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High-Mg diorites that have similar whole rock composition to high-Mg andesites (HMAs) should not be simply interpreted as rocks solidified from the HMA magmas, because the high-Mg diorites may be mafic cumulates derived from a different magma from the HMAs.

The HMAs contain unique clinopyroxenes with higher Mg# and Si than those of other sub-alkaline series igneous rocks. The Mg# and Si are controlled by the source magma composition rather than its crystallized conditions such as pressure and temperature. The chemical composition of clinopyroxenes would present important information for the investigation of the source of high-Mg diorites.

We considered the source of Early Cretaceous high-Mg diorites on Kyushu Island, southwest Japan arc, based on their clinopyroxene and whole rock compositions. The clinopyroxenes have similar chemical characteristics to those in HMAs rather than those in other sub-alkaline rocks. Moreover, the whole rock compositions are equivalent to the sanukitic HMA and do not show features of mafic cumulates. This indicates that the high-Mg diorites solidified from sanukitic HMA magmas. It is generally believed that the sanukitic HMA magmas involve the subduction of a young and/or hot oceanic slab was situated in their genesis. Therefore, the occurrence of the high-Mg diorites suggests that Kyushu was situated in the tectonic setting of young and/or hot slab subduction in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The global carbon cycle, one of the important biogeochemical cycles controlling the surface environment of the Earth, has been greatly affected by human activity. Anthropogenic nutrient loading from urban sewage and agricultural runoff has caused eutrophication of aquatic systems. The impact of this eutrophication and consequent photosynthetic activity on CO2 exchange between freshwater systems and the atmosphere is unclear. In this study, we focused on how nutrient loading to lakes affects their carbonate system. Here, we report results of surveys of lakes in Japan at different stages of eutrophication. Alkalization due to photosynthetic activity and decreases in PCO2 had occurred in eutrophic lakes (e.g., Lake Kasumigaura), whereas in an acidotrophic lake (Lake Inawashiro) that was impacted by volcanic hot springs, nutrient loading was changing the pH and carbon cycling. When the influence of volcanic activity was stronger in the past in Lake Inawashiro, precipitation of volcanic-derived iron and aluminum had removed nutrients by co-precipitation. During the last three decades, volcanic activity has weakened and the lake water has become alkalized. We inferred that this rapid alkalization did not result just from the reduction in acid inputs but was also strongly affected by increased photosynthetic activity during this period. Human activities affect many lakes in the world. These lakes may play an important part in the global carbon cycle through their influence on CO2 exchange between freshwater and the atmosphere. Biogeochemical changes and processes in these systems have important implications for future changes in aquatic carbonate systems on land.  相似文献   
The first iron (Fe) – fertilization experiment in the western North Pacific was carried out using SF6 to trace the Fe-fertilized water mass. A solution in 10,800 liters of seawater of 350 kg of Fe and 0.48 M of SF6 tracer was released into the mixed layer over a 8 × 10 km area. On the first underway transects through the patch after the Fe release, we observed a significant increase of dissolved Fe (ave. 2.89 nM). The fertilized patch was traced for 14 days by on-board SF6 analysis. A Lagrangian frame of reference was maintained by the use of a drogued GPS buoy released at the center of the patch. The patch moved westward at a rate of 6.8 km d−1. Mixed layer depth increased from 8.5 to 15 m during the experiment. Horizontal diffusivity was determined by the change of SF6 concentration in the patch. The horizontal diffusivity increased during the experiment. We evaluate here the fate of Fe in a Fe-fertilized patch using the dilution rate determined from sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) concentration. Dissolved Fe concentrations subsequently decreased rapidly to 0.15 nM on Day 13. However, the dissolved Fe half-life of 43 h was relatively longer than in previous Fe-enrichment studies, and we observed a larger increase of the centric diatom standing stock and corresponding drawdown of macro-nutrients and carbon dioxide than in the previous studies. The most important reason for the larger response was the phytoplankton species in the western North Pacific. In addition, the smaller diffusivity and shallower mixed layer were effective to sustain the higher dissolved Fe concentration compared to previous experiments. This might be one reason for the larger response of diatoms in SEEDS.  相似文献   
