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Laboratory measurements, and a few in situ observations, show that saturated marine sediments have interdependent mechanical and acoustical properties, Acoustically, of particular importance are the acoustic impedance, velocity of sound and the sound attenuation coefficient of the sediment. The first two properties can be measured relatively easily from a surface ship; the measurement of attenuation however, is more problematical. It is suggested that this can be achieved by a quantitative treatment of the acoustic data collected during routine sub-bottom profiling over a variable thickness of superficial sediments. In the assessment of four different sediment locations in the Irish Sea it was found that quantitative treatment of the acoustic signals yielded both a value of the attenuation coefficient as well as a measure of the frequency dependence of the attenuation. In addition a statistical analysis of the signal intensities seems to provide an indication of the relative roughness of the bottom and sub-bottom interfaces. From the wide range of information provided the mechanical properties of the sea-floor sediment may be estimated.  相似文献   
Soiling of stone surfaces by particulate deposition increases absorption of radiant energy, raises surface/subsurface temperature gradients and accentuates rates of surface temperature change. Short-term fluctuation of raised surface temperatures, in response to variations in windspeed and cloud cover, may ultimately contribute to stone breakdown through ‘fatigue’ effects which reduce cohesive strength of intergranular bonds and initiate microfracture development. The effects of soiling are particularly marked for stone with low thermal conductivity and high albedo when clean. Albedo change has implications for the effectiveness of weathering processes and the durability of building stone by creating microenvironmental conditions which are more severe than those indicated by macroenvironmental regimes.  相似文献   
Since its launch in April 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission is recording the Earth’s time-variable gravity field with temporal and spatial resolutions of typically 7–30?days and a few hundreds of kilometers, allowing the monitoring of continental water storage variations from both continental and river-basin scales. We investigate here large scale hydrological variations in Africa using different GRACE spherical harmonic solutions, using different processing strategies (constrained and unconstrained solutions). We compare our GRACE estimates to different global hydrology models, with different land-surface schemes and also precipitation forcing. We validate GRACE observations through two different techniques: first by studying desert areas, providing an estimate of the precision. Then we compare GRACE recovered mass variations of main lakes to volume changes derived from radar altimetry measurements. We also study the differences between different publicly available precipitation datasets from both space measurements and ground rain gauges, and their impact on soil-moisture estimates.  相似文献   
The high abundances of the high field‐strength elements in ilmenite and rutile make these minerals particularly suitable for hafnium isotopic investigations. We present a technique for separating Hf by ion exchange chemistry from high‐TiO2 (> 40% m/m) minerals to achieve precise Hf isotopic composition analyses by MC (multiple collector)‐ICP‐MS. Following digestion and conversion to chlorides, the first elution column is used to separate iron and the rare earth elements, the second column is designed to separate most of the titanium from Hf, an evaporation step using HClO4 is then performed to remove any trace of HF in preparation for the third column, which is needed to eliminate any remaining trace of titanium. The modified chemistry helped to improve the yields from < 10 to > 78% as well as the analytical precision of the processed samples (e.g., sample 2033‐A1, 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282251 ± 25 before vs. 0.282225 ± 6 after). The technique was tested on a case study in which the Hf isotopic ratios of ilmenite and rutile (analysed prior to the chemistry improvement) were determined and permitted to evaluate that the origin of rutile‐bearing ilmenite deposits is from the same or similar magma than their, respectively, associated Proterozoic anorthosite massifs (Saint‐Urbain and Lac Allard) of the Grenville Province in Québec, Canada.  相似文献   
In New Caledonia wildfires and invasive mammals (deer and wild pigs) constitute the major agents of land surface degradation. Our study reveals the linkage between land cover and water balance on the northeast coast of New Caledonia (2400 mm annual rainfall) located on a micaschist basement. The hydrological regime of characteristic and representative land surfaces is assessed using a 1-year record from three 100 m2 plots each, located in a forest area degraded by an invasive fauna, in a woody savannah which is regularly burned, and in a healthy forest area. The three plots present highly contrasting hydrological regimes, with annual and maximum runoff/rain ratios during a rain event of, respectively, 0.82, 0.16, 0.03, and 2.7, 0.7, 0.2, for the degraded forest, the savannah and the healthy forest. Such results suggest that subsurface flow originating from the contributing