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通过塔里木地台北缘找矿研究,在库鲁克塔格地区首次发现磁铁石英岩型铁矿床,铁矿赋存于前寒武系兴地塔格群沙依提组地层中。对该矿床含矿岩系特征、岩矿石化学组成、微量元素、稀土元素组成与矿床地质特征的调查与研究表明,鲁克塔格地区古元古界兴地塔格群沙依提组含铁石英岩主要分布于兴地河—辛格尔一带,含铁建造呈东西向展布。在兴地河-辛格尔地区发现含铁石英岩建造出露长约160km,找矿前景可观。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲冲积平原土壤氟高含量区形成原因   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
珠江三角洲经过系统的1∶250000区域土壤地球化学调查发现,在三角洲冲积平原存在氟的高含量分布区。氟高含量区分布于第四纪海相和海陆交互相,从海相→海陆交互相→陆相含量逐渐降低,相同沉积相含量变化很小。从地表至深部,含量变化与沉积相关系密切,海陆交互相含量变化很小,而陆相含量变化较大。氟高含量区空间分布特征明显,控制因素显著,属于在沉积地质作用过程形成的。可能与珠江三角洲形成过程,西江、北江和东江带来大量含氟物质,加上海水富含氟,导致海相和海陆交互相沉积物氟含量较高而出现大面积的高含量区。  相似文献   
以山东省济宁市太平煤矿为例,采用煤柱模拟试验和数值分析手段,对薄基岩条带开采时所留设煤柱的应力应变状态、煤柱强度结构及煤柱长期稳定性进行了深入的分析与研究,揭示了煤柱稳定性及煤柱应力分布与条采尺寸、采出率、覆岩特征的相互关系,进行了条带煤柱的稳定性评价,为工程实践提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
松辽盆地大庆长垣隆起区砂岩型铀矿资源丰富,但成矿条件复杂。以大庆长垣南端四方台组砂岩型铀矿为研究对象,基于三维地震精细解译成果,对长垣隆起区铀矿的分布特征、富集主控因素及成矿模式开展研究。结果表明:①三维地震资料是刻画断层与砂体分布的有效手段;②砂岩型铀矿主要富集在四方台组一段的河道砂体中,与沟通深部油气储层的输导断层邻近;③河道砂体、油气输导断层及油气圈闭是控制砂岩型铀矿富集的3个主要因素;④长垣隆起区的砂岩型铀矿是含铀地下水与油气运聚协调配合局部富集的结果,建立了输导断层与油气圈闭联合控矿模式。研究成果为含油气盆地砂岩型铀矿勘探提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

晚更新世100 ka以来作为重要气候阶段对后续环境演化影响深远。北部湾位于东亚低纬度季风区,为冷暖气团影响交汇带,是我国最靠近印度洋的大型海湾,沿海地势崎岖,山洪暴发,需要加强对该阶段气候波动及演化研究。在北部湾北部钦州湾口外近浅海钻取了海底岩芯,岩芯直达第四系地层下伏风化壳且进尺为80.05 m,文章对上更新统25.1~9.7 m岩芯段沉积物进行了粒度、微量元素、碎屑矿物、微体古生物测试鉴定以及14C与光释光测年。对数据的研究结果显示,该岩芯段孢粉为热带-亚热带山地植被,所处沉积环境为河流相,沉积要素波动变化并具有阶段性特征,物源来自周边陆区风化侵蚀。划分出4个岩芯深度段及相应的4个气候阶段,并对测年数据应用线性插值方法得到气候阶段为:末次间冰期(103~60 ka)水动力低能-高能环境、末次冰期早冰阶(60~46 ka)低能环境、末次冰期间冰阶(46~19 ka)低能-高能环境、末次冰期晚冰阶(19~11.4 ka)低能环境,均与相邻云贵高原和中国长江以南地区同期区域气候具有可比性。除此之外,还辨识出67 ka前后出现了一次暖事件,具有颗粒变细,有机质、微量元素、黄铁矿和褐铁矿等含量出现异常峰值并且相对增幅极高的特征,表明环境湿热和微生物还原活跃等。该暖事件在时间上与Dansgaard-Oeschger旋回(D-O旋回)序号19暖事件最为接近,序号18暖事件则次之,说明在我国季风区的湖北三宝洞、重庆新崖洞、南京葫芦洞石笋研究已发现的对应D-O旋回暖事件序号20~18时期,再往西南沿岸同样发生了与D-O旋回可对应的暖事件。

陈晨  苏本勋  景揭俊  肖燕  林伟  褚杨  刘霞  白洋 《岩石学报》2018,34(11):3302-3314
在现行板块构造理论的框架下,板块的初始俯冲是岩浆活动和构造运动发生转变的重要过程,亦是理解板块运动的关键节点。在俯冲起始过程中,主要存在四个方面的地质记录,分别为一系列地球化学成分多样的岩浆活动、SSZ型蛇绿岩、变质底板和玻安岩及其对应的铬铁矿床。特提斯造山带作为公认的研究板块构造理论尤其是初始俯冲的关键场所,一直备受地学界的重视。而土耳其南部构造带作为特提斯造山带的重要组成部分,亦是确定亚欧板块和阿拉伯板块之间缝合线存在的重要标志。该南部构造带是研究新特提斯洋俯冲起始的理想场所,上述关于俯冲初始的四个地质记录均保存良好,且有如下方面的重要特点:1)不同地区的镁铁质岩石甚至同一地区的镁铁质岩石具有不同的地球化学特征,从似洋中脊玄武岩,到过渡型岩石类型和玻安质岩石均有发育; 2)大部分蛇绿岩具有完整的序列,各单元及变质底板岩石中普遍发育侵入的基性岩脉,产状多变,是多期岩浆事件的产物; 3)蛇绿岩下部通常发育一套角闪岩相变质底板,且其年龄与蛇绿岩的形成年龄基本一致; 4)蛇绿岩中普遍发育铬铁矿床,以高Cr型为主,部分蛇绿岩中还赋存高Al-高Cr的过渡型铬铁矿,均被认为是幔源岩浆与地幔橄榄岩反应的产物。因而,这些地质体完整记录了新特提斯洋形成-俯冲-消减的演化过程。  相似文献   
Four sediment cores and one hundred surface sediments were collected from the intertidal zone of the northern Beibu Gulf (SW China). In order to detect the intensity of metal contamination recently, the background levels were successfully established for Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr, based on the linear regression of deeper sediments (pre-industrial). Aluminum is a better geochemical normalizer than Fe and it is commonly used to describe the natural metal variability of the coastal sediments. The evident enrichment of Zn and Cd is recorded in the surface sediments of the eastern side of the Guangxi coast and the central part of the Qinzhou Bay, but it does not exceed the effects range-low values, due to a low percentage of fine-grained sediments in the region. Although the Pb and Cr concentrations are mainly of natural origin, 3 and 6% sites exceed the effects range-low values, respectively; indicating the potential for adverse ecological effects of metals on the benthic communities.  相似文献   
