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This paper presents the results of a detailed survey combining Seabeam mapping, gravity and geomagnetic measurements as well as single-channel seismic reflection observations in the Japan Trench and the juncture with the Kuril Trench during the French-Japanese Kaiko project (northern sector of the Leg 3) on the R/V “Jean Charcot”. The main data acquired during the cruise, such as the Seabeam maps, magnetic anomalies pattern, and preliminary interpretations are discussed. These new data cover an area of 18,000 km2 and provide for the first time a detailed three-dimensional image of the Japan Trench. Combined with the previous results, the data indicate new structural interpretations. A comparative study of Seabeam morphology, single-channel and reprocessed multichannel records lead to the conclusion that along the northern Japan Trench there is little evidence of accretion but, instead, a tectonic erosion of the overriding plate. The tectonic pattern on the oceanic side of the trench is controlled by the creation of new normal faults parallel to the Japan Trench axis, which is a direct consequence of the downward flexure of the Pacific plate. In addition to these new faults, ancient normal faults trending parallel to the N65° oceanic magnetic anomalies and oblique to the Japan trench axis are reactivated, so that two directions of normal faulting are observed seaward of the Japan Trench. Only one direction of faulting is observed seaward of the Kuril Trench because of the parallelism between the trench axis and the magnetic anomalies. The convergent front of the Kuril Trench is offset left-laterally by 20 km relative to those of the Japan Trench. This transform fault and the lower slope of the southernmost Kuril Trench are represented by very steep scarps more than 2 km high. Slightly south of the juncture, the Erimo Seamount riding on the Pacific plate, is now entering the subduction zone. It has been preceded by at least another seamount as revealed by magnetic anomalies across the landward slope of the trench. Deeper future studies will be necessary to discriminate between the two following hypothesis about the origin of the curvature between both trenches: Is it due to the collision of an already subducted chain of seamounts? or does it correspond to one of the failure lines of the America/Eurasia plate boundary?  相似文献   
A new polymorph of FeS has been observed at pressures above 30 GPa at 1,300 K by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. It is stable up to, at least, 170 GPa at 1,300 K. The new phase (here called FeS VI) has an orthorhombic unit cell with lattice parameters a = 4.8322 (17) Å, b = 3.0321 (6) Å, and c = 5.0209 (8) Å at 85 GPa and 300 K. Its topological framework is based on the NiAs-type structure as is the case for the other reported polymorphs (FeS I-V). The unit cell of FeS VI is, however, more distorted (contracted) along the [010] direction of the original NiAs-type cell. For example, the c/b axial ratio is ~1.66 at 85 GPa and 300 K, which is considerably smaller than that of orthorhombic FeS II (~1.72) and NiAs-type hexagonal FeS V (=√3 ≈ 1.73). The phase boundary between FeS IV and VI is expected to be located around 30 GPa at 1,300 K. The phase transition is accompanied by gradual and continuous changes in volume and axial ratios and may be second order. At room temperature, FeS VI becomes stable over FeS III at pressures above 36 GPa. It is, therefore, suggested that the phase boundary of FeS III–VI and/or FeS IV–VI has negative pressure dependence.  相似文献   
拉分盆地指沿着走滑断裂带弯曲部位,由于拉张而产生的地形上的低洼处,多形成于走滑断裂带次级断裂的间列部位.拉分盆地研究对于探讨走滑断裂扩展方式及分段性意义重大;分布于大型走滑断裂带上的拉分盆地,对于断裂带上地震临震预测具有一定的指示作用;此外,该类盆地往往与油气资源、成矿热液的运移、聚集、产出关系密切.本文在综述前人对拉...  相似文献   
This study presents new major and trace element, mineral, and Sr, Nd, and noble gas isotope geochemical analyses of basalts, gabbro, and clinopyroxenite from the Mariana Arc (Central Islands and Southern Seamount provinces) including the forearc, and the Mariana Trough (Central Graben and Spreading Ridge). Mantle source compositions beneath the Mariana Arc and the Mariana Trough indicate a mantle source that is depleted in high field strength elements relative to MORB (mid‐oceanic ridge basalt). Samples from the Mariana Arc, characterized by high ratios of Ba/Th, U/Th, 84Kr/4He and 132Xe/4He, are explained by addition of fluid from the subducted slab to the mantle wedge. Correlations of noble gas data, as well as large ion lithophile elements, indicate that heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) provide evidence for fluid fluxing into the mantle wedge. On the other hand, major elements and Sr, Nd, He, and