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Floods and debris flows in small Alpine torrent catchments (<10 km2) arise from a combination of critical antecedent system state conditions and mostly convective precipitation events with high precipitation intensities. Thus, climate change may influence the magnitude–frequency relationship of extreme events twofold: by a modification of the occurrence probabilities of critical hydrological system conditions and by a change of event precipitation characteristics. Three small Alpine catchments in different altitudes in Western Austria (Ruggbach, Brixenbach and Längentalbach catchment) were investigated by both field experiments and process‐based simulation. Rainfall–runoff model (HQsim) runs driven by localized climate scenarios (CNRM‐RM4.5/ARPEGE, MPI‐REMO/ECHAM5 and ICTP‐RegCM3/ECHAM5) were used in order to estimate future frequencies of stormflow triggering system state conditions. According to the differing altitudes of the study catchments, two effects of climate change on the hydrological systems can be observed. On one hand, the seasonal system state conditions of medium altitude catchments are most strongly affected by air temperature‐controlled processes such as the development of the winter snow cover as well as evapotranspiration. On the other hand, the unglaciated high‐altitude catchment is less sensitive to climate change‐induced shifts regarding days with critical antecedent soil moisture and desiccated litter layer due to its elevation‐related small proportion of sensitive areas. For the period 2071–2100, the number of days with critical antecedent soil moisture content will be significantly reduced to about 60% or even less in summer in all catchments. In contrast, the number of days with dried‐out litter layers causing hydrophobic effects will increase by up to 8%–11% of the days in the two lower altitude catchments. The intensity analyses of heavy precipitation events indicate a clear increase in rain intensities of up to 10%.  相似文献   
Instability processes at glacial deposits represent an important hazard in mountainous areas. During the spring seasons of 2010 and 2011, two falls of large boulders (18 and 55? m3) initiated in a lateral moraine in the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees, Spain). Detailed information was gathered due to the debris-flow monitoring system installed along the torrent. Meteorological data showed that the two rockfalls were triggered without important rainfall amounts. Field surveys, ground vibration acquired at geophones and the movie recorded with a video camera provided unique information on the rockfall occurrence and dynamics. In addition, the information gave an excellent opportunity to show the importance of monitored data for the calibration of model parameters for runout simulations. The analysis focussed on the 2011 event and showed that the boulder passed rolling and bouncing through the monitored torrent reach. The velocity estimates in this reach range from 3 to 9 ?m/s. The 2011 rockfall was also back-analysed by a two-dimensional physically based model, which was fitted by the monitored and field data. The results of the simulation coincided well with recorded measurements, although the output could be improved by the application of a three-dimensional model.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic sources of carbon from landfill or waste leachate can promote reductive dissolution of in situ arsenic (As) and enhance the mobility of As in groundwater. Groundwater from residential-supply wells in a fractured crystalline-rock aquifer adjacent to a Superfund site in Raymond, New Hampshire, USA, showed evidence of locally enhanced As mobilization in relatively reducing (mixed oxic-anoxic to anoxic) conditions as determined by redox classification and other lines of evidence. Redox classification was determined from geochemical indicators based on threshold concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate (NO 3 ), iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), and sulfate (SO 4 2– ). Redox conditions were evaluated also based on methane (CH4), excess nitrogen gas (N2) from denitrification, the oxidation state of dissolved As speciation (As(III) and As(V)), and several stable isotope ratios. Samples from the residential-supply wells primarily exhibit mixed redox conditions, as most have long open boreholes (typically 50–100?m) that receive water from multiple discrete fractures with contrasting groundwater chemistry and redox conditions. The methods employed in this study can be used at other sites to gauge redox conditions and the potential for As mobilization in complex fractured crystalline-rock aquifers where multiple lines of evidence are likely needed to understand As occurrence, mobility, and transport.  相似文献   
