the Mozambique Ocean floor. Compiled age data on zircons separated from a quartzite and metamorphosed banded iron formation within the accretionary belt yields a younger intercept age of 759 ± 41 Ma (error: 1σ) which we relate to a mid Neoproteozoic magmatic arc. Detrital zircons extracted from the quartzite yield 207Pb/206Pb age peaks of about 1.9–2.6 Ga suggesting that they were sourced from multiple protolithis of Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic. Metamorphic overgrowths on some zircon grains record ca. 500–550 Ma ages which are in good harmony with the known ages for the timing of high-grade metamorphism in this zone during the final stage of continent collision associated with the birth of the Gondwana supercontinent in the latest Neoproterozoic-Cambrian. The preliminary geochronological results documented in our study correlate with the subduction–accretion–collision history associated with the closure of the Mozambique Ocean and the final amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent.  相似文献   
The focus of this study is investigation of land subsidence in Semarang city Indonesia with the use of Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) of ALOS–PALSAR satellite. We processed 22 ascending SAR images during January 2007 to January 2009 plus two descending SAR images acquired on 6 June 2006 and 17 June 2007. The time series analysis of interferometry was performed by using 12 pairs of interferogram relative to 21 January 2007 and 8 pairs of interferogram relative 24 January 2008. The topographic phase contribution was removed using the 3-arcsec (90 m) Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), Digital Elevation Model (DEM). We performed precision baseline estimation to vanish the fringes from baseline effect between master and slave data. In order to investigate the contribution of horizontal movement in our analysis, we constructed two interferograms of ascending orbit and descending orbit. The time series results exhibited that the area is subsiding continuously without a significant seasonal effect during January 2007 to January 2009. The land subsidence observed from InSAR data is approximately up to 8 cm/year. Three cross sections on image displacement show the extreme land subsidence occurred especially along the coastal area and lowland area where this area is considered as industrial with high-density settlements, consuming a lot of groundwater, and land is changed from agriculture and cultivation purposes to industrial estates and house. Our result also shows a consistency with historical pattern of subsidence measured by leveling data. The results highlight the potential use of InSAR measurements to provide better constraints for land subsidence in Semarang city Indonesia.  相似文献   
Upper Devonian carbonates of the Toc Tat Formation in the Si Phai Pass area of Dong Van District, northern Vietnam were deposited in carbonate platform, slope, and basin environments. These carbonates yield abundant conodonts indicative of the Palmatolepis nasuta, Pa. linguiformis and Pa. triangularis zones, the Frasnian–Famennian stage boundary being identified by the first occurrence of Pa. triangularis. Two positive carbon isotope excursions are recognized, the lower excursion peaking in the interval of the lower to middle Pa. nasuta Zone, whilst the upper excursion peaks just above the local Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Based on the biostratigraphy, these excursions equate to the Lower and Upper Kellwasser events. Locally, tentaculitoid taxa (Nowakia, Styliolina, Homoctenus, and Metastyliolina?) are abundant in the interval of the Pa. nasuta Zone, but show a drastic decline in abundance before the Lower Kellwasser Event, and only two taxa survived into the Famennian.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Suttsu polymetallic vein-type deposit, hosted by tuff, tuff breccia and shale of the Miocene Kunnui Formation and propylitized hornblende-augite andesite, is located in southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. It has been exploited and explored for Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag until 1962.
In this study, we examined K-Ar ages, ore mineralogical characteristics and fluid inclusions to obtain new data for the deposit.