Trace elements in the Geological Survey of Japan carbonate reference materials Coral JCp-1 and Giant Clam JCt-1 were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after digestion with 2% v/v HNO3. A standard addition method was adopted in this determination in order to neutralise the Ca matrix effect. In addition, Sc, Y, In and Bi were used as internal standards to control the matrix effect and correct instrumental drift. Of the eighteen elements measured in JCp-1, precisions for fourteen elements, including Cu, Cd and Ba, were better than 10% RSD and concentrations ranged from 0.002 μg g-1 (Cs) to 8.02 μg g-1 (Ba). The concentrations of measured trace elements in JCt-1, except for Cu, were lower than those in JCp-1. Precisions for all elements with concentrations higher than 0.04 μg g-1 in JCt-1 were also better than 10% RSD and concentrations were found to be between 0.001 μg g-1 (Cs) and 4.84 μg g-1 (Ba). The concentrations of more than fifteen trace elements in the aragonite reference materials are reported here for the first time. Both reference materials are suitable for use in geochemical studies of environmental reconstruction based upon biogenic carbonate materials.  相似文献   
We studied the morphological and biochemical changes of mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) of a demersal teleost, Paralichthys olivaceus, during exposure to 0.98, 2.97 and 4.95 kPa pCO2. The apical opening area of MRCs increased 2.2 and 4.1 times by 24 h exposure to 2.97 and 4.95 kPa pCO2, respectively, while the cross-sectional area or density of MRCs did not change. Gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity more than doubled at 72 h and then returned to the pre-exposure level at 168 h in 0.98 kPa pCO2, while it increased 1.7 times at 24 h at 4.95 kPa. These results indicate that the apical opening area of MRCs and the gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity may be used as an indicator of acute (up to 72 h), but not chronic, impacts of high (>1 kPa) seawater CO2 conditions in P. olivacues. Limitations of those parameters as indices of CO2 impacts are discussed.  相似文献   
The Taishu Group is a folded, Eocene–Lower Miocene, thick sedimentary package exposed widely on Tsushima Island between the Japan Sea and East China Sea. This location makes the strata important to understand tectonics and paleo-environments in the Far East, but the timing of the folding is controversial. We studied the styles of brittle deformations of the strata. It was found that flextural-slip folds were dominant. Mesoscale faults were classified into two groups: NE–SW trending reverse faults and NW–SE trending strike-slip faults. Members of both the groups showed movements largely perpendicular to the fold axes. The latter group consisted of sinistral and dextral faults. Accordingly, we interpreted that they were transfer faults activated during the folding. Consequently, mesoscale faults and flexural-slip faults evidence the map-scale plane strain of the Taishu Group in the plane perpendicular to the NE-trending fold axes. There were few transpressional deformations in the group. This is inconsistent with the transpression hypothesis for explaining the simultaneous folding and Japan Sea opening. Another hypothesis in which the folds in Tsushima are regarded as an onshore part of the Taiwan-Shinji fold belt is inconsistent with the timing of folding suggested by mining geologists to be consistent with and contemporaneous with this deformation. On the other hand, we found that dolerite dikes and sills were involved in the folding. Therefore, we conclude that the folding began during the late Early Miocene time and climaxed during the ore mineralization at around 15 Ma. We suggest that the folding in Tsushima was the easternmost manifestation of the compressional regime around the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in the Early to early Middle Miocene, and that the compression was brought about by the arrival of the Philippine Sea plate to initiate buoyant subduction under Kyushu.  相似文献   
Paleogene surface tectonics in Japan is not well understood because of the paucity of onshore Paleogene stratigraphic records except for those from accretionary complexes. Paralic Paleogene formations remaining in SW Japan are usually so thin that it is difficult to decipher the tectonics from them. However, the Eocene paralic sedimentary package with a thickness of kilometers indicates syn-depositional tectonic subsidence by a few kilometers in the Amakusa archipelago, west of Kyushu Island. Thus, we made a detailed geological map of the Eocene formations in an area of ~50 square kilometers in the northwestern part of the archipelago. We identified NE-SW and NW-SE trending normal faults, most of which were recognized by previous researchers, and also discovered low-angle faults. NW-SE trending ones are known to be of the Miocene. NE-SW trending and low-angle normal faults are the oldest map-scale structures in the Eocene ones. It is not obvious within