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为筛选出适宜湖南洞庭湖区栽培的黄秋葵优良品种,采用营养钵低垄稀植栽培技术,在洞庭湖区对文安1号、文安2号、文安3号、五福、翠娇5个黄秋葵新品种进行引种栽培试验。结果表明:5个品种抗逆性较强;文安1号上市最早,果实种子最多,平均含种子达236粒,产量最高,达29 944.44kg/hm2,适合作为油料作物在洞庭湖区引种栽培;文安2号单果质量最重,果最长,适合作为特色蔬菜在洞庭湖区引种栽培;五福单株结实最多,果皮最薄,食味品质好,适合作为休闲食品加工原料作物在洞庭湖区引种栽培。  相似文献   
为了明确云岭牛不同解剖部位肉的品质特性,本试验测定了云岭牛冈上肌(SU)、冈下肌(IF)、臀三头肌(TB)、菱形肌(RH)、颈腹侧锯肌(SVC)、夹肌(SP),中部胴体的腰大肌(PM)、背最长肌(LD)、背阔肌(LA),后部胴体的半膜肌(SM)、半腱肌(ST)、股二头肌(BF)、臀中肌(GM)、股直肌(RF)、股外侧肌(VL)和阔筋膜张肌(TFL)共16个解剖部位肉的压力失水率、蒸煮损失、剪切力、pH、亮度(L*)、红度(a*)、黄度(b*)、粗蛋白质、脂肪、水分10项品质指标,并通过方差分析、相关性分析和标准化分析研究其品质特性。结果显示,云岭牛不同解剖部位肉之间的10项品质指标均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。冈上肌、冈下肌、腰大肌、颈腹侧锯肌和阔筋膜张肌的嫩度较好,其剪切力均低于4 kg。夹肌、半腱肌和股外侧肌的保水性较差,半腱肌的L*值最高。相关性分析结果表明,剪切力和压力失水率、蒸煮损失呈显著正相关。标准化分析发现,背最长肌和半腱肌具有相似的品质特征;股二头肌、臀中肌和股外侧肌具有相似的品质特征。结果表明,部位因素对云岭牛肉品质具有显著影响,云岭牛胴体前部肉品质较好,可以作为开发高档产品的原料来源。  相似文献   
大多数梨属于配子体自交不亲和果树,自然授粉结实率低、品质差。通过确定梨品种S基因型可寻找简便快速克服自交不亲和性的方法。金珠果梨是从野生砂梨中选育出来的新种质。以金珠果梨幼叶为试验材料,对其基因组DNA进行S基因特异扩增、克隆、DNA序列测定及生物信息学分析等,结果表明:金珠果梨S基因型为S3S19。  相似文献   
DTOPSIS法在油茶优良无性系综合评价中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了DTOPSIS法的基本原理和方法,并运用DTOPSIS法对10个参试品种(系)的10个主要性状进行综合评价。结果表明,华硕、华鑫、华金的综合评价最高,分别为0.8171、0.7382和0.7029,评价结果与品种的实际表现一致。运用DTOPSIS法评估油茶优良无性系比仅靠产量进行分析更为准确、更趋于合理。  相似文献   
油茶良种‘华鑫’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
‘华鑫’是从普通油茶实生林分中选育的高产油茶良种,属霜降籽类型,鲜果平均单果质量48.83g,最大单果质量66.30g,鲜出籽率52.56%,干籽含油率39.97%,盛果期产量1050kg·hm-2以上,具有高产、稳产、抗性强等特点。  相似文献   
动物在长期进化过程中,其唾液腺经过不断演化而分泌具有各种生理活性的功能组分,并对机体产生多重作用.随着生物毒素成为新的研究热点,近年来对动物唾液腺分泌功能组分的研究也越来越深入.在吸血节肢动物、无颌类动物、有毒动物以及吸血蝙蝠的唾液腺分泌物中不断发现大量新的功能组分,其中包括抗凝、抗炎、抗肿瘤和抑菌等多种活性分子.除了...  相似文献   
正畜禽用多种微量元素注射液[1-2]是新型研制的用于补充畜禽微量元素的制剂,该制剂是以猪对铁、铜、锌、锰、钴、硒等微量元素的需要为依据,用柠檬酸铁(C_6H_5FeO_7·5H_2O)、硫酸锌(ZnSO_4·7H_2O)、硫酸铜(CuSO_4·5H_2O)、硫酸锰(MnSO_4·H_2O)、硫酸钴(CoSO_4·7H_2O)、亚硒酸钠(Na_2SeO_3·5H_2O)等作为原  相似文献   
Hippo信号通路是一条新近发现的信号传导途径,由多种抑癌和原癌基因组成,并与其他信号通路存在交联,其生物学效应主要是通过抑制细胞增殖进而调控动物组织、器官体积大小以及保持内环境稳定等。本文综述了Hippo信号通路的特性及其在动物多种组织发育过程中的调控作用,以期对指导动物生产和遗传改良以及开展相关的生理学研究提供参考。  相似文献   
谢鹏  蔚露  王红宁  林琭  牛自勉 《果树学报》2023,(11):2371-2380
【Objective】In order to determine the suitability of geological locations and climatic conditions for production of Yuluxiang pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehder‘Yuluxiang’) with excellent fruit quality, we measured the fruit quality components such as fruit color, contents of anthocyanin and chlorophyll, firmness, soluble solid content (SSC), total soluble sugar content (TSSC) and titratable acid content (TAC) of Yuluxiang fruit from five locations with different geographical and climatic conditions in northern China.【Methods】The five locations for Yuluxiang pear production included Xi County, Fenxi County and Ruicheng County in Shanxi Province, Haidian District in Beijing and the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment in Xinjiang were selected as experimental sites. A representative orchard in each of these sites was then selected for the experiment from 2020 to 2022. Climatic and geographical conditions including average altitude, average annual temperature, average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit color development, average annual sunshine duration and frost-free period were investigated in each of these orchards. The experimental Yuluxiang pear trees in each of these orchards were 8 to 10 years old and the tree canopy was in the free-spindle shape. All the orchards were with loam soil and manual fertilizer applied annually in the fall, and managed under the common production practice. There were 3 trees in the experimental unit in each orchard. Four representative fruit at harvest maturity were collected at a height of 1.0-2.5 m in the outer canopy from each of the trees to measure the fruit quality components. The experiment was replicated 3 times in