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土钉墙与压密注浆在复杂地质条件下基坑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过上海长途客运公司恒丰路高速客运站基坑土钉支护工程实例,阐明了土钉支护在复杂地质条件下的适用性及灵活性,并提出了相应处理措施,说明了只有有效地结合其他多种施工方法,才能更好地处理复杂情况。  相似文献   
网络实时动态测量(real-time kinematic, RTK)技术可为大范围区域用户提供实时高精度的定位服务,然而目前该技术对卫星导航定位(satellite navigation and positioning,SNAP)基准站网密度要求较高。为了满足稀疏大尺度SNAP基准站网区域的高精度定位服务需求,提出了一种基于虚拟大气约束(virtual atmosphere constrait, VAC)的网络RTK服务方法,首先构建非组合双差观测值模型,快速解算并固定SNAP基准站基线模糊度;然后提取基线大气延迟,分别建立斜路径电离层和天顶对流层误差模型;最后将内插的大气延迟及其精度信息作为虚拟观测值,提升终端RTK的定位性能。采用中国西北的SNAP基准站网数据(平均站间距为205.1 km)和网内外6个流动站数据进行RTK验证,结果表明,所提方法可以满足大尺度参考网下用户的高精度定位需求,相比传统的虚拟基准站技术,VAC服务模式下的终端定位精度、初始化速度平均分别提升61.64%和9.96%,该模式下测试终端固定解水平和高程方向的平均均方根分别为1.19 cm、2.73 cm;采用多次初始化进行验证,平均88.78%的时段在2个历元内即可完成初始化;VAC服务模式对大尺度SNAP基准站网内外用户均具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   
Ombrotrophic bogs are faithful archive of atmospheric metal deposition,but the potential for fens to reconstruct environmental change is often underestimated.In this study,some new data on the Pb depositional history in northeast China were provided using two 210Pb-dated peat sequences from a poor fen in the Fenghuang Mountain of Heilongjiang province.Anthropogenic,detritic and atmospheric soil sources were discriminated using a two-step sequential digestion(weak acid leaching to liberate mobile Pb which is often regarded as anthropogenic Pb,especially for recent samples)and a ratio of unsupported 210 Pb and supported 210 Pb with the logic of that the 214 Pb mainly represents the residual detritus(constant throughout the core)and the unsupported 210 Pb arises from atmospheric fallout.A higher 210Pb/214 Pb suggests more contributions from atmospheric deposition to the Pb content in the peat,and a ratio of 10 was defined to indicate the boundary between detritic input and atmospheric deposition.The detritic Pbwas estimated to be 10~(-1)3 mg·kg~(-1),the anthropogenic Pb ranged from 10-80 mg·kg~(-1),and the atmospheric soil-derived Pb ranged from 5 mg·kg~(-1) to 30mg·kg~(-1).The history of anthropogenic Pb pollution over the last 150 years was reconstructed,and the calculated Pb deposition rate(AR Pb) ranged from 5to 56 mg·m-2·yr~(-1).Using Ti as a reliable reference,the enrichment factor of Pb(EF Pb) relative to the upper continental crust was calculated.Both AR Pb and EF Pb increased with time,especially after the foundation of the People's Republic of China.This is consistent with increasing industrialization and coal burning in the last 60 years in northeast China.The present record of anthropogenic Pb deposition was consistent with the previous reports and an increasing trend of environmental pollution due to anthropogenic activities,in contrasts to Europe and North America which have experienced a major environmental cleanup.For the first time,this work estimates atmospheric Pb deposition via a minerotrophic peat core in China.This will enhance the use of peat archives for studies of environmental change.  相似文献   
在中国对虾越冬亲虾中检出杆状病毒。经对病虾鳃、前中肠、卵巢组织进行电镜观察,在这些组织中发现大量有囊膜的杆状病毒。病毒粒子大小约为367nm×128nm,核衣壳为324nm×92nm。病毒在细胞内不形成包涵体,在核内或在细胞质的发生基质中装配。从病毒的形态特征、感染组织以及典型的发病症状和病理变化,初步认为亲虾感染的病毒与近年广泛报道的造成养殖对虾大规模流行病的主要原因——中国对虾杆状病毒为同一种。卵巢组织也是病毒的主要靶器官之一,亲虾卵巢组织的被感染暗示着该病毒有可能通过生殖细胞而垂直传播  相似文献   
Both adakitic and shoshonitic igneous rocks in the Luzong area, Anhui Province, eastern China are associated with Cretaceous Cu–Au mineralization. The Shaxi quartz diorite porphyrites exhibit adakite-like geochemical features, such as light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, heavy REE (HREE) depletion, high Al2O3, MgO, Sr, Sr / Y and La / Yb values, and low Y and Yb contents. They have low εNd(t) values (− 3.46 to − 6.28) and high (87Sr / 86Sr)i ratios (0.7051–0.7057). Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon analyses indicate a crystallization age of 136 ± 3 Ma for the adakitic rocks. Most volcanic rocks and the majority of monzonites and syenites in the Luzong area are K-rich (or shoshonitic) and were also produced during the Cretaceous (140–125 Ma). They are enriched in LREE and large-ion lithophile elements, and depleted in Ti, and Nb and Ba and exhibit relatively lower εNd(t) values ranging from − 4.65 to − 7.03 and relatively higher (87Sr / 86Sr)i ratios varying between 0.7057 and 0.7062. The shoshonitic and adakitic rocks in the Luzong area have similar Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb / 204Pb = 17.90–18.83, 207Pb / 204Pb = 15.45–15.62 and 208Pb / 204Pb = 38.07–38.80). Geological data from the Luzong area suggest that the Cretaceous igneous rocks are distributed along NE fault zones (e.g., Tanlu and Yangtze River fault zones) in eastern China and were likely formed in an extensional setting within the Yangtze Block. The Shaxi adakitic rocks were probably derived by the partial melting of delaminated lower crust at pressures equivalent to crustal thickness of > 50 km (i.e., 1.5 GPa), possibly leaving rutile-bearing eclogitic residue. The shoshonitic magmas, in contrast, originated mainly from an enriched mantle metasomatized by subducted oceanic sediments. They underwent early high-pressure (> 1.5 GPa) fractional crystallization at the boundary between thickened (> 50 km) lower crust and lithospheric mantle and late low-pressure (< 1.5 GPa) fractional crystallization in the shallow (< 50 km) crust. The adakitic and shoshonitic rocks appear to be linked to an intra-continental extensional setting where partial melting of enriched mantle and delaminated lower crust was probably controlled by lithospheric thinning and upwelling of hot asthenosphere along NE fault zones (e.g., Tanlu and Yangtze River fault zones) in eastern China. Both the shoshonitic and adakitic magmas were fertile with respect to Cu–Au mineralization.  相似文献   
乡镇水权分配是乡镇水资源承载力研究的前提,是乡镇落实最严格的水资源管理和水权交易制度的基础,为新时期乡村振兴与美丽乡村建设提供物质保障.以最严格水资源管理制度确定的甘州区用水总量控制目标为可分配水权总量,在优先保障生活和生态基本用水基础上,选取2017年为规划水平年,采用人口、面积、产值单指标和混合分配模式,以及综合指...  相似文献   
An estimation of internal soliton forces on a pile in the ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal soliton forces on oil-platform piles in the ocean are estimated with the Morison Formula. Different from sur- face wave forces, which change only in magnitude along a pile, internal soliton forces can be distributed over the entire pile in the water and they change not only in magnitude but also in direction with depth. Our calculations show that the maximum total force caused by a soliton with its associated current of 2.1 m s-1 is nearly equal to the maximum total force exerted by a surface wave with a wavelength of 300 m and a wave-height of 18 m. The total internal soliton force is large enough to affect the operations of marine oil platforms and other facilities. Therefore, the influence of internal solitons should not be neglected in the design of oil platforms.  相似文献   
通过小波变换可对信号的不同频率成分进行分解,为弱信号特征提取提供了有效途径。通过db7小波对分属7个门32个属的43种浮游植物的三维荧光光谱进行分析,后经Bayes判别分析选择小波分解后的第三层尺度分量作为最佳荧光识别特征谱,并通过系统聚类法将最佳特征谱在不同的条件下聚类进而得到门、属上的标准谱库。基于此,运用多元线性回归辅以非负最小二乘法建立浮游植物三维荧光光谱识别技术。利用该技术对4128个单种浮游植物样品和636个混合浮游植物样品进行识别分析。单种浮游植物样品在属水平上的识别正确率为75%,门水平上的识别正确率为95%;浮游植物混合样品中的优势种在属水平上的识别正确率为83%,门水平上的识别正确率为91%。结果表明:该技术可以实现对浮游植物的快速准确识别。  相似文献   
本文从Ⅰ型Seyfert星系在双色图上的行为出发,假定可见光与紫外波段连续谱的主要成分包括幂律非热致辐射、黑体辐射、宽线区Balmer连续谱的复合辐射和高阶Balmer线辐射,计算了这些发射机制的参数,发现结果与从分光光度测量决定的参数符合很好。因此,本文结果对已测定色指数的Ⅰ型Seyfert星系可决定出其热致成分(黑体谱和Balmer连续谱)在全部辐射中占的比重;给出了研究类星体的可见光与紫外波段辐射机制的新方法。  相似文献   
The climatological signal of δ18O variations preserved in ice cores recovered from Puruogangri ice field in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP) was calibrated with regional meteorological data for the past 50 years. For the period AD 1860–2000, 5-yearly averaged ice core δ18O and a summer temperature reconstruction derived from pollen data from the same ice core were compared. The statistical results provide compelling evidence that Puruogangri ice core δ18O variations represent summer temperature changes for the central TP, and hence regional temperature history during the past 600 years was revealed. A comparison of Puruogangri ice core δ18О with several other temperature reconstructions shows that broad-scale climate anomalies since the Little Ice Age occurred synchronously across the eastern and southern TP, and the Himalayas. Common cold periods were identified in the 15th century, 1625–1645 AD, 1660–1700 AD, 1725–1775 AD, 1795–1830 AD, 1850–1870 AD, 1890–1920 AD, 1940–1950 AD, and 1975–1985 AD. The period 1725–1775 AD was one of the most prolonged cool periods during the past 400 years and corresponded to maximum Little Ice Age glacier advance of monsoonal temperate glaciers of the TP.  相似文献   
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