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A new method for designing holographic optical elements is presented. The method is based on matching the grating-spacing profile of the recording light interference pattern to the desired grating-spacing profile. We show that for designing near-field holograms, in which the optical images involved are close to the hologram aperture, the grating-matching technique is superior to the well-established aberration-balancing method introduced by Latta [Appl. Opt. 10, 609 (1971)].  相似文献   
The N-acylethanolamine phospholipids (NAPE) are precursors for N-acylethanolamines (NAE), including anandamide (20∶4-NAE), which is a ligand for the cannabinoid receptors. Previously, NAPE were believed to be found only in injured tissue, e.g., after neurodegenerative insults. Neuronal injury may occur in response to seizure activity. Therefore, we investigated the effect of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced seizures in PTZ-kindled mice on the level of NAPE in the brain. Male NMRI mice were kindled with PTZ injections 3 times/wk, thereby developing clonic seizures in response to PTZ. Mice were killed within 30 min after the clonic seizure on the test day (12th injection) and the brains were collected. Eight species of NAPE were analyzed as the glycerophospho-N-acylethanolamines by high-performance liquid chromatography-coupled electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. No effect of the PTZ kindling on the NAPE levels in murine brains was observed. Total NAPE in control mice cortex (n=4) was 16.4±3.0 μmol/g wet weight of which 20∶4-NAPE accounted for 3.6 mol%, and the major species was 16∶0-NAPE, accounting for 52.1 mol%. Determination of the activity of NAPE-hydrolyzing phospholipase D and of N-acyltransferase in brain membrane preparations from adult and 3-d-old mice revealed an enzyme pattern in the adult mice that was favorable for NAE accumulation as opposed to NAPE accumulation. Thus, there was no difference in NAPE levels; at present, however, this does not exclude that NAE may accumulate during seizure.  相似文献   
The cell wall of wood tracheids is made up of various layers, distinguished from one other by the alignment of the innumerable, fine crystalline cellulose microfibrils within each layer that helically wind about the cell lumen. Microfibrils themselves are embedded in a more compliant, water-reactive matrix of amorphous lignin and hemicelluloses. The average inclination of microfibrils relative to the axis of the cell affects axial rigidity and dimensional stability of wood which are the two most important properties of wood. High and variable microfibril angles can be found in juvenile and compression wood, thus resulting in variations in product performance of forest products. For instance, seemingly identical trees in a plantation can have moduli of elasticity that differ by a factor of two or more. This is why the future is often seen in engineered wood products, where wood may be chipped, fiberised and blended before being glued together again: the average property values are little changed, but the range—the variability—is greatly reduced. There is the opportunity for better wood allocation and processing of timber, if averaged values for individual log characteristics, such as average microfibril angle, can be identified before the processing. In parallel there is genetic potential to select trees with low average microfibril angles. Unfortunately, determination of the average microfibril angle is a time-consuming, laboratory-based task. Preferably, a non-destructive, simple, field-hardened method should be employed that reflects the average microfibril angle in a given piece of wood. For this reason, acoustic methods have been developed to measure the velocity of sound propagation directly related to the stiffness of wood and in turn is dependent on the ultrastructure of the tracheid cell wall. In the fundamental equation, Edynamic=V2, the acoustic modulus is derived from two components, density, , and velocity of sound, V. The latter relates to the intrinsic wood quality and ultrastructure of the tracheid wall. It is shown that acoustic methods can sort and grade trees and logs according to their suitability for structural lumber and for a range of fiber properties of interest to papermakers. Thus, acoustic methods have applications in tree breeding, harvesting, and wood processing.
