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Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
小梁切除术自应用于临床以来,一直是治疗青光眼的经典术式,它的应用挽救了上千万青光眼患者的视力,解除了许多患者的痛苦,但传统的小梁切除术往往导致滤过过畅,引起低眼压、浅前房、脉络膜脱离、黄斑病变等并发症时有发生。因小梁切除术是外滤过手术,巩膜瓣缝线的张力极为重要,因此出现了许多改良手术,如Schaffer的松解缝线在青光眼手术中的应用等。  相似文献   
一、研究目的医学教育是卫生事业的重要组成部分,医学教育管理工作最重要的是制定教学计划,因为计划是管理工作最基本和和首要的职能,它贯穿于管理工作的全过程。近年来,国内对高等医学院校的医学专业教学计划有少量的研究资料,而对于预防  相似文献   
农村低出生体重儿危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用流行病学回顾性配对调查方法,对1992~1994年澄江县农村236名低出生体重儿和 236名正常出生体重儿进行了病例—对照研究,对 31个因素同时采用单因素的卡方检验和多因素的Logistic分析进行研究,结果表明3年农村低出生体重儿平均发生率为4.15%,经单因素分析两组在母亲文化程度、身高、体重、孕次、产次、第一次产检孕周、产检次数、分娩孕周、经济收入、高危因素、臀位、双胎、过期妊娠、怀孕期间情绪、怀孕期间饮食、早产史16个方面差异有显著性(P<0.05);经Logistic分析选出的低出生体重儿的主要危险因素为母亲文化程度、怀孕期间情绪、身高、体重、孕次、产次、双胎、臀位、分娩孕周、经济收入、第一次产检孕周、民族、年龄、地区、新生儿性别。  相似文献   
Objective To prepare a deeelhilarized whole laryngeal scaffold by utilizing a perfusion-decellularized technique, reseed cells on it, and construct recellularized laryngeal muscles. Methods Perfusion decelluarized larynxes were obtained by common carotid arterious perfusion with detergents. Then they were performed by macroscopic view, histological examination, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cartilage viability. Decellularized laryngeal scaffold were then reseeded with inducted mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Composites were transferred into greater omentums of rabbits after one day' s adherence and harvested after eight weeks. Macroscopic view, histological examination and immunohistochemistry were performed. Results Perfusion larynxes became transparent after two hours. Histology and SEM indicated that perfnsion method shewed better deculluarized effect. More ventages and collagen fibers but no intact cell or anclei were retained in the decellularized martrix. Porosity measured by Image pro plus 6. 0 was 80. 4% ± 3.2% (x ± s). Chondrocyte vitality assay indicated chondrocyte vitality rate in the perfusion group was 86. 9% ± 1.5% . After eight weeks, vascularization formed and integrated cartilage frameworks still remained. Histological examination could clearly show the presence of muscle bundles and vessels. Immunohistoehemical examination indicated that sarcomeric-α actin expressed positively in corresponding areas. Conclusions It is feasible to reseed MSCs into the decellularized laryngeal muscle matrix for constructing tissue-engineered laryngeal muscles. This in vivo maturation into the omentum could be the first step before in situ implantation of the construct.  相似文献   
罗家发 《河南中医》2003,23(6):58-59
中药作为防病治病的一种重要物质 ,对中国人民的健康和中华民族的繁衍作出了重要的贡献。广大患者十分乐意接受中药防治 ,认为中药“有病治病 ,无病强身” ;不少医者也认为中药没有什么毒副作用 ,使用起来安全性较好。于是 ,医患双方常常容易在思想上放松警惕 ,用药时马虎大意。近年来 ,随着中药不良反应的报道增多 ,有的还危及患者生命安全。本文就中药不良反应这个问题作一粗浅的讨论 ,以期引起同道的关注。不妥之处 ,敬请指正。1 传统的认识现代药理学把药物引起的不良反应分为副作用、毒性反应、后遗效应以及由于体质因素引发的特殊反…  相似文献   
云南宾川县拉乌乡农村合作医疗保健系统调查分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨宾川县拉乌乡农村合作医疗保健系统的成功经验,完善新型农村合作医疗制度。方法 采用流行病学现场研究方法进行研究。结果 拉乌乡农村合作医疗系统集乡村卫生机构一体化管理和农村合作医疗为一体模式。结论 拉乌乡农村合作医疗系统模式是有效的,这种模式值得推广。  相似文献   
云南省卫生资源配置标准的弹性系数研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 在进行云南省区域分类基础上制定云南省区域卫生资源配置标准标志值后 ,根据云南省各个地区的特点增加不同弹性系数。方法 采用流行病学研究方法 ,收集和分析云南省不同地州市 1990~ 1999年有关人口、社会经济状况及卫生经费的投入、居民健康状况、居民文化、生活水平、少数民族状况、旅游地区、边境线长短及贫困状况等资料。结果 研究结果表明曲靖地区、玉溪市、保山地区增加弹性系数最少 ,分别为 0 67%、 1 5 8%和1 68% ,怒江州、迪庆州和西双版纳州增加弹性系数最多 ,分别为 11 15 %、 10 2 5 %和 9 84 %。其它地区的弹性系数分别为昆明市 5 88% ,昭通地区 2 3 1% ,楚雄州 2 3 0 % ,红河州 7 0 3 % ,文山州 5 5 3 % ,思茅地区 7 4 3 % ,大理州4 94 % ,德宏州 6 78% ,丽江地区 4 3 5 % ,临沧地区 6 13 %。结论 云南省区域卫生配置标准的弹性系数研究为云南省卫生资源区域分类配置标准提供了科学依据 ,不同弹性系数体现了云南省不同地区的卫生资源区域分类配置标准的公平性、合理性及实用性  相似文献   
对云南省陆良县的2287例已婚育龄妇女阴道炎患病情况及其危险因素进行了分析,通过Logistic回归多因素和卡方检验单因素分析。结果表明:陆良县的阴道炎患病率为10.23%,Lo-gistic回归筛选出的主要危险因素是职业、目前是否使用避孕方法、妊娠次数、每月性交次数及月经期间用不洁水洗下身;单因素卡方检验筛选出的主要危险因素为年龄、文化程度、职业、结婚年龄、妊娠次数、人流次数、自然流产数、总死产数、死流产总数、目前是否使用避孕方法、过去是否用过避孕方法、每月性交次数及月经期间用不洁水洗下身。  相似文献   
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