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The objectives of this study were to examine effects of a beta-adrenergic agonist (cimaterol) on growth and muscle development in rabbits and to examine cimaterol's effects on myofibrillar protein degradation (MPD) and on activities of several proteolytic enzymes including the calcium-dependent proteinases (CDP). Twelve New Zealand White rabbits were assigned to either control diets or to diets containing cimaterol for 35 d, after which they were killed and effects on performance and tissue weight gains were determined. Urine was collected from d 21 through 28 from each rabbit for assessment of N tau-methylhistidine (NMH) excretion. Cimaterol increased rates of gain, efficiency of gain and skeletal muscle weights. Enhancement in muscle weight was associated with an increase in total DNA and with a reduction in NMH. Cimaterol did not affect activities of cathepsin B, cathepsin D or neutral serine proteinase, but it reduced activities of the millimolar and micromolar forms of the CDP by 58 and 57%, respectively, and it reduced activity of the inhibitor of the CDP (calpastatin) by 52%. Cimaterol-dependent myofibrillar protein accretion was likely mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in MPD. The change in MPD was associated with a reduction in muscle CDP activities. Cimaterol-dependent muscle hypertrophy therefore may involve changes in calcium-dependent proteolysis of myofibrillar proteins. The significance of the effects of cimaterol on calpastatin activity is not known.  相似文献   

The Fjord horse originates from Norway but forms a global population due to several small populations in foreign countries. There exists no information about the additive relationship and the genetic variance between these subpopulations. By collecting blood samples from Norwegian and Swedish Fjord horses, a sample of 311 Norwegian and 102 Swedish horses gave 485,918 SNPs available for analysis. Their inbreeding coefficients were calculated and compared to the pairwise coancestry and the shared genomic segments. The effective population size was almost similar with the two methods in the Norwegian Fjord horse population (63 and 71), but very different in the Swedish population (269 and 1136) and unprecise due to a much smaller number of observations. The study showed that coancestry from shared genomic segments can be used to estimate additive genetic relationship and genetic variation within and between the global populations of the Fjord horse.  相似文献   


Measurement of plasma concentration of natriuretic peptides (NPs) is suggested to be of value in diagnosis of cardiac disease in dogs, but many factors other than cardiac status may influence their concentrations. Dog breed potentially is 1 such factor.


To investigate breed variation in plasma concentrations of pro‐atrial natriuretic peptide 31‐67 (proANP 31‐67) and N‐terminal B‐type natriuretic peptide (NT‐proBNP) in healthy dogs.


535 healthy, privately owned dogs of 9 breeds were examined at 5 centers as part of the European Union (EU) LUPA project.


Absence of cardiovascular disease or other clinically relevant organ‐related or systemic disease was ensured by thorough clinical investigation. Plasma concentrations of proANP 31‐67 and NT‐proBNP were measured by commercially available ELISA assays.


Overall significant breed differences were found in proANP 31‐67 (P < .0001) and NT‐proBNP (P < .0001) concentrations. Pair‐wise comparisons between breeds differed in approximately 50% of comparisons for proANP 31‐67 as well as NT‐proBNP concentrations, both when including all centers and within each center. Interquartile range was large for many breeds, especially for NT‐proBNP. Among included breeds, Labrador Retrievers and Newfoundlands had highest median NT‐proBNP concentrations with concentrations 3 times as high as those of Dachshunds. German Shepherds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels had the highest median proANP 31‐67 concentrations, twice the median concentration in Doberman Pinschers.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Considerable interbreed variation in plasma NP concentrations was found in healthy dogs. Intrabreed variation was large in several breeds, especially for NT‐proBNP. Additional studies are needed to establish breed‐specific reference ranges.  相似文献   
A 20-month column experiment investigated leaching of Al, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb during sulphide oxidation in mine tailings with and without sewage sludge (SS) amendment. Leachate pH decreased gradually in all columns during the experiment, irrespective of treatment, due to sulphide oxidation. As the degree of sulphide oxidation, and thus the pH trajectory, differed between replicates (n?=?3), running data for each column used are reported separately and the relationships between sulphide oxidation, metal leaching and treatment in each column compared. Mean pH in the columns correlated negatively with total amounts of leached SO4 2-. In the beginning of the experiment the leachate concentrations of Al, Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb were higher in SS-treated columns due to high initial concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. As leaching proceeded, however, the amounts of Al, Cu, Mn and Ni leached from the columns were closely related to the degree of sulphide oxidation in each column, i.e. to its mean pH. There were no statistically significant differences between treatments regarding the total amounts of metals leached and thus addition of sewage sludge to the tailings appeared to play a minor role for metal leaching patterns. Peak concentrations of Al and Cu in the leachate from untreated tailings and of Zn in the leachate from both untreated and SS-treated tailings at pH 4 exceeded national background values for groundwater.  相似文献   

