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Twenty-nine new records are reported from Turkey. The fungi species, including their macro-and microscopic features and distributions, are described. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 14, 2004.  相似文献   
An outbreak ofDichelia cedricola (Diakonoff) (Lep.: Tortricidae), the cedar shoot moth (CSM), began in spring 1998 and lasted 3 years. This was the first monitored outbreak of the CSM in Isparta, Turkey. Tree crowns recovered to near normal condition by the middle of each growing season (in early June) during the outbreak. Tree volume and volume element increments were examined throughout the outbreak cycle from 1954 to 2001. In the past, CSM activity in stands of Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) was assessed through radial increment analyses. Cedar tree ring chronologies were analyzed for evidence of the CSM. Tree-ring chronologies from nonhost cedar (nondefoliated sample trees) were used to estimate potential growth in the host cedar (defoliated sample trees) during current and past outbreaks; all trees selected were the same subspecies and varieties. Regional outbreaks of the CSM were identified by synchronous and sustained growth periods of the trees. In 2001, increment cores were collected from 17 host and 16 nonhost dominant or codominant trees and annual radial growth indices from 1954–2001 were calculated for each of two host and two nonhost sample plots. Growth functions were defined as the cumulative sum of radial, height, and volume increment, and were graphically compared between CSM host cedar and nonhost cedar trees. Tree ring evidence suggests that a large-scale outbreak occurred in 1955 (from 1955 to 1966) and a small outbreak occurred in 1985 (1985–1990) and in 1998 (1998-continued) in the study area. The average diameter growth reductions around 1955, 1985 and 1998 were 40%, 46% and 7% of potential, respectively. It was concluded that a narrow latewood band is significant indicator of defoliation by the CSM and the outbreaks appear to be associated with dry winter and spring weather prior to the autumn and winter in which wood feeding occurred. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Nov. 24, 2004.  相似文献   
In this study, Intraperitoneal (IP) and bath immersion (BI) vaccine trials were conducted in fish with a mean weight of 6.3 g. Rainbow trout vaccinated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was 50 mg/L protein concentration and challenged by IP injection with 9.8 × 106 cell/ml of Yersinia ruckeri at 45 days post-immunization had a relative percent survival (RPS). To obtain an effective bath immersion vaccine against yersiniosis, LPS preparation was obtained from the Y. ruckeri and with the LPS antigen. After 28 and 60 days vaccinated fish with first and second immunizations by LPS were challenged via intraperitoneal injection with 9.8 × 106 cell/ml of Y. ruckeri for evaluating the mortality rates and calculating the relative percentage of survival (RPS). RPS value of experimental groups, which was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than that of the control group.  相似文献   
In this study, the toxic effects on the embryos and larvae of the common carp were used as a model to investigate the synthetic pyrethroid pesticide, cypermethrin, which contaminates aquatic ecosystems. Data obtained from the cypermethrin acute toxicity tests were evaluated using the Probit Analysis Statistical Method. The control and eight test experiments were repeated five times. The number of dead embryos significantly increased in response to cypermethrin concentrations 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 4 and 8 μg l−1 (p<0.05 for each case). The 48 h LC50 value (with 95% confidence limits) of cypermethrin for common carp embryos was estimated at 0.909 (0.256–5.074) μg l−1. Dose–response decreases in hatching success were recorded as 87.4, 85.0, 80.2, 71.4, 56.3, 48.6, 38.8 and 23.5%, respectively. The lowest concentration of cypermethrin (0.0001 μg l−1) produced a significant increase in the number of dead larvae compared to the control group (p<0.05). The number of dead larvae significantly increased with increasing cypermethrin concentrations exposed for 1–96 h (p<0.05). The highest concentration (8 μg l−1) showed the highest larvae mortality. The 96 h LC50 value (with 95% confidence limits) of cypermethrin for common carp larvae was estimated at 0.809 (0.530–1.308) μg l−1. The results of the study suggest that low levels of cypermethrin in the aquatic environment may have a significant effect on the reproduction and development of carp.  相似文献   
While stocking floodplain depressions or beels with fingerlings is a common form of fisheries management in Bangladesh, bio‐economic guidance for improving the outcome of stocking strategies is sparse. The Community‐Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Project, funded by the Ford Foundation and the UK Government's Department for International Development (DfID) promoted stocking practices in beels throughout the country as a means to improve fisher livelihoods. This paper describes an empirical bio‐economic model developed using data generated under the CBFM project. The model offers guidance on selecting stocking densities depending upon the available size (length) of fingerlings to maximize profit and return on investment while minimizing risk. Because large fingerlings are relatively inexpensive and have lower rates of natural mortality, the model predicts that it is more profitable to stock large fingerlings at low densities than small fingerlings at high densities. These general recommendations were found to be largely insensitive to the market price for harvested fish. To minimize credit burden and financial risk, minimum stocking densities should be selected according to the length of fish available that maximizes profit. Because of its empirical nature, the model recommendations may not be applicable beyond the project sites. Furthermore, it is recommended that attempts be made to field test the model predictions before widespread adoption or promotion.  相似文献   
Summary Precipitating antibodies against bluetongue were detected in sheep and goat serum samples collected from animals slaughtered in Baghdad abattoir. Out of294 sheep serum samples and110 goat serum samples examined,28 and18 samples respectively showed precipitating activity. In addition, examination of sheep serum samples collected from localities where clinical cases similar to bluetongue were previously reported revealed the presence of bluetongue precipitating antibodies in101 sera out of198 samples examined. This is the first report confirming the occurrence of blue-tongue in Iraq.