each orchard. Fruit color was measured using the photoshop CS6 to read the Lab color degree (L*, a*, b*) on the fruit photograph and the h°= arccot (a*/b*)×180/π was used for the hue. Anthocyanin in the fruit peel was extracted using the HCl method and chlorophylls were extracted in 80% acetone. Ratio of the anthocyanin content to chlorophyll content was then determined. Fruit firmness in the flesh was determined using a FT327 pressure tester and the soluble solid content was measured with a PAL-1 reflectormeter. Total soluble sugar content and titratable acid content were determined using the anthrone colorimetry and the acid-base titration methods, respectively. Ratio of the sugar to acid was then calculated. Statistical software DPS7.05 was used for ANOVA, regression, cluster, and principal component analyses of the resulting data.【Results】Compared to those from Ruicheng County and Haidian District orchards, pear fruits from Xi County, Fenxi County and the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment orchards looked more shiny with greater redness and yellowness in the surface, and in addition, the fruit anthocyanin contents were over 2-fold higher and the chlorophyll contents were 12%-21% lower. The fruit firmness from the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment was the highest among those from all the five experimental orchards. The soluble solid content of fruit from the five experimental orchards were in the following order: the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment (14.4%)>Fenxi County (12.2%)>Xi County (12.1%)>Ruicheng County (10.9%)>Haidian District (10.6%). Total soluble sugar content of fruit from the 5 experimental orchards was in the order of the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment (12.2 g · 100 g-1)>Xi County (10.4 g·100 g-1)>Fenxi County (10.3 g·100 g-1)>Ruicheng County (9.1 g·100 g-1)>Haidian District (8.6 g·100 g-1). Fruit titratable acid content from the Xi County and Fenxi County orchards were 7%-10% greater than those from the rest of the orchards. The fruit redness was positively correlated with the altitude of the orchard-site, average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit color development, and average annual temperature. Fruit SSC or TSSC were positively correlated with the average diurnal temperature difference during the fruit- color development and average annual sunshine duration. Cluster analysis revealed that fruits from Xi County and Fenxi County orchards were in the same cluster with greater level of SSC, TSSC and TAC, and reduced firmness. Fruits from the 33rd Agricultural Production Regiment orchards were also in the same cluster but with less TAC. Fruits from orchards in Ruicheng County and Haidian District were in the same cluster with lower level of SSC and TSSC.【Conclusion】When the average altitude of the production orchard was in the range of 900-1100 m, and the average diurnal temperature difference was from 13 to 15 ℃, the excellent fruit quality of Yuluxiang pear was fully reached, whereas in the orchards with an average altitude below 400 m above sea-level, it was not suitable for production of this pear cultivar. Therefore, geographical and climatic conditions determined the suitability of the production of high-quality Yuluxiang pear. © 2023 Journal of Fruit Science. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
以苹果矮化砧木M9-t337和SH5为试材进行了矮化栽培条件下不同树形模式的试验,分析了5年生果园的早期产量和果实质量。结果表明,从单株产量来看,细长纺锤树形、高纺锤树形和疏层纺锤树形在不同砧木上的平均产量分别为20.64,19.32,18.52 kg;M9-t337和SH5砧木处理树分别为20.61,18.38 kg;不同树形和砧木处理差异极显著。果肉可溶性固形物含量3种树形之间无显著差异,但SH5矮化砧木显著高于M9-t337砧木处理,均值分别为16.17%和15.25%。疏层纺锤树形果皮花色苷浓度显著提高,高于其他树形;SH5砧木嫁接树的果皮花色苷浓度比M9-t337砧木处理增加了62.8%,果实着色明显改善。  相似文献   
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