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In this first study of lignin geochemistry in the world’s longest river on an island, surface sediments were collected along the Kapuas River, three lakes in the upper river, a tributary in the lower river and a separate river during June-July 2007 and December 2007-January 2008. The samples were analyzed for lignin-derived phenols and bulk elemental and stable carbon isotope compositions. Λ values (the sum of eight lignin phenols, expressed as mg/100 mg organic carbon (OC)) ranged from 0.13 to 3.70. Ratios of syringyl/vanillyl (S/V) and cinnamyl/vanillyl (C/V) ranged from 0.34 to 1.18 and 0.28 to 1.40, respectively, indicating the presence of non-woody angiosperm tissues. The high vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v (0.71-2.01) and syringic acid to syringaldehyde (Ad/Al)s (0.72-2.12) ratios indicate highly degraded lignin materials. In the upper Kapuas River, highly degraded soil materials discharged from lands that were barren as a result of deforestation activities were detected in the locations directly in those vicinities. The middle Kapuas River showed rapid organic matter degradation, probably due to the presence of fresh terrestrial and phytoplankton organic matter fueling the biogeochemical cycling. The Kapuas Kecil River, one of the two branches in the lower reach of the Kapuas River, showed higher levels and diagenesis of sedimentary organic matter due to input from anthropogenic sources and increased marine organic matter near the mouth. This study shows that different stretches along the river exhibit different levels and composition of sedimentary organic matter, as well as different carbon dynamics, which is directly attributable to the varying landscapes and quality of organic matter.  相似文献   
应用显微激光拉曼光谱分析单个流体包裹体同位素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
单个流体包裹体同位素是研究特定成岩成矿(藏)阶段古流体成因和来源最有效的方法之一,在矿床、油气、地质流体和大地构造演化动力学等多个领域具有十分重要的用途。但是,目前还没有成熟的分析单个流体包裹体同位素的方法。文中在对目前国内外流体包裹体分析技术总结分析基础上,认为激光拉曼光谱是一项可以分析单个流体包裹体同位素的最有效方法,国外在该领域已经开展了许多创新性的研究工作,并取得了一些重要进展。对激光拉曼光谱分析单个流体包裹体同位素的原理和可行性进行了分析论证,提出通过对已知比值的同位素标准物质拉曼光谱测试和研究,在确定稳定同位素分子的拉曼参数和实验条件等基础上,可以建立起单个流体包裹体稳定同位素激光拉曼测试方法,从而改变目前只能依靠分析群体包裹体同位素来示踪古流体成因和来源的局限性和不确定性。  相似文献   
简述了通过摄像机、照相机、测量机器人、三维激光扫描仪和其他图形图像采集设备采集隧道变形数据的方法,提出了多媒体变形监测数据的数学处理流程,讨论了多媒体变形监测数据的存储、查询调用、分析和管理方法。研究表明,采用现代多媒体数据采集技术和数据库技术,建立隧道变形监测系统,能以数字、曲线、图形和图像等方式,来反映隧道的实时变...  相似文献   
This paper mainly analyzed the isotopic effect of precipitation in the Yarlung Zangbo River.On the whole,the isotopic compositions of most water samples fall on the upper right of the global meteoric water line.According to δD and δ18O data of the samples,the precipitation equation is figured out as δD=8 δ18O+10,showing that they are derived from precipitation but have experienced intensive evaporation.With obvious region-continental effect(a continuous depletion in heavy isotopes in water bodies occurs with increasing distance from the coast),the water presents a reducing trend of δD and δ18O westwards and southwards.Altitudinal effect is evident here,occur-ring in both trunk stream and main branches of the Yarlung Zangbo River.The distribution of water isotopic compo-sitions