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毛留喜  李朝生  侯英雨  钱拴  唐世浩 《气象》2006,32(11):105-112
为了对2006年上半年全国生态环境进行以气象条件为主要驱动因子的监测与评估,研究创建了基于植被第一性生产力(NPP)估算的生态气象监测与评估指数(EMI)模型。通过计算生态气象指数、划分生态气象等级,进行生态气象监测与评估。2006年上半年全国大部地区生态气象条件较差,平均生态气象优劣评价指数仅为-30;生态气象等级好、中、差的比例大约为2:45:53。对我国生态及生产起重要作用的林地、草灌、农田的生态气象等级在中等以上的面积较2005年上半年显著减少。1—6月平均生态气象指数在逐月降低,虽处于正常等级范围之内,但5、6月份处于临界状态已接近较差等级。其主要原因是持续干旱和低温冷害的影响,多起森林与草原火灾和大范围高频度的沙尘天气与生态状况互为因果。所构建的生态气象监测评估模型,有良好的理论基础和科技含量,也有较好的时空分辨能力,可以进行生态气象定量监测和评价,监测与评估结果科学、客观、合理,能够反映气象条件对生态环境的作用。  相似文献   
挖沙降河是减沙入海沉沙的治河方法,它可以充分开发黄河的水沙资源,改良黄河三角洲的生态环境。此方法在技术上可行,经济上效益高,是黄河三角洲经济向良性循环发展的良好决策。  相似文献   
Xu  Tong  Xie  Zhiqiang  Zhao  Fei  Li  Yimin  Yang  Shouquan  Zhang  Yangbin  Yin  Siqiao  Chen  Shi  Li  Xuan  Zhao  Sidong  Hou  Zhiqun 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(1):661-686
Natural Hazards - Because of climate change and rapid urbanization, urban impervious underlying surfaces have expanded, causing Chinese cities to become strongly affected by flood disasters....  相似文献   
近年来,雾霾天气频发,加剧了空气质量的恶化。研究雾霾天气的成因,加强雾霾的预报能力,对指导公众出行和保护身体健康有着重要的意义。本文利用辽宁62个国家级自动站观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2015年11月7—14日辽宁一次持续性雾霾天气过程的环流背景、形成条件和持续原因进行分析,结果表明:(1)高层西南偏西气流,低层暖脊及地面倒槽和弱气压场的环流背景为雾霾天气的发生提供了有利的天气形势。(2)逆温是这次雾霾天气持续的重要原因。雾和霾天气逆温表现形式不同,大雾过程中,逆温层高度低,厚度小;霾过程中,逆温层高度高,厚度大,且表现为多个逆温层同时存在。(3)水汽条件是雾和霾转换的关键因素。当近地层空气相对湿度大于95%时,有利于雾的生成;而相对湿度在60%~70%时,有利于霾的形成。雾向霾转换时,比湿增大;霾向雾转换时,比湿下降。(4)近地面弱的上升运动、中高层弱的下沉运动是此次雾霾加强的动力机制。(5)雾霾出现前后气象要素特征差异明显,可为雾霾天气的预报提供重要参考。  相似文献   
断层走滑包括粘滑和蠕滑,前者是伴有强震发生的快速运动,后者则是一种缓慢的无震稳滑运动。这2 种运动常随时间交替出现,共同构成了断层的基本运动方式。在利用断层滑动速率讨论大震重复率的问题中,人们最关心的问题则是如何从总滑动量中分辨和划分出其中所包含的粘滑和蠕滑量,特别是对蠕滑量的划分,因为它直接影响着大震重复率的正确性。笔者在野外考察的基础上,对昌马活动断裂的位移量进行了分级,确定出昌马断裂带全新世以来的水平滑动量大致可划分为5个级别:31~41 m ;25~31 m ; 15~22 m ; 8~13 m ;1~5.5 m ,同时依据古地震学方法并结合14C断代法及断层崖形成年代的数学模拟计算,求得全新世以来在昌马断裂带上共发生5 次古地震事件。在上述2 项资料确定的基础上,进一步对昌马断裂带的粘滑及蠕滑量进行了划分,并给出了它们随时间的变化情况  相似文献   
The probability distribution of wave heights under the assumption of narrowband linear wave theory follows the Rayleigh distribution and the statistical relationships between some characteristic wave heights,derived from this distribution,are widely used for the treatment of realistic wind waves. However,the bandwidth of wave frequency influences the probability distribution of wave heights. In this paper,a wave-spectrum-width parameter B was introduced into the JONSWAP spectrum. This facilitated the construction of a wind-wave spectrum and the reconstruction of wind-wave time series for various growth stages,based on which the probability density distributions of the wind-wave heights were studied statistically. The distribution curves deviated slightly from the theoretical Rayleigh distribution with increasing B. The probability that a wave height exceeded a certain value was clearly smaller than the theoretical value for B ≥0.3,and the difference between them increased with the threshold value. The relation between the H s /σ ratio and B was investigated statistically,which revealed that the H s / σ ratio deviated from 4.005 and declined with B. When B reached 0.698 1,the H s / σ ratio was 3.825,which is about 95.5% of its original value. This indicates an overestimation in the prediction of H s from H s =4.005 σ,and provides a potential method for improving the accuracy of the H s remote sensing retrieval algorithm,critical for extremely large waves under severe sea states.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Measuring the velocity of ocean currents is one of the most important tasks in physical oceanography research. Many centuries ago, mariners had begun to obtain the sea surface cur- rents from vessel drift records. As early as in 1870s instr…  相似文献   
宜章界牌岭锡多金属矿床地球化学异常模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
界牌岭锡多金属矿床是一个与浅源重熔花岗岩有关的热液多金属隐伏矿床。研究表明:矿床自上至下具有F-Be-Pb、Zn-Pb-Sn、Cu-Nb、Ta、TR的矿化分带和细脉状-层状(似层状)-面状的矿体形态分带,成晕具有Hg、B、Ba、Cr、As离心半环状晕-F、Be、Li、Pb、Ag同心环状上偏心晕-Sn、Cu、Zn、同心环状下偏心晕-Nb、Ga离心卫星晕的分布规律。据此,建立了本矿床“三环-帽壳式”地球化学异常模式。经模式识别,总结了不同剥蚀程度矿床(浅,中,深)异常评价的地质-地球化学指标。  相似文献   
在对国内气象旅游资源评估方法分析研究的基础上,从气象旅游资源相关因素中,筛选出了7个指标,创建了气象旅游资源评估指标体系,提出了评估方法。计算每个评估指标的实际数值并进行标准化处理。采用专家咨询和层次分析法相结合的方法对评估指标体系中的每一级指标赋予相应的权重,最终构建出气象旅游资源评估模型。在实例研究中,以大连为例,选取葫芦岛、东港、鞍山和岫岩等4个城市为对照,结合多年的气候统计数据,分别计算5个城市的气象旅游资源评估指数,并进行横向对比分析,找出各城市气象旅游资源的优势和不足。  相似文献   
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including hexachlorocyclohexane and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, were monitored in 37 samples of water collected along the Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world (6,300 km). The total concentration of OCPs (∑OCPs) in the river water ranged from 0.11 to 27.37 ng/L. It was interesting to discover that, except for some sites near industrial cities, levels of OCPs in the water samples were very similar along the whole river. Significantly, OCPs were detected in Tuotuo River (the origin of Yangtze River) even though OCPs have never been used in this area because of its 4,540 m height above sea level. Furthermore, it was found that ∑OCPs was related to temperature and altitude along the river. We assume OCPs are transported along the Yangtze River, and the factors affecting this process are discussed.  相似文献   
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