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Detailed dissection was performed on eight head halves of four rabbits and six head halves of three dogs in order to investigate the nerve distributions to the m. retractor bulbi. Our observations indicated that the muscle was innervated by the branches of the abducens nerve in all sides which were examined in the present study. In addition, we observed that the ventral ramus of the oculomotor nerve gave rise to branches to the m. retractor bulbi in three sides of the rabbits, and in two sides of the dogs, which suggests that the innervation pattern of the muscle is variable even in the identical species. Considering these observations, we propose that the anlage of the m. retractor bulbi is mainly composed of the anlage innervated by the abducens nerve, and occasionally the anlage innervated by the ventral ramus of the oculomotor nerve is added to it, because the anlage of the m. retractor bulbi may be formed near the border region between the anlages innervated by the oculomotor and abducens nerves.  相似文献   
本实验采用单标记和双标记法,分别检测4种苯并(a)芘代谢产物(anti-BPDE,syn-BPDE,3-OH-BP和9-OH-BP)对BALB/3T3细胞DNA合成和程序外DNA合成(UDS)的影响,结果表明,anti-BPDE、syn-BPDE、3-OH-BP和9-OH-BP均在不同程度上使BALB/3T3细胞DNA合成增加,但只有anti-BPDE、3-OH-BP和9-OH-BP可诱发BALB/3T3细胞的UDS,说明这些苯并(a)芘代谢产物可损伤BALB/3T3细胞的DNA,同时,这种效应与苯并(a)芘代谢产物的立体结构有关。  相似文献   
孙飞  杨泽 《国际遗传学杂志》2003,32(1):203-207,217
2型糖尿病是由复杂机制导致的,在遗传病因学上可能有大量的微效易感基因.而在方法学上的最新进展,有助于确认这些遗传危险因素,并且理解这些相关基因之间如何相互作用,可为解释和阐明2型糖尿病的遗传病理机制提供新的线索,并有助于指导糖尿病的预防和治疗.  相似文献   
The diagnosis of autoimmune bullous diseases is based on clinical observation and on the presence of autoantibodies directed to molecules involved in the adhesion systems of the skin. Immunofluorescence assays are the currently accepted method for detection of autoantibodies; such assays depend greatly on the skill of operators and are difficult to standardize. Recombinant desmoglein-1 (Dsg1), Dsg3, and BP180 peptides, the main autoantigens in pemphigus or bullous pemphigoid, have been used to develop new quantitative enzyme immunoassays (EIA) for the detection of specific antibodies. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of these immunoassays and to determine the correlation between the results and the clinical aspects of diseases. Serum samples from patients with pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceus, bullous pemphigoid, or mucous membrane pemphigoid, from healthy individuals, and from patients with unrelated autoimmune conditions were tested. Anti-desmoglein reactivity was detected in all the patients with pemphigus and in none of the controls. Patients with the more benign form of cutaneous disease had anti-Dsg1 antibodies, while patients with deeper cutaneous lesions or with mucosal involvement had anti-Dsg3 reactivity also, or exclusively. The BP180-based assay was positive for 66.6% of patients with bullous pemphigoid and for none of the patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid, and no reactivity was detected in the control sera. In conclusion, the anti-Dsg1 and anti-Dsg3 assays are useful in the diagnosis of pemphigus and provide information on the clinical phenotype of the disease. However, the sensitivity of EIA for detection of autoantibodies in bullous pemphigoid should be improved by the use of additional antigens or epitopes.  相似文献   