area above the degraded forest plot should exfiltrate inside the plot. A conceptual model for the degraded forest plot shows that water exfiltrating inside the plot represents 61% of the observed runoff. In savannahs, water should mainly be transferred downstream by subsurface flow within a thick organic soil layer limited by an impervious clay layer at a 20–30 cm depth. Savannahs are generally located above forests and generate the transfer of rainwater to downslope forests. Exfiltration into the forests can be the result of this transfer and depends on the thickness and permeability of the forest topsoils and on topographic gradients. Water exfiltration in forest areas highly degraded by pigs and deer enhances erosion and increases further degradation. It probably also limits percolation in the areas located downstream by increasing the amount of superficial runoff concentrated in gullies.  相似文献   
Riparian trees play a critical role in the ecological function of rivers, yet are threatened by anthropogenic change to the hydrological cycle. Identifying the sources of water used by riparian trees can inform sustainable water policy. We used isotopic analysis complemented by measurements of plant water relations to assess water sources for riparian trees at two sites with contrasting hydrogeological processes; one with an alluvial aquifer overlaying an aquitard, and one where fault-induced preferential pathways in the aquitard allowed the flow of deeper, older groundwater from a regional aquifer to the alluvium. At both sites, plant water potential, stomatal conductance, and plant water isotope composition in the xylem sap of riparian trees were collected from two landscape positions, the riverbank and floodplain. We used a Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR) to assess differences in the proportion of water sources for sites and landscape positions. We found that xylem water isotope values differed between the two sites in line with their hydrogeological characteristics, with trees at the regional aquifer site using water sourced from the regional groundwater and trees at the site with only an alluvial aquifer present using a mixture of water sources, with no dominant source identified. Higher plant predawn water potential values at the regional site indicated greater water availability and support the inference that plants were using more groundwater at the regional site compared to the alluvial site. Trees closer to the river had higher isotope values, indicative of surficial water sources i.e. shallow soil water and river water. Our findings show that the water sources used by riparian trees reflect local hydrogeology and resource availability. Water managers should identify and protect plant water sources to ensure maintenance of riparian trees.  相似文献   
Abstract— We review the assertion that the precise measurement of the second degree gravitational harmonic coefficients, the obliquity, and the amplitude of the physical libration in longitude, C20, C22, θ, and φ0, for Mercury are sufficient to determine whether or not Mercury has a molten core (Peale, 1976). The conditions for detecting the signature of the molten core are that such a core not follow the 88‐day physical libration of the mantle induced by periodic solar torques, but that it does follow the 250 000‐year precession of the spin axis that tracks the orbit precession within a Cassini spin state. These conditions are easily satisfied if the coupling between the liquid core and solid mantle is viscous in nature. The alternative coupling mechanisms of pressure forces on irregularities in the core‐mantle boundary (CMB), gravitational torques between an axially asymmetric mantle and an assumed axially asymmetric solid inner core, and magnetic coupling between the conducting molten core and a conducting layer in the mantle at the CMB are shown for a reasonable range of assumptions not to frustrate the first condition while making the second condition more secure. Simulations have shown that the combination of spacecraft tracking and laser altimetry during the planned MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, Ranging) orbiter mission to Mercury will determine C20, C22, and θ to better than 1% and φ0 to better than 8%—sufficient precision to distinguish a molten core and constrain its size. The possible determination of the latter two parameters to 1% or less with Earth‐based radar experiments and MESSENGER determination of C20 and C22 to 0.1% would lead to a maximum uncertainty in the ratio of the moment of inertia of the mantle to that of the whole planet, Cm/C, of ?2% with comparable precision in characterizing the extent of the molten core.  相似文献   
Landscape art provides a window on the world of subjective interpretation and shared perceptions of place. Portraits of places are therefore simultaneously portraits of a society, its preferences and prejudices, and the meaning it imparts to the world. In the nineteenth century, settlers in Africa felt alienated, uncomfortable, abandoned and detached, and their landscape art—both paintings and poetry—was testimony to their emotional and psychological responses to the foreign environment. Both the imported artistic techniques for portraying nat?re and the symbols populating the landscape images revealed the temperament of the pioneers’ attitudes to place.  相似文献   
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