Extensive experiments were carried out in shallow plastic boxes placed directly on the ground in the field to study the effects of seedbed properties on the emergence of various crops in a cool temperate climate. In a group of experiments with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), we studied the effects on crop emergence of firming (slight compaction) of the seedbed, simulating the recompacting effects of rolling after sowing or press wheels on the seed coulters. Most of the experiments were carried out without irrigation after sowing. The firming usually had a slightly positive effect on emergence when the water content in the surface layer at sowing was below the wilting point. When the water content in the surface layer was higher, firming often reduced emergence drastically, particularly with deep sowing and in coarse-textured soils. The main reason for negative effects was harmful hardening of the surface layer when the more firm seedbed gradually dried out. When irrigation kept the seedbed continuously moist, the negative effect of firming was almost eliminated. Very high initial water content in the basal layer tended to delay surface layer drying and hardening, and to reduce the negative effect of firming. Firming only slightly influenced the evaporative water losses from the soil. In contrast to the results presented here, previous field trials with cereals have usually resulted in more positive effects of rolling after sowing. This indicates that other effects than firming, such as modification of sowing depth and reshaping of the soil surface, are other important effects of rolling.  相似文献   
Over a period of a few years, Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) has become one of the most important viral diseases in tomato production worldwide. Infection by PepMV can cause a broad range of symptoms on tomato plants, often leading to significant financial losses. At present, five PepMV genotypes (EU, LP, CH2, US1 and US2) have been described, three of which (EU, LP and US2) have been reported in Europe. Thus far, no correlation has been found between different PepMV genotypes and the symptoms expressed in infected plants. In this paper, the genetic diversity of the PepMV population in Belgian greenhouses is studied and related to symptom development in tomato crops. A novel assay based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was developed to discriminate between the different PepMV genotypes. Both RFLP and sequence analysis revealed the occurrence of two genotypes, the EU genotype and the CH2 genotype, within tomato production in Belgium. Whereas no differences were observed in symptom expression between plants infected by one of the two genotypes, co-infection with both genotypes resulted in more severe PepMV symptoms. Furthermore, our study revealed that PepMV recombinants frequently occur in mixed infections under natural conditions. This may possibly result in the generation of viral variants with increased aggressiveness.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Clinical studies investigating platelet function in dogs have had conflicting results that may be caused by normal physiologic variation in platelet response to agonists. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate platelet function in clinically healthy dogs of 4 different breeds by whole-blood aggregometry and with a point-of-care platelet function analyzer (PFA-100), and to evaluate the effect of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) administration on the results from both methods. METHODS: Forty-five clinically healthy dogs (12 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels [CKCS], 12 Cairn Terriers, 10 Boxers, and 11 Labrador Retrievers) were included in the study. Platelet function was assessed by whole-blood aggregation with ADP (1, 5, 10, and 20 microM) as agonist and by PFA-100 using collagen and epinephrine (Col + Epi) and Col + ADP as agonists. Plasma thromboxane B(2) concentration was determined by an enzyme immunoassay. To investigate the effect of ASA, 10 dogs were dosed daily (75 or 250 mg ASA orally) for 4 consecutive days. RESULTS: A higher platelet aggregation response was found in CKCS compared to the other breeds. Longer PFA-100 closure time (Col + Epi) was found in Cairn Terriers compared to Boxers. Plasma thromboxane B(2) concentration was not statistically different between groups. Administration of ASA prolonged the PFA-100 closure times, using Col + Epi (but not Col + ADP) as agonists. Furthermore, ASA resulted in a decrease in whole-blood platelet aggregation. CONCLUSIONS: Platelet function is influenced by breed, depending upon the methodology applied. However, the importance of these breed differences remains to be investigated. The PFA-100 method with Col + Epi as agonists, and ADP-induced platelet aggregation appear to be sensitive to ASA in dogs.  相似文献   