On the basis of apatite fission track (AFT) analyses,this article aims to provide a quantitative overview of Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution and sediment supply to the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS).Seventeen granite samples were collected from the coast to the inland of the South China block.Plots of AFT age against sample location with respect to the coastline show a general trend of youngling age away from the coast,which implies more prolonged erosion and sediment contribution at the inland of the South China Sea during post break-up evolution.Two-stage fast erosion process,Early Tertiary and Middle Miocene,is deduced from simulated cooling histories.The first fast cooling and denudation during Early Tertiary are recorded by the samples along the coast (between 70 and 60 Ma) and the inland (between 50 and 30 Mu),respectively.This suggests initial local erosion and deposition in the northern margin of the SCS during Early Tertiary.Fast erosion along the coast ceased since ca.50 Ma,while it had lasted until ca.30 Ma inland,indicating that the erosion was transferred from the local coastal zone initially toward the continental interior with unified subsidence of the northern margin,which resulted in the formation of a south-dipping topography of the continental margin.The thermal stosis in the South China block since ca.30 Mu must det'me the time at which the northern margin became dynamically disconnected from the active rifting and stretching that was taking place to the south.The lower erosion rate is inconsistent with higher sedimentary rate in the Pearl River Mouth basin during Late Oligocene (ca.25 Ma).This indicates that the increased sedimentation in the basin is not due to the erosion of the granite belt of the South China block,but perhaps points to the westward propagation of the paleo-Pearl River drainage related to the uplift of the eastern margin of Tibet plateau and southward jumping of spreading axis of the South China Sea.The socond erosion acceleration rate of the Middle Miocene (ca.14 Ma) cooling could have been linked to the long-distance effect of uplift of the Tibet plateau or due to the enhanced East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   
High-frequency (≥2 Hz) Rayleigh-wave data acquired with a multichannei recording sys-tem have been utilized to determine shear (S)-wave velocities in near-surface geophysics since the early 1980s. This overview article discusses the main research results of high-frequency surface-wave tech-niques achieved by research groups at the Kansas Geological Survey and China University of Geosciences in the last 15 years. The multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) method is a nou-iuvasive acoustic approach to estimate near-surface S-wave velocity. The differences between MASW results and direct borehole measurements are approximately 15% or less and random. Studies show that simultaneous inversion with higher modes and the fundamental mode can increase model resolution and an investigation depth. The other important seismic property, quality factor (Q), can also be estimated with the MASW method by inverting attenuation coefficients of Rayleigh waves. An inverted model (S-wave velocity or Q) obtained using a damped least-squares method can be assessed by an optimal damping vector in a vicinity of the inverted model determined by an objective function, which is the trace of a weighted sum of model-resolution and model-covariance matrices. Current developments include modeling high-frequency Rayleigh-waves in near-surface media, which builds a foundation for shallow seismic or Rayleigh-wave inversion in the time-offset domain; imaging dispersive energy with high resolution in the frequency-velocity domain and possibly with data in an arbitrary acquisition geometry, which opens a door for 3D surface-wave techniques; and successfully separating surface-wave modes, which provides a valuable tool to perform S-wave velocity profiling with high-horizontal resolution.  相似文献   
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