Ne isotopic data of basalts from the Mariana Trough are geochemically indistinguishable from MORB. Correlations of 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar in the Mariana Trough samples are explained by mixing between MORB and atmosphere. One sample from the Central Graben indicates extreme enrichment in 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne, suggesting incorporation of solar‐type Ne in the magma source. Excess 129Xe is also observed in this sample suggesting primordial noble gases in the mantle source. The Mariana Trough basalts indicate that both fluid and sediment components contributed to the basalts, with slab‐derived fluids dominating beneath the Spreading Ridge, and that sediment melts, characterized by high La/Sm and relatively low U/Th and Zr/Nb, dominate in the source region of basalts from the Central Graben.  相似文献   
A detailed topographic and geophysical survey of the Daiichi-Kashima Seamount area in the southern Japan Trench, northwestern Pacific margin, clearly defines a high-angle normal fault which splits the seamount into two halves. A fan-shaped zone was investigated along 2–4 km spaced, 100 km long subparallel tracks using narrow multi-beam (Seabeam) echo-sounder with simultaneous measurements of gravity, magnetic total field and single-channel seismic reflection records. Vertical displacement of the inboard half was clearly mapped and its normal fault origin was supported. The northern and southern extensions of the normal fault beyond the flank of the seamount were delineated. Materials on the landward trench slope are displaced upward and to sideways away from the colliding seamount. Canyons observed in the upper landward slope terminate at the mid-slope terrace which has been uplifted since start of subduction of the seamount. Most of the landward slope except for the landward walls aside the seamount comprises only a landslide topography in a manner similar to the northern Japan Trench wall. This survey was conducted on R/V “Jean Charcot” as a part of the Kaiko I cruise, Leg 3, in July–August 1984 under the auspices of the French-Japanese scientific cooperative program.  相似文献   
Yasuo Miyakawa 《GeoJournal》2000,52(2):345-352
Our world is very fluid, very complex, constantly moving, made up of a great number of interdependent components. Therefore, the locus and the orbit of a particular area play an important role in geography and in politics. The purpose of this study is to examine the iconography of orbit and freedom of movement through an analysis of the transformation of the international politico-economic structure and its impact on Japan and to make clear the footsteps of Jean Gottmann on political geography. Due to its locus being on the crossroad of international power struggles, Japan had accepted different iconographies of orbits every time she faced great mutation in her history. This, in turn, accelerated the synchronism, synergism and synthesis of different iconographies that came to converge at the crossroad. The integration of imported cultures with the Japanese traditional culture promoted the transformation of Japanese society and community to emphasize the freedom of movements. The flexibility of Japanese society and the unifying iconography of Japanese community have enabled Japan to adapt and readapt to changing politico-economic phases. Interested in the relationship between freedom of movement and iconography, Jean Gottmann spent a considerable portion of his academic life inquiring into the changing dynamics of Japanese iconography on the global scene. After a quarter-century pursuit, he contributed to the establishment of political geography in Japan.  相似文献   
There has been a significant increase in the size of building structures in recent years. Huge structures such as high‐rise buildings and large‐domed stadiums require high‐performance structural control, including the use of high‐capacity dampers, especially in an earthquake‐prone country like Japan. The objective of the present study was the enhancement of both human and structural safety in such structures through the development of a rate‐dependent type of damper with a high damping capacity. Among the various available types of rate‐dependent dampers, the authors focused on the oil damper owing to its stable performance against long‐duration vibrations. The target maximum damping force was 6000 kN, which is higher than that of any existing oil damper utilized in building structures. The authors developed a novel concept for achieving this high capacity while maintaining the size of the damper within acceptable dimensions from an architectural point of view. The concept involves the use of multiple