目的 识别影响疫情防控的关键要素和路径组合,探求影响各国防控差异的机制,为疫情常态化防控提供理论指导。方法 运用清晰集定性比较分析(csQCA)方法,以世界22个典型国家为案例对象,主要从Our World in Data网站获取新冠疫情相关数据,对案例各条件变量及其非集进行必要性分析,对条件组态进行充分性分析。结果 必要性检验一致性水平均低于0.9; 输出5种组态,且单个解(组态)和总体解的一致性均为1,实现了完全一致性。结论 单个要素影响力较弱; 国家低确诊人数存在5条驱动路径,可归纳为资源丰富-弱疫苗型、信任驱动-强疫苗型、经济发达-地理优势型3种模式; 较高的人均GDP、人均床位数和信任度是影响新冠确诊人数的核心要素。  相似文献   
目的:研究在疫情常态化防控下,某三级医院实行感染防控长效工作机制后,医院感染管理质量持续改进的效果。方法:在实行长效机制过程中建立全员参与感控组织和效果评价追踪体系、开展分层级全员培训、利用信息化技术进行质量控制。以长效机制前(2021年1月-2021年7月)感控质量结果为对照组,长效机制后(2021年8月-2022年1月)的感控质量结果为实验组,比较长效机制的应用效果。结果:实行长效机制后感控问题整改不合格率下降,全员的感控意识增强。发热门诊职业防护合格率、多重耐药菌隔离消毒合格率、环境卫生学监测合格率、医院感染率和多重耐药菌医院感染发生率等质量考核指标均有显著改善。结论:实行医院感染防控长效工作机制,能够显著改进医院感染管理质量。  相似文献   
目的 识别中国大陆新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)高危地区,探讨社会经济因素、环境因素与COVID-19空间分布的关系。方法 收集2020年1月16日至2020年2月29日中国大陆30个省级行政区(除湖北省)的COVID-19发病资料和社会经济、环境因素资料,利用全局空间自相关、局部空间自相关、贝叶斯空间模型对其进行分析。结果 研究期间,30个省共报告COVID-19病例12 934例,发病率范围为0.03/10万~2.10/10万,全局Moran’s I =0.35(P<0.05)。COVID-19高风险地区主要分布在湖北省的相邻省份和经济发达的省份。城乡人口比重、湖北流出人口比例与COVID-19发病风险的回归系数有统计学意义,两个变量的后验估计相对风险分别为1.1012(95%CI:1.045 8~1.1598)和1.0394(95%CI:1.0080~1.0713)。环境因素的相对风险无统计学意义。结论 COVID-19发病风险与城乡人口比重、人口流动有关,与环境因素几乎无关,提示不同环境的国家和地区同样面临COVID-19风险,应做好应对准备,可通过实施封闭和交通管控等措施防控COVID-19。  相似文献   
目的 刻画成都市2011—2017年暴雨洪涝与儿童手足口病(Hand, foot and mouth disease,HFMD)之间的短期滞后关系,并进一步量化在不同性别、年龄亚组中的效应,识别脆弱人群。方法 收集整理成都市2011年1月1日—2017年12月31日的15岁以下HFMD日发病数、气象因子和暴雨洪涝发生情况数据。以暴雨洪涝为关键自变量,运用准泊松分布滞后模型,探讨了暴雨洪涝发生后0~14天的滞后效应。结果 研究发现暴雨洪涝与儿童手足口病呈正相关关系。0~7天和0~14天的累积滞后效应分别为1.11(95% CI:1.01~1.22)和1.21 (95% CI:1.04~1.41)。性别和年龄亚组分析分别表明,男童和3岁以下儿童(<1岁婴儿和1~2岁幼儿亚组)存在单日滞后统计显著的正相关关系,且0~7天和0~14天的累积滞后均显著;女童的单日滞后没有统计学意义,仅0~14天累计滞后统计显著,且效应略低于男童(女童: RR =1.23(1.00~1.51),男童: RR =1.26(1.06~1.51));<1岁婴儿0~7天和0~14天的累积滞后效应最强,分别为1.26(95%CI:1.02~1.57)和1.68(95%CI:1.20~2.34)。结论 暴雨洪涝会增加儿童患HFMD的风险,尤其是男童和3岁以下的婴幼儿(对1岁以下的婴儿的影响最大)。利益相关者应充分意识到暴雨洪涝的健康风险。家庭、社区、学校和政府应共同努力,减少暴雨洪涝相关的儿童HFMD。  相似文献   
目的:通过观察丹参多酚酸盐对膜性肾病(MN)大鼠肾组织中腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)、沉默信息调节因子(Sirt1)、过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ辅激活因子-1α(PGC-1α)蛋白的表达及细胞自噬和凋亡的情况,探讨其治疗MN的可能的分子机制。方法:80只雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常组,模型组,盐酸贝那普利组(10 mg·kg-1),丹参多酚酸盐低、中、高剂量组(16.7、33.3、66.7 mg·kg-1),通过尾静脉注射阳离子化牛血清白蛋白(C-BSA)的方法造模。造模成功后,各组按照相应比例剂量连续给药4周后留取24 h尿、血清和肾组织,尿液用于检测24 h尿蛋白定量(24 h UTP)、血清用于检测血尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(SCr)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)的含量。采用光镜、电镜、免疫荧光法观察肾脏病理学变化,蛋白免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测大鼠肾组织磷酸化(p)-AMPK、AMPK、p...  相似文献   
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