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The injection of CO2 at the Ketzin pilot site commenced in June 2008 and was terminated in August 2013 after 67 kT had been injected into a saline formation at a depth of 630–650 m. As part of the site monitoring program, four 3D surface seismic surveys have been acquired to date, one baseline and three repeats, of which two were conducted during the injection period, and one during the post‐injection phase. The surveys have provided the most comprehensive images of the spreading CO2 plume within the reservoir layer. Both petrophysical experiments on core samples from the Ketzin reservoir and spectral decomposition of the 3D time‐lapse seismic data show that the reservoir pore pressure change due to CO2 injection has a rather minor impact on the seismic amplitudes. Therefore, the observed amplitude anomaly is interpreted to be mainly due to CO2 saturation. In this study, amplitude versus offset analysis has been applied to investigate the amplitude versus offset response from the top of the sandstone reservoir during the injection and post‐injection phases, and utilize it to obtain a more quantitative assessment of the CO2 gaseous saturation changes. Based on the amplitude versus offset modelling, a prominent decrease in the intercept values imaged at the top of the reservoir around the injection well is indeed associated solely with the CO2 saturation increase. Any change in the gradient values, which would, in case it was positive, be the only signature induced by the reservoir pressure variations, has not been observed. The amplitude versus offset intercept change is, therefore, entirely ascribed to CO2 saturation and used for its quantitative assessment. The estimated CO2 saturation values around the injection area in the range of 40%–60% are similar to those obtained earlier from pulsed neutron‐gamma logging. The highest values of 80% are found in the second seismic repeat in close vicinity to the injection and observation wells.  相似文献   
Little is known about the detailed behavior of glaciers in the Karakoram Mountains. Advanced land observing satellite (ALOS) phased array type L-band synthetic aperture radar (PALSAR) data were used to obtain the surface velocity of the Yengisogat Glacier in the Karakoram Mountains. Four ALOS PALSAR data sets with 46?days temporal baseline acquired from 2007 to 2009 covered all four seasons and were used to extract the offset fields and estimate annual average surface velocity based on seasonal velocities. For the ALOS PALSAR data the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) feature-tracking procedures within the GAMMA software were utilized instead of SAR interferometry because of low coherence in case of fast-moving glaciers or large time intervals between the image acquisitions. The accuracy of the measurements is discussed, and the measurements were consistent with previous results from optical imagery feature tracking. It was revealed that the south tributaries contributed to the main flow of the glacier, with the glacier surface velocities of the south tributaries moving more rapidly than the north tributaries. This was mainly attributed to the effect of the glacier??s aspect in the glacier long-term development point of view. Seasonal and spatial variations of the glacier surface velocity imply that the tributary South Skamri Glacier is probably surging. This has previously been mentioned by some researchers such as Copland et al. The Equilibrium Line Altitude was found to be at about 5,000?m a.s.l for south tributaries, estimated from the surface velocity distribution along the glacier centerline.  相似文献   
In light of global warming and rising relative sea level (RSL), detailed reconstructions of RSL histories and their controlling processes are essential in order to manage coastal-protection challenges. This study contributes to unravelling Holocene RSL change on the East Frisian North Sea coast in high resolution and with a new approach for the German Bight. For the first time, a transfer function (vertical error: 29.7 cm ? ~11% of the mean tidal range) for RSL change based on a combined training set of benthic foraminifers and ostracods from the back-barrier tidal basin of Spiekeroog is applied to the Holocene record of the back-barrier tidal basin of Norderney. The resulting RSL curve for the Norderney tidal basin is corrected for decompaction and shows a deceleration in RSL rise between 6000 and 5000 cal bp. The smallest possible error envelope (~1 m) results from the good suitability of salt-marsh layers between 5000 and 4000 cal bp. The RSL curve provides an approach towards the closure of the common data gap of peat-based curves for the southern North Sea related to a lack of basal peats in the youngest age range, and verifies regional differences in glacial isostatic adjustment.  相似文献   
A plant and soil simulation model based on satellite observations of vegetation and climate data was used to estimate the potential carbon pools in standing wood biomass across all forest ecosystems of the conterminous United States up to the year 1997. These modeled estimates of vegetative carbon potential were compared to aggregated measurements of standing wood biomass from the U. S. Forest Service’s national Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data set and the Carbon Online Estimator (COLE) to understand: 1) predominant geographic variations in tree growth rate and 2) local land cover and land use history including the time since the last stand-replacing disturbance (e.g., from wildfire or harvest). Results suggest that although wood appears to be accumulating at high rates in many areas of the U.S. (Northwest and Southeast), there are still extensive areas of relatively low biomass forest in the late 1990s according to FIA records. We attribute these low biomass accumulation levels to the high frequency of disturbances, which can be observed even in high production areas such as the Southeast due to frequent forest harvests. Ecosystem models like the one presented in this study have been coupled with satellite observations of land cover and green plant density to uniquely differentiate areas with a high potential for vegetative carbon storage at relatively fine spatial resolution.  相似文献   