Anthropogenic activities readily result in the fragmentation of habitats such that species persistence increasingly depends on their ability to disperse. However, landscape features that enhance or limit individual dispersal are often poorly understood. Landscape genetics has recently provided innovative solutions to evaluate landscape resistance to dispersal.


We studied the dispersal of the common meadow brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina, in agricultural landscapes, using a replicated study design and rigorous statistical analyses. Based on existing behavioral and life history research, we hypothesized that the meadow brown would preferentially disperse through its preferred grassy habitats (meadows and road verges) and avoid dispersing through woodlands and the agricultural matrix.


Samples were collected in 18 study landscapes of 5 × 5 km in three contrasting agricultural French regions. Using circuit theory, least cost path and transect-based methods, we analyzed the effect of the landscape on gene flow separately for each sex.


Analysis of 1681 samples with 6 microsatellites loci revealed that landscape features weakly influence meadow brown butterfly gene flow. Gene flow in both sexes appeared to be weakly limited by forests and arable lands, whereas grasslands and grassy linear elements (road verges) were more likely to enhance gene flow.


Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of greater dispersal through landscape elements that are most similar to suitable habitat. Our spatially replicated landscape genetics study allowed us to detect subtle landscape effects on butterfly gene flow, and these findings were reinforced by consistent results across analytical methods.
Summary This study investigated the relationship between resumption of ovarian activity and body condition in a herd of 20 zebu cows in the humid tropics. Blood chemistry profiles to monitor nutritional status were also evaluated. Plasma progesterone was used to determine ovarian activity. During the study, which lasted 18 weekspost partum, 7 of the animals resumed ovarian activity while 13 remained in the anoestrous stage. The beginning of the first luteal phase was registered on day 87±19 (range 60 to 106). The animals which resumed cyclicity were in significantly better body condition and had significantly higher mean body weight than anoestrous cows. In the group which resumed ovarian activity, calcium levels decreased significantly from 3 weeks before until the first rise of progesterone in the first normal cycle. The study was divided into 2 periods corresponding to weeks 0 to 8 (I) and 9 to 18 (II) based on the finding that until week 8 all animals were reproductively inactive. During period I there were no significant differences between the groups in blood concentrations of albumin, glucose, urea, cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus. During period II albumin was significantly higher and urea significantly lower in the cows resuming ovarian activity. The results suggest that cows able to maintain their body condition from calving through the earlypost-partum period will have shorter intervals to firstpost-partum oestrus than cows which have lost body weight. The lower urea and higher albumin levels in the cyclic animals probably reflected a better feed efficiency—the demands of lactation were compensated by an altered nitrogen metabolism.
Reinicio De La Actividad Ovarica En Vacas Zebu (Bos Indicus) En El Tropico Humedo: Influencia De La Condicion Corporal Y De Los Niveles Plasmaticos De Algunos Compuestos Relacionados Con La Nutricion
Resumen Este estudio investigó la relación entre el reinicio de la actividad ovárica y la condición corporal en un rebaño de 20 vacas zebú en el trópico húmedo. Se realizaron también análisis de sangre para monitorizar el estado nutricional de los animales. Se utilizaron los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona para determinar actividad ovárica. Durante el estudio, que duró las primeras 18 semanas postparto, 7 animales reiniciaron la actividad ovárica mientras que los 13 restantes permanecieron en anoestro. El inicio de la primera fase luteínica tuvo lugar el día 87±19 postparto (rango 16–106). Los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica tenían una condición corporal significativamente mejor y un peso significativamente más alto que los animales que se mantuvieron en anoestro. En el grupo de animales que reinició la actividad ovárica, la concentración plasmática de calcio disminuyó significativamente durante las tres últimas semanas antes del aumento en la concentración de progesterona correspondiente al primer ciclo ovárico. Debido a que hasta la octava semana después del parto todos los animales estuvieron en anoestro, el estudio se dividió en dos períodos: período I (semanas 1 a 8) y período II (semanas 9 a 18). Durante el período I no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de animales en las concentraciones plasmáticas de albúmina, glucosa, urea, colesterol, calcio ni fósforo. Durante el período II la concentración de albúmina fue significativamente más alta en el grupo de animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica, mientras que la concetración de urea fue significativamente mayor en los animales que permanecieron en anoestro. Los resultados sugieren que las vacas que son capaces de mantener su condición corporal durante las primeras semanas postparto tienen intervalos parto-estro más cortos que las vacas que han perdido condición corporal. El hecho de que los animales que reiniciaron antes su actividad ovárica tuvieran una concentración plasmática de albúmina superior y una concentración de urea inferior que los que permanecieron en anoestro probablemente refleja una mayor eficiencia en la utilización del alimento en los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica. Es decir, las demanadas energéticas de la lactación fueron compensadas mediante un cambio en el metabolismo del nitrógeno.

