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Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 1500 is an ultramafic meteorite dominated by coarse (?100–500 μm) olivine (95–96%), augite (2–3%), and chromite (0.6–1.6%) in an equilibrated texture. Plagioclase (0.7–1.8%) occurs as poikilitic grains (up to ?3 mm) in vein‐like areas that have concentrations of augite and minor orthopyroxene. Other phases are Cl‐apatite, metal, sulfide, and graphite. Olivine ranges from Fo 65–73, with a strong peak at Fo 68–69. Most grains are reversezoned, and also have ?10–30 μm reduction rims. In terms of its dominant mineralogy and texture, NWA 1500 resembles the majority of monomict ureilites. However, it is more ferroan than known ureilites (Fo ≥75) and other mineral compositional parameters are out of the ureilite range as well. Furthermore, neither apatite nor plagioclase have ever been observed, and chromite is rare in monomict ureilites. Nevertheless, this meteorite may be petrologically related to the rare augite‐bearing ureilites and represent a previously unsampled part of the ureilite parent body (UPB). The Mn/Mg ratio of its olivine and textural features of its pyroxenes are consistent with this interpretation. However, its petrogenesis differs from that of known augite‐bearing ureilites in that: 1) it formed under more oxidized conditions; 2) plagioclase appeared before orthopyroxene in its crystallization sequence; and 3) it equilibrated to significantly lower temperatures (800–1000 °C, from two‐pyroxene and olivine‐chromite thermometry). Formation under more oxidized conditions and the appearance of plagioclase before orthopyroxene could be explained if it formed at a greater depth on the UPB than previously sampled. However, its significantly different thermal history (compared to ureilites) may more plausibly be explained if it formed on a different parent body. This conclusion is consistent with its oxygen isotopic composition, which suggests that it is an ungrouped achondrite. Nevertheless, the parent body of NWA 1500 may have been compositionally and petrologically similar to the UPB, and may have had a similar differentiation history.  相似文献   
We consider the evolution of magnetic fields under the influence of Hall drift and Ohmic decay. The governing equation is solved numerically, in a spherical shell with   r i / r o = 0.75  . Starting with simple free-decay modes as initial conditions, we then consider the subsequent evolution. The Hall effect induces so-called helicoidal oscillations, in which energy is redistributed among the different modes. We find that the amplitude of these oscillations can be quite substantial, with some of the higher harmonics becoming comparable with the original field. Nevertheless, this transfer of energy to the higher harmonics is not sufficient to accelerate significantly the decay of the original field, at least not at the   R B = O (100)  parameter values accessible to us, where this Hall parameter   R B   measures the ratio of the Ohmic time-scale to the Hall time-scale. We do find clear evidence though of increasingly fine structures developing for increasingly large   R B   , suggesting that perhaps this Hall-induced cascade to ever-shorter length-scales is eventually sufficiently vigorous to enhance the decay of the original field. Finally, the implications for the evolution of neutron star magnetic fields are discussed.  相似文献   
Mineral-specific IR absorption coefficients were calculated for natural and synthetic olivine, SiO2 polymorphs, and GeO2 with specific isolated OH point defects using quantitative data from independent techniques such as proton–proton scattering, confocal Raman spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass spectrometry. Moreover, we present a routine to detect OH traces in anisotropic minerals using Raman spectroscopy combined with the “Comparator Technique”. In case of olivine and the SiO2 system, it turns out that the magnitude of ε for one structure is independent of the type of OH point defect and therewith the peak position (quartz ε = 89,000 ± 15,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}), but it varies as a function of structure (coesite ε = 214,000 ± 14,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}; stishovite ε = 485,000 ± 109,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}). Evaluation of data from this study confirms that not using mineral-specific IR calibrations for the OH quantification in nominally anhydrous minerals leads to inaccurate estimations of OH concentrations, which constitute the basis for modeling the Earth’s deep water cycle.  相似文献   
Providing Geographical Information Systems with mechanisms for processing geo‐data based on their semantics may help to solve problems like heterogeneity. This is because GIS could process geo‐data focusing on their meaning and not on their syntax and/or structure. An important aspect for achieving these objectives is the establishment of an automatic means of correspondence between geo‐data and their conceptualization in Higher Levels Ontologies (HLO). In this article, a new type of Ontology is proposed (Data‐Representation Ontology (DRO)). This Ontology describes the semantic embedded in geo‐data, which cannot be represented in current types of Ontologies. Across this Ontology, heterogeneous geographical data can be integrated in the semantic space contributing positively to the development of solutions for the problems of interoperability between heterogeneous systems. Likewise, we propose a new method for the automatic generation of the DRO and its interrelationships with HLO, based on pattern classification techniques. The experiments show that once the DRO is generated, the classifier can classify all data correctly. Thus, these data are semantically enriched. Moreover, this article shows how the topological relationships can enrich the semantics in the generated Ontology and increase the effectiveness of spatial analysis.  相似文献   
