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Sea ice is a sensitive indicator of climate change and an important component of climate system models. The Los Alamos Sea Ice Model 5.0(CICE5.0) was introduced to the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC_CSM) as a new alternative to the Sea Ice Simulator(SIS). The principal purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of these two sea ice components on simulations of basic Arctic sea ice, atmosphere, and ocean states. Two sets of experiments were conducted with the same configurations except for the sea ice component used, i.e., SIS and CICE. The distributions of sea ice concentration and thickness reproduced by the CICE simulations in both March and September were closer to actual observations than those reproduced by SIS simulations, which presented a very thin sea ice cover in September. Changes in sea ice conditions also brought about corresponding modifications to the atmosphere and ocean circulation. CICE simulations showed higher agreement with the reference datasets than did SIS simulations for surface air temperature, sea level pressure, and sea surface temperature in most parts of the Arctic Ocean. More importantly, compared with simulations with SIS, BCC_CSM with CICE revealed stronger Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC), which is more consistent with actual observations. Thus, CICE shows better performance than SIS in BCC_ CSM. However, both components demonstrate a number of common weaknesses, such as overestimation of the sea ice cover in winter, especially in the Nordic Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Additional studies and improvements are necessary to develop these components further.  相似文献   
佳木斯基准气候站是使用聚焦式日照计进行日照时数观测的台站.聚焦式日照计由固定在弧型支架两端的实心玻璃球、金属槽、纬度刻度或底座等构成.它是利用太阳光经玻璃球聚焦后烧灼日照纸留下的焦痕来记录日照时数的.通过对OSSMO2004版软件审核日照时数提出的日照时数偏小问题,分析原因及解决办法.  相似文献   
土地增减挂钩项目的质量检查的传统流程需到实地逐一核实,检查周期长。本文提出一种基于无人机航摄的检查技术流程,结合研发的野外实地调绘软件系统,提出一种新型的基于无人机航摄的增减挂钩项目质量检查流程,并基于DOM检查构建指标评价体系。流程优化了传统外业检查流程,实现地块的全覆盖内业检查和外业的实时取证,确保成果耕地质量指标的准确性,对土地增减挂钩项目给予客观评价。评价体系的应用选取广西几个县增减挂钩为研究对象,探究体系评价的合理性,初步确定该方法基本可行。  相似文献   
实现海洋渔业资源的可持续开发和利用已成为全球海洋渔业资源管理的重心。预警原则作为一种新颖的环境资源管理手段,其对海洋渔业资源养护的有效性已为一些国际协定和一些国家的国内立法所确认。目前中国海洋渔业资源管理实践和相关法规并没有明确采用预警原则。因而,针对中国近海渔业资源养护不利的现状,中国有必要增订相关立法,将预警原则规定为中国海洋渔业资源管理的基本原则,并根据中国各海域的具体情况,有针对性的适用预警原则,以顺应全球海洋渔业资源养护的大趋势。  相似文献   
GPS导航对抗策略与技术分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了导航对抗的基本概念和要素,分析了导航对抗中的主要攻防策略,研究了用于导航对抗的干扰及抗干扰技术,总结了GPS为增强系统安全性所进行的改进和完善的主要方面,并介绍了一些适合应用的导航对抗技术手段。  相似文献   
在“一带一路”与“中蒙俄经济走廊”倡议的背景下,利用人口增减变化率、人口重心、人口密度变化率、人口地理集中度、人口商度等研究21世纪以来俄罗斯的人口增长与空间分布格局变化。结果表明:(1)21世纪以来,俄罗斯人口经历了先降后增的变化过程;中央区的人口显著上升,伏尔加、西伯利亚与远东区均呈下降趋势;莫斯科、圣彼得堡、乌拉尔区、北高加索区南端的联邦主体人口快速增加,西伯利亚区多数联邦主体人口缓慢增加,远东东部、莫斯科外围地域、伏尔加区多数联邦主体的人口缓慢减少,西北区北端联邦主体的人口急剧减少。(2)俄人口空间分布格局变化主要受地区间人口迁移流动的影响。空间上,俄人口重心不断朝西北向迁移,莫斯科市与圣彼得堡市的人口密度快速增加,远东与东西伯利亚区的人口密度缓慢降低,强化了俄人口分界线——“圣彼得堡-图瓦线”。以“圣图线”为界,俄“西密东疏”“欧洲密、亚洲疏”的格局短期不会改变,整体呈“一横、四纵、两团”及若干区域人口集团的空间结构。  相似文献   