is concerned with the movement of precipitation clouds from the Bay of Bengal and the Nujiang River and is affected by the topographic and climatic conditions of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Metallogenesis in the gold ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula is closely related to deep processes.The region in the eastern part of North China entered into the stage of mantle plume evolution during the Yanshanian movement,following the long-time stage of stable platform evolution during Paleozoic time.At that time,the ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula just entered into the development-evolution stage of the Laiyang sub-mantle plume and the Guojiadian mantle branch structure in its periphery.The core-mantle-source gold was present in the gas-liquid form,and it migrated through mantle plume→sub-mantle plume→mantle branch structure→favorable tectonic expansion zone to the favorable loci of the mantle branch structure,where gold was deposited as ores,thereafter constituting a series of large-to medium-sized gold deposits distributed around the Guojiadian mantle branch structure.This study also dealt with the Jiaojia fault as the main detachment(fault altered rock) belt on the northwestern margin of the mantle branch structure and also presented a basic cognition about the fact that the Sanshandao fault as the listric fault on the hanging wall of the detachment belt.Furthermore,on this basis,this study also pointed out the orientation for further ore prospecting in this region.  相似文献   
滩坝砂是一种发育在滨浅湖高能环境的薄互层沉积,是以往未被重视的、认识程度较低的碎屑岩储集体。围绕滩坝砂成因与成藏的难点,研究了东营凹陷沙四上亚段滩坝砂沉积特征和分布规律,明确了滩坝砂成藏要素与富集规律。提出了滩坝砂沉积受古地貌、古水动力(波浪、湖流)和古基准面控制的"三古控砂"机制和油气成藏受断裂裂隙、有效储层、烃源岩超压控制的"三元控藏"认识,指出断陷盆地中长期基准面持续上升,短期基准面频繁震荡形成了大面积分布的滨浅湖滩坝砂沉积,烃源岩生烃增压与成岩过程中耗水降压共同作用下的"压-吸充注"是滩坝砂岩大面积含油的主要原因。  相似文献   
沉积盆地是油气生成和聚集的基本地质单元,其形成和发展为板块构造演化所控制,主要表现在两个方面,一是板块从分离到汇聚的不同阶段、板块的不同位置,产生不同的原型盆地,形成了特定的构造-沉积体系,决定了其生、储、盖等基本含油气条件;二是后期叠加的原型盆地不但本身具有新的油气地质特征,还能够改变早期原型盆地的成藏条件及油气分布规律。以板块构造演化历史为时间线索,通过对现今盆地早期原型及其后期叠加改造过程的系统解剖,用动态方法将全球处于一个威尔逊旋回的现今盆地划分为12种类型。在此基础上,总结了各类盆地的基本属性及含油气条件,为科学预测各类盆地的含油气远景奠定了基础。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长6油层组储集层是受沉积作用和成岩作用共同控制的典型低孔低渗储集层.长6油层组储集层主要为长石砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩.盆地北部砂体具有长石含量高和石英含量低的特点,西南地区具有长石含量低、石英含量高和杂基含量高的特点.储集空间以剩余粒间孔和次生溶蚀孔为主.主要成岩作用类型有压实作用、胶结作用...  相似文献   
城市雨水地下回灌过程中悬浮物表面堵塞规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨洪资源地下回灌是缓解城市供水压力、解决地下水过量开采引起环境负效应的有效途径之一,但堵塞问题却是制约回灌技术推广的关键问题。基于前人理论,研究了入渗介质与悬浮物粒径中值之比(D50/d50)对堵塞层空间分布的影响。以建立表面堵塞预测模型为目的,利用城市雨水回灌细粒石英砂介质开展室内实验,观测雨水回灌的表面堵塞过程并获取渗透性变化的观测数据。根据物理、化学与生物堵塞的产生条件及堵塞特点,判断雨水回灌产生的堵塞性质为物理堵塞。引入过滤模型描述堵塞的发展过程,确定了模型用于模拟细砂表面堵塞的参数值:孔隙堵塞系数(α)为0.15 m2/kg,阻力增长系数(fR′)为20 000 m/kg。在不改变以上2个参数值的条件下,用该模型模拟不同悬浮物粒径悬浊水回灌细粒石英砂的堵塞过程,取得了较好的拟合效果。此过滤模型可以用于模拟入渗介质与悬浮物粒径D50/d50值小于5的表面堵塞的发展过程,可定量预测堵塞对回灌速率的影响。  相似文献   
通过对念青唐古拉山冰碛地层划分及冰碛物同位素测年,发现最早一期冰碛物形成于0.7~0.6MaBP,指示自中更新世以来念青唐古拉山脉开始隆升,主峰地区发生了大规模的冰川剥蚀作用,形成了大面积分布的冰碛高平台;0.2~0.14MaBP念青唐古拉山又快速隆升,并堆积了刚刚伸出各大沟谷口的高侧碛;0.07~0.03MaBP念青唐古拉山再次小规模隆起,形成各大沟谷内的侧碛和终碛垄;0.01Ma BP还有小规模冰川活动。念青唐古拉山主峰地区的冰川剥蚀作用反映出的山脉隆升过程,可较好地与青藏高原的隆起过程相对比,它应是青藏高原隆升的响应。  相似文献   
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