This review describes advances in radiative transfer theory since about 1985. We stress fundamental aspects and emphasize modern methods for the numerical solution of the transfer equation for spatially multidimensional problems, for both unpolarized and polarized radiation. We restrict the discussion to two-level atoms with noninverted populations for given temperature, density and velocity fields. Unfortunately this article was originally published with typesetter's errors: The correct publication date was 25 February 2006, not 3 January 2006. The content was not in the final form. The publishers wish to apologize for this mistake. The online version of the original version can be found at /10.1007/s00159-005-0025-8.  相似文献   
CCD-photometry of 20 elliptical galaxy pairs was obtained in order to study the effects of galaxy interactions. Deviations from undisturbed brightness profiles are interpreted in terms of ongoing tidal interaction. The deviations include asymmetrical isophotes, distortions of the outer isophotes, twisting of the major axes of the outer isophotes with respect to the line connecting both galaxy centers, nonconcentric isophotes and extended or truncated brightness profiles.In particular, nonconcentric isophotes represent strong evidence in favour of ongoing interaction since they are generally not detected in undisturbed elliptical galaxies. The displacement of the nuclei with respect to the underlying galaxy is most probably explained as the consequence of a velocity impulse due to the perturbing galaxy. Brightness profiles of the brighter components in galaxy pairs are generally extended in comparison with brightness profiles of isolated elliptical galaxies. Truncated brightness profiles prevalent in most of the smaller components of galaxy pairs are interpreted as consequence of a tidally limited galaxy radius imposed by the more massive component.  相似文献   
Garnet-bearing and garnet-free pyroxenite xenoliths from Quaternary basanites of Marsabit, northern Kenya, were analysed for microstructures and mineral compositions (major and trace elements) to constrain the thermal and compositional evolution of the lithospheric mantle in this region. Garnet-bearing rocks are amphibole-bearing websterite with ~5–10 vol% orthopyroxene. Clinopyroxene is LREE-depleted and garnet has high HREE contents, in agreement with an origin as cumulates from basaltic mantle melts. Primary orthopyroxene inclusions in garnet suggest that the parental melts were orthopyroxene-saturated. Rock fabrics vary from weakly to strongly deformed. Thermobarometry indicates extensive decompression and cooling (~970–1,100°C at ~2.3–2.6 GPa to ~700–800°C at ~0.5–1.0 GPa) during deformation, best interpreted as pyroxenite intrusion into thick Paleozoic continental lithosphere subsequently followed by continental rifting (i.e., formation of the Mesozoic Anza Graben). During continental rifting, garnet websterites were decompressed (garnet-to-spinel transition) and experienced the same P–T evolution as their host peridotites. Strongly deformed samples show compositional overlaps with cpx-rich, initially garnet-bearing lherzolite, best explained by partial re-equilibration of peridotite and pyroxenite during deformation and mechanical mingling. In contrast, garnet-free pyroxenites include undeformed, cumulate-like samples, indicating that they are younger than the garnet websterites. Major and trace element compositions of clinopyroxene and calculated equilibrium melts suggest crystallisation from alkaline basaltic melt similar to the host basanite, which suggests formation in the context of alkaline magmatism during the development of the Kenya rift. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Quantum physics challenges our understanding of the nature of physical reality and of space-time and suggests the necessity of radical revisions of their underlying concepts. Experimental tests of quantum phenomena involving massive macroscopic objects would provide novel insights into these fundamental questions. Making use of the unique environment provided by space, MAQRO aims at investigating this largely unexplored realm of macroscopic quantum physics. MAQRO has originally been proposed as a medium-sized fundamental-science space mission for the 2010 call of Cosmic Vision. MAQRO unites two experiments: DECIDE (DECoherence In Double-Slit Experiments) and CASE (Comparative Acceleration Sensing Experiment). The main scientific objective of MAQRO, which is addressed by the experiment DECIDE, is to test the predictions of quantum theory for quantum superpositions of macroscopic objects containing more than 108 atoms. Under these conditions, deviations due to various suggested alternative models to quantum theory would become visible. These models have been suggested to harmonize the paradoxical quantum phenomena both with the classical macroscopic world and with our notion of Minkowski space-time. The second scientific objective of MAQRO, which is addressed by the experiment CASE, is to demonstrate the performance of a novel type of inertial sensor based on optically trapped microspheres. CASE is a technology demonstrator that shows how the modular design of DECIDE allows to easily incorporate it with other missions that have compatible requirements in terms of spacecraft and orbit. CASE can, at the same time, serve as a test bench for the weak equivalence principle, i.e., the universality of free fall with test-masses differing in their mass by 7 orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
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