The K-Ar ages on sericite indicate that the polymetallic mineralization occurred in Late Miocene (8.1–5.7 Ma). The polymetallic banded ore from the Ohkubo vein is characterized by an abundance of Au, Ag, Sn, Bi, in, Se and Te. These metals are mainly ascribed to electrum (30.3–37.8 atom% Ag), Se-bearing pavonite (8.5–9.5 wt% Se), gustavite-lillianite solid solution, Se-bearing bismuthinite (5.0–5.3 wt% Se), kawazulite, cassiterite, Sn-bearing chalcopyrite (3.3–4.2 wt% Sn), In-bearing stannite, stannite-chalcopyrite solid solution, and In- and Sn-bearing sphalerite (2.6–8.4 wt% In and 1.8–4.3 wt% Sn), occurring in narrow bands of the ore. The In- and Sn-bearing sphalerite likely forms a sphalerite-roquesite-stannite solid solution with the contents of roquesite and stannite being about 2–9 and 2-A mole%, respectively. Temperatures and salinities (in wt% NaCl equiv.) of the ore fluids are estimated to be 180-250C and 3–4 wt%, respectively. The Sn-bearing chalcopyrite therefore probably precipitated metastably. The geologic and mineralogical features suggest that pre-Tertiary basement rocks rich in organic material underlie the Miocene Kunnui Formation nearby the deposit and that they contributed to local and temporary reduction of magnetite-series magmas favorable for the early stage tin-polymetallic mineralization.  相似文献   
A preliminary study of carbon system in the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the central part of the East China Sea, the activity of CO2 in the surface water and total carbonate, pH and alkalinity in the water column were determined in winter and autumn of 1993. The activity of CO2 in the continental shelf water was about 50 ppm lower than that of surface air. This decrease corresponds to the absorption of about 40 gC/m2/yr of atmospheric CO2 in the coastal zone or 1 GtC/yr in the global continental shelf, if this rate is applicable to entire coastal seas. The normalized total carbonate contents were higher in the water near the coast and near the bottom. This increase toward the bottom may be due to the organic matter deposited on the bottom. This conclusion is supported by the distribution of pH. The normalized alkalinity distribution also showed higher values in the near-coast water, but in the surface water, indicating the supply of bicarbonate from river water. The residence time of the East China Sea water, including the Yellow Sea water, has been calculated to be about 0.8 yr from the excess alkalinity and the alkalinity input. Using this residence time and the excess carbonate, we can estimate that the amount of dissolved carbonate transported from the coastal zone to the oceanic basin is about 70 gC/m2/yr or 2 GtC/yr/area-of-global-continental-shelf. This also means that the rivers transport carbon to the oceans at a rate of 30 gC/m2/yr of the coastal sea or 0.8 GtC/yr/ area-of-global shelf, the carbon consisting of dissolved inorganic carbonate and terrestrial organic carbon decomposed on the continental shelf.  相似文献   
We have constructed a large, mosaic CCD camera called MOA-cam2 which has 4096 × 6144-pixelsto search for gravitational microlensing events. MOA-cam2 has three4096 × 2048-pixel SITe CCD chips, which have a very high quantum efficiency (nearly 80% in the wave region 500 to 800 nm),and three buttable sides. We have placed the threechips side by side with 100 m dead space. MOA-cam2 has been installed on the 61 cm Boller and Chivens telescope of the MOA collaboration at the Mt. John University Observatory (MJUO) in NewZealand since July 1998. The field coverage is 0.92° × 1.38° per exposure. The technical details of MOA-cam2 and the first images obtained with the Boller and Chivens telescope are presented. MOA-cam2 introduces a second phase of research on gravitational microlensing by the MOA collaboration.  相似文献   
A shaft with a diameter of 6 m and a depth of 150 m was excavated in sedimentary rocks. Anin situ study was carried out to identify the size and rock properties of the zone disturbed by the excavation and to estimate the applicability of existing methods for measuring and modelling such a zone. The study detected displacements and changes in the properties of the rock within about 1 m of the shaft wall. Numerical analysis using a model of continuous rock mass can simulate some features of disturbance due to excavation, although slight discrepancies exist between the measured and analysed results. The excavation disturbance detected in this study is probably due to fracturing, the redistribution of stress and undersaturation. However, the relationships between the disturbance due to excavation and these processes have not been quantified. The existing methods for measurements and numerical analysis can provide important information on the disturbance due to excavation but need to be improved to understand disturbance due to excavation further.  相似文献   
The Chatree deposit is located in the Loei‐Phetchabun‐Nakhon Nayok volcanic belt that extends from Laos in the north through central and eastern Thailand into Cambodia. Gold‐bearing quartz veins at the Q prospect of the Chatree deposit are hosted within polymictic andesitic breccia and volcanic sedimentary breccia. The orebodies of the Chatree deposit consist of veins, veinlets and stockwork. Gold‐bearing quartz veins are composed mainly of quartz, calcite and illite with small amounts of adularia, chlorite and sulfide minerals. The gold‐bearing quartz veins were divided into five stages based on the cross‐cutting relationship and mineral assemblage. Intense gold mineralization occurred in Stages I and IV. The mineral assemblage of Stages I and IV is characterized by quartz–calcite–illite–laumontite–adularia–chlorite–sulfide minerals and electrum. Quartz textures of Stages I and IV are also characterized by microcrystalline and flamboyant textures, respectively. Coexistence of laumontite, illite and chlorite in the gold‐bearing quartz vein of Stage IV suggests that the gold‐bearing quartz veins were formed at approximately 200°C. The flamboyant and brecciated textures of the gold‐bearing quartz vein of Stage IV suggest that gold precipitated with silica minerals from a hydrothermal solution that was supersaturated by boiling. The δ18O values of quartz in Stages I to V range from +10.4 to +11.6‰ except for the δ18O value of quartz in Stage IV (+15.0‰). The increase in δ18O values of quartz at Stage IV is explained by boiling. PH2O is estimated to be 16 bars at 200°C. The fCO2 value is estimated to be 1 bar based on the presence of calcite in the mineral assemblage of Stage IV. The total pressure of the hydrothermal solution is approximately 20 bars at 200°C, suggesting that the gold‐bearing quartz veins of the Q prospect formed about 200 m below the paleosurface.  相似文献   
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