High top-/bottom-soil ratios, or high values of “enrichment factors” (EFs), are used as a proof for major anthropogenic impact on the geochemistry of the Earth surface. The idea behind calculating such ratios is that soils taken at depth or “average crust” can provide the geochemical background for the soils collected at the Earth surface. However, a soil profile is not a closed system, element exchange between the different layers, depending on and varying with the chemical properties of the different elements, and their turnover in the biosphere is the essence of soil formation. High top-/bottom-soil ratios, or EFs, may thus highlight the geochemical de-coupling of the lithosphere from the biosphere rather than contamination. This is demonstrated by using regional data from 258 soil O- and B-horizon samples collected from the Czech Republic (76,800 km2). Results show no relationship between the ratios and the magnitude of anthropogenic emissions. The visible relationship between element concentrations and sources in a map of the spatial distribution of the elements is lost when maps for the top-/bottom-soil ratio or EFs are constructed. The value of the data lies in the spatial elemental distribution, and not in ratios calculated based on misconceptions.  相似文献   
Ether functionalities form an important cross-linking structure within the macromolecular organic matrix of lignites and coals. To obtain a deeper insight into the complex internal structure of such macromolecules and the maturation related changes of the ether compounds within the network structure, boron tribromide (BBr3) ether cleavage was applied to a series of lignite and coal samples of different maturity (R0 0.27-0.80%) obtained from coal mines and natural outcrops from the North and South Island of New Zealand. Terminal ether-bound alcohols rapidly decrease during diagenesis and occur only in low amounts during the catagenetic stage. Comparison between ester- and ether-bound terminal alcohols indicates a parallel decreasing trend during the diagenetic stage, suggesting that the stability differences between both linkages are not large enough to be observed in maturation processes over geological time scales. Polyether compounds were detected with chain length up to five carbon atoms. After a small decrease during the diagenetic phase these compounds occur in relatively high concentrations, even in the main catagenetic stage. This suggests that these linkage structures represent important cross-linking substructures within the macromolecular matrix of lignites and coals being sterically protected within the macromolecular network during the maturation process. Additional cross-linking substructures were (poly)ether aromatics, esters and ketones.  相似文献   
During rheomorphism subsequent to fallout deposition, a portion of the densely welded fallout of the La Grieta Member flowed back into the vent from where it was erupted, while the rest of it flowed down the outer slopes of the Las Cañadas caldera in Tenerife. The welded fallout and conduit-vent structure are physically connected and constitute a rare example of this type of deposits rooted to its feeder conduit and exposed in the caldera wall. The lower part of the vent-filling rheomorphic rocks shows gas bubbles and cavities that increase in size (up to 4 m) down vent. Bubbles are deformed against other bubbles, against the steep vent walls, flattened parallel to the flow foliation planes, and elongated parallel to the flow lineation and flow fold axes. The preservation of such giant bubbles, rather than their formation, seems to be a pretty unique feature of the phonolitic products investigated here and it is likely the result of the combination of factors that acted to preserve, in the surrounding of the glass transition interval, the sealing and the late stage cooling of a pressurized system. In addition, strain drop at the base of the vent-filling rheomorphic flow caused by flow stopping against vertical vent walls may have promoted rapid gas exsolution and the formation of large bubbles.  相似文献   
The Khushaym Matruk site in central Jordan may represent a natural analogue depicting the interaction of alkaline solutions with a clayey sedimentary formation or with clay-rich confining barriers at the interface with concrete structures in waste disposal sites. In this locality, past spontaneous combustion of organic matter in a clayey biomicritic formation produced a ca. 60 m-thick layer of cement-marble containing some of the high-temperature phases usually found in industrial cements (e.g., spurrite, brucite, and Ca-aluminate). A vertical cross-section of the underlying sediments was used in order to study the interaction between cement-marbles and neighbouring clayey limestones under weathering conditions. A thermodynamic approach of the alteration parageneses (calcite–jennite–afwillite–brucite and CSH phases) in the cement-marbles constrains the interacting solutions to have had pH-values between 10.5 and 12. Over 3 m, the sediments located beneath the metamorphic unit were compacted and underwent carbonation. They display large C and O isotopic variations with respect to “pristine” sediments from the bottom of the section. Low δ13C-values down to −31.4‰/PDB show the contribution of CO2 derived from the oxidization of organic matter and from the atmosphere to the intense carbonation process affecting that particular sedimentary level. The size of the C isotopic