Zellwandstruktur und Holzeigenschaften durch akustische Methoden bestimmt
Zusammenfassung Die Zellwand von Holztracheiden besteht aus verschiedenen Schichten, die sich von einander durch eine Aneinanderreihung von unzähligen feinen kristallinen Zellulose-Mikrofibrillen in jeder der Schichten unterscheiden, die sich helikal um das Zelllumen winden. Die Mikrofibrillen selbst sind in eine wasser-reaktive Matrix aus amorphem Lignin und Hemizellulosen eingebettet. Der durchschnittliche Neigungswinkel der Mikrofibrillen relativ zur Achse der Zellen beeinflusst die axiale Steifigkeit und die Dimensionsstabilität des Holzes, die beiden wichtigsten technischen Eigenschaften von Holz. Steile und variable Mikrofibrillenwinkel können in juvenilem und Druckholz gefunden werden, wodurch sich Unterschiede in der Verarbeitung von Holzwerkstoffen ergeben. Beispielsweise können scheinbar identische Bäume in einer Plantage Elastizitätsmoduli aufweisen, die sich durch einen Faktor von zwei und mehr unterscheiden. Aus diesem Grund wird die Zukunft oft in technischen Holzprodukten gesehen, wo Holz zerspant, zerfasert und gemischt wird, bevor man es wieder zusammenleimt: die durchschnittlichen Eigenschaften werden wenig verändert, aber die Bandbreite—die Variabilität—wird stark reduziert. Können durchschnittliche Werte für individuelle Holzbalkencharakteristika, wie der Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkel vorher bestimmt werden, besteht die Gelegenheit für eine bessere Holzauswahl und -verarbeitung. Parallel dazu gibt es ein genetisches Potential, um Bäume mit niedrigen Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkeln zu selektieren. Leider ist die Bestimmung der Durchschnitts-Mikrofibrillenwinkel eine zeitaufwendige, auf das Labor bezogene Aufgabe. Vorzugsweise sollte eine zerstörungsfreie, einfache außen erprobte Methode eingesetzt werden, die den Durchschnitts-Mikrovibrillenwinkel in einem gegebenen Holzstück reflektiert. Aufgrund dessen wurden akustische Methoden entwickelt, um die Geschwindigkeit der Schallausbreitung zu messen, die direkt mit der Festigkeit des Holzes korreliert und damit auch abhängig ist von der Ultrastruktur der Zellwand. In der Grundgleichung, Edynamic=V2, wird der akustische Modulus von zwei Komponenten abgeleitet, der Dichte, , und der Schallgeschwindigkeit, V. Letztere bezieht sich auf die intrinsische Holzqualität und die Ultrastruktur der Tracheiden-Wand. Es wird gezeigt, dass die akustische Methode in der Lage ist, Bäume und Rundholz gemäß ihrer Eignung für Bauholz und für eine Bandbreite von Fasereigenschaften, im Interesse der Papierhersteller, zu sortieren und einzuteilen. Auf diese Weise finden akustische Methoden Anwendung bei der Aufzucht von Bäumen, ihrer Abholzung und Verarbeitung.
The effects of exposure of slices of Havarti cheeses to monochromatic light of wavelengths 366 nm, 405 nm, and 436 nm, respectively, were studied by tristimulus colorimetry, solid-phase microextraction gas chromatographic analysis of volatiles, and open-end fluorescence spectroscopy. Having determined the photon fluxes of the three wavelengths by ferrioxalate actinometry, it was possible to quantify the effects of light exposure in an absolute manner. For all analyses, the most severe effects were caused by visible light, leading to colour bleaching, change in hue, riboflavin degradation, and formation of the secondary oxidation products hexanal, 1-pentanol, and 1-hexanol. Apparent quantum yields for formation of hexanal and 1-pentanol were found to be insignificantly different for 405 nm and 436 nm exposures, having values of (3-5) x 10(-5) mol x einstein(-1) and (9-13) x 10(-5) mol x einstein(-1), respectively. These compounds were not formed when exposed to 366 nm light. In contrast, 1-hexanol was formed when exposing cheese to all three wavelengths, resulting in apparent quantum yields of (2-6) x 10(-5) mol x einstein(-1). The results obtained are discussed in relation to the interplay between inherent product colorants, light sources, and transmission characteristics of the packaging materials.  相似文献   
Dealing with conflicting and target-specific requirements is an important issue in multisensor and multitarget tracking. This paper aims to allocate sensing resources among various targets in reaction to individual information requests. The proposed approach is to introduce agents for every relevant target responsible for its tracking. Such agents are expected to bargain with each other for a division of resources. A bilateral negotiation model is established for resource allocation in two-target tracking. The applications of agent negotiation to target covariance tuning are illustrated together with simulation results presented. Moreover, we suggest a way of organizing simultaneous one-to-one negotiations, making our negotiation model still applicable in scenarios of tracking more than two targets.  相似文献   