damper units that produce mechanically parallel damping forces spatially arranged in series. As a prototype, a 1500‐kN oil damper was fabricated by combining three 500‐kN dampers. The 1500‐kN prototype damper was conceived as a full‐scale prototype of a damper that is more slender than comparable commercially available dampers in Japan, and as a scaled model of the proposed 6000‐kN damper. Sinusoidal loading tests were conducted on the prototype damper using a frequency range of 0.1–1.5 Hz and a velocity range of 0.4–300 mm/s. The results confirmed that the damper produced the design damping forces. The results of earthquake loading tests also revealed that the damper exerted a stable damping force against a large earthquake and maintained its performance after the earthquake. The damper is particularly effective against earthquakes with long‐period components that could increase the temperature of a damper. This is afforded by its high heat capacity compared to conventional dampers. Considering that the proposed 6000‐kN damper will generate a damping force that is about 2–3 times that of the strongest conventional oil damper, existing manufacturer test machines would be inadequate for evaluating its full performance characteristics. To address this issue, the authors also propose a test method for evaluating the overall damping force. The method is premised on the fact that the characteristic feature of the proposed damper is its combination of multiple damper units. The overall performance is thus evaluated using the test results for the individual damper units while the other dampers are bypassed. This method was verified by the results of the abovementioned sinusoidal loading tests, with the error for the 1500‐kN prototype damper found to be less than 5%. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to determine quantitatively the reason for the high productivity in the Oyashio Region, which is the southwest part of the Pacific Subarctic Region, the annual-mean vertical circulation of nitrogen in the region was estimated from the vertical profiles of nitrate, dissolved oxygen and salinity, and sediment-trap data by adapting them to the balance equations. Estimates of the upwelling velocity (1.7×10−5cm sec−1) and the vertical diffusivity (2.1 cm2 sec−1) in the abyssal zone and the primary and secondary productivities (44 and 4 mgN m−2day−1, respectively) in the euphotic zone were close to those of previous works. The estimated vertical circulation of nitrogen strongly suggested that, since the divergence (5 mgN m−2day−1) is caused by the abyssal convergence (6 mgN m−2day−1) and the positive precipitation, the local new production (22 mgN m−2day−1) necessarily exceeds not only the sinking flux (10 mgN m−2day−1) itself but also the sum of the sinking flux and the downward diffusion of dissolved and particulate organic matter (7 mgN m−2day−1) produced probably in the euphotic zone. The important roles of the abyssal circulation, the winter convection, and the metabolic activity in the bathyal zone to support the high productivity in the euphotic zone were clarified quantitatively.  相似文献   
Previous studies and borehole temperature measurements suggest that subsurface temperature distribution on the west side of Tokyo Bay (from Tokyo to Yokohama) is higher than that of the east side (Chiba side). To understand the groundwater flow and other factors which may contribute to the subsurface temperature discrepancy such as geological setting in the study area, groundwater temperature profiles were measured in 119 boreholes around the Tokyo Bay from 2002 to 2007. The data were analyzed and compared with previous studies. Horizontal distribution of subsurface temperature at the depths of −50 and −100 m was made to show the distribution of thermal regime. A cross-section across the bay of Tokyo was made to see the isothermal lines and distribution of hydraulic heads in a vertical perspective. These results show that the highest subsurface temperature zone is in the Tokyo area, along the river valley. Subsurface temperature at the depth of 50- and 100-m below sea level in the western part of the bay is comparatively higher than its eastern side at the same elevation and distance from the bay. This fact suggests that there is a regional groundwater flow system in the area and it is strongly affected by the geological structure, particularly buried valley systems of the bay during the Paleo-Tokyo River and the topographical driving force which is the result of the different elevation of recharge areas. Groundwater discharge is concentrated along the buried valley of Paleo-Tokyo River.  相似文献   
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