Taking the Lhasa River Basin above Lhasa hydrological station in Tibetan Plateau as a study area, the characteristics of the annual and monthly mean runoff during 1956?2003 were analyzed, based on the hydro-data of the two hydrological stations (Lhasa and Tanggya) and the meteorological data of the three meteorological stations (Damxung, Lhasa and Tanggya). The trends and the change points of runoff and climate from 1956 to 2003 were detected using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and Pettitt-Mann-Whitney change-point statistics. The correlations between runoff and climate change were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The major results could be summarized as follows: (1) The annual mean runoff during the last 50 years is characterized by a great fluctuation and a positive trend with two change points (around 1970 and the early 1980s), after which the runoff tended to in-crease and was increasing intensively in the last 20 years. Besides, the monthly mean runoff with a positive trend is centralized in winter half-year (November to April) and some other months (May, July and September). (2) The trends of the climate change in the study area are generally consistent with the trend of the runoff, but the leading climate factors which aroused the runoff variation are distinct. Precipitation is the dominant factor influencing the annual and monthly mean runoff in summer half year, while temperature is the primary factor in winter season.  相似文献   
本文从“城市生活空间质量观”的角度,首次运用城市空间公正的“社会论”观点,通过分析中外国家城市郊区化的社会内涵和机制以及由此引发的社会空间分异,揭示了中国快速郊区化过程中大城市郊区社区碎化的现状和原因,并提出对应空间治理措施。  相似文献   
昆明市政府对松华坝水源保护区实施了"全面禁牧、禁渔业、禁花限菜、限制规模化养殖"等环境保护政策,加强了对城市水源地的保护力度,然而政策的实施将对水源地经济的发展有一定的限制作用,因此在政策限制的情况下进行水源地农业发展模式的研究,将充分考虑水源保护区政策、资源、市场、技术、农户意愿五大因素,采用实地调查、对比分析法、投入产出比等方法,提出了核桃林未成林间种洋芋模式,成林后林下种植金银花的连续发展模式和"以有机野生菌为精品,无公害金针菇种植为主"市场差异化发展的模式。  相似文献   
汶川地震后四川省都江堰市龙池镇群发泥石流灾害   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在2008 -05 - 12汶川地震后的极震区暴发了多处群发性泥石流灾害,龙溪河流域的龙池“8·13”群发泥石流灾害就是其中之一.龙溪河流域在2010 -08 -13遭遇强降雨过程,流域内共有45处暴发泥石流,其中34处沟谷泥石流,11处坡面泥石流,泥石流冲出总量共334×104m3,造成大量泥沙淤积在龙溪河下游河道内,该段河床平均淤高5 m.诱发“8·13”群发泥石流的最大1h降雨量达75 mm,相当于20 a一遇的1h降雨量.“8·13”群发泥石流中88.9%的泥石流活动集中在汶川地震发震断裂带附近3 km范围内,仅有11.1%的泥石流分布在距汶川地震发震断裂带3~5 km范围.除受汶川地震发震断裂带影响外,泥石流分布还受地层岩性和地形的影响.龙池群发泥石流以粘性泥石流为主,占总数的88.9%,而稀性泥石流很少,仅占总数的11.1%.小规模泥石流占多数,达到总数的60.0%;大规模泥石流很少,仅占总数的11.1%,其他为中等规模泥石流.泥石流流域主要为小流域,<1 km2的泥石流流域占多数,达到总数的68.9%;而>3 km2的泥石流流域很少,仅占总数的6.7%.龙溪河河道内的泥沙淤积受泥石流活动、主河道坡度和宽度的控制,河道上半段没有泥沙淤积,而下半段有大量泥沙淤积.龙溪河河道内淤积的泥沙颗粒粒径受沿岸泥石流流域岩性的影响,粒径从龙溪河上游到下游呈明显的从大到小的变化规律.龙溪河流域在遭遇较强降雨时还会暴发泥石流灾害;在汶川地震发震断裂带附近的山区,在暴雨激发下还有可能暴发群发性泥石流灾害.在雨季到来时需要提高警惕,预防地震次生泥石流灾害,特别要提防不易被发现的小流域泥石流灾害,做好防灾预案和预警报工作,最大程度地减轻泥石流灾害.  相似文献   
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