Baker and Cirinei (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4878, Springer, pp. 62–75, 2007) have introduced an exact but naive algorithm, that consists in solving a state reachability problem in a finite automaton, to check whether a set of sporadic hard real-time tasks is schedulable on an identical multiprocessor platform. However, this algorithm suffers from poor performance due to the exponential size of the automaton relative to the size of the task set. In this paper, we build on the work of Baker and Cirinei, and rely on their formalism to characterise the complexity of this problem. We prove that it is PSpace-complete. In order to obtain an algorithm that is applicable in practice to systems of realistic sizes, we successfully apply techniques developed by the formal verification community, specifically antichain techniques (Doyen and Raskin in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6015, Springer, pp. 2–22, 2010) to this scheduling problem. For that purpose, we define and prove the correctness of a simulation relation on Baker and Cirinei’s automaton. We show that our improved algorithm yields dramatically improved performance for the schedulability test and opens for many further improvements. This work is an extended and revised version of a previous conference paper by the same authors (Lindström et al., Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2011), pp. 25–34, 2011).  相似文献   
Colloidal suspensions of almost spherical and crystalline Pt nanoparticles between 1.6 and 2.6 nm in diameter and with narrow size distribution were synthesized using the phase transfer method (PTM) with alkylamines, CnNH2, as stabilizing agents. Batches of such homogenous Pt-CnNH2 (n = 8, 12) nanocrystals were deposited onto Vulcan XC-72 carbon powder, and the activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) of this series of Pt/C materials was evaluated under PEMFC conditions. The aim was to elucidate whether this type of stabilized Pt nanoparticles were as active for the ORR as a corresponding commercial Pt/C material, and if any difference in mass activity could be observed between catalysts with different Pt particle size. In the PEMFC experiments, i.e. voltammetry in oxygen and nitrogen, it was found that, after an initial electrode activation, the ORR activity of the catalysts prepared from the alkylamine-stabilized Pt nanoparticles deposited on carbon was as high as that of the employed commercial reference catalyst. In fact, all samples in the Pt/C series showed high and very similar ORR activity normalized to Pt-loading, without significant dependence on the initial Pt particle size. However, pre- and post-electrochemical characterization of the Pt/C material series with TEM showed that structural changes of the Pt nanoparticles occurred during electrochemical evaluation. In all samples studied the mean Pt particle size increased during the electrochemical evaluation resulting in decreased differences between the samples explaining the observed similar ORR performance of the different materials. These results emphasize the necessity of post-operation characterization of fuel cell catalysts when discussing electrocatalytic activity. In addition, employing complex preparation efforts for lowering the Pt particle size below 3 nm may have limited practical value unless the particles are stabilized from electrochemical sintering.  相似文献   
It was shown by Zames and Shneydor and later by Mossaheb that a high-frequency dither signal of a quite arbitrary shape can be used to narrow the effective nonlinear sector of Lipschitz continuous feedback systems. In this paper, it is shown that also discontinuous nonlinearities of feedback systems can be narrowed using dither, as long as the amplitude distribution function of the dither is absolutely continuous and has bounded derivative. The averaged system is proven to approximate the dithered system with an error of the order of dither period.  相似文献   
0-18 nm-thick titanium, zirconium and tantalum oxide films are thermally evaporated on Nafion 117 membranes, and used as thin spacer electrolyte layers between the Nafion and a 3 nm Pt catalyst film. Electrochemical characterisation of the films in terms of oxygen reduction activity, high frequency impedance and cyclic voltammetry in nitrogen is performed in a fuel cell at 80 °C and full humidification. Titanium oxide films with thicknesses up to 18 nm are shown to conduct protons, whereas zirconium oxide and tantalum oxide block proton transport already at a thickness of 1.5 nm. The performance for oxygen reduction is higher for a bi-layered film of 3 nm platinum on 1.5 or 18 nm titanium oxide, than for a pure 3 nm platinum film with no spacer layer. The improvement in oxygen reduction performance is ascribed to a higher active surface area of platinum, i.e. no beneficial effect of combining platinum with zirconium, tantalum or titanium oxides on the intrinsic oxygen reduction activity is seen. The results suggest that TiO2 may be used as electrolyte in fuel cell electrodes, and that low-temperature proton exchange fuel cells could be possible using TiO2 as electrolyte.  相似文献   
The present paper describes a new method for manufacturing a nanostructured porous layer of TiO2 on a conducting glass substrate for use in a dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell. The method involves deposition of a layer of semiconductor particles onto a conducting substrate and compression of the particle layer to form a mechanically stable, electrically conducting, and porous nanostructured film at room temperature. Photoelectrochemical characteristics and morphology of the resulting nanostructured films are presented. The potential use of the new manufacturing method in the future applications of nanostructured systems is discussed.  相似文献   
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