A new multi-trajectory highly vectorizable Gear chemical-transport model is discussed and tested against measurements from 25 sites in Europe for a two-week summer period. The simulations are compared with measurement data and with results of a Quasi-Steady-State Approximation (QSSA) based Lagrangian model using the EMEP mechanism.The model is developed from the Lagrangian EMEP model. The Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (RACM) is used as the models chemical mechanism. To solve the stiff chemical rate equations, a sparse-matrix highly vectorizable Gear algorithm is used. The meteorological data used to run the model are obtained from the HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM).The vectorized Gear based model improves the accuracy of the numerical solution for the chemistry compared with the QSSA based model. The differences between the two models are explained by alternative approaches of the chemical modules employed in the model: a Gear algorithm versus a QSSA solver, photolysis rate parameters in RACM are calculated from a radiation transfer code versus parameterized photolysis rate parameters used in the Lagrangian EMEP model, the RACM versus the EMEP atmospheric chemical mechanisms and two methods of aggregating the emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). Photolysis rate parameters calculated from radiation codes (which are more accurate than simple parameterizations) and the Gear algorithm (which is a benchmark solver compared with the QSSA solver) are recommended for atmospheric chemistry modeling because of the high sensitivity of ozone concentrations to the chemical reaction scheme and to the photolysis rates (Stockwell and Goliff, 2004).  相似文献   
Martian magmas are thought to be rich in chlorine compared with their terrestrial counterparts. Here, we experimentally investigate the effect of chlorine on liquidus depression and near‐liquidus crystallization of olivine‐phyric shergottite NWA 6234 and compare these results with previous experimental results on the effect of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization of the surface basalts Humphrey and Fastball. Previous experimental results showed that the change in liquidus temperature is dependent on the bulk composition of the basalt. The effect of chlorine on liquidus depression is greater for lower SiO2 and higher Al2O3 magmas than for higher SiO2 and lower Al2O3 magmas. The bulk composition for this study has lower Al2O3 and higher FeO contents than previous work; therefore, we provide additional constraints on the effect of the bulk composition on the influence of chlorine on near‐liquidus crystallization. High pressure and temperature crystallization experiments were performed at 1 GPa on a synthetic basalt, of the bulk composition of NWA 6234, with 0–4 wt% Cl added to the sample as AgCl. The results are consistent with previous notions that with increasing wt% Cl in the melt, the crystallization temperature decreases. Importantly, our results have a liquidus depression ?T (°C) from added chlorine that is consistent with the difference in bulk composition and suggest a dependence on both the bulk Al2O3 and FeO content. Our results suggest that the addition of chlorine to the Martian mantle may lower magma genesis temperatures and potentially aid in the petrogenesis of Martian magmas.  相似文献   
On the Parametrization of Urban Land Use in Mesoscale Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of urban structures on the distribution of meteorological variables can be included in mesoscale models by an appropriate parametrization. The different approaches are conventionally tested against wind profiles in the centre of the urban area while flow distortions around are not considered. In this study, the quality of different parametrizations in capturing the main wind-field modifications in, as well as around, a complex obstacle is investigated. The method applied consists of a building resolved microscale model and a mesoscale model including a suitable parametrization. The results demonstrate that a drag or a porosity approach can reproduce very satisfactorily the main characteristics of the airflow completely, while a simpler roughness length concept in general approximates the mean flow unsatisfactorily.  相似文献   
The crucial role of stone pavements in arid environments for aeolian or alluvial processes and as numerical dating tools is increasingly acknowledged. This role is based on the assumption that stone pavements are stable landforms, formed gradually over time and predominantly by vertical processes. However, this is challenged by evidence of stone‐pavement clast reworking or burial. Bimodal, mostly slope aspect‐symmetrical clast orientation is a frequent phenomenon in various study areas. It implies that stone pavements may be influenced by unidirectional lateral processes besides vertical ones. Here, the finding of lateral processes contributing to stone‐pavement evolution is supported by numerical modelling and physical experiments. These unequivocally show that unconcentrated overland flow can transport clasts to form a closely packed stone mosaic with characteristics similar to those of natural stone pavements. The commonly observed length‐axes orientation angle of 40 ± 14° for natural stone‐pavement clasts is consistently reproduced by angle‐dependent force equilibrium. Monte Carlo runs confirm the natural scatter and allow characterization of the control parameters of clast orientation. The model explains up to 70% of the natural variance. It is further validated by flume experiments, which confirm model predictions of single object orientation angles. Experiments with multiple objects yield artificial stone pavements with properties similar to those found in the field. The unidirectional lateral process acting on natural stone pavements requires the presence of a vesicular horizon. This underlines the tight genetic coupling of this common epipedon feature and the clast cover. The presented findings highlight the role of stone pavements as process and environment proxies. However, stone pavements represent information since the last surface disturbance only. This has to be considered when using them as age indicators. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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