anomalies, their geometrical extent and their coincidence with the variations of other markers like the Zn content, the structure of organic matter, the mineralogical composition, all argue that the carbonation process was induced by the percolation of high pH solutions which derived from the alteration of cement-marbles. The temperature of the carbonation process remains conjectural and some post-formation O isotopic reequilibration likely affected the newly-formed carbonate. Carbonation induced a considerable porosity reduction, both in fractures and matrixes. The Khushaym Matruk site may have some bearing to the early life of a repository site, when water saturation of the geological formations hosting the concrete structures is incomplete, enabling simultaneous diffusion of alkaline waters and gaseous CO2 in the near field.  相似文献   
This paper reports new field observations and new petrological, textural and geochemical data on two gabbroic intrusions and one pegmatoid dyke from the French Polynesian islands Maupiti and Bora Bora, respectively. Olivine crystals from the Faataufi and Barque de Hiro gabbros (Maupiti) include High Temperature Iddingsite (HTI), exhibiting three distinct morphological facies. Chemical and crystallographical data performed by electron microprobe, scanning microscope, X-ray diffractometry and Near InfraRed spectroscopy show that HTI results from modifications of olivine structure through intense hydroxylation and Fe-oxidation. The HTI-free 120 m-wide Cloche de Hiro dyke (Bora Bora) exhibits a textural zonation from heterogranular/intergranular gabbro (peripheral part) to typical pegmatoid (inner area). We propose a textural tetrahedral classificatory diagram which can be used to clearly distinguish the textural characteristics of the pegmatoids from those of the other coarse-grained samples. Through comparison with a lava flow containing vesicle-rich segregation sheets, we suggest that the Cloche de Hiro dyke may correspond to a huge segregation structure derived from a Maupiti-type HTI-bearing gabbro through a vapor-differentiation process. Both intrusions might be considered as representative of two superposed levels in a vertically arranged magmatic complex. In this view, the Maupiti gabbroic bodies would represent the lower part of the postulated system. Under high oxygen fugacity, olivine crystals would have undergone important modifications of their structure, leading to HTI. The huge Bora Bora pegmatoid dyke would be the upper part of the complex. After expulsion from the HTI-bearing gabbroic solidification zone by build-up of gas pressure, vesicle-rich residual melt would have gathered into a shallow level and crystallized there as a pegmatoid body.  相似文献   
Free and ester-bound lipid biomarkers were analysed in oxidised and unoxidised parts of four distinct turbidites from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP), which contained 1 to 2% organic carbon homogeneously distributed throughout the turbidites at the time they were deposited. These turbidites are well suited to study the effects of oxic degradation on lipid biomarkers without the complicating influence of varying organic matter sources, sedimentation rates, or bioturbation. One sample from the oxidised turbidite was compared with two samples from the unoxidised part of each turbidite. Postdepositional oxic degradation decreased concentrations of biomarkers by several orders of magnitude. The ester-bound lipids were degraded to a far lesser extent than their free counterparts were. The extent of degradation of different compounds differed substantially. Within a specific class of biomarkers, degradation also took place to a different extent, altering their distributions. This study shows that oxic degradation of the organic matter may have a profound effect on the biomarker fingerprint and may result in a severe bias in, for example, the interpretation of organic matter sources and the estimation of the palaeoproductivity of specific groups of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Rock, soil, and plant (terrestrial moss, European mountain ash leaves, mountain birch leaves, bark and wood, and spruce needles and wood) samples, collected at 3 km intervals along a 120 km long transect (40 sites) cutting the city of Oslo, Norway, were analysed for their Pb concentration and Pb-isotope ratios. A general decrease in 206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/208Pb ratios, with a characteristic low variability in all plant materials and the plant-derived O-horizon of soil profiles, compared to rocks and mineral soils, is observed along the transect. It is demonstrated that minerogenic and biogenic sample materials belong to two different spheres, the lithosphere and biosphere, and that geochemical processes determining their chemical and isotopic compositions differ widely. Background variation for both sample materials needs to be established and documented at the continental and global scale before the anthropogenic influence on the geochemistry of the earth’s surface can be reliably estimated.  相似文献   
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