the above-mentioned area whether those normal faults are accompanied by growth strata. However, the significant southeastward thickening of the Eocene formations across the Amakusa archipelago suggests that they filled a large half graben with the basin margin fault along the eastern side of the archipelago. This basin model is consistent with the N-S to NW-SE transport directions of the low-angle and NE-SW trending normal faults. Since many NE-SW to EW trending Eocene grabens were formed in the offshore regions west of Kyushu Island and in the East China Sea, the Amakusa region was probably a northeastern branch of the rift system. The geologic structures and depositional ages of the Eocene formations indicate that the Eocene extensional tectonics removed the overlying strata to some extent for the high-P/T Takahama Metamorphic Rocks which crops out to the south of our study area.  相似文献   
The Meiwa Tsunami, one of the largest tsunamis recorded in historical documents in Japan struck Ishigaki Island and neighboring islands of the Ryukyu Arc in April 1771 AD, killing more than 12 000 people. An enormous number of massive Porites coral boulders are scattered on the shore and in the reef moat of eastern Ishigaki Island. Although these boulders likely were cast ashore by the Meiwa Tsunami, a detailed examination has not yet been conducted. When the marine reservoir effect is taken into account, one of mode values of calibrated radiocarbon dates possibly corresponds to the time of the 1771 event. However, the range of calibrated radiocarbon ages indicates that the transport of the boulders cannot be ascribed solely to the tsunami. Oxygen isotope microprofiling, which indicates sea-surface temperature variation, was therefore conducted to further investigate the mechanism of transport. The results suggest that the skeletal growth of most coral colonies was interrupted in summer or autumn; hence, tropical storms and typhoons are also very likely to be agents of transport. Thus, by combining radiocarbon dating with oxygen isotope microprofiling to investigate Porites coral boulders, it is possible to separate paleotsunami boulders from those transported by storm events as far as tsunamis occurred during the non-storm season.  相似文献   
We investigated frequency-magnitude distribution (FMD) of acoustic emissions (AE) occurring near an active mining front in a South African gold mine, using a catalog developed from an AE network, which is capable of detecting AEs down to M W  ?5. When records of blasts were removed, FMDs of AEs obeyed a Gutenberg?Richter law with similar b values, not depending on post-blasting time from the initial 1-min interval through more than 30 h. This result denies a suggestion in a previous study (Richardson and Jordan Bull Seismol Soc Am, 92:1766–1782, 2002) that new fractures generated by blasting disturb the size distribution of background events, which they interpreted as slip events on existing weak planes. Our AE catalog showed that the GR law with b ~ 1.2 was valid between M W  ?3.7 and 0 for AEs around the mining front. Further, using the mine’s seismic catalog, which covers a longer time period of the same area, we could extend the validity range of the GR law with the same b value up to M W 1.  相似文献   
Abstract Miyanohara tonalite occurs in the middle part of the Higo metamorphic belt in the central Kyushu, Southwest Japan. This tonalite intrudes into early Permian Ryuhozan metamorphic rocks in the south and is intruded by Cretaceous Shiraishino granodiorite in the north. The Miyanohara tonalite yielded three mineral ages: (i) 110–100 Ma for Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr internal isochrons and for K–Ar hornblende; (ii) 183 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron; and (iii) 211 Ma for Sm–Nd internal isochron. The ages of 110–100 Ma may indicate cooling age due to the thermal effect of the Shiraishino granodiorite intrusion. The ages of 183 Ma and 211 Ma are consistent with timing of intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite based on geologic constraints. The hornblende in the sample which gave 183 Ma shows discontinuous zoning under microscope, whereas the one which gave 211 Ma does not show zonal structure. These mineralogical features suggest that the 183 Ma sample has suffered severely from later tectonothermal effect compared with the 211 Ma sample. Therefore, the age of 211 Ma is regarded as near crystallization age for the Miyanohara tonalite. The magmatic process, geochronology and initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the Miyanohara tonalite are similar to those of early Jurassic granites from the Outer Plutonic Zone of the Hida belt that constitutes a marginal part of east Asia before the opening of the Japan Sea. Intrusion of the Miyanohara tonalite is considered to have taken place in the active continental margin during the late Triassic.  相似文献   
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