Reprise De l'Activite Ovarienne Chez Des Femelles Zebus (Bos Indicus) Dans Les Pays Tropicaux Humides: Influence De l'Etat De Sante Et Des Teneurs De Certains Composants Sanguins Lies A l'Alimentation
Résumé Cette étude examina la relation centre la reprise de l'activité ovarienne et l'état de santé d'un groupe de 20 femelles zébus des pays tropicaux humides. Les profiles chimiques du sang furent aussi analysés pour contrôler l'état nutritionnel. La teneur en progestérone du plasma fut utilisée pour déterminer l'activité ovarienne. Pendant l'étude, qui dura 18 semaines après le vêlage, sept animaux reprirent une activité ovarienne alors que treize restèrent à un stade sans oestrus. Le début de la première phase lutéale fut enregistré au jour 87±19 (écart 60–106). Les animaux qui reprirent des cycles furent de façon significative en meilleure condition physique et eurent un poids moyen significativement superieur aux femelles sans oestrus. Dans le groupe qui reprit une activité ovarienne, les teneurs en calcium diminuèrent de façon significative trois semaines avant la première montée de progestérone du premier cycle normalisé. L'étude fut divisée en deux périodes correspondant aux semaines 0–8 (phase I) et 9–18 (phase II) se basant sur le fait que les animaux furent tous inactifs du point de vue reproductif jusqu'a la huitième semaine. Pendant la phase I, il n'y eut pas de différences significatives entre les groupes pour les concentrations sanguines en albumine, glucose, urée, cholestérol, calcium et phosphore. Pendant la phase II l'albumine fut de façon significative plus élevée et l'urée plus basse chez les femelles reprenant une activité ovarienne. Les résultats suggèrent que les femelles capables de maintenir leur condition physique pendant toute la période du vêlage auront un premier oestrus plus rapide que les femelles ayant perdu du poids. Les teneurs plus faibles en urée et plus fortes en albumine chez les animaux ayant un cycle reflètent probablement d'une meilleure efficacité dans la nutrition. Les demands en lactation furent compensées par l'altération due métabolisme azoté.
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