Evidencia Serológica De La Ocurrencia De Lengua Azul En Irak
Resumen Se detectaron anticuerpos precipitantes de la enfermedad de la Lengua Azul en el suero de ovejas y cabras beneficiadas en el matadero de-Bagdad. La prueba fue positiva en 28 de 294 sueros ovinos y en 18 de los 110 sueros caprinos examinados. Posteriormente, se examinaron 198 sueros ovinos colectados en áreas en donde se sospechaba la existencia clinica de la enfermedad, encontrandose 101 positivos. Este es el primer informe de la existencia de Lengua Azul en Irak.

Preuve Sérologique De L'existence De La Bluetongue En Irak
Résumé Des anticorps précipants contre la bluetongue ont été mis en évidence dans des échantillons de sérum de moutons et de chèvres recueillis sur des animaux abattus à l'abattoir de Bagdad. Sur 294 échantillons de sérum de moutons et 110 de chèvres examinés, 28 et 18 de ces échantillons se sont respectivement montrés précipitants. En outre l'examen d'échantillons de sérum de moutons recueillis dans des localités où existaient des cas cliniques pouvant faire soupçonner la bluetongue a montré la présence de sérums précipitants de la maladie dans 101 des 198 échantillons examinés. C'est là le premier report confirmant l'existence de la bluetongue en Irak.
Cr3+ sorption on strong acid exchanger Amberlyst-15(H+) is studied as a function of time and temperature using CrCl3.6H2O and [Cr4(SO4)5(OH)2] solutions. The rate is found to be governed by a mixed diffusion for both the solutions and faster for Cl1? solution than SO4 2?. The exchange capacities are found to be higher for Cl1? system than SO4 2?. From the rate constant values, the energies of activation are calculated using the well-known Arrhenius equation. Equilibrium data is explained with the help of the Langmuir equation. The Langmuir parameters are also found to be higher for exchange from the chloride solutions. Various thermodynamic parameters (??Ho, ??So, and ??Go) for Cr3+ exchange on the resin are calculated. The ??Go values are found to be negative while ??Ho and ??So are positive for both the Cr3+/Cl1? and Cr3+/SO4 2? systems. It is suggested that in case of Cl1? solutions, the metal is exchanged as Cr3+, while in case of SO4 2? solutions, the metal exchanging specie is CrSO4 +.  相似文献   
Variations in digestive enzymes and hormones during the larval development of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fed on live prey (Artemia nauplii) enriched with free methionine were investigated for 16 days (from day 24 to day 40). Prior to initiation of the experiment, newly hatched larvae were transferred from incubators to fiber glass tanks (300 l) with black walls and fed with same diets until day 24. Each experiment was performed in triplicate. In the experimental group, the content of the free methionine in the Artemia nauplii was increased by adding a 5.3 mM free methionine solution to the culture water during a 16-h enrichment period. The larvae of both the control and enriched-methionine groups were sampled four times, with 4-day intervals between samplings, during a 16-day period. The larvae in the control group had a significantly lower growth than those of the methionine group at the end of the study (P < 0.05). The highest trypsin activity and leucine aminopeptidase N/leucine–alanine peptidase ratios were observed in the control group. A significant difference between bombesin activities in the treatment groups was not found at 5th minute after the initiation of feeding (P > 0.05), but they were significant at 15th minute post-initiation of feeding (P < 0.05). A significant difference between the cholecystokinin levels of the treatment groups was found (P < 0.05).  相似文献   
Potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (?ulc), causes economic damage to potato crops throughout the major potato growing regions of western North America. When cultivated crops are not available, potato psyllid often occurs on non-crop hosts. In the southern U.S. and northern Mexico, native species of Lycium (Solanaceae) are important non-crop hosts for the psyllid. We determined whether Old World species of Lycium now widespread in the Pacific Northwest are reservoirs of potato psyllid in this growing region. We examined Lycium spp. across a wide geographic region in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho at irregular intervals during three growing seasons. Potato psyllids were present at all locations. To determine whether Lycium is also a host during intervals of the year in which the potato crop is not available, we monitored a subset of these sites over the entire year. Six sites were monitored at 1- to 3-week intervals from June 2014 to June 2016. Psyllids were present on Lycium throughout the year at all sites, including during winter, indicating that Lycium is also a host when the potato crop is seasonally not available. Psyllid populations included a mixture of Northwestern and Western haplotypes. We observed well-defined spring and fall peaks in adult numbers, with peaks separated by long intervals in which psyllid numbers were very low. Seasonal patterns in psyllid numbers on these non-native Lycium hosts were very similar to what has been observed on native Lycium in the desert southwest region of the U.S. Our findings demonstrate that potato psyllid associates with Lycium across a broad geographic region within the Pacific Northwest. These results will assist in predicting sources of potato psyllid colonizing potatoes in this important growing region.  相似文献   
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